Who are the survivors live at the McCaroll Ranch? Returning Characters?
What if Kenny is there... If you choose to stay at Wellington
What if Molly was there?
Multiple endings? What are your own thoughts?
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What if Kenny is there... If you choose to stay at Wellington
What if Molly was there?
Multiple endings? What are your own thoughts?
It wont be a determinant character like Kenny and it wont be a one shot character like Molly. If anything they would reintroduce a character like Christa or Lilly whose fates are unknown no matter what and whose arcs could be somewhat relevant to ANF.
It would be cool to see a situation were AJ is alive and well but with a family that is caring for him, treating him like their own and I keeping him safe. AJ might even be happy with them and hesitant to leave them for Clem.
Then there might be a scenario were Clem either has to kill the innocent family in cold blood who has AJ as they refuse to give him up or let them raise him, realising that they can keep him safer at this ranch, she can choose to move on.
Then it ends up being Randy's family
I was thinking the same thing. But have the choice be based on which 42 different Clem you have. The family orientated Clem will want to be apart of the family and be adopted by them; "Street Smart"/hot headed Clem will take AJ from them by force/kill; Survivor Clem will just leave him there.
If Clem does kill the innocent family in cold blood, I think her fan base will lose some respect for her character. She would become another Kenny 3.0. She would be such a thug, ice cold killlller.
Oh no....please no multiple endings. Telltale can't handle that type of complexity in the walking dead. It'll probably be some random new characters that'll randomly disappear or be killed off.
Gill would be huge by now. I would think that he would be about 5'8" 160 pounds, probably about 14 years old. I would think that he would had killed plenty of walkers because his group traveled on foot. He seems very humble and kind. Telltale, bring this kid back because he's the best for Clem.#Gilentine
I honestly hope there's someone we care about there instead of more generic, bland characters we go this season
That would be a pretty good idea actually. This could force Clementine into a similar situation to Kenny in front of Wellington. Maybe Clem has to face an inner conflict because of the feeling that AJ and the "new" family might be suited for each other, especially with the remains of New Frontier being nice people, now that Badger, Joan etc. don't exist anymore.
But then again, according to the remaining A New Frontier-screenshots that have not been part of the first 4 episodes (like the one with countless walkers being held in stables like cows, it seems very unlikely that normal, nice people run this place.
Gill's the boy that's with the family in the season 2 Jane ending. He's like a silent quiet type kid.Somewhat like Clem. And like Clem, his parents are also dead,assumed.

Black Dick.
Naw, whaddya talkin about? Randy is totally his dad.
Dude, you know half of em would be lappin her like a dog bowl for that.
Farmer McCaroll gives his tragic backstory about how he and his wife never thought they'd never have another baby after Rhonda and the journey they went on after the lost their jobs over tea and corncakes.
It's Vernon with a Jewish Beard and a wife pregnant with daughter Brie.
Clem's dad must be suffering from a simlar symptom from his Asian half.
Maybe this would be the event that would get people to want to play a playable Gabe, who is above cold murder.
I feel like we won't even get to explore McCaroll Ranch since the story mainly revolves around Richmond.
Oh shit, that's supposed to be Duck--My bad!
Also, I'm pretty sure it's Diana whose the asian even before we learned Ed is apparently her stepdad.
Yeah, that's an issue I have with trying to figure out a basic gameplan for the finale. Unless Joan/Clint flee there with David and determinately Gabe and Ava in hot pursuit, I don't see that location playing a role in the plot considering it's entirely determinant at the moment unless Dr. Lingard sobers up and decides to tell them anyway.
OMG the ranch has all the characters that dissapeared from the past seasons. This episode will answer all the questions we have in one go.
Telltale forgot completely about that family.
I don't know if this is logical, but maybe the remaining members of the Fairbanks family (+ Paige) are there?
Or we might actually find Christa or at least someone from the previous seasons there? You know: Molly, Lilly, someone from 400 Days or the infamous scumbag Arvo.
Or maybe it's someone we already know from the comics? Wouldn't be impossible.
Or it also could be just some random people we have never seen before.
OR, we won't even get to see the McCarroll Ranch and AJ at all. Maybe Episode 5 will end with Clem just starting to travel to that ranch.
Honestly, there are WAY too many possible options/theories for the people residing at the McCarroll Ranch.
According to the Leak, We'll most likely not see the Mccarroll Ranch. A scene like that would definitely have a major choice involve with it. All I see is Jesus being disappointed at Javi.
Sam (derminate), Paige, Alex and James went to the Oceanside, so it's unlikely that they will return
Don't hold your breath. Episode 5 is still on the verge.
Why is he best for Clem?
Because he is black?
You know what, gien how they handled him in the later parts of Thicker than Water for some people, I would'n't be surprised if they finally decided to actually do something with Kate's speech about him from Part 1 despiteall the buildup and set up for it in the final fucking episode. Which I guess they can sorta make work a little bit, but even I'm at a point where I don't think I can hold my breath.
Actually I would like to play Gabe and evolve him into a badass young hero.
I always treated him nicely. And tried to support him EVEN AFTER he ratted me out. Because that's what Javi would do. So we'll see if he ends up murdering someone or not; if he's more like David or not.
I guess we shall.
On the Conrad thing, I think it would've been better if they just left that "plot point" out altogether if they weren't gonna make it determinant to how you treated him. They don't/cant' do much with it afterwards anyway too.
Did somebody say returning characters?
In all seriousness, as much as I'd love to see the survivors from previous seasons again, I'd rather follow up on their fates in a new season or DLC than find them coincidentally at the McCaroll Ranch. The suspension of disbelief can only go so far.
It's because he been through way more hardship, seeing he didn't have a magical van that shielded him of the horrors of the outbreak; He's quiet and polite. And his parents are death.(assumed)
Who is Gabe going to murder, in cold blood?
We didn't see much from Gil. And this was a younger Gil, not a teenager.
Gabe was very sweet boy too aged 8.
And Gabe is very nice to Clem.
As he was to Mariana.
He is just being a prick to stepmother and uncle.
Well a lot of teenagers are to parents/adults anyway to get their way.
And Gabe lost his real mother too, and thought his real father died for 4 years.
Gill is 12-13 in No Going Back, according to the wiki.
Who knows.
I like diversity so I prefer Clem with Carl or Gabe.
As I liked to see Kenny and Sarita or Omid and Christa. And Lee/Carley.
And by the way.. Gil was raised by thief Randy. So he could be a thug if still alive.
Magical van?
Gabe saw his grandfather turning and attacking his granny.
He lost his dad and granny.
His real mom was lost.
Uncle Hector got bitten and the family had to deal with this.
He lost his friend Drew.
I am sure Gabe had seen lots of horror as well in 4 years.
He lost Mariana.
Just Kate and Javi were smart enough to stay away from communities and lived on the road.
Of course they experienced bad stuff as Kate can determinantly mention about Javi got shot before when she thought she was dying.
What like Clem?
Clem became a savage thug in the wild..
But after meeting Javi and Gabe we see the sweetpea from season one returned...