The Walking Dead Meme and Fun Thread (Mobile warning)



  • Better facial animations than Mass Effect Andromeda.

    Ladies and gentlemen, our hero

  • Jayroen posted: »

    THE SHIP HAS LEFT PORT AND KENNY AIN'T A BOARD!! Cuz he's dead... And here's an extra, extra, EXTRA cringy edition!

  • marianas shadows errors

    i see im not the only one with those problems


    Jayroen posted: »

    Clem and Mariana would have been good friends for sure, here we see them having a good laugh over the size of Gabe's prick. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • edited May 2017

    a fine addition to my collection

    Ladies and gentlemen, our hero

  • enter image description here

    max_pain943 posted: »

    TRIGGERED!!!!! , it's my work here, made in XNALara : P:S I'm not a pro at posing!

  • What you don't like it? ^_^

  • To be fair the model I used wasn't that messed up haha

    marianas shadows errors i see im not the only one with those problems ahem

  • Javier looks very, worried doesn't he?

    Ladies and gentlemen, our hero

  • You don't like it yourself. But the pleasure of trolling others is stronger... I feel you. :p

    Jayroen posted: »

    What you don't like it? ^_^

  • Mariana would have been a better friend for Clementine than Gabe, that's for sure.

    Jayroen posted: »

    Clem and Mariana would have been good friends for sure, here we see them having a good laugh over the size of Gabe's prick. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • Damn, busted!

    You don't like it yourself. But the pleasure of trolling others is stronger... I feel you.

  • edited May 2017

    Can... you do one where Clem points a gun to his head and capture the moment of pulling the trigger? :D
    With blood and all. Lots of it splattering from the back of his head. Y know.

    Jayroen posted: »

    Damn, busted!

  • Thats not a bad idea, I can definitely do it but I'll have to look up some tutorials on blood and gore, I already got some poses done where Clem is whooping his skinny ass lol, just gotta finish em up.

    Can... you do one where Clem points a gun to his head and capture the moment of pulling the trigger? With blood and all. Lots of it splattering from the back of his head. Y know.

  • Fortunately, a corpse can still decompose in water.

    max_pain943 posted: »

    That's not gonna happend xD, and like is said before if Gabe dies i will ship Clem with walker Gabe or Gabe's Corpse

  • Nice!

    Jayroen posted: »

    Thats not a bad idea, I can definitely do it but I'll have to look up some tutorials on blood and gore, I already got some poses done where Clem is whooping his skinny ass lol, just gotta finish em up.

  • edited May 2017

    Don't know how to post on Mobile so here

  • edited May 2017

    I had to

    enter image description here

  • Would be cool if you made the bullet exit through gabe's eye or his nose for extra blood effect.

    Jayroen posted: »

    Thats not a bad idea, I can definitely do it but I'll have to look up some tutorials on blood and gore, I already got some poses done where Clem is whooping his skinny ass lol, just gotta finish em up.

  • Fortunately, clem doesn't care if she's dating a husk.

    Fortunately, a corpse can still decompose in water.

  • I would piss myself laughing if this actually became a scene XD I don't care if it wouldn't fit and if there will be angry nerds all over the forums criticising it, it needs to happen. I really hope episode 5 had a moment like this in it XD

    I had to

  • I love how Stan (Javi) is trying to fend off Hayley (Clem) with a plastic fork. It's stuff like this that makes American Dad far better than Family Guy.

    I had to

  • yeah i think i might've accidentally summoned satan or some shit

    Jayroen posted: »

    To be fair the model I used wasn't that messed up haha

  • Clementine loves eating those yummy lips

    Jayroen posted: »

    THE SHIP HAS LEFT PORT AND KENNY AIN'T A BOARD!! Cuz he's dead... And here's an extra, extra, EXTRA cringy edition!

  • Why does this rending program you guys are using hates Clementine's face so much? :confused: Gabe looks perfectly fine(aside from clearly trying to process what he's looking at), so that only furthers the notion.

    max_pain943 posted: »

    TRIGGERED!!!!! , it's my work here, made in XNALara : P:S I'm not a pro at posing!

  • .* Named edgyclementine, has Sarah avatar, supports gabentine *

    Seems legit.

    gabentine UwU xDD

  • The funny thing is that doesn't sound like an exaggeration given the undertones of scenes before this one

    gabe's will to live must be gone at this point

  • One of the few times he smiles and he somehow ends up looking like a older lady this time :confused:

  • Can't see it on my end

  • Yeah, seriously. And you know what, I don't blame him on this one.

    He wanna touch those hips.

  • sarcasm, hence the "UwU"

    DabigRG posted: »

    .* Named edgyclementine, has Sarah avatar, supports gabentine * Seems legit.

  • Don't do it Gabe! She'll lay you back and suck you dry!

    Quick, someone play the Morning After Backwards!

    You must not give in to The Nasty!

    Jayroen posted: »

    THE SHIP HAS LEFT PORT AND KENNY AIN'T A BOARD!! Cuz he's dead... And here's an extra, extra, EXTRA cringy edition!

  • For some reason, I love this.

    max_pain943 posted: »

    Good luck on that xDDDDDDDD That Ship has already left the port and you can do nothing about it now xD:

  • RIP Mari =(

    DabigRG posted: »

    It's me Credit to @TheSuperjohn702

  • Just emphasizing the nasty.

    why does clem look so thicc? this is wrong.

  • Haha not really Gabe also looks like he's wearing red lipstick xD Kinda hilarious actually.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Why does this rending program you guys are using hates Clementine's face so much? Gabe looks perfectly fine(aside from clearly trying to process what he's looking at), so that only furthers the notion.

  • edited May 2017

    Rest In Piece, Mari :(

    DabigRG posted: »

    It's me Credit to @TheSuperjohn702

  • edited May 2017

    i regret taking off the hat

  • the-

    DabigRG posted: »

    Don't do it Gabe! She'll lay you back and suck you dry! Quick, someone play the Morning After Backwards! You must not give in to The Nasty!

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