The fate of the determinants
So after i saw a comment from the AMA asking about how many survivors we would have this season get responded with ´´Its up to you´´
I ve been thinking that we might be able to get alot of the determinant characters into the next season so i just wanted to talk about them here .
((Also im going in the order of which i think are more likely to survive))
1: Tripp/Ava :
Yep pretty obvious right? Its essentially Carley/Doug all over again meaning these 2 might even be relevant in the next season if we re lucky . I think they might survive the entire episode without being killed again. Since they wont really need to put that much effort into making them do different actions they just need to make them different but do the same things in the episode just like with Carley and Doug so im thinking they re definitely surviving the season.
2: Dr Lingard
While i dont think he will be with us in the next season he will definitely thought the episode and might leave at the end or try to rebuild Richmond because unless telltale just makes him pop out of nowhere saying: ´´Thank you for not killing me and helping me´´ then teleporting a walker behind him to kill him i dont see anyway they could kill him besides a cheap walker kill because he s a doctor and no human character from any group would kill him unless he threatened their life.
3: Conrad
Im very unsure about this guy he s as likely to die this episode and be able to live but he s as likely to not be saveable in this episode too.
So i dunno its pretty much a heads or tails toss for the guy.
4: Clint
im thinking Telltale s gonna make us choose If Clint lives or not by stopping David s rampage on him or allow David to murder the guy because he did not want to kill anybody he even states that he thinks killing people from the group is wrong and that exile is how they deal with rule breakers in Richmond so im thinking he s gonna be double determinant.
5: Max
im getting some Zachary vibes from the guy im pretty sure he s gonna go down either sacrificing himself or Protecting someone from Joan or another person attempting to kill javier s group.
But he is more likely to survive then certain other characters.
6: Joan
Im sorry but this woman is simply not surviving the next episode because while it might be possible to stop david from Murdering Clint by convincing him he actually wanted to help that s definitely not gonna happen for Joan as she s the one who plotted Againts him , Attempted to hang him , Attacked several groups for supplies and even determinantly Murdered Ava who he was good friends with So i dont think its gonna be possible to convince him not to kill her.
7: Rufus And Lonnie
Im sorry but there s no way these are 2 are surviving this episode because they re not even that important they re probably just gonna hold someone at gunpoint then get shot by someone else from Javier s group and done they re dead either that or they re dying offscreen and we re only seeing their body.
Conrad for season 4 protagonist!!!!!
agreed all the way lol.
Its pretty weird how telltale s actually trying with their determinant characters this season.
forgot to put that in the thread but how do you guys think Telltale s gonna handle them in episode 5?
I wonder how they'll handle Tripp/Ava. For now they seem to have different roles. If Tripp survives he stays and covers Javi wheras Ava goes with David.
The determinant characters will most likely get pushed to the sidelines this upcoming episode, just like Nick. But TT might actually surprise us and do something with them that doesn't lead into an inevitable death.
I'm going to say max. I don't want to spoil it
Fuck no
First off, yes I killed him, but he works much better as a secondary character, and second of all, he is not nearly interesting enough to be protagonist
As I've been saying, at least some of the determinants will almost definitely survive. Killing off all the determinants would be tedious and stupid, there's, what, a maximum of 7 people that can be alive? All of them dying in one episode would be a waste. My bet is that some determinants will be left behind (Stay at Richmond while Javi leaves) so Telltale doesn't have to worry about their deaths pissing people off. I would agree that Tripp / Ava will probably be the determinants that will have the most significance at the moment, but we'll have to see if they are brought into s4, left behind or killed off.
you do realize we were joking right?
people have been saying that about Conrad ever since he did some major stuff in episode 3 so i dunno.
It's a lose lose situation for the determinant characters since they'll mostly die in a meaningless way or be irrelevant after thoughts.
i think Lingard s definetely staying at richmond while Conrad would leave to search for survivors of the Prescott Raid and rebuild the place.
Clint s probably double determinant and Lonnie , Rufus and Max are most likely gonna be killed off.
Well, i don't really care because the only ones who are alive in my playthrough are Ava and Clint so far lol.
I'm hoping Conrad is also determinant throughout episode 5, would be pretty cool.
Yeah they might have the determinant characters do something.
like i said its pretty much a Coin Toss as to whether Telltale s gonna keep him alive or not.
i think they re gonna make them different up to the point where Javi reunites with David.
Judging by how the episode 4 ended, TT's got more than enough opportunities to kill all the determinant characters. They could get shot, devoured by zombies, burned alive, sacrifice for someone else, etc. It would be very impressive if they didn't, I mean we've already seen TT being lazy this season.
I'd imagine that at least one of the determinant characters will end up kicking it. You don't just go into a finale with five people that could be alive or dead without offing at least one of them. As for the rest (and Conrad especially)... it honestly seems 50/50 to me.
you known i ve changed my mind about Joan i think we might be able to either kill or spare her like with Clint but i think Max is gonna kick the bucket this episode and also the obvious Rufus and Lonnie deaths which will probably just be them holding someone at gunpoint and then getting shot by someone from our group .
its ok just dont take everything you see at face value lol
Hopefully i do hope they dont just get forgotten .
Seeing people make predictions when I already know what's going to happen