How possible is a Javi x Eleanor connection?
Since Kate and Tripp are both possibly dead, will my Javi be able to turn to Eleanor now? I'm sure she needs a shoulder to cry on now that she is the only Prescott survivor. Make it happen Telltale!
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Comments would have been cool with that before, but after the shit she pulled this episode, I hope she gets eaten by Muertos.
I mean, if you want, you can certainly try. But as for me, Eleanor willingly helped Joan, so she can go to hell for all I care.
I believe this graph represents the chances as of episode 4:
Haven't you learned from Tripp's predicament? Eleanor is a selfish, choosy bitch. She doesn't care about us or shacking up together, she just wants to cuddle up to Joan and be safe.
But now she knows better and she will learn because of it. Besides she is possibly the only "doctor" left within the city limits so her life is precious.
Selling out her friends, even IF CONRAD IS ALIVE, is unforgivable. I'm not saying it's impossible, but I can't see any way she can redeem herself in my eyes.
What if Clem gets shot and she steps up to save her? Would she be redeemed then?
Wait, I get it with the whole betrayal shit, but is it fair to call her a 'selfish, choosy bitch' because she wasn't sure she wanted to date someone?
They tried dating, and for her it didn't work out, and she asked him to respect what she decided. At first he did, but then he kept bringing it up again, but her answer didn't change. That doesn't make you selfish nor a bitch - a relationship is about the feelings of two people, not one.
It would have been far worse if she decided to go along with it while not really liking him, surely?
Imagine if you said no to Kate directly, then she kept bringing it up and your answer stayed as no. Would that make Javier a selfish bitch?
I guess my main question is this really: how do YOU think Eleanor should have acted to Tripp, bearing in mind she had decided she didn't want to date him after giving it a go? What would you do in a similar situation, if someone you decided you werent really into kept asking you about it?
Unless you were talking about something completely different and Ive made myself look dumb xD
Eleanor should go to hell, she betrayed me like a bitch
Don't care if she dies. Never really cared for her anyway
No chance in hell.
I hope they don't kill her. Otherwise that means everyone from Prescott is dead. Think about that. Everyone from Prescott is dead. Telltale out did themselves from killing off an entire cabin group to killing of an entire community.
What if her helping is determinant if Lingard is alive
I always wanted Eleanor x Javi ever since episode one. Kate already has a husband and I really didn't care for anything that was between Javi and Kate. But, episode 4 changed a lot of things. I was actually happy she turned down Tripp. I just didn't expect her to turn on Javi.
I kept Conrad alive and I most definitely think he is redeemed. The guy doesn't give me crap anymore and I actually like him. Eleanor could definitely be redeemed. After all, she was consistently supportive and helpful throughout the entire season.
I actually wanted EleanorXJavi to happen (and she doesn't hate my Javier at all). And don't hate me for this as ridiculous as it sounds. I was thinking that ConradxEleanor (yes I know it would be weird but I'm just saying) would happen simply because Conrad lost Francine and Eleanor lost Tripp. 87% it probably won't happen and I'm not saying I want it to happen but it would make our choices matter even more. But I do prefer JavierxEleanor. Also I'm not that much of a shipping person in case anyone thinks I'm crazy.
Nope. I don't blame Eleanor for not wanting to be with Tripp. Not that I hate Tripp, but Eleanor's relationship with Tripp reminds me of Javi's relationship with Kate. Javi always gets approached by Kate, and as Javi, I really didn't care to have a relationship with her. She could make a good friend who I can smoke weed with, but that's all. Eleanor is like that with Tripp. She sees him as a good guy, but just not interested in being in a relationship with him. And I don't blame her.
I think she was angry at the moment and wasn't thinking clearly. Now that she sees she was wrong she can come around and help us out
and possibly get with Javi.
After my Lucille is done with her, I doubt there'll be anything left to "connect"...
Why must we do this? Can't a bitch be independent anymore or is this proof that even Clementine has to shack-up/put-out eventually? Get it straight people.
Though admittedly, the realization that Javier is constantly being offered sloppy seconds is humorous.
I think that's part of the only reason it's there. Unfortunately, it's pretty pointless at this point and Tripp didn't need to exist anymore because of that.
Yeah, Unfortunate Implications ahoy.
I really want to get the option of blaming Eleanor for Tripp's death. Her reaction when Joan killed Tripp just pissed me off so much because she was the one who put him in that situation to begin with. I did my best to choose to save Tripp's life despite the fact that he hates me simply because I'm not sure if I can fully trust Ava or not while Tripp has proven to be loyal. Then Joan shoots him and Eleanor screams all upset like. Bitch screw you, if you hadn't sold them out Tripp may still be alive. It's your fault he's dead not Javi's. I really want to just lay into her on that front. If I have a choice to save her life, I'm sure as hell not gonna do it.
That's technically determinant it Tripp didn't die, in my case she is the last Prescott survivor :c
Does anybody think that Eleanor betrayed us because telltale heard what the fans were saying about not trusting her in ties that bind?
Oh, probably so. It feels so tacked on that it literally could've just been a footnote on the story script during the animation process.
Not this season.
I wouldn't kill Eleanor.
Medics are very rare and precious in the zombie apocalypse.
I think Javi will forgive Eleanor.
An eventual romance is up to Javi and Eleanor to decide.
I believe Eleanor can redeem herself.
I think Kate is still alive
Considering the slightest interaction between a male and female in the game is flirting or romance I don't see why not.
When Kate and Tripp are dead and all you trying to do is bust a nut
Dont you think there is a significant risk of her betraying you again if you forgive her?
She's a fucking traitor
It would be nice if it was possible, but there's too many variables. (Betrayal of Conrad, [Save Ava], Feel the same as Kate) would all make it unable to happen, leaving like >5% of people getting the option. It wouldn't be worthwhile for Telltale to even make it a possibility.
I'd like that, but I doubt it now tbh.
It's probably possible if Javi didn't shoot Conrad. And since both he and Tripp can survive, she's technically not the only Prescott survivor.
Determinant characters are always killed off later. She is the only one who is alive no matter what so eventually she will be the only one!