What did you like in Episode 4?
The dust has officially had time to settle, and the shock has worn off a bit. Now that the immediate gut-wrenching reactions have been aired, what did you like about Episode 4?
Flashbacks : Not only did Telltale deliver with better graphics for some of our favorite characters, they gave us some of the best flashbacks I'd wager to say in the entire series. Not only did we gain a fan tribute to our choices from S2 Kenny and Jane, but we had a good moment shared between Javier and David where we really get into the mindset between these two brothers.
**Hub locations: ** We got to do a little free roam exploration of our environments here, and while I'd love to see even more in E5 and hopefully a little larger, it's great to be able to look around. I think it'd be fun to have some easter eggs or something hidden in a free roam location for us to pick up.
**The Final Choice: ** Not only was this a difficult one to make, the twist really did twist it in like a knife.
Being able to tell Kate how I felt : Whether you were for the romance, or against it, having this choice and being able to make it clear was fantastic. I loved her reaction to it ( that's not meant to sound cruel, I rejected her ) because she was so real in that moment.
**Giving Gabe more screen time: ** People might disagree with me here, and I don't blame them. It hurt when he spat back at me for the death of Conrad, because I did it solely to save him. ( Honestly I thought this moment might've been the Carley/Doug moment of the series, where either Conrad or Gabe became determinant. ) He has a great moment where he rushes the stage where his father's on a noose, and in one option I feel he's the only reason David's alive.
Characters being more capable : Not everyone can be Rambo all of the time, but I really appreciated how in this Episode the characters are able to handle themselves well. Yes, I realize that Gabe gets Javier stabbed, but Javier came through like a badass for his fam. They took the time to showcase David's combat skills on the stage, and the action really seemed to deliver in this episode.
So these were some of my favorite moments. Anyone care to share?
Baseball/Batting Cages
Telling Kenny that we loved him
Confirming the relationship with Kate
The Tripp/Ava twist
Hubs, definitely hubs.
I loved everything about this episode.
The Ava/Trip choice, The flashbacks...
Gabe became a really awesome character in this episode. His revelation of my dark secret was perfect.
Clementine was finally Clementine again. She seemed like her old self, I loved it!
The choices were awesome and so difficult!
I loved the entire episode, I was excited the whole time I played it. It really felt like season one again! Sneaking around Richmond reminded me of Crawford.
Although the whole episode was fantastic, the climax stands out the most. The stage scene. The whole time I was like "Please don't kill David, Plleeeaaase don't kill David!" And when they kicked that stool over...
Joan was pretty awesome, the way she was calm, yet so intimidating. The Ava/Tripp choice was brilliant!! I cannot explain the feeling I felt when Kate crashed the truck. (No, it wasn't a good one, and yes, my Javi shares her feelings) It was like shock, sadness, the feeling that I'll never see her again...
When the walkers entered Richmond I was like "Ohhhh boy. Episode 5 is gonna be intense!"
I loved it.
Those were the main things that I really liked the rest was decent.
Getting to reassure Jane that she was valuable and that I considered her family, and for one second seeing her actually believe it. This was without a doubt my favourite part of the entire episode, and I'm sure Kenny fans felt similarly about theirs.
The relationship between David and Javi - it was really cool to see how their dynamic worked, and the fact that even though they clearly don't always get along, we got the opportunity to reaffirm their "brotherly bond".
More development for Ava, even though my end decision ultimately got her killed. She really impressed me this episode, especially during the flashback with Clem. I feel like she had it right the first time around - had things gone differently, the two of them really would've ended up making a good team.
The choice impacts - thank you, Telltale! It's been a while since our choices actually felt like they had some weight to them, but I've gotta say, I felt like this episode kicked my ass sometimes depending on what I picked. Kudos are in order!
More screentime for Clem. Honestly, I think I preferred the kid in earlier seasons because she was more of a central figure to the plot, but I enjoy the scenes where she's in them so much more than those without. She also seemed to be a lot more human and vulnerable, letting her guard down a little and reminding us that deep down, she's still a kid herself. An extremely capable one who's ultimately gonna go farther than most other people, but still a kid nonetheless.
Ava was pretty cool this episode. I had her set as a bad guy before, but now she's proven to be nice, smart, capable, etc. with the positive character traits. So there's that.
Overall this was a really good episode.
I fucking LOVED episode 4, which was a great relief seeing as the first 3 episodes were subpar.
Would you want to see any other flashbacks in E5, or do you feel like the ones we've been given have done enough to bring us to the current day with all of the characters?
It made me care for Ava, which is probably the only character I cared about to the point of actually provoking an emotion from me when Joan pulled that sick twist.
We get reminded that Clementine is still just a kid who is still clueless about alot of adult stuff that isnt needed for survival, from a survival standpoint she is super mature, but she is pretty clueless about everything else (understandably so)
Davids stunt after I took the deal finally convinced me on how I feel about him, but I still dont know whether I would actually want to leave him if given the chance, but I dont want him in my group when he is so impulsive and dumb
I definitely think that Joan cemented herself as a memorable villain with that hanging and execution scene. I also thought it was a little touching that when David is about to pursue Joan/Clint, he treats Gabe as he asked to be treated earlier ( not like a kid ). He sounds like he has faith in him, and for anyone's son/daughter that means a lot. ( Even if it might get him killed. )
I didn't kill Lingard in my playthrough. I keep hoping that we'll get to hear more about him and see him interact with David. His voice actor is fantastic, and with the brief instances we've gotten to hear from him he's been such a sorrowful character.
Would you hope that they treat Lingard to some Conrad-esque moments in E5?
What instance best showed off Clementine being Clementine again?
Conrad's determinant status really has been propelled into Legendary status. He's made it a lifestyle. Is it your hope now that he survives the entire season ( which would be a breakthrough for Telltale ) or would you rather see him go out with a bang?
My hope is that he makes it out and goes off on his own path, because there is a 0 chance he'd survive a sequel if he's still in the group. But if he does die in ep. 5 no matter what he better go out in the best big fuckin hero moment possible, it's what he deserves.
I'm really hoping that Tripp's anger is still showcased in E5. It was disappointing/confusing for some people that he turned right around, and said he'd cover Javier, but the instance called for soldiering up in order to survive. The group was under fire.
Well, they've planted the seeds of him going his separate way already, so I think he's in the clear.
Ava was a highlight as far as characters I'd hoped to be developed further, and were in Episode 4. One of the deepest regrets I have about not having a playable Clem are how interesting and well done the characters in ANF are, and how brief of time we have with them.
A lot of people have loved the return to Clementine, which is a bit of innocence and naivety in the rough exterior this world has had her develop.
What did you think of David's flashback with Javier where he has the heart to heart expressing his own view of his marriage, and admission that leaving might be what's best for them?
What would your ideal ending be as to who stays together?
His voice-acting was awesome. I dunno what to expect him to do in Episode 5, he better not die in a horrible way.
Maybe but I doubt it.
She wasn't sassy like in the previous episodes. She is the only one who doesn't hate Javi in episode 4.
I'd like to think of him joining another community and running a bar he calls Francine's or something. He's the only reason I'll watch other people's playthroughs on TWD to see what happens with him, and I really like that Telltale switched it up so that an action QTE is what makes him determinant this time around. They're getting really creative with keeping things fresh.
Did she survive your playthrough? If so, what do you hope for her character in E5?
For me, the ideal group for moving on to season 4 would be Javier, AJ, Clementine and maybe Gabe, but I was never really fond of Gabe, especially now after episode 4 (I killed Conrad) I actually think that returning to Clementine as a playable character for season 4 could be interesting if Javier is alive, since it constitutes the first person to be alive that Clementine has known, and I always thought that seeing Javi from a thirdperson perspective would be just as interesting if not more so as seeing Clementine, I also really liked playing Clementine in season 2, since I didnt have to consider what people thought about my choices, since I didnt have a person like Clementine to keep me back, I really liked to be the hardened survivor in season 2, but in season 1 and A New Frontier, I didnt want to make the more logical choices for survival, because people like Clementine is present as a moral compass
I actually really enjoyed the Javier Flashback in episode 4, I think it was very nice, and showed a more vulnerable (if only a little) side of David, and show how much he trusts his brother despite giving him shit all the time, but after Davids stunt at the end of the episode I am not too keen on him anymore
David seems to have a lot of inner demons, and considers himself a failure compared to Javier. Everything he's built ( from his marriage to ANF ) seems to fall apart. Do you think the brothers will face off against each other in E5, or face the threats together?
We'll likely be heading after AJ in E5. As caring for a younger child sort of forces more maturity, do you hope that Clem has the chance to continue raising AJ, or do you hope she passes the torch to an adult if he's found alive?
So yeah looking back at all of these things I think it was a good episode. I would say though it would be closer to ok-ish good. Because there were parts in this episode that were ok but other then that I'm glad with what was given.
What was your favorite location to explore/interact with?
Yeah surprisingly she did. I chose Trip due to Javier being somewhat freinds with the guy. I can only hope she doesn't die in the next episode due to detriment status.
I agree that Javier's character would have a lot more personality if we weren't the ones controlling him. In constantly trying to keep the peace, it doesn't showcase his attitude and some of the lines the writers have given him. Having watched some other's playthroughs, Javier can be as much as a jerk as his brother at times which really shows a connection in the family.
What would you like to see from Gabe in E5? Would you rather have the option for him to survive with his father, or do you think their impulsiveness should lead to their end?
Clem got the curse, ...makes her VO fit her character in a more realistic fashion.
Lingard's office. Liked the freedom. You can look around and find pads for Clem or not bother to care. You can take codeine or put it back, it all depends on you. Although the sequence was short and simple, it definitely should be more of them in the future.
Kenny flashback and kate dying oh and the only wtf moment so far of the season Ava/Tripp choice
Calling Gabe a "little fucking asshole."
Honestly, I adored this episode. I would agree with what you said and also add:
So far it's been the most tense episode, and the best
I agree that Clementine becomes a playable character in the fourth season, but it would be very interesting also in each episode of the fourth season to play with a different character.
Example: episode 1> Clemetine
Example: episode 2> Jave
Example: episode 3> Gabe
Example: episode 4> Aj (maybe more grown up or return to play with Clem)
Note: This is only an option for the fourth season because some of these characters may end up dying
LOL, that was some therapeutic dialogue. I think even parents of teens can relate to this moment as to occasionally what they want to say even if they don't say it.
I know that this made some people cringe, but think of how much worse it would've been if it wouldn't have been in a doctor's office with convenient plot pads! It'd be Javi sharing with Clem how to fashion something similar out of a ripped shirt, maybe even offering her a sleeve.
I definitely love Clem sharing the limelight with other characters in not doing all of the action. It creates a realistic team feeling that's been left out of TellTale's WD universe in S2 until now.( They had some of these moments in S1, but not as pronounced as this episode ). I hope they continue to include more moments where a lot of people come through for the player character, or stand on their own for a sense of these characters have my back and I have theirs feeling.
Do you think Eleanor can redeem herself in E5, or what would you like to see of her in E5?
Would you want Kate to survive the crash or do you feel it has more weight if she dies there?
Did you send Gabe to help his father, or keep him with you? What would you like to see from him in E5?
I think he stepped up to be a useful sidekick, like a call back to Duck being our ward but in a much more dependable fashion. Granted, mistakes were made, but I think he can learn from those.
Are there any other flashbacks you'd like to see for E5, or do you feel like what we've been given has wrapped up the closer necessary?