I Have an Idea for a Javier Flashback.....
Alright, I know this is going to sound weird and impossible at first, but bear with me. One of my favorite characters from S1, as well as the entire series was Carley. I always wanted there to somehow be a flashback to her in S2, but after that wrapped I figured the ship had sailed. However, Carley was a reporter in Atlanta pre-apocalypse. What if there was a flashback where Javier was being interviewed by Carley in Atlanta while he's there for a Baseball game. Yes, I know, Javier lived in Maryland and played for Baltimore. But when the team leaves home to play a game against Georgia, there would be a perfect opportunity for my idea. It wouldn't affect the Carley/Doug choice in any way since both would still be alive, and it would be a cool scene for us veteran players.
I don't see that happening ever but that would be really, really cool. You really thought outside the box on that one. I like it.
Thanks. I think it would've been cool towards the beginning of ANF. Maybe episode 2. I highly doubt anything like this would ever happen, especially this late in the season.
Hey you never know. The opening flashback very well could be a baseball game with Javi's entire family there supporting him in the stands and it would be a great opportunity for Carley to be one of the reporters but I almost feel you're too clever for Telltale.
Even if Carley had nothing to do with it, a Baseball game flashback would still be pretty cool.
It's not necessary but there'd be no harm I guess. Maybe she harasses him about his gambling scandal.
That would be great!
Probably wont happen, but my new headcanon is that Carley interviewed Javi
If Telltale doesn't say otherwise...ITS CANON!!!!!!
Honestly, that would be a lot more intesting than a simple interview.
Back in S1, my headcanon was that Lilly went back for Carley and she survived....400 Days ruined that.
It'd be a cool cameo but I don't really the point of it.
I thought you were gonna mention Mariana, who even I was surprised was completely absence from Thicker than Water, but this is a brilliant idea.
Great idea.
Perhaps the next season IF Javi survives.
Your idea is amazing!
What do you mean "went back for Carley"? What would she want with the corpse of another woman that she shot. And why did 400 Days ruin that?
How do you survive a fucking pistol shot in the face?
I have an idea of my own. From what I understand, Gabe's reputation in the eyes of the fanbase isn't very good at the moment. With that said, I can hardly imagine that telltale would simply KILL OFF a main character without giving us as fans a reason/excuse to miss them or feel bad for them. On the flipnote, I'd imagine Telltale wouldn't simply keep an unpopular character alive without giving us fans a reason/excuse to WANT for them to stay alive.
In Season 1, a lot of people didnt ACTUALLY like Duck, but Telltale attempted to work around this by trying to make us sympathetic to Kenny. Same thing goes for Ben. Even though not everyone liked Ben, Telltale still managed to make his death more impactful by making us feel sympathy through Clementine.
With all of this in mind I feel as though TELLTALE may very well have Javier's final FLASHBACK contain something that could POTENTIALLY explain the importance of keeping Gabe alive. My guess, given the name of one of the chapters as listed in the TROPHIES "Promises and Lies", we may get a scene with a younger Mariana asking Javi to go easy on her brother, and having him promise to look after Gabe and make sure that he stays safe no matter what, and to not let his own frustration with the kid prevent him from doing that.
In short, Javi is protecting Gabe because of a promise he made to Mariana years back. If Gabe dies, then Javi's promise will be broken. That's my idea.
Very good idea. That's why I will never happen tho.
Ooh, you poor thing. Sorry to hear that.
I justified it to myself by saying that Lilly regretted killing Carley and went back for her to see if she was still alive....Shit. It sounds even stupider when I put it like that.
Since Lilly shot Carley in the face.
Y'know, that'd be a really awesome surprise
It'd give us a nice throwback to season one.
Holy shit, are you serious right now?!
Well, fuck me for being concerned then.
that would be cool but idk if that would happen
This is a great idea and a good throwback for the Season 1 "veterans".
But, I highly doubt Telltale is intelligent enough to actually make this happen. And I'm also guessing it's too late.
Yeah, probably...
What if Clem's dad is there buying her hat from the baseball game he said he went to.
you re thinking too small you started Good with the Carley idea and stuff but why should Carley come to interview Javier for a game of baseball why not have her interview him after he got kicked out so that he can explain on more detail what happened for him to get banned .
It would be a cool cameo and also a little bit more added backstory to him. And since the timeline isnt very clear about when the outbreak started they could just have that scene be 1 day after he got kicked out from the Baseball league and carley would be there to interview him because she traveled there since the outbreak started most likely the week after David took Javier to the baseball cage since if not then David would not be there for episode 1 since he was planning to join the military so there would be plenty of time for Carley to go back to Georgia.
How about Carley being flown in for the press conference when Javier got banned?