What Was The Point
So i was just thinking about how of a let down these Comic Crossovers have been for The Walking Dead Games by Telltale, so in this Post i will tell you what i found Disapointing for Both Michonne Mini Series & ANF. Remember this is my Opinion so please if you don't read the Comics don't get all Fucking Upset at me Ok.
So First is TWD Michonne, So remember back in June of 2015 Telltale revealed the Game and yeah i got excited because the concept looked amazing if you think about it. It would tell the Story of what Michonne got up too during the Events Between #126-139. I thought we would play throughout the Two year Time skip but No we didn't instead we only played through a Weekend i believe or a Couple of Days anyway. And the Fact that you didn't need to Read the comics in order to play it was just Disapointing IMO. And the whole Series was Pointless in terms of Connecting to the comics i mean Michonne never mentions any of these events and all in the Comics. Plus that whole Series was just Pointless IMO.
Now with A New Frontier, So i found these Hyped up Comic Crossover Theorys to be so Disapointing, First of all it is abit weird that we only got Jesus & some Mention of The Kingdom now their Big in That Garbage Show. I mean why jesus tho the overrated Piece of Shit and why not Andrea. I get it telltale don't want to Confuse the TV Fanbase with Andrea being Alive still cause she is dead on the Show. but for christsake if your going to bring in TV Characters now that their so big just set it in the God damn TV Universe will you. I mean Andrea would have made Sense to put into the game since she is dying in the Comics and all now. This would have made me happy and all but now we will never get Andrea in the games because people will complain saying "Oh I thought she was Dead" Honestly it Fucking Annoys me.
And now we will never get a Whisper Backstory because Telltale only like mentioning Comic Stuff when they become big on the Show. Oh you don't worry guys we will get A Whisper backstory when they appear in the Show.
The point is, they did it for $$$
"Oh look, are those that cool ass-kicking characters from the comic/TV series? Boiii gotta play the game!"
While I do wish that the Michonne stuff served an actual purpose for the main game, forcing people to read the comics would've likely alienated a lot of the player base. I know for a fact that I haven't read through them all, but I know the gist of some of the major plot points at least.
Looking back on it though, I think I was initially too harsh to entirely dismiss Michonne. The atmosphere was pretty tense, I actually give a shit about Michonne as opposed to most of the people in ANF, and those environments with the swampy marsh areas and the fact that their community was basically all on the water was something I really hadn't seen before. If they'd given us slightly more time with the place, it probably would've been even more of a treat.
As for ANF, yeah, Jesus really doesn't add anything to the plot, does he? That was pretty irritating. I mean, why even put him into the game in the first place if all he's going to do is a few wall kicks and toss in a line or so of dialogue? There's not really an opportunity to interact with him - and believe me, the chance to have a full-blown conversation with him as Clementine would've actually gotten me pretty pumped for the comic and game coming together - but the only real thing I noticed was Jesus's reaction to you if you bludgeoned Badger or not.
The show and the game have nothing to do with each other, but I can understand why you'd rather have Andrea. If he was done right, I totally would've been on board with Jesus sticking around, but they didn't really give him the personality that made him so likeable in the first place.
Gotta say though, having the voice of Garrus Vakarian as Jesus made me smile a little bit
I do get your points and Michonne was not a bad Game at all but it was quite Pointless TBH. And i loved Jesus's Voice in the game but i really do think they only put Jesus in the game so thye can make TV Fans happy. And Andrea would have made sense TBH she could have teached Clem,Javier or Gabe Lol to shoot a Sniper. Plus Telltale Don't have much respect for Andrea or the Comics really for not putting her in there since she is Dying. But i find it hard to believe that the Kingdom is getting Raided by TNF TBH it makes me think Telltale don't read the Comics Lol
Whoa, seriously? I mean, I knew she was dead early on in the show, but I didn't know they were killing her off in the comic, too
Michonne ain't really a Bad game if you have not checked it out i would recommend it but if your expecting her to mention Rick Andrea Maggie or that tho. She never mentions them at all and the events from the comics which made me upset
Well she has been Scratched/Bit now but she isn't dead yet but i think next issue she will go defo check it out if you have not read them plus she is having a better Death than she did than the show
Yea I didn't know that either. Does that mean michonne will die in season 10 of the tv show?
Heh, can't get much worse than getting her throat munched on by Milton while tied to a chair. The dude must've been hungry that day
I'm not really sure, there. The show's kind of weird sometimes. One day they'll follow the comic almost word for word, and the next they'll go completely off the rails and figure out their own way to kill someone off (which I actually kind of appreciate sometimes).
If they're going to kill off Michonne eventually, they'll need it to be a huge deal. Like, almost at Daryl levels of sadness.
Well michonne is still alive in the comics and I just saw the Andrea situation. It looks like she was bitten on the neck. Perhaps they will kill off somebody else instead of michonne, maybe carol?
I'm still wondering what telltale is going to do with Jesus since they teased he may not be a good guy only for him to help us and leave.
It could be either of them, but who knows, honestly They've been getting kind of sloppy with giving deaths away lately though, I've noticed. Take the season 7 finale for example... I won't post any spoilers if you haven't seen it, but they kind of crammed in a whole bunch of character development for the person and just made it plain obvious that they were going to die.
At least with Glenn and Abe, it was sort of a guessing game as to who it was going to be. It made that entire premiere that much more gut-wrenching to watch as we waited for the big reveal of who was getting "Lucilled".
Both of those characters were actually my tied favourites. I was soooo angry when both of them were killed and I just hate to love Negan.
Shit, eh? That sucks
But yeah I agree, Negan's definitely fun to hate haha! I love it, though - the show needed another big-time villain with actual charisma wandering around.
I mean, how can you resist this face?
His teeth are actually kinda white, I, he is from a big community and all and can possibly brush but have you noticed how characters like clementine have teeth white as snow? XD
Haha yeah, I know xD I mean, technically it's not impossible for them to have a dentist on hand, but c'mon...
Also, I just can't get over how much fun it looks like JDM's having playing the dude. It's not every day that you get to be paid to play a psychopathic villain swinging around a barbed wire baseball bat.
I will say i have not watched the show since the Season 4 Mid Season finale becuase of the Prison Attacks and the way they Fucked lilly up. If you read the Novels you know what i mean by what they did with Lilly, I'm all up for changes but The Governor,Prison Attacks and Lilly is something they shouldn't have changed.
I will say i have not watched the show since the Season 4 Mid Season finale becuase of the Prison Attacks and the way they Fucked lilly up. If you read the Novels you know what i mean by what they did with Lilly, I'm all up for changes but The Governor,Prison Attacks and Lilly is something they shouldn't have changed.
I will say i have not watched the show since the Season 4 Mid Season finale becuase of the Prison Attacks and the way they Fucked lilly up. If you read the Novels you know what i mean by what they did with Lilly, I'm all up for changes but The Governor,Prison Attacks and Lilly is something they shouldn't have changed.
You seem like you hold a grudge against the TV Show. Why is that?
The reason i Hate the TV Series is alot of reasons so want me tell you most of the reasons
Sure, if you'd like.
I loved the Michonne mini series...wish they would have kept using that engine...which was a slightly upgraded engine...the fights were bloodier and felt violent.
Ok i'm going to write a Article on the worst changes i thought and why i thought it was garbage so i will send you the Link to it
I want more fights in this game that involve shooting a flare gun through someone's throat and melting their face
$$$$$. He's going to come back, save Javi's ass and flicker off again