What's Best for Clem
Fans are at war right now about if Clem should go out with Gabe. After Episode 4, the forums blew up with "I hate Gabe" "Why Gabentine?" "Forced Relationships". Let's be honest, we won't know what'll happen between the two until Ep.5 releases or gets leaked a few days prior.
My personal opinion is Telltale shouldn't go through with this relationship for various reasons. I've always wondered why people ship these two and after browsing Tumblr, I came to the conclusion that people ship them is:
"He makes her happy"...
...Sorry, but that doesn't mean a thing. Just because Clem enjoyed a card game with Gabe doesn't mean she likes him back. I love seeing Clem happy and I kinda enjoyed the card scene until Kate made it awkward. Just because two kids of the opposite gender enjoy something together DOESN'T MEAN THEY LIKE EACH OTHER. Not to mention there's lots of other people that made Clem happy: Javier, Luke, Lee, Sarah, Duck, Kenny, even Ben at a certain point.
Whenever Gabentine shippers argue with Anti ones, they always use the following:
"Oh, you don't Clem to be happy than."
"You're just butthurt."
It's not that we don't want Clem to be happy, we all love her. It's just Gabe's character as a whole that makes us dislike him. Yeah he's just a normal teenager, but that's the thing. You've been in the apocalypse for 4-5 years and you're telling me nothing affected you at all? I was expecting him to at least deal with a few walkers, but I realized HE HASN'T KILLED A DAMN THING YET THIS WHOLE SEASON. That's what annoys me. How do you expect everyone to like Gabe if he can't even handle himself well? And with Clem? Forget about it. One outburst From Clementine will probably have Gabe be spooked at her.
I really hope Gabentine isn't going to be a actual thing. I'm fine with them being friends, but it'll be stupid if Telltale made them a couple, especially since we controlled her last season and raised her as well.
Right now the best for Clem is to find AJ alive and well and settle down with him in someplace safe. That girl needs a breather.
If Gabe and Clem actually becomes a thing, itll be straight out of hollywood, because guess what, just because theyre boy and girl doesnt automatically mean theyre gonna fall for each other, not to mention how out of character it would be for Clementine to fall for Gabe, and even if she did fall for him, she wouldnt do anything, because she knows the consequences.
Not to mention, Gabe is more likely to get her killed in one of his childish fits, rather than make her happy.
Gabe and Clem have no chemistry beyond being the same age, Clem needs someone who is kind and can keep her from the brink of humanity, not bitch Gabe.
But itll probably happen anyways, since Telltale seems hellbent on this pairing, even if it makes no sense, and goes completely against the character they have been writing Clementine to be.
If theyre gonna go through with it, they should at least save it for next season, and have Clementine be the protagonist, that way we not only get to choose, but we also get more character and interaction to better make that call, since right now they have no chemistry, its forced as hell, and they have known each other for like 3 days, and interacted no more than like 20 minutes at most
The best thing for Clem is... to let her do whatever the hell she wants! Besides killing people that's not cool.
Jokes aside just let people ship whatever they want. I'm sure they're as tired of having to defend their opinion as you are of it being forced down your throat. I ship it, some others do and some others don't, I wish that would just be the end of it.
^^I forgot to mention that. Finding AJ is more important than Javi's family.