Is Gabe Ready To Be a Father?
I feel that in the Season finale that everyone is going to get separated by the herd and Gabe and Clem are going to be the only known survivors. Eventually when they will find AJ, will Gabe be man up and have a 360 character change? Will he handle the situation simlar to Kate being shot, and run away from responsibility.
Second situation, the herd separates the group in the finale. Gabe knowing about AJ from the conversations that Clem and Gabe shared off screen, Asks his father, after assuming that Clem and the rest of the group were killed by the herd, why would he take AJ and where is he? David refuses to answer. Until, one day they are attacked by bandits and are forced to take refuge in a locked cellar where David is bleeding out, dying. David in his dying words is that he is in a small camp north. Gabe only arrives to the camp to discover that everyone has been killed. Except AJ, who is in a chicken coup. He will have to take Care of AJ for 3 months in the winter until reuniting with Javi. And a year later with Clem.
Not even close.
Gabe's gonna man up so hard even Clementine will call him "Daddy".
For a second I thought this was Gabentine shipping thread and was suggesting the very worst.
Because in Javier's words "You can be a mother now Clem, if you wanted"
and Gabe could have been the father.
Anyway, moving on from that unless Gabe does some serious growing up next episode then I don't think he'll be ready to be a father of any sorts, to AJ or anyone else.
"I'm a man!"
a second later
"Javi, help!"
If their models ever get released for SFM imma make a nice little short of Clem kicking Gabe in the nads. ^_^
He is not a man. He is nothing.
Gabe can be looked at as the person you don't want to become.
A 360 degree character change just means he's back where he started...
*fucking hate gabe *
I thought the same thing as soon as Javier said that.
You know, if you asked me that about Sarah, I'd say yes. But Gabe, son of David?
I feel if he gets shot and lives, he will learn humility. With his new found character, he will know his limitations and will become humble aka a character that we will like.
Sarah would be a better caretaker then Gabe? He atleast stays moderately cool in hostile situations.He saved his dad from death in my play through. I think people forget how helpful he actually is in episode 4.
I actually like both characters, but biased or not, I have little problem doubting Gabe in this specific context. A dad is supposed to teach you right from wrong and help you be able to do things when you're older. Gabe's problem on dual levels is that he's trying so hard to be like his dad(Ai.A soldier with anger issues) despite taking issue with morally wrong actions like turning on your friends.
But isn't that a trend for alot of child characters. Dr. Lingard is supposed to be Clem's close friend, but she didn't even hesitate to kill him, for what, so he might tell her where AJ is. Why doesn't she try to sway him to live to detest Joan. All Lingard death does is make the only man that he ever care about trial even more convincing that he is a murder.
What angers me is that Clem is angered that you don't kill him.
M-m-m-aggie I'll find you
NO.....Just No....but hormones. don't do logic!
Soo... You think Sarah is ready to be a father?
Okay, admittedly I don't know about "ready" per say, but honestly, I can see her being parental in general; that's kind of a reason why I part of me thinks she'd be willing to side with Kenny for the sake of the getting AJ help. And she knows what it's like to have a father keeping you in line, so I'd think she'd make an effort to teach the kid right and wrong while also trying not to be as smothering as Carlos was with her.
Really, she acted as a random but somewhat fitting example of my point.
I was just making a joke because you said Sarah would be a good father.
But yeah, I see your point.
He's ready to be AJ's son
Oh, definitely! In fact, it's one of his redeeming qualities, but my point was that while he clearly knows right and wrong, he's unfortunately prone to acting otherwise out of instinct and misconception.
Yeah, that bothered for a second at first, but at the very least, the issue is more that she's willing to take a life, consensual or not, just to get what she wants. Lingard put that deal on the table and made his reasons for the terms clear, so I can at least buy that she was fine with it if it was the only way he'd tell her where AJ is.