**SPOILER** Where/ What the hell happen to Christa?
Way back in season 2 episode 1 Clementine and Christa got separated pretty far..
Is she dead? Is it possible that Clem and Christa reunites again?
"Walking Dead Fact: If you don't see them die, then they are most likely alive."
- Bonus: What if Lee is alive I know this is stupid question but what if? What do you think Clem's reaction if they are reunite again?
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She is alive and traumatized, that's what i think.
We heard a shot right after Clementine yelled: "Christa, run!" They probably got her. We can't know for sure, though. We could see her again though writing that part would be pretty hard. That is, if you don't want the players to be like "Yeah, of course they find each other... again."
As for Lee: Lee's dead. He won't come back.
Please, dear Jesus, no.
I hate to be an asshole but I'm one more BeLeever sighting away from ending it all.
Why? It's not like anything has to make sense in ANF. He could've got "real lucky" like Kenny and Molly found him.
If this were a real life discussion, this is the part where I'd take a long, dramatic drag from a cigarette to prevent an aneurysm.
Like yeah I know you're making a joke, but what part of "No one is immune to the virus" are people not getting?
If you get bitten and don't hack off whichever limb that got the bite in the time it takes for the blood in your body to completely circulate, you are dying. End of story.
I like to believe it was the blood loss that killed him if you cut off his arm. Either way, he's been confirmed deceased for almost five years. I do have my own What-If Scenarios of my own, though, and my own idea of an alternate S2 scenario. Lol.
Oh, for sure. What-If scenarios are fun to spin and discuss.
But I can accept whats canon and what isn't canon.
Mine is kinda cool, imo. Lee's fate is unknown at the end of S1. In this, his arm is cut off no matter what. After they leave the marsh house, they get trapped and Clem escapes but doesn't see what happens to Lee. The alternate S2 mirrors S1. The end of S1 was about finding Clem, the end of alternate S2 would be about finding Lee.
Probably dead I think. As Clementine ran away from the scavengers, we could here a gun shot and also she was horribley injured depending on your choice to help. Since we never see her again especially since Clem and Christa were heading towards the same direction. I assume she just didn't make it. I'm one for a dead body as final proof, but her death off screen just seems to fit.
We never saw her in Wellington,I think she's dead.But even if she returned,she would be killed off anyway after some time.
Christa not dead she's with Ralph
Their both dead. Lee was bit and left to die or actually killed by Clem and Christa died because we find the person who was with her later with Clem's pack which means they had to shoot Christa and loot the camp. They wouldn't have let Christa leave and if the gunshot was Christas they wouldn't have been able to get Clem's pack. Sorry mate but we know for a fact they're both dead.
You can also use a hotpoker and burn the bit area. Kirkman says in the Letter of Hack that'll be explored.
This again?
Ya know, if the sound of gunshot = death, there would be no people left alive in TWD.
Oh people.
Christa had to be separated from Clementine, in order to trigger Clem's S2 story. The scene had to be as mysterious and vague as possible, to get rid of the redundant character and at the same time leave her a couple of possible exits, if TT ever decided they want to bring her back - notice Kenny's S1 ending. They couldn't straight up kill both Omid and Christa, the only known leftovers of Lee's group, people who were supposed to look after Clementine; if they did, it would be unrealistic and quite lazy. Instead, they deftly avoided the mystery revolving around Omid Jr, and Christa herself got locked behind a gate which opens in both directions.
Christa is as dead as Kenny was after S1 ended. TT can bring her back whenever they feel like it, or they could play "these lips are sealed" game forever. Christa is part of Schrodinger's Support Group, in which we have all abandoned/forgotten characters (plus Kate).
Considering what his real name was supposed to be, that gives a really bizarre mental image.
What do you mean? She's right here.

Looks like some demented puppet. Or that Kathy Ireland cutout from Family Guy.
That's the point of what if
Unfortunately, Telltale said she was too far gone
She's dead. The game does not always have to spell it out in bold letters and the "if there's no body, they're alive" rule doesn't always apply.