I really don't understand why everyone liked Kenny so much. He was very selfish in season 1.
Oh i do so love repeating a previous post. Enjoy looking at these Bonbon:
He was sooo selfish when he offered to give a man and a little girl, 2 strangers he just met, a lift in his pick up truck with his family towards where they were headed:
He was sooo selfish when he saved a man's life at the drugstore after an assumed racist old man knocked him on his ass and left him to die:
He was sooo selfish when he went out hunting for the group to make sure they all got food:
He was sooo selfish when he helped kill walkers from attacking a man stuck in a bear trap along with 2 scared teenagers who needed help:
He was sooo selfish for showing concern for the determinant man or boy they rescued from the woods when asking his wife:
He was sooo selfish making sure the kids ate before/instead of himself when food was being handed out:
He was sooo selfish when he considered other people's safety by preventing further lives from dying in stopping "the" old man from possibly turning:
He was sooo selfish putting his life at risk continuing to go on runs into Macon to get supplies for the group.
He was sooo selfish getting an RV working to ensure everyone could leave with him and his family if they had wanted or needed to:
He was sooo selfish to care about the group's safety when he said this in response to Lilly's earlier actions:
He was sooo selfish fixing up a boat for the group and not just himself:
He was sooo selfish saving Christa's life:
He was sooo selfish in making sure Ben didn't suffer a fate of being eaten alive:
He was sooo selfish taking the blame (for a stolen radio) protecting Clem from being beaten down by psychopath:
He was sooo selfish by helping a pregnant woman deliver her baby:
He was sooo selfish getting a truck working for a bunch of people he didn't get on well with:
He was sooo selfish for being gracious enough to check on a woman he disliked after they just argued in the car after it span out of control:
He was SOOOO selfish to insist that the kids take their chance of safety by staying at Wellington:
Yeah Bonbon...he was very selfish (sarcasm)
Larry even wasn't dead. When Lee tried to save Larry, we saw Larry starting to breath, and Kenny just killed him. That was very fucked up. Lee could have saved Larry.
One dimensional view, typical thing for you to say. First of all the scene was deliberately left ambiguous so no one knew for certain he was alive or dead. I would argue that it was a twitch, something a body does when shutting down or after death. He also could have been beginning to reanimate. The fact is we will never know so please don't state what you are saying is a fact. There are different views of looking at that scene. Also even if Larry could have been saved, he would have died moments upon recovery unless he had immediate medical help, something they trapped survivors didn't have. Know all about heart attack victims do you? Ever seen someone be revived in real life like i have? Yeah didn't think so.
This was the beginning of a grieving Lilly to get crazy.
Oh it's easy for haters to put the blame on Kenny for this, yet she seems to be stable enough to know supplies were going missing. She even admitted later that she would in time forgive Kenny for what he did and if Lee helped Kenny in the meat locker and you don't leave Lilly at the side of the road, she tells Lee in the RV that part of her understands why they killed her dad. As for shooting Carley, she was just insulted by her and lost her temper. Who knows if she had shot her anyway even if Larry was still alive. We'll never know.
I really don't understand why everyone liked Kenny so much.
He was very selfish in season 1.
Larry even wasn't dead. When Lee tried to sav… moree Larry, we saw Larry starting to breath, and Kenny just killed him. That was very fucked up. Lee could have saved Larry. This was the beginning of a grieving Lilly to get crazy.
In season 2 Kenny was good to Clem because she was all he had. The family man was very protective to kids but an asshole in groups.
He is definitely not to blame for Jane tossing the baby and making it seem like AJ died just to get Kenny rialed up to prove he's dangerous. She then goes on to attack an unarmed man with a knife.
For this to have happened, Jane had to have seen Clem and Kenny at the rest stop before hand and went to toss the baby and create a shit-show.
she tossed the baby and made up the story along the way and just winged it.
either way, they're both bull shit and not at all Kenny's fault.
Well, like I said, the alcohol incident did not lead to anything so it was pointless bringing it up. Besides, Gabe's intent wasn't to hurt K… moreate. He didn't do it out of impulse either. Sorry for not looking into benign points.
As for Conrad, you are doing some serious reaching here. I don't care who it is and if they are unarmed. If anyone is threatening my family you bet your ass I would pull a gun on them. You can't assume anyone would step in because things happen in an instance. And yes, he didn't shoot. He has more self control than impulsive Kenny who would just bash a guys head in before finding out if he is truly gone. Beside, it wasn't Javi's fault at all. Even if he surrenders Conrad still blames you. He was irrational there is no defending him here.
Yes, Kenny was partially responsible for the destruction of the group. It was Kenny who shot Carver and got Alvin killed (Walt's death is also Kenny's fault). I still believe the C… [view original content]
Actually Jane and Clem started to ambush Arvo. Clem determinantly stole his medicines and Jane stole his gun. This could have killed Arvo to walk around without a weapon.
And Jane didn't give him the gun back. She is the reason Arvo came after them in the first place.
Arvo was alright with Clem and he was going to leave, but Jane needed to rob him.
Yes, because she was an idiot.
The Russian men wanted to let the cabin group go and told Arvo just to get back what they took from him: his gun!
No they didn't. They wanted to take all of Clem's group's supplies. Arvo did say so.
They even asked Arvo why the other group kept pointing the gun at them and they (Russians) are nice.
In video games, they are not which is a cliche.
At the moment Arvo told the cabin group things were going to be fine
Actually Jane and Clem started to ambush Arvo.
Clem determinantly stole his medicines and Jane stole his gun. This could have killed Arvo t… moreo walk around without a weapon.
Arvo was alright with Clem and he was going to leave, but Jane needed to rob him.
If Jane didn't take his gun this would never had happened.
The Russian men wanted to let the cabin group go and told Arvo just to get back what they took from him: his gun!
They even asked Arvo why the other group kept pointing the gun at them and they (Russians) are nice. At the moment Arvo told the cabin group things were going to be fine, but shit happened with the baby and rebecca.
If you read the translations of the Russian conversation, you would understand.
Ohhh yes because that's a really smart thing to do. Wait for the big guy to turn and attack them. They only had 2 grown men to hold him down if he had turned, Lee and Kenny and one of them alone wouldn't have been able to hold him down whilst someone killed him. Could you see Lilly or Clem doing it? No. That's just stupid what you said i'm sorry but it is. Just imagine yourself in that room instead of behind a computer screen. You would be fucking terrified! There was no way anyone should risk a bunch of lives by waiting till someone becomes a dangerous threat. That's ludicrous! I say this quite often but watch Fear The Walking Dead's "Do Not Disturb" episode as it creepily resembles the meat locker scene. A man has a heart attack, someone tries to revive him and as she gives the man mouth to mouth he reanimates and rips her face off. Supposing that happened to Lee or Lilly?
Hopefully you'll see my point of view now.
Like Lee several times passed out after he was bitten and Kenny didn't kill Lee.
And why do you think that is? Because Larry wasn't bitten but Lee was. They had seen what Duck was going through and knew that the victim has to die from the bite before dealing with the threat. Lee was only going to be a danger when dead. He also only passes out if you don't chop the arm off. Kenny still discussed the "Larry situation" if Lee was going to be a threat but ultimately didn't do anything because of what i just said above.
But I understand being locked in the meatlocker was a very scary situation with a man who just passed out.
Do you? Didn't sound like it lol.
Still Kenny was rude and selfish many times.
Selfish is debatable. Rude? Perhaps at times i do agree but to be fair, that to me is Kenny being honest and speaking his mind, telling you what he thinks of you or whatever is going on. The thing is, I don't let rudeness upset me permanently like a lot of haters do. I assess why he was rude at times and most of the times he was, i understood why he was rude. Usually due to a stressful situation like discovering there were no boats, or being horrible to Lee on the train for example. Both these scenes was Kenny being rude because he was upset. He didn't mean it and if you opened your eyes and look past the hate, you would see that.
he would have just left them to the walkers. He did with Lilly and Lee.
And yet he had a reason for both times he did that. Lee determinantely puts Kenny and everyone else in danger in the meat locker by trying to revive Larry when there was that risk he was dead and about to turn. You have to remember that Kenny saved Lee's life at the drugstore after Larry left Lee to die. Larry would never have saved Lee if it was the other way around. Kenny probably felt annoyed that his friend or a guy that has been an asshole to him didn't think of everyone elses safety. The fact is, as horrible as it is, one man's death is not as important as saving several lives. It was too risky to revive him and as i said, he would have died anyway because he would have needed medical assistance.
Fixing the rv was for his families sake, not the others.
Oh so care to explain why he never left with his family when he fixed it? Or why he was trying his best to persuade Lilly to leave the motor inn? Bearing in mind this is a woman who equally argues with him on a daily basis yet he seems to still care enough for her wellbeing somewhat at the time though I admit i think he gave up on her afterwards but I don't blame him because staying at the motor inn was dangerous due to the bandits and the lack of food.
Kenny should have wait until he really died.
And he didn't...yet.
Like Lee several times passed out after he was bitten and Kenny didn't k… moreill Lee.
But I understand being locked in the meatlocker was a very scary situation with a man who just passed out.
Still Kenny was rude and selfish many times.
Especially when peoples not always agreed with him he would have just left them to the walkers. He did with Lilly and Lee.
Fixing the rv was for his families sake, not the others.
Guys... These are just fictional characters, there's no need to jump at each other's throats. This kind of behavior is not just immature, but pointless and stupid. So everybody :
You don't get what I am telling you.
The Russians finally were talking about just to let them go after Arvo said there are children.
They told Arvo to just get back what they stole from him: his gun.
You don't understand the Russian language right?
After this Arvo told the cabin group everything was going alright.
The cabin group kept pointing guns at Russians and the Russian man asked Arvo: "why do they still point the gun at us? We are being nice." After Kenny/Clem shot Rebecca, shit hit the fan.
This all makes sense after Jane confessed this wasn't feeling right after she killed the Russian man. Yes because it was her fucking fault!
Actually Jane and Clem started to ambush Arvo. Clem determinantly stole his medicines and Jane stole his gun. This could have killed Arvo to… more walk around without a weapon.
And Jane didn't give him the gun back. She is the reason Arvo came after them in the first place.
Arvo was alright with Clem and he was going to leave, but Jane needed to rob him.
Yes, because she was an idiot.
The Russian men wanted to let the cabin group go and told Arvo just to get back what they took from him: his gun!
No they didn't. They wanted to take all of Clem's group's supplies. Arvo did say so.
They even asked Arvo why the other group kept pointing the gun at them and they (Russians) are nice.
In video games, they are not which is a cliche.
At the moment Arvo told the cabin group things were going to be fine
Fine my ass. Arvo wanted to rob them.
Larry was fucking breathing when Lee tried to save him.
Please refer to my other post about your opinion.
So just killing him was a bad decision.
Ohh yes it was a bad decision to make sure everyone didn't die by not taking a risk on a man about to possibly reanimate and kill everyone. Yesss it was a bad decision (sarcasm).
And he asked Lee to kill Ben who was just a stupid kid who never meant to hurt someone.
So imagine someone in your family (talking real life now) was murdered or died as the result of someone's stupidity, say your family member died in a car crash from someone elses reckless driving and that idiot survived but your family member didn't, how would you feel? You would HATE that person so can you blame Kenny for the way he felt?
The thing is, after Ben stood up to him, Kenny slowly forgave Ben.
Larry was fucking breathing when Lee tried to save him.
So just killing him was a bad decision.
And he asked Lee to kill Ben who was just… more a stupid kid who never meant to hurt someone.
I know Kenny has finally a good heart but he always made rashed decision caused by anger or fears.
Fixing the rv was for his families sake, not the others.
He offered Lee to come along as he has "more than earned it" (determinately). So he was fixing this RV for basically everyone (except Lilly).
You don't get what I am telling you.
The Russians finally were talking about just to let them go after Arvo said there are children.
They… more told Arvo to just get back what they stole from him: his gun.
You don't understand the Russian language right?
After this Arvo told the cabin group everything was going alright.
The cabin group kept pointing guns at Russians and the Russian man asked Arvo: "why do they still point the gun at us? We are being nice." After Kenny/Clem shot Rebecca, shit hit the fan.
This all makes sense after Jane confessed this wasn't feeling right after she killed the Russian man. Yes because it was her fucking fault!
Guy this good things of Kenny doesn't change the fact he can act like a selfish asshole when he feels butthurt because you didn't always agree with his rashed bad decisions.
In season one he showed many of his disturbing sides, like refusing to save Clem just because he is butt hurt you didn't agree to kill Larry and Ben. You can convince Kenny anyway by telling Clem is your only family, but still. If you just beg, he will refuse and leave Clementine to die.
And his disturbing way to talk about a suffering girl attacked by walkers to give you time to get the supplies from the farmacy.
I get you like Kenny for the good things, but not needed to deny his bad things.
I really don't understand why everyone liked Kenny so much. He was very selfish in season 1.
Oh i do so love repeating a previous po… morest. Enjoy looking at these Bonbon:
* He was sooo selfish when he offered to give a man and a little girl, 2 strangers he just met, a lift in his pick up truck with his family towards where they were headed:
* He was sooo selfish when he saved a man's life at the drugstore after an assumed racist old man knocked him on his ass and left him to die:
* He was sooo selfish when he went out hunting for the group to make sure they all got food:
* He was sooo selfish when he helped kill walkers from attacking a man stuck in a bear trap along with 2 scared teenagers who needed help:
* He was sooo selfish for showing concern for the determinant man or boy they rescued from the woods when asking his wife:
* He was sooo selfish making sure the kids ate before/ins… [view original content]
Guys... These are just fictional characters, there's no need to jump at each other's throats. This kind of behavior is not just immature, but pointless and stupid. So everybody :
I don't.
But I try to see it from his point.
He was grieving and blindly acting of anger and revenge for believing Clem killed his sister.
Don't forget Kenny made the situation worse by beating and abusing this kid.
Well, like I said, the alcohol incident did not lead to anything so it was pointless bringing it up.
What Gabe did was stupid and dangerous, that was my point. You are claiming that we shouldn't even consider it a fuck up because it did not lead to anything. I assume by that you mean Kates death. This is nothing more than foolish dude, in a real life situation this could have caused the heart to experience a significant shock and even death so claiming it wasn't a fuck up on Gabe's part is simply wrong.
There are plenty of critisisms you made about Kenny that ultimately made no real altercation to the course of the story and its events.
I don't care who it is and if they're unarmed. If anyone is threatening my family you bet your ass I would pull a gun on them.
Good to see the mind set of the person i'm arguing with. All Conrad did was point fingers (physically and verbally). He did not hurt Javi nor did he even seem like he would, which is more than I can say for someone like David who just punches Javi in the face on more than one occasion.
Also, did you not notice the change of tone? As soon as Gabe pulled the gun everybody began to worry and convince him to put the gun away because they can see how on edge he his following his sisters death and Kate's injury. They clearly believed he may pull the trigger, an action which everybody deemed unjustifiable at that moment.
Dude, I love my family too, so do a lot of us but that does not mean that shooting an unarmed man for being agressive towards them is ever morally right. Arguments happen all the time and a fair few get physical but can you imagine a world where all conflicts like this are resolved with a bullet and a death when it could easily have been avoided.
Yes Kenny made Lee look like the asshole...
Christ, here we go again with this point. No matter what Kenny said he is still not responsible for Lee looking like an asshole. Lee is the one who had the option to kill or leave the girl. The only reason you think Kenny made Lee look like an asshole is because he informed Lilly of what he did or didn't do instead of keeping it to himself. There are consequences to your actions and this is it.
Also remember how Rebecca died because Kenny didn't want to wait for her to rest?
Really?...You're claiming the death of a woman who just gave birth without proper medical care, medicine, facilities and outdoors in the freezing cold is because Kenny suggested they head to the nearest town for shelter and supplies.
I know it might pain you to say this but Rebecca said she was fine and wanted to leave. Kenny is one man with an opinion, he did not force anyone to leave without rest, they went on their own accord because they're all adults capable of making their own decisions.
You all claim Kenny does this stuff because he cares, but if you ask me he does it to feed his ego.
Yeah well, it's a good thing nobody asked you then.
He willingly risked his life to save Ben/Christa.
He lost an eye and was beaten almost to death to protect Clem from Carver.
He gave himself up and surrendered at the lodge to protect Clem.
He pleaded with Edith to take Clem and AJ in while he selflessly left on his own.
These are the main ones. Apparently you claim he only does these things to feed his ego.
You can't see the counter arguments and make points that are either selective and far fetched.
Well, I think i've proven this statement completely false. You claim my points are far fetched yet you legitimately claimed the only difference between Kenny and Gabe is their age gap as I will quote below:
Only difference is Kenny is a grown ass man. Gabe is a teen.
Now that's what I call far fetched.
I suggest you look into revising your perspective because you seem confused.
I suggest you get off your high horse and attempt to identify the undeniable hypocrisy within your poorly constructed points.
Well, like I said, the alcohol incident did not lead to anything so it was pointless bringing it up. Besides, Gabe's intent wasn't to hurt K… moreate. He didn't do it out of impulse either. Sorry for not looking into benign points.
As for Conrad, you are doing some serious reaching here. I don't care who it is and if they are unarmed. If anyone is threatening my family you bet your ass I would pull a gun on them. You can't assume anyone would step in because things happen in an instance. And yes, he didn't shoot. He has more self control than impulsive Kenny who would just bash a guys head in before finding out if he is truly gone. Beside, it wasn't Javi's fault at all. Even if he surrenders Conrad still blames you. He was irrational there is no defending him here.
Yes, Kenny was partially responsible for the destruction of the group. It was Kenny who shot Carver and got Alvin killed (Walt's death is also Kenny's fault). I still believe the C… [view original content]
We'll never know if Larry would've made it or not, but if you know a bit about heart attacks, you don't get out of that unless you get professional medical care. And I don't think that was an option.
It may have been a bit fast in judgement, but in the end, Kenny didn't want to take the chance that Larry might come back, because if he did, he'd nosh everyone in that meatlocker. Kenny didn't wanna do it, but he had to, and my Lee agreed. I wasn't content with the choice, but I deemed it necessary.
Nope, I protected his son against Larry and I helped to save his son at Hershels farm.
I didn't help him killing Larry. And you are an assh… moreole if you just kill a man who was starting to breath when you tried to revive him. This is why. Kenny straight murdered Larry very easy. This means Kenny was a selfish asshole to leave Lee and Lilly for the walkers determinantly just because he was butthurt because you don't always agree with his stupid plans.
In my game it was the very one time I didn't agree with Kenny and it was the situation with Larry. And I refused to steal the supplies from the car. I defended Kenny when Lilly argued we took Ben and the man without a leg in. Remember his boat obsessions? And asking to kill Ben in the tower is pointless murder in my books.
I guess you did everything to be likable to Kenny including killing Ben in the tower.
My Lee was a man of justice and compassion.
Finally Kenny realised my Lee was a … [view original content]
Guy this good things of Kenny doesn't change the fact he can act like a selfish asshole when he feels butthurt because you didn't always agree with his rashed bad decisions.
Except i disagree that all of his decisions were bad and rash. Some were necessary in order to survive, others depended on Lee's choices.
In season one he showed many of his disturbing sides, like refusing to save Clem just because he is butt hurt you didn't agree to kill Larry and Ben
Except again this is determinant and never happened in my playthrough. Even so, you have to remind Kenny about family if he first refuses as you said. The thing is, can you blame him for being bitter about Lee? What if a man wanted to throw your child out to the walkers with no proof your son was bitten? What if a man put you in danger like Lee did trying to pointlessly save Larry? You wouldn't like the guy very much so can you blame him? I'm not saying it was right and it wasn't the nicest thing ever, Kenny is no saint and we all know that and the character said so himself! But I'm saying that i am sure you would feel like not helping someone who hurt you in the past if they treated your child badly or put your life at risk. You say he doesn't help, yet he ends up helping Lee and the group find Clem after they get back from Vernon's anyway!
And his disturbing way to talk about a suffering girl attacked by walkers to give you time to get the supplies from the farmacy.
Disturbing way? Explain? All he said was what happened when telling Lilly about the girl. Are you saying that if you were in Kenny and Lee's position, desperate for supplies and by chance the walkers would be distracted by someone, you wouldn't take the chance?? I would. If its about survival, then sorry to the girl but she had been bitten and we know people die from bites unless quickly amputated. Say what you like, but if you wouldn't do what Kenny and Lee did, you would not have got the supplies you needed for the group.
I get you like Kenny for the good things, but not needed to deny his bad things.
I do not deny the bad things he has done. I am well aware and i do not agree or like everything he did. I didn't like what happened with Larry, the girl on the street or the way he wanted Ben to die, what i am saying is that I understand the reasons behind why he made those decisions
Guy this good things of Kenny doesn't change the fact he can act like a selfish asshole when he feels butthurt because you didn't always agr… moreee with his rashed bad decisions.
In season one he showed many of his disturbing sides, like refusing to save Clem just because he is butt hurt you didn't agree to kill Larry and Ben. You can convince Kenny anyway by telling Clem is your only family, but still. If you just beg, he will refuse and leave Clementine to die.
And his disturbing way to talk about a suffering girl attacked by walkers to give you time to get the supplies from the farmacy.
I get you like Kenny for the good things, but not needed to deny his bad things.
Haha it's okay if I get corrected on things I am wrong about. When you said Kenny wanted Lilly to come along too, I remember him staying with his RV even though he could've just left at any point when he was done fixing the RV. So yeah, he actually waited for everyone to finally get a hold of themselves and leave with him, despite the lack of food and danger of bandits.
Yeah. It was first mentioned in episode 2 in fact. Lilly mentioned Kenny was working on getting the RV working to find some place better which is when she first said she was against the idea. That didn't change by episode 3 lol
Haha it's okay if I get corrected on things I am wrong about. When you said Kenny wanted Lilly to come along too, I remember him staying wit… moreh his RV even though he could've just left at any point when he was done fixing the RV. So yeah, he actually waited for everyone to finally get a hold of themselves and leave with him, despite the lack of food and danger of bandits.
contributed to Rebecca's death(which was mostly Luke and especially Jane's fa
The only thing that killed Rebecca was Rebecca, or Carver for getting her pregnant. She dies even if the group don't leave the observation deck straight away.
he gets Alvin killed if he shoots Carver
But you're the one who tells him to shoot Carver. If you tell him not to shoot, he does list… moreen to you. Also, Alvin's death in episode 2 is determinant. You point is invalid.
He also does this if you surrender and don't charge Carver yourself. As I unfortunately found out on my first playthrough.
He whines because you don't want to fight Carver head on
When did he say that?
I believe it's in the back of the truck. That's the only thing that makes the most sense.
He blames you for getting caught if you choose not to let him shoot Carver
How do you even know? I don't remember this happening.
That was in the preview for In Harm's Way. It never actually happens in the episode proper, though. For some strange reason, considering he hogs most of the screentime.
He also tore the group apart because he can't control his anger
I don't remembe… [view original content]
Also, Kenny was abusing him long before that and outright beating him in the house was just escalation.
Well to be fair if you watch/play the scenes again you'll see that it was more push and shove rather than beating him up before reaching the house unless you count the determinant KO to shut Arvo up at the power station
He did that because Arvo got Luke killed.
Not sure how scrawny Arvo hobbling halfway across the opposite side of the lake caused the… more also hobbling on one leg and no doubt heavier Luke to fall in.
Also, Kenny was abusing him long before that and outright beating him in the house was just escalation.
That's because Arvo thinks she shot his sister ALIVE. How come he didn't notice that Natasha's skin was rotten?
Mike and Bonnie sided with a nerd who almost got them killed and leaves a kid and a baby with all the supplies they had. Bonnie was a backstabbing shitbird anyway cause she betrayed a lot of people.
I almost didn't respond to this because it's potentially derailing, but there are other [determinate] reasons for Arvo to do that.
The fact of the matter is that if it wasn't for Kenny's anger issues, Mike wouldn't have freed Arvo and tried to run off with most of the supplies, which ended with Clementine getting s… [view original content]
Hence why I said most of the blame lays on Jane and Luke, as they slacked off when they should've been keeping watch, forcing Rebecca to run to the deck halfway to the deck while in labor and it's sorta implied that she died from internal bleeding. So without Carlos around to fix that, the ensuing exhaustion of traveling in that condition did her in.
contributed to Rebecca's death(which was mostly Luke and especially Jane's fa
The only thing that killed Rebecca was Rebecca, or Carver for getting her pregnant. She dies even if the group don't leave the observation deck straight away.
The fact of the matter is that if it wasn't for Kenny's anger issues, Mike wouldn't have freed Arvo and tried to run off with most of the supplies, which ended with Clementine getting shot. Just because he overreacted and did something bad doesn't erase the fact that Kenny started it--arguably the moment they were assigned to work together, no less!
What is more utterly stupid is people (Mike/Bonnie) being all pally with a guy who was involved with his Russian friends in trying to rob and kill the group. In a real life situation who would do that seriously? Just terrible writing IMO.
It's easy to put the blame on someone but Arvo was the one who fired the shot when he really didn't have to, even if Clem asks to go with Mike or gives up her weapon. He was just a little shit who couldn't be trusted and for all we know he still may have done that to Clem if he got free from the restraints or if Mike/Bonnie took pity on him.
He did that because Arvo got Luke killed.
Not sure how scrawny Arvo hobbling halfway across the opposite side of the lake caused the… more also hobbling on one leg and no doubt heavier Luke to fall in.
Also, Kenny was abusing him long before that and outright beating him in the house was just escalation.
That's because Arvo thinks she shot his sister ALIVE. How come he didn't notice that Natasha's skin was rotten?
Mike and Bonnie sided with a nerd who almost got them killed and leaves a kid and a baby with all the supplies they had. Bonnie was a backstabbing shitbird anyway cause she betrayed a lot of people.
I almost didn't respond to this because it's potentially derailing, but there are other [determinate] reasons for Arvo to do that.
The fact of the matter is that if it wasn't for Kenny's anger issues, Mike wouldn't have freed Arvo and tried to run off with most of the supplies, which ended with Clementine getting s… [view original content]
The Russian men wanted to let the cabin group go and told Arvo just to get back what they took from him: his gun!
They even asked Arvo why the other group kept pointing the gun at them and they (Russians) are nice. At the moment Arvo told the cabin group things were going to be fine, but shit happened with the baby and rebecca.
Then why did they come out of the woods aiming guns at the group? Sorry but either you are bullshitting or the translation is bullshit to me
Actually Jane and Clem started to ambush Arvo.
Clem determinantly stole his medicines and Jane stole his gun. This could have killed Arvo t… moreo walk around without a weapon.
Arvo was alright with Clem and he was going to leave, but Jane needed to rob him.
If Jane didn't take his gun this would never had happened.
The Russian men wanted to let the cabin group go and told Arvo just to get back what they took from him: his gun!
They even asked Arvo why the other group kept pointing the gun at them and they (Russians) are nice. At the moment Arvo told the cabin group things were going to be fine, but shit happened with the baby and rebecca.
If you read the translations of the Russian conversation, you would understand.
I don't.
But I try to see it from his point.
He was grieving and blindly acting of anger and revenge for believing Clem killed his sister.
Don't forget Kenny made the situation worse by beating and abusing this kid.
The second part is referring to what they're saying during the point where Arvo says "Everything will be fine."
As for the Russians being "nice," ...yeah, that's an over-generalization on Bonbon's part. They obviously came out with the intent of getting back at Clementine and Jane by sticking them up to get the stuff back but Buricko was pretty clearly being a greedy dick. It's Natasha who tells Arvo to just get what was stolen back when things start getting out of hand.
The Russian men wanted to let the cabin group go and told Arvo just to get back what they took from him: his gun!
They even asked Arvo wh… morey the other group kept pointing the gun at them and they (Russians) are nice. At the moment Arvo told the cabin group things were going to be fine, but shit happened with the baby and rebecca.
Then why did they come out of the woods aiming guns at the group? Sorry but either you are bullshitting or the translation is bullshit to me
In the Russian language it was said... something most of the players can't understand.
In the first place the Russians wanted revenge because Jane robbed Arvo from his gun and Clem from the medicines determinantly.
After Clem told Arvo they have a baby, Arvo finally reasoned with the Russian men about the baby and little girl wich led them being soft about this.
Brilliant because the cabin group couldn't understand too when the Russian finally wanted to let them go.
If they all spoke English, nothing bad would have happened.
So the cabin group still felt threatened like all of the players who couldn't understand Russian did. So the shootings started after Rebecca was shot.
Damn Jane for this shit event. She destroyed the lives of the group of Russians and finally she got Kenny killed with her lies determinantly.
The Russians finally were talking about just to let them go after Arvo said there are children.
They weren't convinced enough.
… more They told Arvo to just get back what they stole from him: his gun.
Who said that? Buricko, Vitali or Natasha?
After this Arvo told the cabin group everything was going alright.
He is a fucking liar. He wanted to rob Clem's group.
why do they still point the gun at us? We are being nice
I'm sure he didn't fucking say that, I don't remember him saying that. Give me a video or a picture if you can.
In the Russian language it was said... something most of the players can't understand.
In the first place the Russians wanted revenge becau… morese Jane robbed Arvo from his gun and Clem from the medicines determinantly.
After Clem told Arvo they have a baby, Arvo finally reasoned with the Russian men about the baby and little girl wich led them being soft about this.
Brilliant because the cabin group couldn't understand too when the Russian finally wanted to let them go.
If they all spoke English, nothing bad would have happened.
So the cabin group still felt threatened like all of the players who couldn't understand Russian did. So the shootings started after Rebecca was shot.
Damn Jane for this shit event. She destroyed the lives of the group of Russians and finally she got Kenny killed with her lies determinantly.
Don't see me as a creep lol but If I was clems father I would never let her marry someone like gabe lol clem deserves wayyyy better bro come on
Oh i do so love repeating a previous post. Enjoy looking at these Bonbon:
Yeah Bonbon...he was very selfish (sarcasm)
One dimensional view, typical thing for you to say. First of all the scene was deliberately left ambiguous so no one knew for certain he was alive or dead. I would argue that it was a twitch, something a body does when shutting down or after death. He also could have been beginning to reanimate. The fact is we will never know so please don't state what you are saying is a fact. There are different views of looking at that scene. Also even if Larry could have been saved, he would have died moments upon recovery unless he had immediate medical help, something they trapped survivors didn't have. Know all about heart attack victims do you? Ever seen someone be revived in real life like i have? Yeah didn't think so.
Oh it's easy for haters to put the blame on Kenny for this, yet she seems to be stable enough to know supplies were going missing. She even admitted later that she would in time forgive Kenny for what he did and if Lee helped Kenny in the meat locker and you don't leave Lilly at the side of the road, she tells Lee in the RV that part of her understands why they killed her dad. As for shooting Carley, she was just insulted by her and lost her temper. Who knows if she had shot her anyway even if Larry was still alive. We'll never know.
He is definitely not to blame for Jane tossing the baby and making it seem like AJ died just to get Kenny rialed up to prove he's dangerous. She then goes on to attack an unarmed man with a knife.
For this to have happened, Jane had to have seen Clem and Kenny at the rest stop before hand and went to toss the baby and create a shit-show.
she tossed the baby and made up the story along the way and just winged it.
either way, they're both bull shit and not at all Kenny's fault.
OK, i have enough of this thread, no mas.
And Jane didn't give him the gun back. She is the reason Arvo came after them in the first place.
Yes, because she was an idiot.
No they didn't. They wanted to take all of Clem's group's supplies. Arvo did say so.
In video games, they are not which is a cliche.
Fine my ass. Arvo wanted to rob them.
Ohhh yes because that's a really smart thing to do. Wait for the big guy to turn and attack them. They only had 2 grown men to hold him down if he had turned, Lee and Kenny and one of them alone wouldn't have been able to hold him down whilst someone killed him. Could you see Lilly or Clem doing it? No. That's just stupid what you said i'm sorry but it is. Just imagine yourself in that room instead of behind a computer screen. You would be fucking terrified! There was no way anyone should risk a bunch of lives by waiting till someone becomes a dangerous threat. That's ludicrous! I say this quite often but watch Fear The Walking Dead's "Do Not Disturb" episode as it creepily resembles the meat locker scene. A man has a heart attack, someone tries to revive him and as she gives the man mouth to mouth he reanimates and rips her face off. Supposing that happened to Lee or Lilly?
Hopefully you'll see my point of view now.
And why do you think that is? Because Larry wasn't bitten but Lee was. They had seen what Duck was going through and knew that the victim has to die from the bite before dealing with the threat. Lee was only going to be a danger when dead. He also only passes out if you don't chop the arm off. Kenny still discussed the "Larry situation" if Lee was going to be a threat but ultimately didn't do anything because of what i just said above.
Do you? Didn't sound like it lol.
Selfish is debatable. Rude? Perhaps at times i do agree but to be fair, that to me is Kenny being honest and speaking his mind, telling you what he thinks of you or whatever is going on. The thing is, I don't let rudeness upset me permanently like a lot of haters do. I assess why he was rude at times and most of the times he was, i understood why he was rude. Usually due to a stressful situation like discovering there were no boats, or being horrible to Lee on the train for example. Both these scenes was Kenny being rude because he was upset. He didn't mean it and if you opened your eyes and look past the hate, you would see that.
And yet he had a reason for both times he did that. Lee determinantely puts Kenny and everyone else in danger in the meat locker by trying to revive Larry when there was that risk he was dead and about to turn. You have to remember that Kenny saved Lee's life at the drugstore after Larry left Lee to die. Larry would never have saved Lee if it was the other way around. Kenny probably felt annoyed that his friend or a guy that has been an asshole to him didn't think of everyone elses safety. The fact is, as horrible as it is, one man's death is not as important as saving several lives. It was too risky to revive him and as i said, he would have died anyway because he would have needed medical assistance.
Oh so care to explain why he never left with his family when he fixed it? Or why he was trying his best to persuade Lilly to leave the motor inn? Bearing in mind this is a woman who equally argues with him on a daily basis yet he seems to still care enough for her wellbeing somewhat at the time though I admit i think he gave up on her afterwards but I don't blame him because staying at the motor inn was dangerous due to the bandits and the lack of food.
Guys... These are just fictional characters, there's no need to jump at each other's throats. This kind of behavior is not just immature, but pointless and stupid. So everybody :

You don't get what I am telling you.
The Russians finally were talking about just to let them go after Arvo said there are children.
They told Arvo to just get back what they stole from him: his gun.
You don't understand the Russian language right?
After this Arvo told the cabin group everything was going alright.
The cabin group kept pointing guns at Russians and the Russian man asked Arvo: "why do they still point the gun at us? We are being nice." After Kenny/Clem shot Rebecca, shit hit the fan.
This all makes sense after Jane confessed this wasn't feeling right after she killed the Russian man. Yes because it was her fucking fault!
Please refer to my other post about your opinion.
Ohh yes it was a bad decision to make sure everyone didn't die by not taking a risk on a man about to possibly reanimate and kill everyone. Yesss it was a bad decision (sarcasm).
So imagine someone in your family (talking real life now) was murdered or died as the result of someone's stupidity, say your family member died in a car crash from someone elses reckless driving and that idiot survived but your family member didn't, how would you feel? You would HATE that person so can you blame Kenny for the way he felt?
The thing is, after Ben stood up to him, Kenny slowly forgave Ben.
Well actually it was for Lilly too at first after he tried to persuade her that they had to leave the motor inn
I don't.
But I try to see it from his point.
He was grieving and blindly acting of anger and revenge for believing Clem killed his sister.
Don't forget Kenny made the situation worse by beating and abusing this kid.
They weren't convinced enough.
Who said that? Buricko, Vitali or Natasha?
He is a fucking liar. He wanted to rob Clem's group.

I'm sure he didn't fucking say that, I don't remember him saying that. Give me a video or a picture if you can.
Guy this good things of Kenny doesn't change the fact he can act like a selfish asshole when he feels butthurt because you didn't always agree with his rashed bad decisions.
In season one he showed many of his disturbing sides, like refusing to save Clem just because he is butt hurt you didn't agree to kill Larry and Ben. You can convince Kenny anyway by telling Clem is your only family, but still. If you just beg, he will refuse and leave Clementine to die.
And his disturbing way to talk about a suffering girl attacked by walkers to give you time to get the supplies from the farmacy.
I get you like Kenny for the good things, but not needed to deny his bad things.
Apparently this was civil compared to the Jane & Kenny Dark Ages. Let's just be thankful we weren't around for that travesty
Nope, Gabe is prick anyway. He called you a coward for sparing him.
You don't understand. Arvo ambushed the group and got Luke killed and Kenny had no reason not to beat him up
What Gabe did was stupid and dangerous, that was my point. You are claiming that we shouldn't even consider it a fuck up because it did not lead to anything. I assume by that you mean Kates death. This is nothing more than foolish dude, in a real life situation this could have caused the heart to experience a significant shock and even death so claiming it wasn't a fuck up on Gabe's part is simply wrong.
There are plenty of critisisms you made about Kenny that ultimately made no real altercation to the course of the story and its events.
Good to see the mind set of the person i'm arguing with. All Conrad did was point fingers (physically and verbally). He did not hurt Javi nor did he even seem like he would, which is more than I can say for someone like David who just punches Javi in the face on more than one occasion.
Also, did you not notice the change of tone? As soon as Gabe pulled the gun everybody began to worry and convince him to put the gun away because they can see how on edge he his following his sisters death and Kate's injury. They clearly believed he may pull the trigger, an action which everybody deemed unjustifiable at that moment.
Dude, I love my family too, so do a lot of us but that does not mean that shooting an unarmed man for being agressive towards them is ever morally right. Arguments happen all the time and a fair few get physical but can you imagine a world where all conflicts like this are resolved with a bullet and a death when it could easily have been avoided.
Christ, here we go again with this point. No matter what Kenny said he is still not responsible for Lee looking like an asshole. Lee is the one who had the option to kill or leave the girl. The only reason you think Kenny made Lee look like an asshole is because he informed Lilly of what he did or didn't do instead of keeping it to himself. There are consequences to your actions and this is it.
Really?...You're claiming the death of a woman who just gave birth without proper medical care, medicine, facilities and outdoors in the freezing cold is because Kenny suggested they head to the nearest town for shelter and supplies.
I know it might pain you to say this but Rebecca said she was fine and wanted to leave. Kenny is one man with an opinion, he did not force anyone to leave without rest, they went on their own accord because they're all adults capable of making their own decisions.
Yeah well, it's a good thing nobody asked you then.
He willingly risked his life to save Ben/Christa.
He lost an eye and was beaten almost to death to protect Clem from Carver.
He gave himself up and surrendered at the lodge to protect Clem.
He pleaded with Edith to take Clem and AJ in while he selflessly left on his own.
These are the main ones. Apparently you claim he only does these things to feed his ego.
Well, I think i've proven this statement completely false. You claim my points are far fetched yet you legitimately claimed the only difference between Kenny and Gabe is their age gap as I will quote below:
Now that's what I call far fetched.
I suggest you get off your high horse and attempt to identify the undeniable hypocrisy within your poorly constructed points.
Actually, I was around when that happend. But back then i didn't have an account. But yeah, I remember those times.
I am not saying Kenny doesn't have his faults.
Also, I didn't let go of Ben in the bell tower.
We'll never know if Larry would've made it or not, but if you know a bit about heart attacks, you don't get out of that unless you get professional medical care. And I don't think that was an option.
It may have been a bit fast in judgement, but in the end, Kenny didn't want to take the chance that Larry might come back, because if he did, he'd nosh everyone in that meatlocker. Kenny didn't wanna do it, but he had to, and my Lee agreed. I wasn't content with the choice, but I deemed it necessary.
Except i disagree that all of his decisions were bad and rash. Some were necessary in order to survive, others depended on Lee's choices.
Except again this is determinant and never happened in my playthrough. Even so, you have to remind Kenny about family if he first refuses as you said. The thing is, can you blame him for being bitter about Lee? What if a man wanted to throw your child out to the walkers with no proof your son was bitten? What if a man put you in danger like Lee did trying to pointlessly save Larry? You wouldn't like the guy very much so can you blame him? I'm not saying it was right and it wasn't the nicest thing ever, Kenny is no saint and we all know that and the character said so himself! But I'm saying that i am sure you would feel like not helping someone who hurt you in the past if they treated your child badly or put your life at risk. You say he doesn't help, yet he ends up helping Lee and the group find Clem after they get back from Vernon's anyway!
Disturbing way? Explain? All he said was what happened when telling Lilly about the girl. Are you saying that if you were in Kenny and Lee's position, desperate for supplies and by chance the walkers would be distracted by someone, you wouldn't take the chance?? I would. If its about survival, then sorry to the girl but she had been bitten and we know people die from bites unless quickly amputated. Say what you like, but if you wouldn't do what Kenny and Lee did, you would not have got the supplies you needed for the group.
I do not deny the bad things he has done. I am well aware and i do not agree or like everything he did. I didn't like what happened with Larry, the girl on the street or the way he wanted Ben to die, what i am saying is that I understand the reasons behind why he made those decisions
Lol sorry just sayin!
Haha it's okay if I get corrected on things I am wrong about. When you said Kenny wanted Lilly to come along too, I remember him staying with his RV even though he could've just left at any point when he was done fixing the RV. So yeah, he actually waited for everyone to finally get a hold of themselves and leave with him, despite the lack of food and danger of bandits.
Yeah. It was first mentioned in episode 2 in fact. Lilly mentioned Kenny was working on getting the RV working to find some place better which is when she first said she was against the idea. That didn't change by episode 3 lol
The only thing that killed Rebecca was Rebecca, or Carver for getting her pregnant. She dies even if the group don't leave the observation deck straight away.
Well to be fair if you watch/play the scenes again you'll see that it was more push and shove rather than beating him up before reaching the house unless you count the determinant KO to shut Arvo up at the power station
Hence why I said most of the blame lays on Jane and Luke, as they slacked off when they should've been keeping watch, forcing Rebecca to run to the deck halfway to the deck while in labor and it's sorta implied that she died from internal bleeding. So without Carlos around to fix that, the ensuing exhaustion of traveling in that condition did her in.
What is more utterly stupid is people (Mike/Bonnie) being all pally with a guy who was involved with his Russian friends in trying to rob and kill the group. In a real life situation who would do that seriously? Just terrible writing IMO.
It's easy to put the blame on someone but Arvo was the one who fired the shot when he really didn't have to, even if Clem asks to go with Mike or gives up her weapon. He was just a little shit who couldn't be trusted and for all we know he still may have done that to Clem if he got free from the restraints or if Mike/Bonnie took pity on him.
Won't dwell on it though
Then why did they come out of the woods aiming guns at the group? Sorry but either you are bullshitting or the translation is bullshit to me
That is hypocritical of you to say that when recently you criticised Kenny for his actions he acted like which was also through grief and anger.
The second part is referring to what they're saying during the point where Arvo says "Everything will be fine."
As for the Russians being "nice," ...yeah, that's an over-generalization on Bonbon's part. They obviously came out with the intent of getting back at Clementine and Jane by sticking them up to get the stuff back but Buricko was pretty clearly being a greedy dick. It's Natasha who tells Arvo to just get what was stolen back when things start getting out of hand.
Kenny is love.
Kenny is life.
I hate both of them.
I guess I'm a good person then (???)
PS: I hate Jane too.
controversial but I agree
Preach it sister.
Marriage does not exist in a zombie apocalypse. Only long-term fuckbuddies.
In the Russian language it was said... something most of the players can't understand.
In the first place the Russians wanted revenge because Jane robbed Arvo from his gun and Clem from the medicines determinantly.
After Clem told Arvo they have a baby, Arvo finally reasoned with the Russian men about the baby and little girl wich led them being soft about this.
Brilliant because the cabin group couldn't understand too when the Russian finally wanted to let them go.
If they all spoke English, nothing bad would have happened.
So the cabin group still felt threatened like all of the players who couldn't understand Russian did. So the shootings started after Rebecca was shot.
Damn Jane for this shit event. She destroyed the lives of the group of Russians and finally she got Kenny killed with her lies determinantly.
I'm still not convinced.
Glad I let Jane die, we all know she was a selfish bitch.