HBO having 4 GoT spinoffs in the planning!! (TV-show)
So, I just read the news that HBO has four different spinoffs/prequels for GoT in early production! I had some hopes HBO would continue making stories in Westeros, but this is just amazing news!
Granted, this is not a confirmation that we will actually get four spinoffs, but after this announcement I'd be surprised if they won't make at least one or two.
Which stories would you like to see them tackle with these spinoffs? Personally I'm rooting firstly for the Dance of Dragons, though I wouldn't mind Aegon's Conquest either That said, this universe has such a rich history, filled with so many exciting stories that I'm quite confident whatever they choose to do it has all the potential to be awesome.
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Ho-ly shit, four? That is as unexpected as it is awesome
I mean, it makes sense that they wish to continue working on Game of Thrones in some capacity, given that it is one of the most influential and successful shows of all time, but it is nice getting confirmation there.
Now, I believe one that is the most likely to be considered is Robert's Rebellion. I myself would prefer others, but from what I got, the rebellion is a fan favourite and HBO would be able to continue using established and iconic characters, such as Ned and Robert, so that would make sense from a purely business standpoint. I myself would do just about anything for their vision on the War of Conquest though. Just imagine it, seeing characters like Aegon or Harren on the screen, that would be amazing. The Dance of Dragons might give very good material as well. And I wouldn't be surprised if these three, Robert's Rebellion, the Dance of Dragons and the War of Conquest, aren't at least among those considered. But that makes me wonder what the fourth one could be about. There are a couple of other time periods they could work with, but few I could see as good show material. Maybe something about Nymeria's War? Could be their way of redeeming Dorne, though I am not sure if they'd ever dare to touch anything related to that place again
Or, as I just realized, maybe they consider a show about Dunk and Egg. Would give them more of Martin's writing to work with.
Yeah, this certainly came as a surprise, but it has really got me hyped! Makes sense for them to do something like this though, with GoT being as succesful as it has been.
And yeah, I feel like Robert's Rebellion is a big possibility, and if they decide to go with it, I'd definitely watch it. That said, I almost feel like it's too closely connected to the current story, meaning it wouldn't quite stand on its own, but merely serve as a set up for GoT (a common problem with prequels set just before the main story - see Star Wars and the Hobbit). And another thing is that we've already been shown some important scenes from that era. Admittedly though, there are still many moments and characters in RR that would be awesome to see in live action.
Personally, like I said, I'd prefer DoD or AC. They'd be far enough from the current story to really make their own stand, but still have a lot of connecting themes and imagery, like all the houses we know and love, dragons, and so on to gain interest of the average viewer. And there are also so many awesome characters to delve on both of those eras that (if well executed) people would soon stop missing the characters of the current era
And oh yeah, I'm pretty sure Dunk & Egg is at least on their radar as a possibility. I'm sure it could make a great show, but I'm not quite as hyped for it as for some other possibilities.
I myself would love me some FoT, that then ties in to Aegon's Conquest. I think that would make for a great series. And it could also last for a looot of seasons. Now, sadly FoT is pretty unlikely to happen, but at least give is some Conquest. It is epic material to use.
Yeah, they'd never admit that they are adapting a fanfiction, but I wouldn't be too surprised to see them take some inspiration from a story as great as FoT
Dance of the Dragons is kind of a given in my opinion, but then again it is a very contrieved history which might be unappealing to many viewers. Robert's Rebellion and Aegon's Conquest are also candidates. Maybe a four part history of all Targaryen kings, which would incorporate all of these events to some extent? The possibilities are endless, and I love it
Yeah, I'd say the only real problem with Dance of the Dragons is the question whether it can be done with a TV budget, even one as massive as HBO can throw in. Because it would require a lot of dragon action. Personally I believe (or hope at least) that they could find ways to do it cleverly, kinda like they found ways to do things at the first seasons of GoT without going over their limited budget. And it's not like the show would be just about dragon action, there would also be a lot of political intrigue, and family drama - things that make GoT so great.
I would love a prequel focusing on Robert's Rebellion!
I'm really looking forward to this.
Okay, I'm bumping this thread, because there is actually an update on this whole spinoff thing, from GRRM himself. Here's the (not a) blog post where Martin talks about the spinoffs: enter link description here
Anyway, there were some very interesting things in the blog post, GRRM kind of clearing what will these spinoffs be about, or actually more like what they won't be about. Well, first of all apparently he doesn't like to call them "spinoffs" but "successor shows", but that's just a mouthful so I'll just keep calling them spinoffs
However, what comes to the actually interesting points about this blog post, the first thing is that apparently GRRM has been in pretty close cooperation with all of the four writers. Personally I'm glad to hear this, as obviously GRRM is the one who understands this world the best. Oh, and actually now there are scripts for five pilots, not four
But as Martin points out once again, it's unclear how many series will be made in the end.
While GRRM doesn't hint much on what could these shows be about (though he says one of the concepts was suggested by him, and that the stories may even take place outside of Westeros), he does rule out a couple specific stories. Well, first of all he says that the story will not be a sequel. And what comes to stories from the past, Dunk & Egg is not among the five scripts, because GRRM wants to concentrate on those stories with his novellas. And there won't be Robert's Rebellion, because Martin sees it would be too much like telling the same story twice, as everything that needs to be known about RR will be revealed in the books.
Tl;dr: GRRM confirms that the spinoffs will not be sequels, Dunk and Egg, or Robert's Rebellion.
I have to say I especially agree when it comes to Robert's Rebellion, even if I know many disagree with me on that. I haven't actually read yet all the Dunk & Egg short stories, but I think it would be a bit too small scale for a show that's supposed to be a successor to GoT. Anyway, it seems my dream for Dance of the Dragons series lives on then