This is such a terrible situation. I am terribly sorry for you and your family. It seems you can't catch a break. You and your family are in my thoughts, and most definitely every one of my fellow readers. I can only imagine the time you are having right now. Take all the time you need to finish the next part. I hope you enjoy your time with your friends tomorrow. Friends are what keep you going, especially in the hardest of times. No matter how hard it may be, do try to enjoy yourself and have a little fun. It is the little things that matter, and having a good time with the mates can help make the pain easier. Best of wishes to you friend.
I'm back. And this time I can't even make all that much of a cheery entrance. I'm sorry for that.
So, I am back, but the voting is not cl… moreosed. This is due to me being back a day earlier than planned. I thought I'd get more writing done today, it was my plan and well, I got a lot of writing done in the past three days. With a lot of time on my hands, I have written the equivalent of five and a half FoT parts but most of it were projects for other stories, which I am going to share with the authors in question as soon as possible. I have written most of the next part yesterday, but have not yet managed to finish it, so I will leave the voting open until tomorrow, maybe some haven't had the time to vote and there's really no need to close it yet when I don't have the part ready and won't be able to finish it today.
The thing is, there are good news and very bad news. I have been very open with you so far and wish to remain so, so that you … [view original content]
Jeez, I'm truly sorry for what's happening to you and your family. Take all the time you need, and I hope your mom and grandfather will have a swift recovery.
I'm back. And this time I can't even make all that much of a cheery entrance. I'm sorry for that.
So, I am back, but the voting is not cl… moreosed. This is due to me being back a day earlier than planned. I thought I'd get more writing done today, it was my plan and well, I got a lot of writing done in the past three days. With a lot of time on my hands, I have written the equivalent of five and a half FoT parts but most of it were projects for other stories, which I am going to share with the authors in question as soon as possible. I have written most of the next part yesterday, but have not yet managed to finish it, so I will leave the voting open until tomorrow, maybe some haven't had the time to vote and there's really no need to close it yet when I don't have the part ready and won't be able to finish it today.
The thing is, there are good news and very bad news. I have been very open with you so far and wish to remain so, so that you … [view original content]
That is truly horrifying news to hear friend. Just take all the time you need and don't rush anything because we are here for you. Don't give up and my prayers go to your family. Please message me if you wish to speak to me privately about anything you'd like.
I'm back. And this time I can't even make all that much of a cheery entrance. I'm sorry for that.
So, I am back, but the voting is not cl… moreosed. This is due to me being back a day earlier than planned. I thought I'd get more writing done today, it was my plan and well, I got a lot of writing done in the past three days. With a lot of time on my hands, I have written the equivalent of five and a half FoT parts but most of it were projects for other stories, which I am going to share with the authors in question as soon as possible. I have written most of the next part yesterday, but have not yet managed to finish it, so I will leave the voting open until tomorrow, maybe some haven't had the time to vote and there's really no need to close it yet when I don't have the part ready and won't be able to finish it today.
The thing is, there are good news and very bad news. I have been very open with you so far and wish to remain so, so that you … [view original content]
I don't know what to say except I'm sorry that this happened and we're all hoping for the best. As I said before if you need a break take it but it seems that you don't want to take a break so I'll just encourage you to remain hopeful. My hopes are with you and your family, best of luck.
I'm back. And this time I can't even make all that much of a cheery entrance. I'm sorry for that.
So, I am back, but the voting is not cl… moreosed. This is due to me being back a day earlier than planned. I thought I'd get more writing done today, it was my plan and well, I got a lot of writing done in the past three days. With a lot of time on my hands, I have written the equivalent of five and a half FoT parts but most of it were projects for other stories, which I am going to share with the authors in question as soon as possible. I have written most of the next part yesterday, but have not yet managed to finish it, so I will leave the voting open until tomorrow, maybe some haven't had the time to vote and there's really no need to close it yet when I don't have the part ready and won't be able to finish it today.
The thing is, there are good news and very bad news. I have been very open with you so far and wish to remain so, so that you … [view original content]
I was not sure if I should leave this all up for longer, considering that a number of readers has not voted yet, but I decided that the part has been up long enough and that I really need to release something new. This one is going to give Nora some role in this chapter and it is also likely to make Arthur's storyline a bit longer than it otherwise would have been so, yeah, I look forward to get to write his next part and his storyline in general.
Now, the next part will be out later today, as I am in the process of doing some final work on it. A recap is not really needed, because it will feature the first parts for Ilish and Willfred in this chapter, showing what they have been up to after the events of the raid. As you know, Ilish got attacked by some raiders, but saved by Vaasrand of Lys, whereas Willfred got into a violent fight with Edward Anturion and Carvin, ending with Anturion and Roger wounded and Willfred gaining control over a mysterious artifact, which will be at least properly introduced in the next chapter. We'll see more of it in the future.
Finally, the most pressing matter. Thank you for your support. Seriously, the amount of support I have received either here in the thread, or through PM's or through other means, as well as outside of the forums has been incredible and it is actually bringing tears to my eyes right now. I won't lie, this is support that is much needed at this point, because I feel, well, for a lack of a better word, hollow. It is this uncertainty that is the worst right now, because my mother's condition remains serious, but at a point where I can't do anything but wait. She is stable and I have talked to the doctor today, who gave me a positive prognosis, but she is far from safe to survive. In fact, any recovery will take longer than I thought. She is currently treated for a mild case of pneumonia, likely a side effect of blood entering her lung during the accident and this is probably what is the most serious about her condition in terms of survival. Due to a long weekend (fucking first of May), the surgeons won't be at the hospital for the next few days, after it has been decided that her condition is positive enough that she does not require emergency surgery. Instead, the doctors fully focus on her pneumonia. This is not a bad thing, but still, how could I not go mad with worry? She remains in an artificial coma and it will take at least another week until I can speak to her and that is an optimistic prognosis, as the doctor admitted. More likely, she won't be able to communicate with me until one and a half or even two weeks from now and I am worried sick. I have found that this worry is making it hard for me to be all that cheerful and therefore active, but I will try my best to remain positive until I get actual news to one side or the other. Until then, you and many others have given me so much support. I cannot promise to have a consistent and stable schedule of parts for the next two weeks, because as much as writing helps me, it is not easy to write some parts with this. I am terribly sorry for that and will try to get at least into a more positive mindset soon. On the slightly more positive side, I think I am in the perfect mood to write some Sadie parts, or Lucas. And Sadie is going to get something new very soon, maybe the part after the next one. So, I know I have said it before, but thank you. You're making a horrible situation more bearable. Anxiety remains and it is the fucking worst, but I don't even want to imagine where I would be without you and my other friends from outside the forums. You are the best
It was baffling for Ilish how many people had nothing else on their mind but to drink themselves senseless after what had happened during the last day. It was outright shocking how many of them were even happy in the aftermath of such tragedy. At most, she had expected some grieving men and women who had lost someone and wanted to drink themselves senseless.. Instead, she saw many new faces, who had come here as if there was something to celebrate.
"Three of them!", a broad-shouldered man roared, as he raised his jug, his voice already a slur. "I got three of these sansobitshes!" The men around him, every single one of them a stranger to Ilish, raised their jugs in unison, praising their brave companion. She rolled her eyes at this behaviour and quickly tried to slip past them, to the next table.
Unfortunately for her, one of the drunken men used exactly this moment to put his hand around her waist. "Girl, stay a while!", he said, while he weakly tried to pull her onto his lap. Ilish had enough experience dealing with drunken men that she quickly put a hand into his face, pushing herself away from him with a smirk. "Not today, honey", she chirped with a fake smile, before she continued her way past them, much to the rejected man's chagrin and the amusement of the others.
Once she had turned her back on them, she rolled her eyes, disgusted by such joy in the face of what had happened. She saw several customers of the kind she had expected and didn't even want to imagine how they must feel right now. Their pain was terrible, even without those inconsiderate swines making it all worse.
It were days like these that made her consider leaving. She picked up this job on account of having nothing else to do, of needing a home and a means to make a living. Audrey provided her with this. Now, Audrey was closer to death than to live and Ilish herself had only survived by sheer luck. Could she really be around to see those she had grown to love suffer so much? Perhaps this was why Carvin had left. She sighed, as the memory of her brother flashed through her mind.
She glanced at the hunter, sitting silently in the corner and sipping his ale. He was all by himself, as expected, but to her surprise, there was a second, empty chair on the small table he was occupying. Taking a deep breath, she decided to approach him. “Ser Hunter?”, she asked to get his attention. “Vaasrand of Lys?”
Vaasrand looked up, away from the stained window he was staring out and he gave her a curious look. “Can I help you?”, he asked and she gave him a nod. Without asking, she sat down on the free chair, to which he raised an eyebrow. She smiled at this. “Were you expecting anyone?”, she asked and he shook his head. “Actually I do, though he's not here yet”, he revealed. “Just surprised you'd sit down. You have work to do”
“That I have”, Ilish replied. “I just thought… you did save my life yesterday. I wanted to thank you” Vaasrand glanced at her, in a slightly different way this time and she quickly shook her head. “Not in that way”, she was quick to add. If she wouldn't be used to this in her line of work, she would blush. He was pleasant to look at, as unusual as he was, she had to admit it, but Ilish was not looking for anything right now.
He nodded. “Thought that much”, he replied thinly. “But I'm glad you're grateful. Not many folks are” She smiled at him. “Surely you cannot be serious”, she said. “You help people. Killing monsters, you said it yourself”
To this, Vaasrand briefly reciprocated her smirk, though it was thinner and colder. “I get paid handsomely for it”, he answered. “This is not the most heroic line of work and a pretty costly one on top. I'm basically a sellsword and you know how people think of them”
There was a certain sadness in his words and she decided to give him a cheerful smile. “Well, you saved my life”, she stated. “And I think differently than most. Now at least” Vaarand gave her a nod, though he remained silent. “It is time for me to move on”, he revealed. “Soon at least. But I'll keep it in mind. Now, was there anything else I can help you with?”
Now, Ilish sighed. “Yes, actually there is something”, she revealed. “You have travelled far, haven't you? Have you been to Essos as well?” Now, Vaasrand chuckled for a moment. “I guess you can say so”, he replied dryly. “Nine out of ten tasks lead me to Essos. What is it you want to know?”
Ilish bit down onto her lower lip. “It is about sellswords. I… look for a particular man”, she replied. To this, Vaasrand raised an eyebrow. “One particular man out of all the sellswords in Essos?”, he asked and she nodded with frustration. “His name is Carvin Granver”, she answered. Carvin… if anything, the events of the past hours have proven to her that she needed to find him. Audrey, Megur and Daisy, they were family. At least they always had each other. But Ilish? Whom did she have? Carvin was her family. And she had to know where he was.
“Your brother or your husband?”, Vaasrand asked and Ilish rolled her eyes at the latter. “Brother”, she stated thinly. To her surprise, Vaasrand gave her a nod. “I know a man called Granver, ran into him on my way from Lorath to Pentos. Your age, I guess. Runs with the Second Sons” He said this final sentence with such a glum voice that she gulped. “Is… that something bad?”, she asked, not sure if she should smile at the news he gave her or be scared for what he would add now,
Now, Vaasrand's expression grew darker. “Haven't you heard?”, he asked and her heart began to beat faster. “What do you mean?”, she asked and he sighed. “The Second Sons work for Nain Anturion now”, he said. “The entire company, bought by a mad warlord, a self-proclaimed god king. He rules in Vaes Khadokh, the city of corpses and...”
He paused and Ilish leant forward onto the table, grabbing his hand. “And?”, she asked impatiently. Vaasrand sighed. “And some of them have been here during the raid”, he revealed. “Probably not the whole company, or else they would have taken the city, but at least one banner has participated in this raid. They have suffered heavy losses”
Ilish narrowed her eyes. “Carvin is not dead”, she stated, with a voice that almost managed to convince herself. Truth be told, she did not know what happened to him, if he took part in this raid, if he lived, if he died, but one thing was for sure, this was the closest she got to get news about his position than she ever had been before. He was a sellsword now, as expected. Part of the Second Sons…
“If you say so”, Vaasrand replied. “The survivors fled by boat, as far as I know. On their way back to Essos, they will likely stop at Oldtown. If your brother has been part of the banner that fought here, you could meet him there. Unless you want to search for him on the corpse carts”
Now, Ilish shot him a glare. “He is not dead”, she repeated thinly, as if this would change anything about the fear she felt right now. Her brother might have been close. He might be dead by now… “If he has even fought here at all”, she added.
Vaasrand nodded. “A good thought”, he told her. “If he's the same Granver that I ran into when I encountered the Sons, he's still not guaranteed to have fought here. In that case, he's back at Vaes Khadokh with the bulk of the company”
Ilish narrowed her eyes with determination. “Then I will find him there”, she decided. Almost instantly, she noticed a change in Vaasrand's behaviour. “Don't do that”, he warned her and his tone made it instantly clear that he was dead serious. “Vaes Khadokh is no place for a girl like you”
“What is it, a brothel?”, Ilish said in a joking tone. “Come on, it can't be that bad!” Vaasrand was not smiling, not even a little bit. Still deadly serious he shook his head. “It is a place I never wish to see again. A city of corpses, the ruins of old Essaria. It's ruled by a madman who calls himself king and god, but is neither. Nain Anturion, who is more monstrous than half the beasts I have slain in my life”
Ilish gulped and her smile faded, but Vaasrand continued. “I have been to many dark and forgotten places in this world. Lost cities in the east, where demons run free, the Shadow Lands beyond Asshai, places man was not meant to be, not meant to see”, he said in a growling, dark tone. “Vaes Khadokh beats them all, because there are no demons there, no monsters, no magic. It's a plain testimony to human cruelty”
Ilish felt a slight shiver running down her spine as she imagined what Vaasrand had told her there. More than ever was she able to understand the dark, haunted look in his eyes. Who could tell what he has seen with them? Did she even want to know? It was one of the few times she even tried to suppress her curiosity.
“Seven...”, she said, as she forced herself to smile at him. “No wonder you're sitting here all by yourself” Vaasrand shrugged. “You asked”, he stated. “I answered. Pray that your brother is part of the banner that attacked this city. Then, you might be able to find him in Oldtown. But Vaes Khadokh? It's no place for the weak”
Ilish's smile faded. “And why do you think I am weak?”, she growled. Before Vaasrand could answer, a newcomer approached their table. Ilish recognized him. The farmer that had brought him to the tavern yesterday. Axell Snow. He hadn't slept well, obviously, having dark rings underneath his eyes. Still, he smiled as he saw them. “Sorry, I'm late”, he said, as he gave Ilish and Vaasrand a nod. “I… hope I am not interrupting anything?”
Vaasrand glanced at Ilish, making it clear that this was her decision to make. Before she could even think about wether or not she wanted to urge him to say more about this, anything that might help her in finding her brother, a new commotion forced her attention. In the doorframe that led to the backroom, where Audrey was lying, she spotted Megur, with her cousin in front of her. Daisy looked… angry? It was the first time Ilish had ever seen her angry and though neither girl was shouting, this alone clued her in that whatever was going on between them was something serious...
[Check up on Megur and Daisy][Stay and urge Vaasrand to tell you more]
Carefully, Willfred eyed the small box that was standing on the desk of his room. As he moved towards it, he sighed in pain. The bolt hadn't gotten through the armour all that much, but he had still suffered a painful flesh wound. Roger had gotten it worse, but he was already conscious again as well. His uncle would make it, something not many could claim, especially from their group.
Willfred sighed as he remembered how many they had lost. Tallian had gotten almost the entire unit killed. Ten out of twelve, cut down by Ironborn. And the general himself had fled from the battlefield. Anger flared up inside of Willfred at this cowardice, this arrogance.
His gaze fell back onto the box, the one he had gotten from the man he fought in front of the archive. It was wrapped in ancient linen, a small, wooden box which he hadn't opened yet. Naturally, it was locked, but there was something inside it, something much smaller. The wood had gotten black with age, but as he moved his finger alongside its smooth surface, he felt the runes engraved into it.
All of a sudden, he felt a shiver, a spark and he gasped as he pulled his hand back. Whatever this was, it was more than a simple wooden box, a lot more. He had heard of ancient and powerful magic hidden below the archive and this right here, it proved the rumours right.
Intimidated by its mere presence, he wrapped it back into the linen. He was not sure what to do with it, but there was one thing he knew not to do. He would not bring it back to the archive. Whatever this was, it was powerful and though he couldn't explain it, he knew that the man he had gotten it from would not use this power for good. He mustn't get it.
Willfred glanced at the box again, before shoving it into the inside of his coat. For now, he knew he had to keep it safe. And Castamere was the safest castle in Westeros, safe for the Eyrie maybe. Yes, he would take this treasure home and maybe in time, he could find someone who would tell him more about it.
A knock on his door caused him to turn around, painfully so and he frowned. “Come in”, he said, as the door got opened from the other side. A smile formed on his face as he saw Roger. His uncle was dragging himself forwards, but was awake and on his feet. Behind him, a sour look on his face, walked Vashord Tallian.
“Uncle”, Willfred said in a friendly tone, as Roger limped towards one of the chairs. Much colder, he glared at Tallian. “General”, he added. Roger smiled, though Tallian shook his head. “It's good to see you up again, nephew”, he said and Willfred nodded. “Same for you, uncle”, he replied. “What's the matter? I wasn't expecting any visitors” Subtly, he fully pished the box into his coat, making sure that neither Roger nor Tallian would actually get to see it. He wasn't even sure why he did it, all he knew was that he couldn't trust them with this knowledge, not now at least. They'd insist to bring it back to the archives, whereas it was much better here, where it was free…
“Serious business, I am afraid”, Roger said and Tallian glared at him. “A bunch of horseshit”, he growled in return. “Your uncle is out of his fucking mind. They gave him some Milk of the Poppy and now he isn't thinking straight!” As Willfred met his uncle's gaze, he could see that Tallian was wrong on this. Roger's gaze was clear and firm, not the hint of the murky stare one got when treated with Milk of the Poppy.
He sighed. “What is this about again?”, he said. “One of your little rivalries? I'm telling you, I am not in the mood right now” Tallian nodded quickly. “Precisely!”, he said. “Precisely what I said, Roger. Don't bother the man, he has a wound to recover from. As do you”
Roger shook his head. “That might be true, but there is an important new development you should know about”, he said, as he leant forwards. “Harris Flowers is dead” Willfred raised an eyebrow. He never liked the man, arguably hated him even after learning of his actions. He knew that Roger shared his feelings, so the grim tone in which he spoke was unexpected.
“Isn't that good?”, he asked and Roger sighed. “One would think”, he stated. “The problem is the new men in control of the city, at least for now. One of them is a certain Petyr Vyrwel, the Lord of Darkdell. Never heard of him before, though I knew his father by name. Lord Leo Vyrwel, recently deceased” He leant forwards. “The other one though… does the name Maron Mullendore ring any bells?”
Willfred narrowed his eyes, as he remembered the name. Sherryl had mentioned him during their meeting, back when he accidentally ended up supporting the man. He also remembered the warning Princess Argella gave him of the man. “So, he's here already”, he mumbled. “Suspicious”
“Very much so”, Roger replied. “Nonetheless, he is the new man in charge. The one we have to please if we want any chance at getting the troops we want” Tallian shook his head. “We won't be able to”, he said. “Mullendore is a man who doesn't make deals or compromises. I heard of the man, he's a warrior and one serious son of a bitch. Also, probably involved in this raid, given how timely he came to our rescue”
“You think so?”, Willfred asked and Tallian nodded. “Have no proof, but you have to admit that he arrived way too convenient. He's the big hero now and I doubt he'll agree to help us”, he explained. “After all, to arrive to timely, the man needs contacts within the court of Harrenhal. Someone like this cannot be trusted”
“I don't speak of trusting him”, Roger answered sternly. “I say we should try to get on his good side, because he is the only one we have right now. Because we need these men to protect our kingdom. Doesn't that mean all to you, Vashord?”
Tallian shook his head. “It does, but what you are suggesting is madness!”, he roared. “You're speaking about screwing me over for this. Me, a general of the Rock! I fought with courage and did what I could. My reputation would be tarnished forever!”
Calmly, Roger nodded. “A necessary sacrifice”, he said, before he looked at Willfred. “Back before we arrived at your room, I thought of something. Vashord retreated during the battle, he left the gates of the castle and a lot of guardsmen died for it. I don't believe the people of this city are pleased by this and this means they are not pleased by us”
Tallian narrowed his eyes with anger, though Willfred remained calm. “So, what do you suggest?”, he asked. Roger leant forwards. “I suggest we make it clear that we, as the envoys of the Rock, disapprove of Vashord's actions during the raid”, he proposed. “This might be our only chance to get back into their good graces. Such an act would also please Mullendore, because in the current situation, he needs to have someone to point at, someone to blame”
“Yeah, and that someone should be me, right?”, Tallian spat. “You're out of your fucking mind, Roger! I did nothing wrong” Now, anger flared up in Roger's eyes. “You retreated during the battle”, he said. “And many men from the castle guard died because of this. No matter if you yourself think this is justified, we have to think of the Rock here and of what Mullendore wants to hear”
Tallian sighed. “This is about you, right?”, he growled. “Because you disagree with my actions. You think I did wrong, well, guess what, I did the only right thing. I fought for as long as possible and then saved my abilities, which are invaluable for the coming war, from being wasted. Yes, I saved my own life, but I fought until this was inevitable!”
“The men say you were the first to flee”, Roger replied. “This was cowardice and selfishness and yes, I disagree with it!” He glared at the general. “Good men and women died, they held the line and did their duty to the bitter end”
Tallian shook his head. “I have a duty to the Rock!”, he roared. “Not to some pissy backwoods village” He glared from Roger to Willfred. “Besides, who says that the men of the city disagree with my actions? I fought for them, this much is undeniable. Maybe Mullendore, if you want to please him, for heaven's sake, wishes to have a hero he can present. Or maybe the people can be convinced to see me as a hero, so that he won't have any other choice but to support us and the Rock”
Willfred raised an eyebrow. “So, what are you suggesting?”, he asked and Tallian grinned. “Publicly command me for the bravery I displayed. You'll see, Mullendore might not even have a choice but to support us, the heroes who helped the city when it needed us the most”
To this, Willfred sighed. Yes, he was angry at Tallian, for a long time now. At the same time, he could understand him and his reasons here, as much as he disagreed with them. He understood Roger's point and to a certain degree even shared it, but Tallian's approach offered some intriguing possibilities as well.
“So… do we have to take action here at all?”, he asked. “I'd rather sit this one out. Do nothing, you know” Roger shook his head. “I'd advice you against this”, he said. “We have to take action to get the men we need. We cannot allow to miss another chance”
“A chance, yes”, Tallian agreed. “This is a chance and you know what the better option is here, it's clear! Besides, I won't sit idle now. Roger wants a decision in this and so do I. This has gone for far too long. Support me and shut this idiot up. I know what's best for the Rock and it's not the gamble of your bastard uncle!”
[Publicly criticize Tallian for cowardice][Publicly command Tallian for bravery]
[Check up on Megur and Daisy] Oh no. Rivalries arise even in the most dire of times. Those two can't even stand eachother for one minute without Audrey around to keep them in check. Calmer heads like Illish should see what's up before one of Mullendore's thugs tries to stop the confrontation, possibly with violence. Plus Illish already got her lead on Carvin, so there isn't really that much to continue questioning him for.
[Publicly criticize Tallian for cowardice] We need someone to get back in the people's good graces. If Tallian is truly a loyal soldier, he will take a blow to his pride in order to get the Rock their men.
It was baffling for Ilish how many people had nothing else on their mind but to drink themselves senseless after what had happened … moreduring the last day. It was outright shocking how many of them were even happy in the aftermath of such tragedy. At most, she had expected some grieving men and women who had lost someone and wanted to drink themselves senseless.. Instead, she saw many new faces, who had come here as if there was something to celebrate.
"Three of them!", a broad-shouldered man roared, as he raised his jug, his voice already a slur. "I got three of these sansobitshes!" The men around him, every single one of them a stranger to Ilish, raised their jugs in unison, praising their brave companion. She rolled her eyes at this behaviour and quickly tried to slip past them, to the next table.
Unfortunately for her, one of the drunken men used exactly this moment to put his hand around her waist. "Girl, stay a while!", he sa… [view original content]
"Oh please Ser, tell me more of this horrible place. I wish to regret talking to you as soon as possible." That being said a journey to Nain's comfy little playground is Vaasrand's darkest adventure? I have to wonder if Arrodor himself added that to his backstory, mostly because reading about the adventure that takes place in Nain's hell and possibly leads to a badass battle might be the most awesomely dark thing ever. Also Nain just can't be kept out of parts lately, seems the God king is continues to be an ever present figure in the dark.
[Publicly command Tallian for bravery]
Lets see where this madness goes. Hopefully not to the deaths of all those involved.
It was baffling for Ilish how many people had nothing else on their mind but to drink themselves senseless after what had happened … moreduring the last day. It was outright shocking how many of them were even happy in the aftermath of such tragedy. At most, she had expected some grieving men and women who had lost someone and wanted to drink themselves senseless.. Instead, she saw many new faces, who had come here as if there was something to celebrate.
"Three of them!", a broad-shouldered man roared, as he raised his jug, his voice already a slur. "I got three of these sansobitshes!" The men around him, every single one of them a stranger to Ilish, raised their jugs in unison, praising their brave companion. She rolled her eyes at this behaviour and quickly tried to slip past them, to the next table.
Unfortunately for her, one of the drunken men used exactly this moment to put his hand around her waist. "Girl, stay a while!", he sa… [view original content]
"Oh please Ser, tell me more of this horrible place. I wish to regret talking to you as soon as possible." That being said a journey to Nain's comfy little playground is Vaasrand's darkest adventure? I have to wonder if Arrodor himself added that to his backstory, mostly because reading about the adventure that takes place in Nain's hell and possibly leads to a badass battle might be the most awesomely dark thing ever. Also Nain just can't be kept out of parts lately, seems the God king is continues to be an ever present figure in the dark.
Ah, not darkest adventure ever, but the place that shocked him the most. See, Vaasrand is a guy that faces unspeakable horrors for a living. He is used to fight against creatures that would terrify the utmost majority of people around him. He has even faced supernatural beings and is very cold-blooded when it comes to these. However, as a result the one thing that does still manage to shock and disgust him is human cruelty. He hasn't really been in Vaes Khadokh for long, it was more a place he travelled through on his way somewhere else, but he was so appalled by the condition of this "kingdom" that it had a lasting impression on him. That and he knows that Ilish wouldn't last long there, so he is naturally trying to discourage her from travelling to that city.
Lets see where this madness goes. Hopefully not to the deaths of all those involved.
The deaths of all involved in this? Oh, I am sure it won't come that far. Not as if House Reyne has sort of a talent for such things to happen
[Stay and urge Vaasrand to tell you more]
"Oh please Ser, tell me more of this horrible place. I wish to regret talking to you as soon as… more possible." That being said a journey to Nain's comfy little playground is Vaasrand's darkest adventure? I have to wonder if Arrodor himself added that to his backstory, mostly because reading about the adventure that takes place in Nain's hell and possibly leads to a badass battle might be the most awesomely dark thing ever. Also Nain just can't be kept out of parts lately, seems the God king is continues to be an ever present figure in the dark.
[Publicly command Tallian for bravery]
Lets see where this madness goes. Hopefully not to the deaths of all those involved.
Oh no. Rivalries arise even in the most dire of times. Those two can't even stand eachother for one minute without Audrey around to keep them in check.
Aye, this is right. Megur and Daisy are on really bad terms even when Audrey is there to keep things from escalating. Now, Audrey is heavily wounded and as a result, both are even more stressed out than usual, which is quite the explosive situation.
If Tallian is truly a loyal soldier, he will take a blow to his pride in order to get the Rock their men.
Ah, this is true. However, keep in mind that Tallian is a very prideful man. He genuinely believes that his approach is the right one, or at least he convinced himself of it, while Roger did the same with his approach. This means that there's no saying how he will react.
[Check up on Megur and Daisy] Oh no. Rivalries arise even in the most dire of times. Those two can't even stand eachother for one minute wit… morehout Audrey around to keep them in check. Calmer heads like Illish should see what's up before one of Mullendore's thugs tries to stop the confrontation, possibly with violence. Plus Illish already got her lead on Carvin, so there isn't really that much to continue questioning him for.
[Publicly criticize Tallian for cowardice] We need someone to get back in the people's good graces. If Tallian is truly a loyal soldier, he will take a blow to his pride in order to get the Rock their men.
Well, Tallian certainly thinks the same and not exactly without reason. Willfred might not even fully think that Tallian did all that much wrong. However, the choice is less about Willfred's personal opinion on this matter, but rather what action the people of Raylansfair will prefer, in the attempt to make them more inclined to help the Rock. Since Mullendore is in charge, such an attempt is certainly going to be very hard.
[Stay and urge Vaasrand to tell you more]
[Publicly command Tallian for bravery]
I don't think Tallian did anything wrong, there was no reason for him to sacrifice his life for some small town on the other side of Westeros.
[Stay and urge Vaasrand to tell you more] While this most likely isn't a definitive choice on whether Ilish will stay in Raylansfair or not, I think we should go for choices that take Ilish towards new and exciting adventures. Plus, I'd definitely love to learn more about Vaes Khadokh.
[Publicly command Tallian for bravery] Hard to say what exactly will Mullendore think about this, but I feel like publicly shaming Tallian would just make the general an enemy of Willfred, which could bite him in the ass later.
It was baffling for Ilish how many people had nothing else on their mind but to drink themselves senseless after what had happened … moreduring the last day. It was outright shocking how many of them were even happy in the aftermath of such tragedy. At most, she had expected some grieving men and women who had lost someone and wanted to drink themselves senseless.. Instead, she saw many new faces, who had come here as if there was something to celebrate.
"Three of them!", a broad-shouldered man roared, as he raised his jug, his voice already a slur. "I got three of these sansobitshes!" The men around him, every single one of them a stranger to Ilish, raised their jugs in unison, praising their brave companion. She rolled her eyes at this behaviour and quickly tried to slip past them, to the next table.
Unfortunately for her, one of the drunken men used exactly this moment to put his hand around her waist. "Girl, stay a while!", he sa… [view original content]
It was baffling for Ilish how many people had nothing else on their mind but to drink themselves senseless after what had happened … moreduring the last day. It was outright shocking how many of them were even happy in the aftermath of such tragedy. At most, she had expected some grieving men and women who had lost someone and wanted to drink themselves senseless.. Instead, she saw many new faces, who had come here as if there was something to celebrate.
"Three of them!", a broad-shouldered man roared, as he raised his jug, his voice already a slur. "I got three of these sansobitshes!" The men around him, every single one of them a stranger to Ilish, raised their jugs in unison, praising their brave companion. She rolled her eyes at this behaviour and quickly tried to slip past them, to the next table.
Unfortunately for her, one of the drunken men used exactly this moment to put his hand around her waist. "Girl, stay a while!", he sa… [view original content]
While this most likely isn't a definitive choice on whether Ilish will stay in Raylansfair or not, I think we should go for choices that take Ilish towards new and exciting adventures. Plus, I'd definitely love to learn more about Vaes Khadokh.
This is something I can confirm, this choice alone will not determine wether or not Ilish is going to leave Raylansfair. By expressing further interest here, such decisions might ultimately get influenced somehow, if it is ever going to be decided upon, but this choice alone is not going to be a definitive turning point for her storyline.
Hard to say what exactly will Mullendore think about this, but I feel like publicly shaming Tallian would just make the general an enemy of Willfred, which could bite him in the ass later.
Another thing I can confirm, regardless of how Mullendore and the people of Raylansfair will react to Willfred's course of action, Tallian will have very strong opinions on both options and if publicly shamed, it is unlikely that he will forget this anytime soon.
[Stay and urge Vaasrand to tell you more] While this most likely isn't a definitive choice on whether Ilish will stay in Raylansfair or not,… more I think we should go for choices that take Ilish towards new and exciting adventures. Plus, I'd definitely love to learn more about Vaes Khadokh.
[Publicly command Tallian for bravery] Hard to say what exactly will Mullendore think about this, but I feel like publicly shaming Tallian would just make the general an enemy of Willfred, which could bite him in the ass later.
It was baffling for Ilish how many people had nothing else on their mind but to drink themselves senseless after what had happened … moreduring the last day. It was outright shocking how many of them were even happy in the aftermath of such tragedy. At most, she had expected some grieving men and women who had lost someone and wanted to drink themselves senseless.. Instead, she saw many new faces, who had come here as if there was something to celebrate.
"Three of them!", a broad-shouldered man roared, as he raised his jug, his voice already a slur. "I got three of these sansobitshes!" The men around him, every single one of them a stranger to Ilish, raised their jugs in unison, praising their brave companion. She rolled her eyes at this behaviour and quickly tried to slip past them, to the next table.
Unfortunately for her, one of the drunken men used exactly this moment to put his hand around her waist. "Girl, stay a while!", he sa… [view original content]
[Check up on Megur and Daisy] Megur and Daisy are Ilish coworkers and friends and I doubt that Vaasrand will leave the tavern soon
[Publicly command Tallian for bravery] Leaving aside that I have the opinion that Willfred and Roger has no right to complain about Tallian behaviour (since it was the general that fight alongside the soldiers while they were "visiting" the city) I don't found very smart go around in a foreign country saying that the general of your kingdom is a coward (leaving aside the fact that the general is the same person that will speak of your behaviour during the mission to your father AND your King)
And finally Ilish finally comeback to her own work,something that seems she is not too happy about it.
I'm curious to know why Vaasrand ask Axell presence,maybe he want to be paid for the successfull hunt?
And today we learn a little more about Nain kingdom aka "future book 2 location"!It seems a really nice place!
Ilish now want to find her own brother eh?It seems a really easy task!
Speaking of Willfred I'm interested to read how you will develop the "misterious artifact" plotline
If I must be honest I found Willfred and Roger to be very hypocrites,how can they believe to have the rights to complain about Tallian behaviour when they,while the general was protecting commoners by ruthless Ironborns,fight "simple thieves"?
If I must be honest (again XD) Roger plan is one of the dumbest plan that I have ever read (not that the Tallian one is much smartest,but at least is not self-destructive!XD)!
It was baffling for Ilish how many people had nothing else on their mind but to drink themselves senseless after what had happened … moreduring the last day. It was outright shocking how many of them were even happy in the aftermath of such tragedy. At most, she had expected some grieving men and women who had lost someone and wanted to drink themselves senseless.. Instead, she saw many new faces, who had come here as if there was something to celebrate.
"Three of them!", a broad-shouldered man roared, as he raised his jug, his voice already a slur. "I got three of these sansobitshes!" The men around him, every single one of them a stranger to Ilish, raised their jugs in unison, praising their brave companion. She rolled her eyes at this behaviour and quickly tried to slip past them, to the next table.
Unfortunately for her, one of the drunken men used exactly this moment to put his hand around her waist. "Girl, stay a while!", he sa… [view original content]
Megur and Daisy are Ilish coworkers and friends and I doubt that Vaasrand will leave the tavern soon
True enough, Vaasrand is likely to stay for a bit. At the same time, there's no saying what might come up later in the day or how long it will take to settle the dispute between Daisy and Megur.
And finally Ilish finally comeback to her own work,something that seems she is not too happy about it.
This is correct. Ilish is by nature not the kind of person to be all that happy in such a small job in such a small place. She'd really thrive in locations such as Oldtown or in the Free Cities. Especially after the taste of danger and thrill she got during the latest chapters, she is not all that eager to return to her boring job.
I'm curious to know why Vaasrand ask Axell presence,maybe he want to be paid for the successfull hunt?
Ah, that is something I wanted to show in this part still, but it seems I haven't had the room for it. Depending on the choice, we'll get to see a bit more Vaasrand-Axell interaction. Although, keep in mind that the hunt was not successful. The beast basically let them go (due to being preoccupied with saving Wolfius) and Roman and Than died, so at best he'd get a part of the sum they agreed upon.
And today we learn a little more about Nain kingdom aka "future book 2 location"!It seems a really nice place!
A really nice place indeed. It's basically Oldtown on steroids. That said, it still is a somehow functioning kingdom, so it is likely not entirely horrible, but Vaasrand certainly got a taste of it at its worst. There is certainly going to be more about it and about Nain himself in the future
Ilish now want to find her own brother eh?It seems a really easy task!
Finding one person in the entirety of Westeros and Essos, the easiest task of them all. If only she would know how close she actually was to find him during the raid. Then again, she didn't have the same desire to find him, this only came from her experience during the raid.
Speaking of Willfred I'm interested to read how you will develop the "misterious artifact" plotline
Slowly, but continuously. More about this artifact will be revealed in Book 2, as it is a major plotline for several storylines. It is central for Anturion's plans, which will affect a great number of characters and their respective storylines in the coming chapters.
If I must be honest I found Willfred and Roger to be very hypocrites,how can they believe to have the rights to complain about Tallian behaviour when they,while the general was protecting commoners by ruthless Ironborns,fight "simple thieves"?
Ah, it's more a matter of principle, especially for Roger. He wouldn't have retreated and he was also against leaving the soldiers at the castle in the first place. He is still very convinced that they could have done more good in the city and he believes that Tallian retreating, as much as the general is under no obligation to risk his life all that much, was primarily a dishonourable act.
If I must be honest (again XD) Roger plan is one of the dumbest plan that I have ever read (not that the Tallian one is much smartest,but at least is not self-destructive!XD)!
Hehe, it must be said that Tallian is the smart one of the two. Roger is not exactly stupid, but in this situation he is driven by his passions. That said, he hopes to do some damage control by giving the people of Raylansfair someone they can be angry at, which is, as he hopes, something that will please Mullendore in his position as the new ruler of the city. Wether or not that actually works... eh, both plans kinda hold their risks with Mullendore's true loyalties, so it is more a situation in which Willfred and co. can only hope to get into the good graces of the smallfolk of Raylansfair, in which case Mullendore might find himself force to help them.
[Check up on Megur and Daisy] Megur and Daisy are Ilish coworkers and friends and I doubt that Vaasrand will leave the tavern soon
[Publi… morecly command Tallian for bravery] Leaving aside that I have the opinion that Willfred and Roger has no right to complain about Tallian behaviour (since it was the general that fight alongside the soldiers while they were "visiting" the city) I don't found very smart go around in a foreign country saying that the general of your kingdom is a coward (leaving aside the fact that the general is the same person that will speak of your behaviour during the mission to your father AND your King)
* And finally Ilish finally comeback to her own work,something that seems she is not too happy about it.
* I'm curious to know why Vaasrand ask Axell presence,maybe he want to be paid for the successfull hunt?
* And today we learn a little more about Nain kingdom aka "future book 2 location"!It seems a really… [view original content]
[Publicly command Tallian for bravery] Say what you will about Tallian, a prick, selfish, doesn't matter, he's an ally and it's wrong to use him as a scapegoat to please people.
EDIT: Not trying to be a grammar nazi but I think you mean commend not command.
It was baffling for Ilish how many people had nothing else on their mind but to drink themselves senseless after what had happened … moreduring the last day. It was outright shocking how many of them were even happy in the aftermath of such tragedy. At most, she had expected some grieving men and women who had lost someone and wanted to drink themselves senseless.. Instead, she saw many new faces, who had come here as if there was something to celebrate.
"Three of them!", a broad-shouldered man roared, as he raised his jug, his voice already a slur. "I got three of these sansobitshes!" The men around him, every single one of them a stranger to Ilish, raised their jugs in unison, praising their brave companion. She rolled her eyes at this behaviour and quickly tried to slip past them, to the next table.
Unfortunately for her, one of the drunken men used exactly this moment to put his hand around her waist. "Girl, stay a while!", he sa… [view original content]
[Check on Megur and Daisy]
We don't need any outbursts right now. The city has been through hell, and I'd like to see them end on a strong note.
[Publicly criticize Tallian for cowardice]
Unfortunately for ending on a strong note, Tallian acted cowardly, and I can certainly believe that the people of Raylansfair see it as so, especially considering how Emphryus moved to take on... was it 8 or 13... Ironborn alone, whereas Tallian retreated with two of his men before the guardsmen and women of Raylansfair had been killed. While there are certainly going to be some who believe Tallian was brave and a hero, I am of the opinion most see him as a coward.
It was baffling for Ilish how many people had nothing else on their mind but to drink themselves senseless after what had happened … moreduring the last day. It was outright shocking how many of them were even happy in the aftermath of such tragedy. At most, she had expected some grieving men and women who had lost someone and wanted to drink themselves senseless.. Instead, she saw many new faces, who had come here as if there was something to celebrate.
"Three of them!", a broad-shouldered man roared, as he raised his jug, his voice already a slur. "I got three of these sansobitshes!" The men around him, every single one of them a stranger to Ilish, raised their jugs in unison, praising their brave companion. She rolled her eyes at this behaviour and quickly tried to slip past them, to the next table.
Unfortunately for her, one of the drunken men used exactly this moment to put his hand around her waist. "Girl, stay a while!", he sa… [view original content]
This is a bit embarrassing for me, but you are absolutely right It is indeed supposed to be commend, not command. Considering that a sizable amount of voters has already given their vote, I cannot change it anymore, but well, of course Willfred is going to commend Tallian for his bravery if this option is the one to win.
[Check up on Megur and Daisy]
[Publicly command Tallian for bravery] Say what you will about Tallian, a prick, selfish, doesn't matter, h… moree's an ally and it's wrong to use him as a scapegoat to please people.
EDIT: Not trying to be a grammar nazi but I think you mean commend not command.
[Check on Megur and Daisy]
No sense in NOT checking on them to be honest.
[Publicly commend Tallian for bravery]
Despite what other might perceive as cowardice, Tallian did his job. He allowed his soldiers to help defend the Keep and directed them in combat. When it was apparent that the gates which were sabotaged were going to fall he moved back into the Keep. Who's to say this was to try and run away? He could have been trying another strategy, the main point is that he IS General of the Rock and if there was ever a time to appear strong and put together it's now. Tallian also is much more of a 'politican general' in that he understands the way the game is played in court.
[Stay and urge Vaasrand to tell you more] I want me some more Axell. Haven't seen him a lot lately, which is understandable, due to the circumstances and all. Which means every chance I get, I will pick to get more of Axell!
[Publicly commend Tallian for Bravery] Roger's plan is the dumbest plan I've heard. It's driven by his own personal feelings and passion, isn't he? And I agree with Chosen on this one. Tallian did nothing wrong. He helped the city, but he didn't give his life for it, which is a valid point to give. Let's be honest here. Tallian, sure he would've helped out, but he saw his men die like chocolate close to me. I would've backed up in this situation.
Great part, sorry for missing last one, didn't have any internet for a couple of days. You know what I had to do? Something called 'socialize with people IRL', and good lord, that was terrifying.
It was baffling for Ilish how many people had nothing else on their mind but to drink themselves senseless after what had happened … moreduring the last day. It was outright shocking how many of them were even happy in the aftermath of such tragedy. At most, she had expected some grieving men and women who had lost someone and wanted to drink themselves senseless.. Instead, she saw many new faces, who had come here as if there was something to celebrate.
"Three of them!", a broad-shouldered man roared, as he raised his jug, his voice already a slur. "I got three of these sansobitshes!" The men around him, every single one of them a stranger to Ilish, raised their jugs in unison, praising their brave companion. She rolled her eyes at this behaviour and quickly tried to slip past them, to the next table.
Unfortunately for her, one of the drunken men used exactly this moment to put his hand around her waist. "Girl, stay a while!", he sa… [view original content]
Willfred is going to commend Tallian for his bravery
No too big surprises here, but especially Willfred's choice is going to be a major one. We will see a lot of development coming out of this in the near future and it will influence his path for the coming parts. But yeah, I can certainly understand your reasoning. The question is if Mullendore/the people of Raylansfair are going to agree with this. I mean, maybe they do, that is certainly in the realms of possible. At the same time, Roger might have been driven by his passions here, but he has also put some thought into this and was reasonably convinced that throwing Tallian under the bus is the better approach.
The next part is hopefully going to be out today. I'll get to some reasons that might complicate it down below. This next part will be the second one in Sadie's storyline for this chapter. The last time we saw her was the first time after the Chapter 8 finale, which ended with her losing her sword hand and her best friend. She was brought to a local healer, an old, but spry man who goes by the name of Wylie. He successfully saved her life, though she remained unconscious for two days. During this time, she had a terrible nightmare, detailing a significant moment from her past, where she got into a fight with her mother, ending with her accidentally killing her. The consequences haunt her to this day. After waking up, Wylie introduced her to her new situation, but also explained some of the things going on around her right now. Apparently, there has been a visitor from Castamere whom Leo is talking to right now. He also requested Sadie's presence after she wakes up. Encouraged by Wylie, Sadie decided to meet him instead of asking for him to come to her, meaning she'll get to leave her room in the next part.
Now, I am afraid the situation with my mother hasn't gotten any better. I had a talk with the utter jerk of a chief physician today and seriously... that guy is the fucking worst, a condescending piece of shit, who is both, inappropriately jovail and way too aggressive and he got lucky we were not talking in person. Well, long story short, things don't look any brighter. My mother remains stable, but her pneumonia has gotten worse. On top of that, there seem to be some concerns about her spine and a planned surgery for today was postponed until after they make a new MRI, which means I don't know anything until that is done later today. Right now, I have this familiar state of panic, as it slowly sinks in that my mother's survival is indeed far from sure and dependant on her development over this week. I have the feeling I talk about this way too much, but this is just to tell you how I feel right now. Just absolutely crushed, unable to focus on much and struggling to find the motivation for just about anything. Over the last few days, I have barely gotten any writing done, though I finally found some inspiration yesterday, which will likely allow me to finish the part today. On a good day, I should get that done in a couple of hours tops, but unfortunately, I cannot say how this day is going to be at all.
The Voting is closed
Ilish is going to urge Vaasrand to tell her more
Willfred is going to commend Tallian for his bravery
No too b… moreig surprises here, but especially Willfred's choice is going to be a major one. We will see a lot of development coming out of this in the near future and it will influence his path for the coming parts. But yeah, I can certainly understand your reasoning. The question is if Mullendore/the people of Raylansfair are going to agree with this. I mean, maybe they do, that is certainly in the realms of possible. At the same time, Roger might have been driven by his passions here, but he has also put some thought into this and was reasonably convinced that throwing Tallian under the bus is the better approach.
The next part is hopefully going to be out today. I'll get to some reasons that might complicate it down below. This next part will be the second one in Sadie's storyline for this chapter. The last tim… [view original content]
Huh, you are right. Didn't even notice, but there is indeed a tie. Well, then I'll wait if someone wants to break this tie either by voting if not done yet or by changing their vote, otherwise I'm just going to stick with the first vote here. I'd say I will fully close Ilish's voting here by the time I close Sadie's vote, until then everyone is free to either vote or change theirs.
Huh, you are right. Didn't even notice, but there is indeed a tie. Well, then I'll wait if someone wants to break this tie either by voting … moreif not done yet or by changing their vote, otherwise I'm just going to stick with the first vote here. I'd say I will fully close Ilish's voting here by the time I close Sadie's vote, until then everyone is free to either vote or change theirs.
Sadie avoided to look Wylie in the eyes as she gave him a nod. “Okay”, she replied thinly. “Okay, you have a point. I'll go and meet Leo then” The old man smiled at this, as he took a step away from her. “Then get up”, he said. “You've been in this bed for too long”
With a sigh, Sadie moved her feet over the cold ground. She shivered as she put some weight onto them. Though her legs were shaky, she felt suddenly more awake than before. And more than ever was she aware of her situation, as she consciously had to keep the remnant of her right arm from assisting her with standing up, the muscles trying to assist her out of two decades of instinct.
“Don't get up too quickly”, Wylie advised her. “Do it at your own speed. You've been lying in this bed for two days straight, so you might feel dizzy when moving too fast, on top of the considerable amount of blood you have lost”
Sadie frowned at his words. “Wonderful”, she sighed, though she followed his advice. After finding her legs suitably strong enough to support her, she firmly pushed herself upwards. Still, despite trying to listen to Wylie's advice, she did so a bit too quickly. Instantly feeling light-headed, Sadie's vision blurred, as she stumbled a step forwards.
Instantly, Wylie was in front of her. Despite his age, he held her with a strong grip, the look in his eyes a mixture of worry and lecture. “I told you so”, he said and Sadie rolled her eyes. Quickly, she regained control of her vision and firmly remained standing, even after Wylie let go of her.
Hesitantly at first, she began to walk through the room, noting how chillingly cold it was with the thin nightgown they had given her. Wylie noticed her shivering and quickly walked over to a chair, a pile of clothes on top. He pulled out a coat from underneath and Sadie noticed that her own clothes were among this pile as well.
“Here”, the old man said, as he put the coat around her. The shiver remained, though it was no longer from the cold. Sadie had spotted another detail in the room, which she hadn't seen before turning her head to the corner. It was a mirror, old and dirty, but nonetheless showing her reflection.
For a moment, Sadie had to ask herself if she had always been this pale, this thin. She looked weak and frail, her eyes reddened and her glance nervous from the stress. And her reflection seemed to shrink as her gaze fell upon the thick bandages that had been wrapped around the stump of her right arm. Even now, two days after, she spotted a layer of red beneath the linen. Just staring at the terrible, broken condition she was in caused her vision to blur once more, caused her breaths to become more rapid with panic.
Wylie noticed this was well. Gently, but with determination, he pulled her away from the mirror and turned her towards the door. “It will take a lot until you recognize yourself in that mirror again”, he told her. “But you'll get there, I promise”
Still shaking, Sadie felt a lump in her throat. For a moment, she was too overwhelmed to answer, as she put all her effort into not breaking down in front of this man she barely knew. Though the same description would apply to just about any person in this world. Dan had been the last friend she truly had, the last to really know her. Dan was gone. And now, in the face of what was the most terrible moment of her life, Sadie was alone.
“Let's... let's just leave”, she said. “I need to get out of this room” More than ever before, she noticed the stench of this all, of the rotten bandages Wylie had changed, of the dirty clothes they had pulled her out of, of the strange herbs and ointments Wylie had used on her and on others as well. Gasping for air, she stumbled towards the door and reached to open it. She stopped herself just in time to frown bitterly, as she pulled back her right arm, only to open the door with her left hand.
The corridor behind it was not much better. Though brightly lit, it was terribly warm and even worse, there were people. Sadie felt herself shrinking at the thought of having to face strangers right now. She dreaded it almost as much as having to face those who knew her, as few as there remained, those who knew how much she had lost.
“Now, one step after the other”, Wylie said behind her. “Don't mind the other ones. They don't matter. They don't care at you and they won't look at you unless you give them a reason to. Don't be afraid of them” She looked over her shoulder and for the first time right into his eyes. Not just a fleeting glance into these turquoise pupils, but a real look. There was wisdom in them and she knew without the shadow of doubt that he had to be the oldest man she had ever seen in her life. For him, she must seem like a child and compared to what he had seen with these eyes, her own problems must seem like nothing. He had seen them before, a hundred times, perhaps a thousand. He had seen worse. And somehow, this gave her more confidence than his words ever could. And she noticed the staff he was leaning on. Even now, the soldier inside Sadie noticed that this was not a mere walking stick. This was almost a quarterstaff, made of hardened wood and in the hands of a younger man, it would be quite a useful weapon.
Still, walking through this corridor, it was the hardest thing Sadie had to do in her life. The people were minding their own business and deep down, she was aware of it. Nonetheless, she had the terrible impression that they were looking at her, staring at her. She shrunk into the coat Wylie had given to her, trying her best to pull it over the bandages.
And then she spotted someone she actually recognized. Blane Banefort. To make it worse, he recognized her as well, as the widening of his eyes clearly showed. A mild smile appeared on his face and Sadie frowned. It was mocking, right? He had to be mocking her, as he approached her quickly, with joyful steps. What was there to be so happy about?
“Sadie!”, he greeted her and she narrowed her eyes. “I did not know you are already awake” She opened her mouth to answer, though found herself hesitating for a bit too long. Wylie replied in her stead. “She just did”, he told him. “I deem her fit enough to meet with Leo and his guest now”
Blane gave him a nod. “Yeah, he's in the main room, together with Edward and Rhogarn”, he said. “Our guest is there... and Leo's cousin” He sighed. “Man, he really hates that guy”, he told them. “If the Lannister boy says the wrong things, there will be blood”
“Luckily, I am there”, Wylie said with confidence and he gave Sadie a slight push, to signal her to continue walking. Blane raised two fingers though, gaining her attention. She looked up and saw something in her eyes she had not expected. There was genuine worry and it was almost touching. And then she saw how his gaze wandered to the stump of her arm and pity appeared in them.
“What?”, she barked, sudden anger flaring up in her. She clenched the one fist that remained, as she shot him a glare, built up by frustration and the grief she still tried to hold back. Though the hint of tears shot into her eyes as well. Blane gulped as he saw this look. “Nothing”, he was quick to assure her. “I just thought... we... maybe we could...” He sighed. “I don't know. I'd really like to get to know you a bit better. I mean, it's not an easy time for either of us, but... perhaps when you feel better?”
Sadie took a deep breath. “Better?”, she hissed. “And when will that be?” She shook her head. “Why do you think I'd be interested in spending time with you?” Blane's light smile faded entirely, replaced by a frown. “I...”, he stuttered. “I saved your life”
Bitterly, Sadie pointed the bandaged stump at him, almost in an accusing manner and he took a step away from her as a result. “You did”, she spat. “And now I owe you my friendship? Or more?” She shook her head. “You saved my life”, she admitted. “And I owe you about as much as it's still worth” She turned to march straight past him, though she glared over her shoulder again. “And I surely don't need your pity”
She saw the look of disappointment on Blane's face, but she couldn't care less. Why should she bother with him? Maybe before... before everything happened, she would have been more open to him. But now? Now she had more pressing matters. She had to face the ruins of her life and he wanted to flirt? Considering what a sorry state she was in, it made her furious.
It was only then that she noticed how lively she had felt for a moment. And how everyone was looking at her. Wylie had been right. These people, these strangers, they couldn't care less for her unless she gave them a reason to pay any attention. A large sellsword walked past her, raising an eyebrow as he glanced at her. A half-naked girl, standing in a doorframe, her mouth widely opened as she saw Sadie.
On other occasions, she would have paid no further attention to them. Right now however, Sadie shivered at this scenery. She pulled the coat over her wound and began to fasten her steps, her head lowered. She noticed that Wylie had only mild problems in keeping up with her and his vitality surprised her. The man was surely almost a hundred years old, yet he was putting many people in her age to shame.
“The boy meant well”, he told her as he caught up to her. “You shouldn't have been so harsh on him” Sadie gave him a glare in return. “I don't need him and his pity”, she replied. “And neither do I need your advice, old man” Others would have probably seen this as an insult. Wylie however smiled underneath his thick beard. It was the hint of genuine amusement. “I beg to differ”, he told her. “You are my patient and these wounds you suffered, they go deeper than just your physique. My advice might be just as useful as my ointments”
Sadie sighed as a reply. “Fine”, she said. “If you insist. What would you have done with Blane, in my situation?” She and Wylie continued to walk down the corridor and the old man seemed to think about this question. “I have never been exactly in your situation”, he admitted and looked at his right hand. “Obviously, that is”
As Sadie frowned, he was quick to continue. “However, I have been through many situations where I was about to give up. Horrible moments, in which I was close to lose my faith”, he told her. “But I know that in situations like this, the support of those that care for you is important, more than anything else. Friends, family. They are what makes you carry on. And I have seen people recovering from things even I had not deemed possible, merely due to this support. Young Blane seems to have taken a liking to you and he means well. Don't push him away”
There was wisdom in his words, Sadie had to admit it. Reluctantly, she gave Wylie a nod and the man patted her on the back in a reassuring way. “Do you have family, Sadie?”, he asked. Memories flashed through her mind, images. Her mother, smiling at her as she gave her her first sword. Her father pulling her into a hug the day she joined the army of the Stormlands. Melanie as a child, sitting on a swing their father had built. Dan, charging at Durren Stallhart to safe her life, just moments before his own ended...
“A sister”, she said thinly. Wylie seemed to notice the tone in her voice and for once, the old man did not continue to pry. They continued to walk in silence through the halls and Sadie was glad for his company. Alone, she couldn't have done this. Even now, there was nothing she would have rather done than to go back to her room, to curl up and to cry.
She didn't. Instead, she followed Wylie, as he led her through the rooms of the brothel, which by now seemed more like a base of operations for Leo's sellswords than anything else. Though she spotted some of the girls working here, most of the people she saw were men, members of the Forgotten, who seemed to have settled down in the building.
Finally, the two entered the taproom and Sadie blinked, as she looked around. Quickly, she spotted the central table and she recognized some of the people standing around it. There was Leo, standing tall, but looking stern and almost tired. He wore a sleeveless vest, revealing thick, scarred arms, as he leant onto the table.
He was flanked by two of his men. Sadie recognized Edward Lancaster, whom she had met just before the battle. Back then, as she realized, he had offered her and Dan to accompany him and a sting of terrible regret flashed through her mind. She should have accepted his offer... At Leo's other side stood a man she did not recognize. The man was a sellsword, though he looked more unkempt than either of his companions, with a short, shaggy beard and a head full of dark hair. Unlike Leo and Edward, he was wearing armour, though it bore clear marks of battle, not only the most recent one.
Then there were two men whose presence she had not expected. She clenched her fist as she spotted Gyles Gomblinger, who glared at Leo. The fat man was saying something, though she was too far away an the taproom in general too crowded for her to understand his words. His gestures made it clear that he was angry though, something Leo did not seem to mind.
Instead, the sellsword was only looking at his cousin. She had only met Tythan Lannister shortly before the battle, never even speaking a word with him, but she remembered how aggravated Leo had seemed when he arrived. Even now, the sellsword was clearly resentful of the noble man's presence, whereas Tythan seemed to be calm, by all accounts.
And finally, Sadie spotted a man that could only be the newcomer Wylie had told her about, the guest from Castamere. He was tall, Leo's equal in size and probably in strength. With his back turned on her, Sadie was only able to see the tabard, the red and silver of House Reyne of Castamere, as well as his full, black hair.
Ironically, it was Gyles who noticed her first. He shot a glare into her direction, as he slowly narrowed his eyes. On any other occasion, Sadie would have likely punched him for this. Right now however, she was merely tired by Gyles' antics. His time would come, she would make sure of it. If he truly had a hand in her sister's disappearance, she would make him pay.
At least he had the courtesy of alerting the others to her presence. Muffled talks were interrupted, as Leo and his men turned their attention towards her. The sellsword leader seemed pleased, or maybe relieved to see her and Edward mustered a slight, reassuring smile as she came closer.
“Ah, Sadie”, Leo greeted her, pushing himself away from the table. “It's good to see you up so soon. I haven't expected you to be up today already” He gave Wylie a nod. “Old man”, he mumbled and Wylie walked up to the table. Naturally, like a man that was used to take a part in such discussions, he took a place between Tythan Lannister and the sellsword Sadie had not been introduced to. After a moment of hesitation, Sadie remained standing slightly behind him.
“I was told you wanted to see me”, she replied and Leo gave her a nod. “Aye, that I wanted”, he confirmed. “Y'know, I feel... obliged, after what happened. You fought for the people of this city and you paid more than I ever would have asked. It is a relief that you survived”
“You patched her up fine, healer”, Edward spoke up. “She's looking alive again” He walked up to Sadie, to give her a pat on the shoulder and this time, she managed a thin, weak and sad smile. “We've been worried for you. Glad you're still with us”
Leo glanced around, until his eyes widened with a sudden realization. “Ah, where are my manners”, he said. “Sadie, you already know Edward Lancaster. The man to my left is Rhogarn Snow, one of my captains” The unkempt man gave her a surprisingly respectful nod. “Greetings”, he said with a rough voice. “I was told you have fought bravely” Sadie nodded, though she quickly looked to the ground, away from him, uncomfortable with what he told her. She fought bravely, yes. For the last time she did.
“Then there are Gyles Gomblinger and Tythan Lannister, neither of whom has an actual part in the current discussion”, Leo continued, to which the owner of the Golden Gyles narrowed his eyes. Tythan remained calm, though it was him who spoke up. “I believe this is up to the people of Maybros to decide”, he replied.
Leo narrowed his eyes. “And what good could you be for them?”, he growled, a challenge Tythan readily accepted. “I can offer the help of House Lannister”, he answered. Leo chuckled dryly. “They never had your help, cousin”, he spat. “They sure as hell don't need it now”
Tythan raised an eyebrow and the two men glared at each other. “But you are ready to accept his help?”, he said, glancing at the last man Leo had not introduced to her yet, the visitor from Castamere. Sadie finally got a good look at him and she gasped as she spotted his features. The man was gruesomely disfigured, the left side of his face covered in burn scars, almost as if terribly intense heat had melted the skin there.
She seemed to have gasped a little bit too loud, as the disfigured man looked up, his dark eyes meeting hers, as a sneer formed on his face. “I accept his help because I trust him”, Leo replied. “I fought by his side and I know that I can rely on his word. If the same offer would have come from his lordly masters, I would have refused it”
“You are in no position to refuse anything, Leonard!”, Gyles barked. “Remember whom you answer to” Leo gave him a nod. “Aye”, he agreed. “And remember whom the last true standing force in this entire city answers to” His voice was cold, deep and threatening. “The last word hasn't been spoken about you, Gyles”, he growled. “It all depends on your cooperation”
This clearly was enough for Gyles to be silent and all of a sudden, the man didn't seem to be too present anymore, as he looked down onto the ground instead of glaring at Leo. By now, the sellsword must have noticed the he looked back at Sadie. “Sadie, this is Walder Waters, the captain of the guard of Castamere”, he introduced his guest. “He is better known as Two-Face”
Sadie gulped, as she gave the disfigured man a nod, before quickly looking away from him. Out of the corner of her eyes, she noticed the almost cruel sneer though. “What is it, girl?”, the man growled. “Haven't seen a mug like mine before?”
Now, with a sigh, Sadie met his glare with one of her own. His gaze wandered down, just as she pulled the coat Wylie had given to her over the bandaged stump. Still, a slightly amused smirk formed on his lips. “As I figured”, he said.
Leo regained their attention by clearing his throat. “Okay then, listen up”, he spoke, before he looked at Sadie. “We are currently speaking about the future of Maybros. A shame Lord Turnberry had no interest in this discussion” His tone made it clear how relieved he was at the absence of the nobleman. Perhaps it was indeed for the better. “Several of the citizens no longer feel safe within this city, not so close to the sea. We are negotiating about taking them in at Castamere for the time being”
Sadie gave him a nod. “I see...”, she said, though there was something she couldn't leave unspoken. “That is not why I'm here though. You promised me help, remember? What happens to my sister now?”
To this, Two-Face gave her a mocking grin. “That is none of our concern for now”, he growled and looked at Leo. “Why have you called for the cripple? Seems all she's doing is to distract us” Sadie narrowed her eyes at his words. Taken by sudden anger, she quickly circled around the table, until she stopped in front of him. “What have you said?”, she barked and he shrugged, unimpressed. “Cripple”, he replied nonchalantly. “What are you going to do about it?”
[Punch Two-Face]
He's acting so disdainful of Sadie, I'm certain that this will gain his respect rather than make him angry. At the very least, it'll make those present think twice before mocking or dismissing Sadie.
Sadie avoided to look Wylie in the eyes as she gave him a nod. “Okay”, she replied thinly. “Okay, you have a point. I'll go and mee… moret Leo then” The old man smiled at this, as he took a step away from her. “Then get up”, he said. “You've been in this bed for too long”
With a sigh, Sadie moved her feet over the cold ground. She shivered as she put some weight onto them. Though her legs were shaky, she felt suddenly more awake than before. And more than ever was she aware of her situation, as she consciously had to keep the remnant of her right arm from assisting her with standing up, the muscles trying to assist her out of two decades of instinct.
“Don't get up too quickly”, Wylie advised her. “Do it at your own speed. You've been lying in this bed for two days straight, so you might feel dizzy when moving too fast, on top of the considerable amount of blood you have lost”
Sadie frowned at his words. “Wonderful”, she sighed, th… [view original content]
[Remain calm] Eh, better not cause a scene here. Sadie is in a weak state, and I'm pretty sure if she starts a fight with Two-Face here she is only going to embarrass herself. Let's just stay calm, Sadie is going to have to get used to being called a cripple from now on whenever someone wants to mock her, and as Tyrion would say she has to learn to wear it like armor - not completely lose her calm and start punching people.
Sadie avoided to look Wylie in the eyes as she gave him a nod. “Okay”, she replied thinly. “Okay, you have a point. I'll go and mee… moret Leo then” The old man smiled at this, as he took a step away from her. “Then get up”, he said. “You've been in this bed for too long”
With a sigh, Sadie moved her feet over the cold ground. She shivered as she put some weight onto them. Though her legs were shaky, she felt suddenly more awake than before. And more than ever was she aware of her situation, as she consciously had to keep the remnant of her right arm from assisting her with standing up, the muscles trying to assist her out of two decades of instinct.
“Don't get up too quickly”, Wylie advised her. “Do it at your own speed. You've been lying in this bed for two days straight, so you might feel dizzy when moving too fast, on top of the considerable amount of blood you have lost”
Sadie frowned at his words. “Wonderful”, she sighed, th… [view original content]
Sadie avoided to look Wylie in the eyes as she gave him a nod. “Okay”, she replied thinly. “Okay, you have a point. I'll go and mee… moret Leo then” The old man smiled at this, as he took a step away from her. “Then get up”, he said. “You've been in this bed for too long”
With a sigh, Sadie moved her feet over the cold ground. She shivered as she put some weight onto them. Though her legs were shaky, she felt suddenly more awake than before. And more than ever was she aware of her situation, as she consciously had to keep the remnant of her right arm from assisting her with standing up, the muscles trying to assist her out of two decades of instinct.
“Don't get up too quickly”, Wylie advised her. “Do it at your own speed. You've been lying in this bed for two days straight, so you might feel dizzy when moving too fast, on top of the considerable amount of blood you have lost”
Sadie frowned at his words. “Wonderful”, she sighed, th… [view original content]
[Remain calm] Sadie won't fall to Two Face provocations
Wyle is such a good doctor
Oh Blane,you really deserve how Sadie treat you in this part;hopefully you will learn to stop flirting anytime that you see Sadie
And today,after at least a year, Two-Face has comeback!And I must admit it that he almost seems a different person (but I admit that it is something normal,not only Two-Face is now attending at an important meeting but even the last time we see him was as a Willfred PoV (aka Two-Face future lord))
I'm curious if someday,even if in the next book,we will see Lord Turnberry
Btw I must admit that I'm really curious to read the next (and probably last of this book)Sadie part,it seems that the meeting will be an interesting read!
Sadie avoided to look Wylie in the eyes as she gave him a nod. “Okay”, she replied thinly. “Okay, you have a point. I'll go and mee… moret Leo then” The old man smiled at this, as he took a step away from her. “Then get up”, he said. “You've been in this bed for too long”
With a sigh, Sadie moved her feet over the cold ground. She shivered as she put some weight onto them. Though her legs were shaky, she felt suddenly more awake than before. And more than ever was she aware of her situation, as she consciously had to keep the remnant of her right arm from assisting her with standing up, the muscles trying to assist her out of two decades of instinct.
“Don't get up too quickly”, Wylie advised her. “Do it at your own speed. You've been lying in this bed for two days straight, so you might feel dizzy when moving too fast, on top of the considerable amount of blood you have lost”
Sadie frowned at his words. “Wonderful”, she sighed, th… [view original content]
Well, he has a lot of experience, probably more than any other living character in the entire story. I'd say that he is certainly the best healer Sadie could have met in this situation, especially as his opinion on healing goes beyond his patient's physical health.
Oh Blane,you really deserve how Sadie treat you in this part;hopefully you will learn to stop flirting anytime that you see Sadie
Hehe, he probably got the message in this part. Blane means well indeed, but he has horrible timing. Sadie's outburst came as a complete surprise to him, but maybe it actually got him to think about how she feels right now and that some sleazy guy flirting with her is the last thing she needs.
And today,after at least a year, Two-Face has comeback!And I must admit it that he almost seems a different person (but I admit that it is something normal,not only Two-Face is now attending at an important meeting but even the last time we see him was as a Willfred PoV (aka Two-Face future lord))
Two years in fact! His only appearance has been in Chapter 2, which was written in the very early 2015. You are also right, he certainly seems different here than he did in Willfred's parts, but you got the correct reason for this as well. In Willfred's parts, he interacted with his future lord, someone whom he has a lot of respect for. In this part, we have learned that, shockingly, he can be kind of a dick when the Reyne's are not around
I'm curious if someday,even if in the next book,we will see Lord Turnberry
Hm, possible, yes. Very much in the realms of possible. I cannot say much about the future of this, but I have plans to show several lords of the Rock in Book 2, or at least members of several noble houses. If you see a character with the name of a noble Rock house in the list, there is a high chance they will appear in some capacity in the coming chapters.
Btw I must admit that I'm really curious to read the next (and probably last of this book)Sadie part,it seems that the meeting will be an interesting read!
I am actually not sure if it is going to be her last for this book. This is something I will most likely decide while writing it, when it turns out if the material I still have planned for her will fit into one part of if it will work for two parts. The meeting should be an interesting read indeed and there will also be an important revelation, which is most likely the moment I wish to end her storyline for Book 1 with.
[Remain calm] Sadie won't fall to Two Face provocations
* Wyle is such a good doctor
* Oh Blane,you really deserve how Sadie tr… moreeat you in this part;hopefully you will learn to stop flirting anytime that you see Sadie
* And today,after at least a year, Two-Face has comeback!And I must admit it that he almost seems a different person (but I admit that it is something normal,not only Two-Face is now attending at an important meeting but even the last time we see him was as a Willfred PoV (aka Two-Face future lord))
* I'm curious if someday,even if in the next book,we will see Lord Turnberry
* Btw I must admit that I'm really curious to read the next (and probably last of this book)Sadie part,it seems that the meeting will be an interesting read!
[Remain calm] Meh, no need to act hasty. Good part. I really liked seeing Sadie deal, are lack of dealing, with her new predicament by calling Blane out. And Two Face is most definitely a lot more dickish than her first appeared. But I still kinda like him. Rough exterior.
Sadie avoided to look Wylie in the eyes as she gave him a nod. “Okay”, she replied thinly. “Okay, you have a point. I'll go and mee… moret Leo then” The old man smiled at this, as he took a step away from her. “Then get up”, he said. “You've been in this bed for too long”
With a sigh, Sadie moved her feet over the cold ground. She shivered as she put some weight onto them. Though her legs were shaky, she felt suddenly more awake than before. And more than ever was she aware of her situation, as she consciously had to keep the remnant of her right arm from assisting her with standing up, the muscles trying to assist her out of two decades of instinct.
“Don't get up too quickly”, Wylie advised her. “Do it at your own speed. You've been lying in this bed for two days straight, so you might feel dizzy when moving too fast, on top of the considerable amount of blood you have lost”
Sadie frowned at his words. “Wonderful”, she sighed, th… [view original content]
Good part. I really liked seeing Sadie deal, are lack of dealing, with her new predicament by calling Blane out.
Very glad you liked it! Sadie's situation should make for a very interesting storyline in the future, so i look forward to get to some of the material there. Her calling Blane out on his well-meaning but thoughtless crap might have been a step into the right direction for her, but at the same time, she is mostly motivated out of bitterness right now, which cannot be healthy.
And Two Face is most definitely a lot more dickish than her first appeared. But I still kinda like him. Rough exterior.
That is true, very much. Two-Face is kind of a dick, especially since he feels he can get away with it in Sadie's case. Yet at the same time, you have seen a different, somewhat friendly and staunchly loyal side of his in Willfred's parts, so he certainly isn't Gyles levels of jerkassery or anything like that.
[Remain calm] Meh, no need to act hasty. Good part. I really liked seeing Sadie deal, are lack of dealing, with her new predicament by calli… moreng Blane out. And Two Face is most definitely a lot more dickish than her first appeared. But I still kinda like him. Rough exterior.
Sadie avoided to look Wylie in the eyes as she gave him a nod. “Okay”, she replied thinly. “Okay, you have a point. I'll go and mee… moret Leo then” The old man smiled at this, as he took a step away from her. “Then get up”, he said. “You've been in this bed for too long”
With a sigh, Sadie moved her feet over the cold ground. She shivered as she put some weight onto them. Though her legs were shaky, she felt suddenly more awake than before. And more than ever was she aware of her situation, as she consciously had to keep the remnant of her right arm from assisting her with standing up, the muscles trying to assist her out of two decades of instinct.
“Don't get up too quickly”, Wylie advised her. “Do it at your own speed. You've been lying in this bed for two days straight, so you might feel dizzy when moving too fast, on top of the considerable amount of blood you have lost”
Sadie frowned at his words. “Wonderful”, she sighed, th… [view original content]
This is such a terrible situation. I am terribly sorry for you and your family. It seems you can't catch a break. You and your family are in my thoughts, and most definitely every one of my fellow readers. I can only imagine the time you are having right now. Take all the time you need to finish the next part. I hope you enjoy your time with your friends tomorrow. Friends are what keep you going, especially in the hardest of times. No matter how hard it may be, do try to enjoy yourself and have a little fun. It is the little things that matter, and having a good time with the mates can help make the pain easier. Best of wishes to you friend.
Jeez, I'm truly sorry for what's happening to you and your family. Take all the time you need, and I hope your mom and grandfather will have a swift recovery.
That is truly horrifying news to hear friend. Just take all the time you need and don't rush anything because we are here for you. Don't give up and my prayers go to your family. Please message me if you wish to speak to me privately about anything you'd like.
I don't know what to say except I'm sorry that this happened and we're all hoping for the best. As I said before if you need a break take it but it seems that you don't want to take a break so I'll just encourage you to remain hopeful. My hopes are with you and your family, best of luck.
The Voting is closed!
Arthur is going to talk to Nora first
I was not sure if I should leave this all up for longer, considering that a number of readers has not voted yet, but I decided that the part has been up long enough and that I really need to release something new. This one is going to give Nora some role in this chapter and it is also likely to make Arthur's storyline a bit longer than it otherwise would have been so, yeah, I look forward to get to write his next part and his storyline in general.
Now, the next part will be out later today, as I am in the process of doing some final work on it. A recap is not really needed, because it will feature the first parts for Ilish and Willfred in this chapter, showing what they have been up to after the events of the raid. As you know, Ilish got attacked by some raiders, but saved by Vaasrand of Lys, whereas Willfred got into a violent fight with Edward Anturion and Carvin, ending with Anturion and Roger wounded and Willfred gaining control over a mysterious artifact, which will be at least properly introduced in the next chapter. We'll see more of it in the future.
Finally, the most pressing matter. Thank you for your support. Seriously, the amount of support I have received either here in the thread, or through PM's or through other means, as well as outside of the forums has been incredible and it is actually bringing tears to my eyes right now. I won't lie, this is support that is much needed at this point, because I feel, well, for a lack of a better word, hollow. It is this uncertainty that is the worst right now, because my mother's condition remains serious, but at a point where I can't do anything but wait. She is stable and I have talked to the doctor today, who gave me a positive prognosis, but she is far from safe to survive. In fact, any recovery will take longer than I thought. She is currently treated for a mild case of pneumonia, likely a side effect of blood entering her lung during the accident and this is probably what is the most serious about her condition in terms of survival. Due to a long weekend (fucking first of May), the surgeons won't be at the hospital for the next few days, after it has been decided that her condition is positive enough that she does not require emergency surgery. Instead, the doctors fully focus on her pneumonia. This is not a bad thing, but still, how could I not go mad with worry? She remains in an artificial coma and it will take at least another week until I can speak to her and that is an optimistic prognosis, as the doctor admitted. More likely, she won't be able to communicate with me until one and a half or even two weeks from now and I am worried sick. I have found that this worry is making it hard for me to be all that cheerful and therefore active, but I will try my best to remain positive until I get actual news to one side or the other. Until then, you and many others have given me so much support. I cannot promise to have a consistent and stable schedule of parts for the next two weeks, because as much as writing helps me, it is not easy to write some parts with this. I am terribly sorry for that and will try to get at least into a more positive mindset soon. On the slightly more positive side, I think I am in the perfect mood to write some Sadie parts, or Lucas. And Sadie is going to get something new very soon, maybe the part after the next one. So, I know I have said it before, but thank you. You're making a horrible situation more bearable. Anxiety remains and it is the fucking worst, but I don't even want to imagine where I would be without you and my other friends from outside the forums. You are the best
It was baffling for Ilish how many people had nothing else on their mind but to drink themselves senseless after what had happened during the last day. It was outright shocking how many of them were even happy in the aftermath of such tragedy. At most, she had expected some grieving men and women who had lost someone and wanted to drink themselves senseless.. Instead, she saw many new faces, who had come here as if there was something to celebrate.
"Three of them!", a broad-shouldered man roared, as he raised his jug, his voice already a slur. "I got three of these sansobitshes!" The men around him, every single one of them a stranger to Ilish, raised their jugs in unison, praising their brave companion. She rolled her eyes at this behaviour and quickly tried to slip past them, to the next table.
Unfortunately for her, one of the drunken men used exactly this moment to put his hand around her waist. "Girl, stay a while!", he said, while he weakly tried to pull her onto his lap. Ilish had enough experience dealing with drunken men that she quickly put a hand into his face, pushing herself away from him with a smirk. "Not today, honey", she chirped with a fake smile, before she continued her way past them, much to the rejected man's chagrin and the amusement of the others.
Once she had turned her back on them, she rolled her eyes, disgusted by such joy in the face of what had happened. She saw several customers of the kind she had expected and didn't even want to imagine how they must feel right now. Their pain was terrible, even without those inconsiderate swines making it all worse.
It were days like these that made her consider leaving. She picked up this job on account of having nothing else to do, of needing a home and a means to make a living. Audrey provided her with this. Now, Audrey was closer to death than to live and Ilish herself had only survived by sheer luck. Could she really be around to see those she had grown to love suffer so much? Perhaps this was why Carvin had left. She sighed, as the memory of her brother flashed through her mind.
She glanced at the hunter, sitting silently in the corner and sipping his ale. He was all by himself, as expected, but to her surprise, there was a second, empty chair on the small table he was occupying. Taking a deep breath, she decided to approach him. “Ser Hunter?”, she asked to get his attention. “Vaasrand of Lys?”
Vaasrand looked up, away from the stained window he was staring out and he gave her a curious look. “Can I help you?”, he asked and she gave him a nod. Without asking, she sat down on the free chair, to which he raised an eyebrow. She smiled at this. “Were you expecting anyone?”, she asked and he shook his head. “Actually I do, though he's not here yet”, he revealed. “Just surprised you'd sit down. You have work to do”
“That I have”, Ilish replied. “I just thought… you did save my life yesterday. I wanted to thank you” Vaasrand glanced at her, in a slightly different way this time and she quickly shook her head. “Not in that way”, she was quick to add. If she wouldn't be used to this in her line of work, she would blush. He was pleasant to look at, as unusual as he was, she had to admit it, but Ilish was not looking for anything right now.
He nodded. “Thought that much”, he replied thinly. “But I'm glad you're grateful. Not many folks are” She smiled at him. “Surely you cannot be serious”, she said. “You help people. Killing monsters, you said it yourself”
To this, Vaasrand briefly reciprocated her smirk, though it was thinner and colder. “I get paid handsomely for it”, he answered. “This is not the most heroic line of work and a pretty costly one on top. I'm basically a sellsword and you know how people think of them”
There was a certain sadness in his words and she decided to give him a cheerful smile. “Well, you saved my life”, she stated. “And I think differently than most. Now at least” Vaarand gave her a nod, though he remained silent. “It is time for me to move on”, he revealed. “Soon at least. But I'll keep it in mind. Now, was there anything else I can help you with?”
Now, Ilish sighed. “Yes, actually there is something”, she revealed. “You have travelled far, haven't you? Have you been to Essos as well?” Now, Vaasrand chuckled for a moment. “I guess you can say so”, he replied dryly. “Nine out of ten tasks lead me to Essos. What is it you want to know?”
Ilish bit down onto her lower lip. “It is about sellswords. I… look for a particular man”, she replied. To this, Vaasrand raised an eyebrow. “One particular man out of all the sellswords in Essos?”, he asked and she nodded with frustration. “His name is Carvin Granver”, she answered. Carvin… if anything, the events of the past hours have proven to her that she needed to find him. Audrey, Megur and Daisy, they were family. At least they always had each other. But Ilish? Whom did she have? Carvin was her family. And she had to know where he was.
“Your brother or your husband?”, Vaasrand asked and Ilish rolled her eyes at the latter. “Brother”, she stated thinly. To her surprise, Vaasrand gave her a nod. “I know a man called Granver, ran into him on my way from Lorath to Pentos. Your age, I guess. Runs with the Second Sons” He said this final sentence with such a glum voice that she gulped. “Is… that something bad?”, she asked, not sure if she should smile at the news he gave her or be scared for what he would add now,
Now, Vaasrand's expression grew darker. “Haven't you heard?”, he asked and her heart began to beat faster. “What do you mean?”, she asked and he sighed. “The Second Sons work for Nain Anturion now”, he said. “The entire company, bought by a mad warlord, a self-proclaimed god king. He rules in Vaes Khadokh, the city of corpses and...”
He paused and Ilish leant forward onto the table, grabbing his hand. “And?”, she asked impatiently. Vaasrand sighed. “And some of them have been here during the raid”, he revealed. “Probably not the whole company, or else they would have taken the city, but at least one banner has participated in this raid. They have suffered heavy losses”
Ilish narrowed her eyes. “Carvin is not dead”, she stated, with a voice that almost managed to convince herself. Truth be told, she did not know what happened to him, if he took part in this raid, if he lived, if he died, but one thing was for sure, this was the closest she got to get news about his position than she ever had been before. He was a sellsword now, as expected. Part of the Second Sons…
“If you say so”, Vaasrand replied. “The survivors fled by boat, as far as I know. On their way back to Essos, they will likely stop at Oldtown. If your brother has been part of the banner that fought here, you could meet him there. Unless you want to search for him on the corpse carts”
Now, Ilish shot him a glare. “He is not dead”, she repeated thinly, as if this would change anything about the fear she felt right now. Her brother might have been close. He might be dead by now… “If he has even fought here at all”, she added.
Vaasrand nodded. “A good thought”, he told her. “If he's the same Granver that I ran into when I encountered the Sons, he's still not guaranteed to have fought here. In that case, he's back at Vaes Khadokh with the bulk of the company”
Ilish narrowed her eyes with determination. “Then I will find him there”, she decided. Almost instantly, she noticed a change in Vaasrand's behaviour. “Don't do that”, he warned her and his tone made it instantly clear that he was dead serious. “Vaes Khadokh is no place for a girl like you”
“What is it, a brothel?”, Ilish said in a joking tone. “Come on, it can't be that bad!” Vaasrand was not smiling, not even a little bit. Still deadly serious he shook his head. “It is a place I never wish to see again. A city of corpses, the ruins of old Essaria. It's ruled by a madman who calls himself king and god, but is neither. Nain Anturion, who is more monstrous than half the beasts I have slain in my life”
Ilish gulped and her smile faded, but Vaasrand continued. “I have been to many dark and forgotten places in this world. Lost cities in the east, where demons run free, the Shadow Lands beyond Asshai, places man was not meant to be, not meant to see”, he said in a growling, dark tone. “Vaes Khadokh beats them all, because there are no demons there, no monsters, no magic. It's a plain testimony to human cruelty”
Ilish felt a slight shiver running down her spine as she imagined what Vaasrand had told her there. More than ever was she able to understand the dark, haunted look in his eyes. Who could tell what he has seen with them? Did she even want to know? It was one of the few times she even tried to suppress her curiosity.
“Seven...”, she said, as she forced herself to smile at him. “No wonder you're sitting here all by yourself” Vaasrand shrugged. “You asked”, he stated. “I answered. Pray that your brother is part of the banner that attacked this city. Then, you might be able to find him in Oldtown. But Vaes Khadokh? It's no place for the weak”
Ilish's smile faded. “And why do you think I am weak?”, she growled. Before Vaasrand could answer, a newcomer approached their table. Ilish recognized him. The farmer that had brought him to the tavern yesterday. Axell Snow. He hadn't slept well, obviously, having dark rings underneath his eyes. Still, he smiled as he saw them. “Sorry, I'm late”, he said, as he gave Ilish and Vaasrand a nod. “I… hope I am not interrupting anything?”
Vaasrand glanced at Ilish, making it clear that this was her decision to make. Before she could even think about wether or not she wanted to urge him to say more about this, anything that might help her in finding her brother, a new commotion forced her attention. In the doorframe that led to the backroom, where Audrey was lying, she spotted Megur, with her cousin in front of her. Daisy looked… angry? It was the first time Ilish had ever seen her angry and though neither girl was shouting, this alone clued her in that whatever was going on between them was something serious...
[Check up on Megur and Daisy] [Stay and urge Vaasrand to tell you more]
Carefully, Willfred eyed the small box that was standing on the desk of his room. As he moved towards it, he sighed in pain. The bolt hadn't gotten through the armour all that much, but he had still suffered a painful flesh wound. Roger had gotten it worse, but he was already conscious again as well. His uncle would make it, something not many could claim, especially from their group.
Willfred sighed as he remembered how many they had lost. Tallian had gotten almost the entire unit killed. Ten out of twelve, cut down by Ironborn. And the general himself had fled from the battlefield. Anger flared up inside of Willfred at this cowardice, this arrogance.
His gaze fell back onto the box, the one he had gotten from the man he fought in front of the archive. It was wrapped in ancient linen, a small, wooden box which he hadn't opened yet. Naturally, it was locked, but there was something inside it, something much smaller. The wood had gotten black with age, but as he moved his finger alongside its smooth surface, he felt the runes engraved into it.
All of a sudden, he felt a shiver, a spark and he gasped as he pulled his hand back. Whatever this was, it was more than a simple wooden box, a lot more. He had heard of ancient and powerful magic hidden below the archive and this right here, it proved the rumours right.
Intimidated by its mere presence, he wrapped it back into the linen. He was not sure what to do with it, but there was one thing he knew not to do. He would not bring it back to the archive. Whatever this was, it was powerful and though he couldn't explain it, he knew that the man he had gotten it from would not use this power for good. He mustn't get it.
Willfred glanced at the box again, before shoving it into the inside of his coat. For now, he knew he had to keep it safe. And Castamere was the safest castle in Westeros, safe for the Eyrie maybe. Yes, he would take this treasure home and maybe in time, he could find someone who would tell him more about it.
A knock on his door caused him to turn around, painfully so and he frowned. “Come in”, he said, as the door got opened from the other side. A smile formed on his face as he saw Roger. His uncle was dragging himself forwards, but was awake and on his feet. Behind him, a sour look on his face, walked Vashord Tallian.
“Uncle”, Willfred said in a friendly tone, as Roger limped towards one of the chairs. Much colder, he glared at Tallian. “General”, he added. Roger smiled, though Tallian shook his head. “It's good to see you up again, nephew”, he said and Willfred nodded. “Same for you, uncle”, he replied. “What's the matter? I wasn't expecting any visitors” Subtly, he fully pished the box into his coat, making sure that neither Roger nor Tallian would actually get to see it. He wasn't even sure why he did it, all he knew was that he couldn't trust them with this knowledge, not now at least. They'd insist to bring it back to the archives, whereas it was much better here, where it was free…
“Serious business, I am afraid”, Roger said and Tallian glared at him. “A bunch of horseshit”, he growled in return. “Your uncle is out of his fucking mind. They gave him some Milk of the Poppy and now he isn't thinking straight!” As Willfred met his uncle's gaze, he could see that Tallian was wrong on this. Roger's gaze was clear and firm, not the hint of the murky stare one got when treated with Milk of the Poppy.
He sighed. “What is this about again?”, he said. “One of your little rivalries? I'm telling you, I am not in the mood right now” Tallian nodded quickly. “Precisely!”, he said. “Precisely what I said, Roger. Don't bother the man, he has a wound to recover from. As do you”
Roger shook his head. “That might be true, but there is an important new development you should know about”, he said, as he leant forwards. “Harris Flowers is dead” Willfred raised an eyebrow. He never liked the man, arguably hated him even after learning of his actions. He knew that Roger shared his feelings, so the grim tone in which he spoke was unexpected.
“Isn't that good?”, he asked and Roger sighed. “One would think”, he stated. “The problem is the new men in control of the city, at least for now. One of them is a certain Petyr Vyrwel, the Lord of Darkdell. Never heard of him before, though I knew his father by name. Lord Leo Vyrwel, recently deceased” He leant forwards. “The other one though… does the name Maron Mullendore ring any bells?”
Willfred narrowed his eyes, as he remembered the name. Sherryl had mentioned him during their meeting, back when he accidentally ended up supporting the man. He also remembered the warning Princess Argella gave him of the man. “So, he's here already”, he mumbled. “Suspicious”
“Very much so”, Roger replied. “Nonetheless, he is the new man in charge. The one we have to please if we want any chance at getting the troops we want” Tallian shook his head. “We won't be able to”, he said. “Mullendore is a man who doesn't make deals or compromises. I heard of the man, he's a warrior and one serious son of a bitch. Also, probably involved in this raid, given how timely he came to our rescue”
“You think so?”, Willfred asked and Tallian nodded. “Have no proof, but you have to admit that he arrived way too convenient. He's the big hero now and I doubt he'll agree to help us”, he explained. “After all, to arrive to timely, the man needs contacts within the court of Harrenhal. Someone like this cannot be trusted”
“I don't speak of trusting him”, Roger answered sternly. “I say we should try to get on his good side, because he is the only one we have right now. Because we need these men to protect our kingdom. Doesn't that mean all to you, Vashord?”
Tallian shook his head. “It does, but what you are suggesting is madness!”, he roared. “You're speaking about screwing me over for this. Me, a general of the Rock! I fought with courage and did what I could. My reputation would be tarnished forever!”
Calmly, Roger nodded. “A necessary sacrifice”, he said, before he looked at Willfred. “Back before we arrived at your room, I thought of something. Vashord retreated during the battle, he left the gates of the castle and a lot of guardsmen died for it. I don't believe the people of this city are pleased by this and this means they are not pleased by us”
Tallian narrowed his eyes with anger, though Willfred remained calm. “So, what do you suggest?”, he asked. Roger leant forwards. “I suggest we make it clear that we, as the envoys of the Rock, disapprove of Vashord's actions during the raid”, he proposed. “This might be our only chance to get back into their good graces. Such an act would also please Mullendore, because in the current situation, he needs to have someone to point at, someone to blame”
“Yeah, and that someone should be me, right?”, Tallian spat. “You're out of your fucking mind, Roger! I did nothing wrong” Now, anger flared up in Roger's eyes. “You retreated during the battle”, he said. “And many men from the castle guard died because of this. No matter if you yourself think this is justified, we have to think of the Rock here and of what Mullendore wants to hear”
Tallian sighed. “This is about you, right?”, he growled. “Because you disagree with my actions. You think I did wrong, well, guess what, I did the only right thing. I fought for as long as possible and then saved my abilities, which are invaluable for the coming war, from being wasted. Yes, I saved my own life, but I fought until this was inevitable!”
“The men say you were the first to flee”, Roger replied. “This was cowardice and selfishness and yes, I disagree with it!” He glared at the general. “Good men and women died, they held the line and did their duty to the bitter end”
Tallian shook his head. “I have a duty to the Rock!”, he roared. “Not to some pissy backwoods village” He glared from Roger to Willfred. “Besides, who says that the men of the city disagree with my actions? I fought for them, this much is undeniable. Maybe Mullendore, if you want to please him, for heaven's sake, wishes to have a hero he can present. Or maybe the people can be convinced to see me as a hero, so that he won't have any other choice but to support us and the Rock”
Willfred raised an eyebrow. “So, what are you suggesting?”, he asked and Tallian grinned. “Publicly command me for the bravery I displayed. You'll see, Mullendore might not even have a choice but to support us, the heroes who helped the city when it needed us the most”
To this, Willfred sighed. Yes, he was angry at Tallian, for a long time now. At the same time, he could understand him and his reasons here, as much as he disagreed with them. He understood Roger's point and to a certain degree even shared it, but Tallian's approach offered some intriguing possibilities as well.
“So… do we have to take action here at all?”, he asked. “I'd rather sit this one out. Do nothing, you know” Roger shook his head. “I'd advice you against this”, he said. “We have to take action to get the men we need. We cannot allow to miss another chance”
“A chance, yes”, Tallian agreed. “This is a chance and you know what the better option is here, it's clear! Besides, I won't sit idle now. Roger wants a decision in this and so do I. This has gone for far too long. Support me and shut this idiot up. I know what's best for the Rock and it's not the gamble of your bastard uncle!”
[Publicly criticize Tallian for cowardice] [Publicly command Tallian for bravery]
[Check up on Megur and Daisy] Oh no. Rivalries arise even in the most dire of times. Those two can't even stand eachother for one minute without Audrey around to keep them in check. Calmer heads like Illish should see what's up before one of Mullendore's thugs tries to stop the confrontation, possibly with violence. Plus Illish already got her lead on Carvin, so there isn't really that much to continue questioning him for.
[Publicly criticize Tallian for cowardice] We need someone to get back in the people's good graces. If Tallian is truly a loyal soldier, he will take a blow to his pride in order to get the Rock their men.
[Stay and urge Vaasrand to tell you more]
"Oh please Ser, tell me more of this horrible place. I wish to regret talking to you as soon as possible." That being said a journey to Nain's comfy little playground is Vaasrand's darkest adventure? I have to wonder if Arrodor himself added that to his backstory, mostly because reading about the adventure that takes place in Nain's hell and possibly leads to a badass battle might be the most awesomely dark thing ever. Also Nain just can't be kept out of parts lately, seems the God king is continues to be an ever present figure in the dark.
[Publicly command Tallian for bravery]
Lets see where this madness goes. Hopefully not to the deaths of all those involved.
[Stay and urge Vaasrand to tell you more]
[Publicly command Tallian for bravery]
I don't think Tallian did anything wrong, there was no reason for him to sacrifice his life for some small town on the other side of Westeros.
Ah, not darkest adventure ever, but the place that shocked him the most. See, Vaasrand is a guy that faces unspeakable horrors for a living. He is used to fight against creatures that would terrify the utmost majority of people around him. He has even faced supernatural beings and is very cold-blooded when it comes to these. However, as a result the one thing that does still manage to shock and disgust him is human cruelty. He hasn't really been in Vaes Khadokh for long, it was more a place he travelled through on his way somewhere else, but he was so appalled by the condition of this "kingdom" that it had a lasting impression on him. That and he knows that Ilish wouldn't last long there, so he is naturally trying to discourage her from travelling to that city.
The deaths of all involved in this? Oh, I am sure it won't come that far. Not as if House Reyne has sort of a talent for such things to happen
Aye, this is right. Megur and Daisy are on really bad terms even when Audrey is there to keep things from escalating. Now, Audrey is heavily wounded and as a result, both are even more stressed out than usual, which is quite the explosive situation.
Ah, this is true. However, keep in mind that Tallian is a very prideful man. He genuinely believes that his approach is the right one, or at least he convinced himself of it, while Roger did the same with his approach. This means that there's no saying how he will react.
Well, Tallian certainly thinks the same and not exactly without reason. Willfred might not even fully think that Tallian did all that much wrong. However, the choice is less about Willfred's personal opinion on this matter, but rather what action the people of Raylansfair will prefer, in the attempt to make them more inclined to help the Rock. Since Mullendore is in charge, such an attempt is certainly going to be very hard.
[Stay and urge Vaasrand to tell you more] While this most likely isn't a definitive choice on whether Ilish will stay in Raylansfair or not, I think we should go for choices that take Ilish towards new and exciting adventures. Plus, I'd definitely love to learn more about Vaes Khadokh.
[Publicly command Tallian for bravery] Hard to say what exactly will Mullendore think about this, but I feel like publicly shaming Tallian would just make the general an enemy of Willfred, which could bite him in the ass later.
[Stay and urge Vaasrand to tell you more]
[Publicly criticize Tallian for cowardice]
This is something I can confirm, this choice alone will not determine wether or not Ilish is going to leave Raylansfair. By expressing further interest here, such decisions might ultimately get influenced somehow, if it is ever going to be decided upon, but this choice alone is not going to be a definitive turning point for her storyline.
Another thing I can confirm, regardless of how Mullendore and the people of Raylansfair will react to Willfred's course of action, Tallian will have very strong opinions on both options and if publicly shamed, it is unlikely that he will forget this anytime soon.
[Stay and urge Vaasrand to tell you more]
[Publicly command Tallian for bravery]
[Check up on Megur and Daisy] Megur and Daisy are Ilish coworkers and friends and I doubt that Vaasrand will leave the tavern soon
[Publicly command Tallian for bravery] Leaving aside that I have the opinion that Willfred and Roger has no right to complain about Tallian behaviour (since it was the general that fight alongside the soldiers while they were "visiting" the city) I don't found very smart go around in a foreign country saying that the general of your kingdom is a coward (leaving aside the fact that the general is the same person that will speak of your behaviour during the mission to your father AND your King)
True enough, Vaasrand is likely to stay for a bit. At the same time, there's no saying what might come up later in the day or how long it will take to settle the dispute between Daisy and Megur.
This is correct. Ilish is by nature not the kind of person to be all that happy in such a small job in such a small place. She'd really thrive in locations such as Oldtown or in the Free Cities. Especially after the taste of danger and thrill she got during the latest chapters, she is not all that eager to return to her boring job.
Ah, that is something I wanted to show in this part still, but it seems I haven't had the room for it. Depending on the choice, we'll get to see a bit more Vaasrand-Axell interaction. Although, keep in mind that the hunt was not successful. The beast basically let them go (due to being preoccupied with saving Wolfius) and Roman and Than died, so at best he'd get a part of the sum they agreed upon.
A really nice place indeed. It's basically Oldtown on steroids. That said, it still is a somehow functioning kingdom, so it is likely not entirely horrible, but Vaasrand certainly got a taste of it at its worst. There is certainly going to be more about it and about Nain himself in the future
Finding one person in the entirety of Westeros and Essos, the easiest task of them all. If only she would know how close she actually was to find him during the raid. Then again, she didn't have the same desire to find him, this only came from her experience during the raid.
Slowly, but continuously. More about this artifact will be revealed in Book 2, as it is a major plotline for several storylines. It is central for Anturion's plans, which will affect a great number of characters and their respective storylines in the coming chapters.
Ah, it's more a matter of principle, especially for Roger. He wouldn't have retreated and he was also against leaving the soldiers at the castle in the first place. He is still very convinced that they could have done more good in the city and he believes that Tallian retreating, as much as the general is under no obligation to risk his life all that much, was primarily a dishonourable act.
Hehe, it must be said that Tallian is the smart one of the two. Roger is not exactly stupid, but in this situation he is driven by his passions. That said, he hopes to do some damage control by giving the people of Raylansfair someone they can be angry at, which is, as he hopes, something that will please Mullendore in his position as the new ruler of the city. Wether or not that actually works... eh, both plans kinda hold their risks with Mullendore's true loyalties, so it is more a situation in which Willfred and co. can only hope to get into the good graces of the smallfolk of Raylansfair, in which case Mullendore might find himself force to help them.
[Check up on Megur and Daisy]
[Publicly command Tallian for bravery] Say what you will about Tallian, a prick, selfish, doesn't matter, he's an ally and it's wrong to use him as a scapegoat to please people.
EDIT: Not trying to be a grammar nazi but I think you mean commend not command.
[Check on Megur and Daisy]
We don't need any outbursts right now. The city has been through hell, and I'd like to see them end on a strong note.
[Publicly criticize Tallian for cowardice]
Unfortunately for ending on a strong note, Tallian acted cowardly, and I can certainly believe that the people of Raylansfair see it as so, especially considering how Emphryus moved to take on... was it 8 or 13... Ironborn alone, whereas Tallian retreated with two of his men before the guardsmen and women of Raylansfair had been killed. While there are certainly going to be some who believe Tallian was brave and a hero, I am of the opinion most see him as a coward.
[Check up on Megur and Daisy]
[Publicly criticize Tallian for cowardice]
This is a bit embarrassing for me, but you are absolutely right
It is indeed supposed to be commend, not command. Considering that a sizable amount of voters has already given their vote, I cannot change it anymore, but well, of course Willfred is going to commend Tallian for his bravery if this option is the one to win.
[Check on Megur and Daisy]
No sense in NOT checking on them to be honest.
[Publicly commend Tallian for bravery]
Despite what other might perceive as cowardice, Tallian did his job. He allowed his soldiers to help defend the Keep and directed them in combat. When it was apparent that the gates which were sabotaged were going to fall he moved back into the Keep. Who's to say this was to try and run away? He could have been trying another strategy, the main point is that he IS General of the Rock and if there was ever a time to appear strong and put together it's now. Tallian also is much more of a 'politican general' in that he understands the way the game is played in court.
[Stay and urge Vaasrand to tell you more] I want me some more Axell. Haven't seen him a lot lately, which is understandable, due to the circumstances and all. Which means every chance I get, I will pick to get more of Axell!
[Publicly commend Tallian for Bravery] Roger's plan is the dumbest plan I've heard. It's driven by his own personal feelings and passion, isn't he? And I agree with Chosen on this one. Tallian did nothing wrong. He helped the city, but he didn't give his life for it, which is a valid point to give. Let's be honest here. Tallian, sure he would've helped out, but he saw his men die like chocolate close to me. I would've backed up in this situation.
Great part, sorry for missing last one, didn't have any internet for a couple of days. You know what I had to do? Something called 'socialize with people IRL', and good lord, that was terrifying.
The Voting is closed
Ilish is going to urge Vaasrand to tell her more
Willfred is going to commend Tallian for his bravery
No too big surprises here, but especially Willfred's choice is going to be a major one. We will see a lot of development coming out of this in the near future and it will influence his path for the coming parts. But yeah, I can certainly understand your reasoning. The question is if Mullendore/the people of Raylansfair are going to agree with this. I mean, maybe they do, that is certainly in the realms of possible. At the same time, Roger might have been driven by his passions here, but he has also put some thought into this and was reasonably convinced that throwing Tallian under the bus is the better approach.
The next part is hopefully going to be out today. I'll get to some reasons that might complicate it down below. This next part will be the second one in Sadie's storyline for this chapter. The last time we saw her was the first time after the Chapter 8 finale, which ended with her losing her sword hand and her best friend. She was brought to a local healer, an old, but spry man who goes by the name of Wylie. He successfully saved her life, though she remained unconscious for two days. During this time, she had a terrible nightmare, detailing a significant moment from her past, where she got into a fight with her mother, ending with her accidentally killing her. The consequences haunt her to this day. After waking up, Wylie introduced her to her new situation, but also explained some of the things going on around her right now. Apparently, there has been a visitor from Castamere whom Leo is talking to right now. He also requested Sadie's presence after she wakes up. Encouraged by Wylie, Sadie decided to meet him instead of asking for him to come to her, meaning she'll get to leave her room in the next part.
Now, I am afraid the situation with my mother hasn't gotten any better. I had a talk with the utter jerk of a chief physician today and seriously... that guy is the fucking worst, a condescending piece of shit, who is both, inappropriately jovail and way too aggressive and he got lucky we were not talking in person. Well, long story short, things don't look any brighter. My mother remains stable, but her pneumonia has gotten worse. On top of that, there seem to be some concerns about her spine and a planned surgery for today was postponed until after they make a new MRI, which means I don't know anything until that is done later today. Right now, I have this familiar state of panic, as it slowly sinks in that my mother's survival is indeed far from sure and dependant on her development over this week. I have the feeling I talk about this way too much, but this is just to tell you how I feel right now. Just absolutely crushed, unable to focus on much and struggling to find the motivation for just about anything. Over the last few days, I have barely gotten any writing done, though I finally found some inspiration yesterday, which will likely allow me to finish the part today. On a good day, I should get that done in a couple of hours tops, but unfortunately, I cannot say how this day is going to be at all.
I don't know if I counted wrong, but isn't it a tie on the Illish-choice? Also, I hope that your mother will be alright! Best wishes!
Huh, you are right. Didn't even notice, but there is indeed a tie. Well, then I'll wait if someone wants to break this tie either by voting if not done yet or by changing their vote, otherwise I'm just going to stick with the first vote here. I'd say I will fully close Ilish's voting here by the time I close Sadie's vote, until then everyone is free to either vote or change theirs.
I could vote if needed. [Stay and urge Vaasrand to tell more]
It is settled then, much appreciated! You'll see if this was a wise choice or not, but it at least means that the tie has been resolved fairly
Not a problem! I weren't really supposed to come in here yet. I'm still planning ANA, but it's getting closer.
Really sorry to hear about your family issues as well. My thoughts goes to your family!
Sadie avoided to look Wylie in the eyes as she gave him a nod. “Okay”, she replied thinly. “Okay, you have a point. I'll go and meet Leo then” The old man smiled at this, as he took a step away from her. “Then get up”, he said. “You've been in this bed for too long”
With a sigh, Sadie moved her feet over the cold ground. She shivered as she put some weight onto them. Though her legs were shaky, she felt suddenly more awake than before. And more than ever was she aware of her situation, as she consciously had to keep the remnant of her right arm from assisting her with standing up, the muscles trying to assist her out of two decades of instinct.
“Don't get up too quickly”, Wylie advised her. “Do it at your own speed. You've been lying in this bed for two days straight, so you might feel dizzy when moving too fast, on top of the considerable amount of blood you have lost”
Sadie frowned at his words. “Wonderful”, she sighed, though she followed his advice. After finding her legs suitably strong enough to support her, she firmly pushed herself upwards. Still, despite trying to listen to Wylie's advice, she did so a bit too quickly. Instantly feeling light-headed, Sadie's vision blurred, as she stumbled a step forwards.
Instantly, Wylie was in front of her. Despite his age, he held her with a strong grip, the look in his eyes a mixture of worry and lecture. “I told you so”, he said and Sadie rolled her eyes. Quickly, she regained control of her vision and firmly remained standing, even after Wylie let go of her.
Hesitantly at first, she began to walk through the room, noting how chillingly cold it was with the thin nightgown they had given her. Wylie noticed her shivering and quickly walked over to a chair, a pile of clothes on top. He pulled out a coat from underneath and Sadie noticed that her own clothes were among this pile as well.
“Here”, the old man said, as he put the coat around her. The shiver remained, though it was no longer from the cold. Sadie had spotted another detail in the room, which she hadn't seen before turning her head to the corner. It was a mirror, old and dirty, but nonetheless showing her reflection.
For a moment, Sadie had to ask herself if she had always been this pale, this thin. She looked weak and frail, her eyes reddened and her glance nervous from the stress. And her reflection seemed to shrink as her gaze fell upon the thick bandages that had been wrapped around the stump of her right arm. Even now, two days after, she spotted a layer of red beneath the linen. Just staring at the terrible, broken condition she was in caused her vision to blur once more, caused her breaths to become more rapid with panic.
Wylie noticed this was well. Gently, but with determination, he pulled her away from the mirror and turned her towards the door. “It will take a lot until you recognize yourself in that mirror again”, he told her. “But you'll get there, I promise”
Still shaking, Sadie felt a lump in her throat. For a moment, she was too overwhelmed to answer, as she put all her effort into not breaking down in front of this man she barely knew. Though the same description would apply to just about any person in this world. Dan had been the last friend she truly had, the last to really know her. Dan was gone. And now, in the face of what was the most terrible moment of her life, Sadie was alone.
“Let's... let's just leave”, she said. “I need to get out of this room” More than ever before, she noticed the stench of this all, of the rotten bandages Wylie had changed, of the dirty clothes they had pulled her out of, of the strange herbs and ointments Wylie had used on her and on others as well. Gasping for air, she stumbled towards the door and reached to open it. She stopped herself just in time to frown bitterly, as she pulled back her right arm, only to open the door with her left hand.
The corridor behind it was not much better. Though brightly lit, it was terribly warm and even worse, there were people. Sadie felt herself shrinking at the thought of having to face strangers right now. She dreaded it almost as much as having to face those who knew her, as few as there remained, those who knew how much she had lost.
“Now, one step after the other”, Wylie said behind her. “Don't mind the other ones. They don't matter. They don't care at you and they won't look at you unless you give them a reason to. Don't be afraid of them” She looked over her shoulder and for the first time right into his eyes. Not just a fleeting glance into these turquoise pupils, but a real look. There was wisdom in them and she knew without the shadow of doubt that he had to be the oldest man she had ever seen in her life. For him, she must seem like a child and compared to what he had seen with these eyes, her own problems must seem like nothing. He had seen them before, a hundred times, perhaps a thousand. He had seen worse. And somehow, this gave her more confidence than his words ever could. And she noticed the staff he was leaning on. Even now, the soldier inside Sadie noticed that this was not a mere walking stick. This was almost a quarterstaff, made of hardened wood and in the hands of a younger man, it would be quite a useful weapon.
Still, walking through this corridor, it was the hardest thing Sadie had to do in her life. The people were minding their own business and deep down, she was aware of it. Nonetheless, she had the terrible impression that they were looking at her, staring at her. She shrunk into the coat Wylie had given to her, trying her best to pull it over the bandages.
And then she spotted someone she actually recognized. Blane Banefort. To make it worse, he recognized her as well, as the widening of his eyes clearly showed. A mild smile appeared on his face and Sadie frowned. It was mocking, right? He had to be mocking her, as he approached her quickly, with joyful steps. What was there to be so happy about?
“Sadie!”, he greeted her and she narrowed her eyes. “I did not know you are already awake” She opened her mouth to answer, though found herself hesitating for a bit too long. Wylie replied in her stead. “She just did”, he told him. “I deem her fit enough to meet with Leo and his guest now”
Blane gave him a nod. “Yeah, he's in the main room, together with Edward and Rhogarn”, he said. “Our guest is there... and Leo's cousin” He sighed. “Man, he really hates that guy”, he told them. “If the Lannister boy says the wrong things, there will be blood”
“Luckily, I am there”, Wylie said with confidence and he gave Sadie a slight push, to signal her to continue walking. Blane raised two fingers though, gaining her attention. She looked up and saw something in her eyes she had not expected. There was genuine worry and it was almost touching. And then she saw how his gaze wandered to the stump of her arm and pity appeared in them.
“What?”, she barked, sudden anger flaring up in her. She clenched the one fist that remained, as she shot him a glare, built up by frustration and the grief she still tried to hold back. Though the hint of tears shot into her eyes as well. Blane gulped as he saw this look. “Nothing”, he was quick to assure her. “I just thought... we... maybe we could...” He sighed. “I don't know. I'd really like to get to know you a bit better. I mean, it's not an easy time for either of us, but... perhaps when you feel better?”
Sadie took a deep breath. “Better?”, she hissed. “And when will that be?” She shook her head. “Why do you think I'd be interested in spending time with you?” Blane's light smile faded entirely, replaced by a frown. “I...”, he stuttered. “I saved your life”
Bitterly, Sadie pointed the bandaged stump at him, almost in an accusing manner and he took a step away from her as a result. “You did”, she spat. “And now I owe you my friendship? Or more?” She shook her head. “You saved my life”, she admitted. “And I owe you about as much as it's still worth” She turned to march straight past him, though she glared over her shoulder again. “And I surely don't need your pity”
She saw the look of disappointment on Blane's face, but she couldn't care less. Why should she bother with him? Maybe before... before everything happened, she would have been more open to him. But now? Now she had more pressing matters. She had to face the ruins of her life and he wanted to flirt? Considering what a sorry state she was in, it made her furious.
It was only then that she noticed how lively she had felt for a moment. And how everyone was looking at her. Wylie had been right. These people, these strangers, they couldn't care less for her unless she gave them a reason to pay any attention. A large sellsword walked past her, raising an eyebrow as he glanced at her. A half-naked girl, standing in a doorframe, her mouth widely opened as she saw Sadie.
On other occasions, she would have paid no further attention to them. Right now however, Sadie shivered at this scenery. She pulled the coat over her wound and began to fasten her steps, her head lowered. She noticed that Wylie had only mild problems in keeping up with her and his vitality surprised her. The man was surely almost a hundred years old, yet he was putting many people in her age to shame.
“The boy meant well”, he told her as he caught up to her. “You shouldn't have been so harsh on him” Sadie gave him a glare in return. “I don't need him and his pity”, she replied. “And neither do I need your advice, old man” Others would have probably seen this as an insult. Wylie however smiled underneath his thick beard. It was the hint of genuine amusement. “I beg to differ”, he told her. “You are my patient and these wounds you suffered, they go deeper than just your physique. My advice might be just as useful as my ointments”
Sadie sighed as a reply. “Fine”, she said. “If you insist. What would you have done with Blane, in my situation?” She and Wylie continued to walk down the corridor and the old man seemed to think about this question. “I have never been exactly in your situation”, he admitted and looked at his right hand. “Obviously, that is”
As Sadie frowned, he was quick to continue. “However, I have been through many situations where I was about to give up. Horrible moments, in which I was close to lose my faith”, he told her. “But I know that in situations like this, the support of those that care for you is important, more than anything else. Friends, family. They are what makes you carry on. And I have seen people recovering from things even I had not deemed possible, merely due to this support. Young Blane seems to have taken a liking to you and he means well. Don't push him away”
There was wisdom in his words, Sadie had to admit it. Reluctantly, she gave Wylie a nod and the man patted her on the back in a reassuring way. “Do you have family, Sadie?”, he asked. Memories flashed through her mind, images. Her mother, smiling at her as she gave her her first sword. Her father pulling her into a hug the day she joined the army of the Stormlands. Melanie as a child, sitting on a swing their father had built. Dan, charging at Durren Stallhart to safe her life, just moments before his own ended...
“A sister”, she said thinly. Wylie seemed to notice the tone in her voice and for once, the old man did not continue to pry. They continued to walk in silence through the halls and Sadie was glad for his company. Alone, she couldn't have done this. Even now, there was nothing she would have rather done than to go back to her room, to curl up and to cry.
She didn't. Instead, she followed Wylie, as he led her through the rooms of the brothel, which by now seemed more like a base of operations for Leo's sellswords than anything else. Though she spotted some of the girls working here, most of the people she saw were men, members of the Forgotten, who seemed to have settled down in the building.
Finally, the two entered the taproom and Sadie blinked, as she looked around. Quickly, she spotted the central table and she recognized some of the people standing around it. There was Leo, standing tall, but looking stern and almost tired. He wore a sleeveless vest, revealing thick, scarred arms, as he leant onto the table.
He was flanked by two of his men. Sadie recognized Edward Lancaster, whom she had met just before the battle. Back then, as she realized, he had offered her and Dan to accompany him and a sting of terrible regret flashed through her mind. She should have accepted his offer... At Leo's other side stood a man she did not recognize. The man was a sellsword, though he looked more unkempt than either of his companions, with a short, shaggy beard and a head full of dark hair. Unlike Leo and Edward, he was wearing armour, though it bore clear marks of battle, not only the most recent one.
Then there were two men whose presence she had not expected. She clenched her fist as she spotted Gyles Gomblinger, who glared at Leo. The fat man was saying something, though she was too far away an the taproom in general too crowded for her to understand his words. His gestures made it clear that he was angry though, something Leo did not seem to mind.
Instead, the sellsword was only looking at his cousin. She had only met Tythan Lannister shortly before the battle, never even speaking a word with him, but she remembered how aggravated Leo had seemed when he arrived. Even now, the sellsword was clearly resentful of the noble man's presence, whereas Tythan seemed to be calm, by all accounts.
And finally, Sadie spotted a man that could only be the newcomer Wylie had told her about, the guest from Castamere. He was tall, Leo's equal in size and probably in strength. With his back turned on her, Sadie was only able to see the tabard, the red and silver of House Reyne of Castamere, as well as his full, black hair.
Ironically, it was Gyles who noticed her first. He shot a glare into her direction, as he slowly narrowed his eyes. On any other occasion, Sadie would have likely punched him for this. Right now however, she was merely tired by Gyles' antics. His time would come, she would make sure of it. If he truly had a hand in her sister's disappearance, she would make him pay.
At least he had the courtesy of alerting the others to her presence. Muffled talks were interrupted, as Leo and his men turned their attention towards her. The sellsword leader seemed pleased, or maybe relieved to see her and Edward mustered a slight, reassuring smile as she came closer.
“Ah, Sadie”, Leo greeted her, pushing himself away from the table. “It's good to see you up so soon. I haven't expected you to be up today already” He gave Wylie a nod. “Old man”, he mumbled and Wylie walked up to the table. Naturally, like a man that was used to take a part in such discussions, he took a place between Tythan Lannister and the sellsword Sadie had not been introduced to. After a moment of hesitation, Sadie remained standing slightly behind him.
“I was told you wanted to see me”, she replied and Leo gave her a nod. “Aye, that I wanted”, he confirmed. “Y'know, I feel... obliged, after what happened. You fought for the people of this city and you paid more than I ever would have asked. It is a relief that you survived”
“You patched her up fine, healer”, Edward spoke up. “She's looking alive again” He walked up to Sadie, to give her a pat on the shoulder and this time, she managed a thin, weak and sad smile. “We've been worried for you. Glad you're still with us”
Leo glanced around, until his eyes widened with a sudden realization. “Ah, where are my manners”, he said. “Sadie, you already know Edward Lancaster. The man to my left is Rhogarn Snow, one of my captains” The unkempt man gave her a surprisingly respectful nod. “Greetings”, he said with a rough voice. “I was told you have fought bravely” Sadie nodded, though she quickly looked to the ground, away from him, uncomfortable with what he told her. She fought bravely, yes. For the last time she did.
“Then there are Gyles Gomblinger and Tythan Lannister, neither of whom has an actual part in the current discussion”, Leo continued, to which the owner of the Golden Gyles narrowed his eyes. Tythan remained calm, though it was him who spoke up. “I believe this is up to the people of Maybros to decide”, he replied.
Leo narrowed his eyes. “And what good could you be for them?”, he growled, a challenge Tythan readily accepted. “I can offer the help of House Lannister”, he answered. Leo chuckled dryly. “They never had your help, cousin”, he spat. “They sure as hell don't need it now”
Tythan raised an eyebrow and the two men glared at each other. “But you are ready to accept his help?”, he said, glancing at the last man Leo had not introduced to her yet, the visitor from Castamere. Sadie finally got a good look at him and she gasped as she spotted his features. The man was gruesomely disfigured, the left side of his face covered in burn scars, almost as if terribly intense heat had melted the skin there.
She seemed to have gasped a little bit too loud, as the disfigured man looked up, his dark eyes meeting hers, as a sneer formed on his face. “I accept his help because I trust him”, Leo replied. “I fought by his side and I know that I can rely on his word. If the same offer would have come from his lordly masters, I would have refused it”
“You are in no position to refuse anything, Leonard!”, Gyles barked. “Remember whom you answer to” Leo gave him a nod. “Aye”, he agreed. “And remember whom the last true standing force in this entire city answers to” His voice was cold, deep and threatening. “The last word hasn't been spoken about you, Gyles”, he growled. “It all depends on your cooperation”
This clearly was enough for Gyles to be silent and all of a sudden, the man didn't seem to be too present anymore, as he looked down onto the ground instead of glaring at Leo. By now, the sellsword must have noticed the he looked back at Sadie. “Sadie, this is Walder Waters, the captain of the guard of Castamere”, he introduced his guest. “He is better known as Two-Face”
Sadie gulped, as she gave the disfigured man a nod, before quickly looking away from him. Out of the corner of her eyes, she noticed the almost cruel sneer though. “What is it, girl?”, the man growled. “Haven't seen a mug like mine before?”
Now, with a sigh, Sadie met his glare with one of her own. His gaze wandered down, just as she pulled the coat Wylie had given to her over the bandaged stump. Still, a slightly amused smirk formed on his lips. “As I figured”, he said.
Leo regained their attention by clearing his throat. “Okay then, listen up”, he spoke, before he looked at Sadie. “We are currently speaking about the future of Maybros. A shame Lord Turnberry had no interest in this discussion” His tone made it clear how relieved he was at the absence of the nobleman. Perhaps it was indeed for the better. “Several of the citizens no longer feel safe within this city, not so close to the sea. We are negotiating about taking them in at Castamere for the time being”
Sadie gave him a nod. “I see...”, she said, though there was something she couldn't leave unspoken. “That is not why I'm here though. You promised me help, remember? What happens to my sister now?”
To this, Two-Face gave her a mocking grin. “That is none of our concern for now”, he growled and looked at Leo. “Why have you called for the cripple? Seems all she's doing is to distract us” Sadie narrowed her eyes at his words. Taken by sudden anger, she quickly circled around the table, until she stopped in front of him. “What have you said?”, she barked and he shrugged, unimpressed. “Cripple”, he replied nonchalantly. “What are you going to do about it?”
[Punch Two-Face] [Remain calm]
[Punch Two-Face]
He's acting so disdainful of Sadie, I'm certain that this will gain his respect rather than make him angry. At the very least, it'll make those present think twice before mocking or dismissing Sadie.
[Remain calm] Eh, better not cause a scene here. Sadie is in a weak state, and I'm pretty sure if she starts a fight with Two-Face here she is only going to embarrass herself. Let's just stay calm, Sadie is going to have to get used to being called a cripple from now on whenever someone wants to mock her, and as Tyrion would say she has to learn to wear it like armor - not completely lose her calm and start punching people.
[Remain calm]
[Remain calm] Sadie won't fall to Two Face provocations
Well, he has a lot of experience, probably more than any other living character in the entire story. I'd say that he is certainly the best healer Sadie could have met in this situation, especially as his opinion on healing goes beyond his patient's physical health.
Hehe, he probably got the message in this part. Blane means well indeed, but he has horrible timing. Sadie's outburst came as a complete surprise to him, but maybe it actually got him to think about how she feels right now and that some sleazy guy flirting with her is the last thing she needs.
Two years in fact! His only appearance has been in Chapter 2, which was written in the very early 2015. You are also right, he certainly seems different here than he did in Willfred's parts, but you got the correct reason for this as well. In Willfred's parts, he interacted with his future lord, someone whom he has a lot of respect for. In this part, we have learned that, shockingly, he can be kind of a dick when the Reyne's are not around
Hm, possible, yes. Very much in the realms of possible. I cannot say much about the future of this, but I have plans to show several lords of the Rock in Book 2, or at least members of several noble houses. If you see a character with the name of a noble Rock house in the list, there is a high chance they will appear in some capacity in the coming chapters.
I am actually not sure if it is going to be her last for this book. This is something I will most likely decide while writing it, when it turns out if the material I still have planned for her will fit into one part of if it will work for two parts. The meeting should be an interesting read indeed and there will also be an important revelation, which is most likely the moment I wish to end her storyline for Book 1 with.
[Punch Two-Face]
I think it's important for Sadie to stand up for herself and regain some sense of self-confidence and self-worth.
[Remain calm] Meh, no need to act hasty. Good part. I really liked seeing Sadie deal, are lack of dealing, with her new predicament by calling Blane out. And Two Face is most definitely a lot more dickish than her first appeared. But I still kinda like him. Rough exterior.
Very glad you liked it! Sadie's situation should make for a very interesting storyline in the future, so i look forward to get to some of the material there. Her calling Blane out on his well-meaning but thoughtless crap might have been a step into the right direction for her, but at the same time, she is mostly motivated out of bitterness right now, which cannot be healthy.
That is true, very much. Two-Face is kind of a dick, especially since he feels he can get away with it in Sadie's case. Yet at the same time, you have seen a different, somewhat friendly and staunchly loyal side of his in Willfred's parts, so he certainly isn't Gyles levels of jerkassery or anything like that.
[Remain calm]