I'm seriously gonna fucking murder *********** (Episode 4)
I'm seriously gonna fucking murder Gabe (Episode 4)
I just can't fucking watch at least a minute of Gabe without him going 'muh daddy'
Go fuck yourself you beanie wearing, cock sucking, mommy's boy, rat, whiny little bitch.
And you know, to think that I actually LIKED this fucking kid.
I honestly enjoyed watching Javi yell at Gabe and put him in his place. The little bastard.
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Because of that stupid motherfucker Tripp is going to hate you and Gabe will tease you after that, stupid little shit.
Oh God, that can't be a good sign. Guess I better go ahead and bone up on the context then.
what did attract you towards this edgy LeafyIsHere fanboi in the first place?
He was pretty badass when he hit that dead walker that someone else probably killed, repeatedly with a hammer. Or something.
It could be the fact that he's not only the first major boy character we've had in a while but also has the most relatively positive portrayal and/or treatment.
.. and that's an honor, because... ?
We're 5 installments in and only now have we gotten one in the game series--Equality.
So a shit character is great because they're rare? I'm guessing you love every comedy with a token (insert race) character from the 80s and 90s.
Well he is better than Duck...but then again week old beheaded walker is a bit more lovable than Duck.
Muh male privilege
Duck wasn't that bad, people. I mean I understand why people hated him initially, what with being Clementine's opposite(aka *Not *the Greatest Child Character in Video Game History) and all(which proves my point, incidentally), but still.
I'm sure everyone who disagrees with your poor taste is an asshole. But don't let me stop you from liking poorly written caricatures or resuming your simple arguments. Yay Gabe, it took him 4 years to start the development Carl took in one, despite apparently being on the road for that entire time in mamas van. Yay for shit token characters, amirite? God I hope you don't aspire to be a writer, we're past racist caricatures.
I sarcastically called you that cause you made an unfair assumption just because my comment didn't agree with your bias.
Not really sure how Gabe's a racist caricature, though.
That was more in regards to your approval of Javier, the Latino who loves baseball so much he's been wearing the same dank jersey for 4 years so we don't forget.
My bias has nothing to do with my assessment of Gabe, he's a stereotypical teen being treated like one, despite the timeline and circumstances. That is just stupid insane.
He was pretty bad through the first two episodes, well more annoying than bad, but he did have some bright spots in episode 3. I loved the bit when he volunteered to be Lees ward, like Robin. It was a real moment.
I'll have to see if the next episode address either one.
Oh. I think he's okay, I guess, but there is still an issue.
Admittedly, I can definitely see that. It, like other oddities, can be used to subtly develop his(and Mariana's) character but ymmv.
I'm hoping. I liked what I saw of him in the trailer far more than I've liked from the first three episodes, if he can take a stronger role and be more assertive he could become a much better character.
Oh....I get it now. Sucks to hear that, man.
He's the typical annoying child character in every walking dead season except he is an an angsty teen who I cannot tolerate. I can tolerate Duck,Ben and Sarah but this kid nah.
Yeah, though it was still pretty much Telltale saying"You know what fans, you're right. Duck is annoying...so let's have fun with that!"
Gabe... I'm sorry, but you're not even funnily incompetent anymore. You really annoyed me in this episode.
At least with people like Ben, you could look at his screwups as just a scared kid trying to do right by the group but just falling flat on his face. I wanted to support the guy when he was down on his luck.
But Mr. Badass over here:
And possibly the worst offense of them all:
Look, I get that he's a kid and everything, but it's almost as if Gabe was intentionally trying to fuck us over this time around.
This is just making me miss Sarah and Duck even more. Although they weren't exactly the most capable of people around, they were still pleasant enough to have in the crew and their hearts were in the right place.
Gabe's sole mission seems to be getting to his dad and burning every other bridge in the process.
Gabe: "Stop treating me like a little kid."
Everyone else: "Then stop fucking acting like one, you little shit."
I DID NOT expect Clem to be so...idk... nonchalant about it after the scene ended. Hell, I kinda expected Clementine to deck Gabe in the face for that.
I guess she (determinately?) understands what it's like to be disappointed by someone you thought you could look to do the right thing by you. Or some shit like that.
Whatever the case, I need to do more research, but I have a bit of a bone to pick with that revelation in general.
Say, it may just be (another) sound issue, but do you think its possible Clementine or some other female was originally supposed to tell Tripp?
"What the fuck, Javi? [Ishe/Is he] telling the truth"
Regarding Lee, and Clem trying to find her parents in Season 1? I feel like Clem could've mentioned that to Gabe BEFORE he went off the handle.
Well that and I'm pretty sure she briefly gets on your case about secretly being a murderer, dropping Ben(Thanks, Kenny), and maybe something else I'm not immediately recalling.
Don'cha mean "should've?"
Or are you being serious?
SHOULD'VE, COULD'VE, WOULD'VE...Take your pick. In any case, Telltale FUCKED UP BIG-TIME on this one.
Yeah, hopefully, it'll actually go somewhere with Tripp if it's truly non-determinate to your interactions with Gabe. Cause as is, it's dumb, forced, and kinda pointless in the episode proper.
I'm a little confused. Did something happen? I mean I don't recall Gabe doing something to me. I loved him this episode.
Click the link in my comment above at your own peril, though my sentence should be enough to make you guess.
I've got to admit though, despite Gabe tearing the group apart at the most inopportune time possible, the fact that a choice from 2 episodes ago had an impact here was actually kind of cool to see.
Still though. Gabe was pretty much the catalyst to like half the group determinantly hating Javi's ass.
So... hooray, I guess?
Did he really, though? Cause aside from Tripp briefly mentioning you betraying him again at the end, it doesn't really affect anything in the episode proper.
Oh dang! I didn't see that coming! Choices don't matter they said.
Honestly that doesn't anger me at all. Serves Javi right I say. I mean he has the balls to say life is precious after that? Majority may have picked it but it was a pretty shitty thing to do. I applaud Telltale for having that choice bite you in the ass.
My reaction to Episode 4 : https://telltale.com/community/discussion/113898/my-reaction-to-episode-4
Well, the one playthrough I saw had him telling everyone about Conrad, and ending with Eleanor and Tripp wanting nothing to do Javi.
It's not that he caused every single bad thing, but I can't think of any other reason why Eleanor of all people would be talking to Joan about what happened.
Does something else happen if Conrad lives?
How was it a shitty thing to do? When you tell him you're not gonna go with his plan, he pulls a gun on Gabe and threatens to kill him otherwise, even Gabe during the says to shoot him. He was completely nuts in that scene. Javier had no choice if he didn't want to hand Clem over to the New Frontier.
Plus, Gabe gives Javier shit if he does go with the plan back in Ep2 anyways.
Gabe's a hypocrite.