I sticked by her everytime except I let David in.
Clementine said something like "Emotions can get the upper hand sometimes and sometimes there is no other way to make it right" and proceeds to name Kenny crowbar Carver. She didn't say "He's earned my trust" for me.
If you kill Badger, Jesus will always berate you and Clem will say that "Javi's earned my trust, he did the right thing" or something along … morethe lines. Does she still say this even if you were a scumbag to her throughout the whole game? If not, what does she say instead?
This is an interesting question. I think most of the voice actors play their roles pretty well, mostly because their voice help define the characters. The only changes I can think of would be more for convenience and recognizibility than anything else, such as Dan White as "Ralph" or Kari Walgren as Ava and the Baseball Fan.
On that note, I don't know who voiced Buricko and Natasha, but they could probably do with better direction, if not different voice actors altogether. In the former's case, Buricko's voice at least has this foreign tone to it, but is infamous for apparently not knowing how to pronounce Russian words, so help with pronouncing the words ahead of time would be sufficient. With the latter, I'm mixed: her Russians lines sound vaguely like , which I think fits her role as Arvo's sensible older sister; however, her one random English line sounds like a completely different person that is simultaneous kinda batshit and yet gets the point that she uses painkillers across. So I think the best way to handle that is to perhaps find an actress who can pull off a middle ground between the two voices that allows her to sound like the former but occasionally catch the nuances of being on pain medication that might be starting to wear off.
All of the Cabin Group's voices are perfect, but I think a few of them needed some work when it came to enunciating, specifically Alvin. I'm sure some would also argue Luke and Sarah sounded weird as well, but I personally think their performances helped get across their characters personalities, background, and hangups, with Luke often pausing in-between words while alternating his speed when talking about something sad and throwing the word "okay" in when he's worked up or Sarah sometimes sounding like she has small moth balls in the side of her mouth due to her Duck-like "mastery" of her parent's accent and just barely(if even that) raising her voice the few times we see her get remotely angry; Alvin, on the other hand, had some moments in episode 2 in particular where I swear he seemed to just be chiming in from reading the news. I don't know whether it's a direction issue or a problem with the dialogue itself, but it was kinda odd. Also, as badass as it may have sounded, him randomly becoming Barry White for a minute in Carver's Office was a little weird.
And finally, in the context of ANF, if there's one voice that I'd definitely change, it's Badger. Like, I'm sure the guy just came in and did what he was asked, but he sounds so...nothing for what's supposed to be a base Caligula(for lack of a better comparison; let me know)-esque scumbag. I guess there's a chance they might've wanted to make him sound subdued compared to Max and Lonnie, thereby making him seem disturbingly off or rather average, but that comes at the cost of making him really forgettable, as if he wasn't already. I'm not sure who would replace him, but it'd be someone . I remember Nate's carefree redneck smalltalk, Carver's gravely condescension, Troy's testy hick attitude, Randall's provoking Cajun drawl, but the only lines I remember from Badger without really thinking about it are "No. Fuck the go ahead. Ram the gates."(which comes immediately after "Aww-WHAT the FUuUCK?!"), "Fuckin Garcias...you blew my goddamn guts out."(which I find funny), and who could forget "Ever since the junkyard, you've been nothing but a fly in my ointment."(...What?)?
If you can swap or change the voice for any character in the game series who would you have casted as their voice actor/actress and why? I personally would have casted Marco Grazzinni as Javier just because I think he would fit.
Who knows; we haven't gotten much of a history lesson about it or Tripp yet. And I believe I recall Tripp saying he's known Conrad for a long time at the bridge.
Well, we can only deduce that it was Carver's group, it's never confirmed blatantly, but heavily suggested through dialogue. They mentioned the bullets going straight through the head, and Nick mentions "You're Carver. What do you do?" during the appearance of the corpses by the river. Pete was also shot through the head after his guts were torn by walkers. So given all of this information, and the group saying it was Carver, we can conclude they killed the bandit group that may have killed Christa, and made sure Pete was dead.
I'm thinking about writing a fanfiction book about Crawford prior to appearing in Season 1 when it was still alive and active. So far my POV characters are Molly and Vernon. Is there anything that should be included in it?
I'm thinking about writing a fanfiction book about Crawford prior to appearing in Season 1 when it was still alive and active. So far my POV characters are Molly and Vernon. Is there anything that should be included in it?
Molly's sister, Boyd, Clive, Joyce, Doctor Logan, Anna Corea, maybe Jeff, and Oberson Crawford himself.
Molly's father was originally a character as well, but his relevance was thankfully cut.
I think I recall Brie saying something implying she wasn't actually in Crawford herself, for some reason.
I'm thinking about writing a fanfiction book about Crawford prior to appearing in Season 1 when it was still alive and active. So far my POV characters are Molly and Vernon. Is there anything that should be included in it?
In addition to the characters that @DabigRG named, Vernon mentioned that Crawford took a certain number of his group before they were able to escape. You should research to get the exact number and include those events for the sake of canon
I'm thinking about writing a fanfiction book about Crawford prior to appearing in Season 1 when it was still alive and active. So far my POV characters are Molly and Vernon. Is there anything that should be included in it?
Yeah, I know and that bothers me because Clementine spends quite a bit of time with Mike and Bonnie at the Museum and hangs around the statue area as feel for a determinant amount of time where she can talk with them, Luke, and the other three(determinately two) already present. I'd think it would've been interesting if she got there after he showed up and either catches him as he's leaving(which he does if you wait because the bag isn't fitting) or holding Jane at gunpoint, reversing the roles between Present and BadFuture.
At the very least, you can assume they were patrolling the roads anticipating their arrival so as to catch them offguard, something they couldn't do if Buricko just had them attack the Observation Deck head on.
Yeah, I know and that bothers me because Clementine spends quite a bit of time with Mike and Bonnie at the Museum and hangs around the statu… moree area as feel for a determinant amount of time where she can talk with them, Luke, and the other three(determinately two) already present. I'd think it would've been interesting if she got there after he showed up and either catches him as he's leaving(which he does if you wait because the bag isn't fitting) or holding Jane at gunpoint, reversing the roles between Present and BadFuture.
He turns around while tucking the bag under his arm and spots Clementine peeking from the side of the cannon("Shit!"), drawing his gun in response and it plays out as usual from there.
He turns around while tucking the bag under his arm and spots Clementine peeking from the side of the cannon("Shit!"), drawing his gun in response and it plays out as usual from there.
I didn't think the episode necessarily was extremely well-written, but I don't think it was utter waste either, I didn't mind the episode at all, and it gave some good scenery.
To be honest, after looking at J.T Petty's other works I have to say that The Walking Dead wasn't the right type of game for him to be involved in.
He specialised in horror games such as Outlast prior to this and recently Outlast 2 and some Spilnter Cell game which, don't get me wrong, are very good but...TWD is all about emotion and the character's relationships with one another.
It just seems like a pretty large genre leap for a writer like himself and I just believe they could've picked a more adaptable writer.
For what it's worth, I think he really did put some effort into the script, though it's possible he was working off of Breckon and/or Shorette's leftover notes for certain things. I say that because the dialogue itself bordered on poetic/philosophical at times, with Kenny and Sarah in particular having some pretty existential lines.
It's entirely possible that things like the way Sarah in particular was handled in the end may have been due to executive meddling, as there was apparently a lot of stressful back&forth and sudden changes during production. Jane is another element that, from what research I've done, may not have been in the story as much as she was originally.
The rise and fall of Crawford. Since telltale will never confirm this, we should make our own canons so I wanna see how Oberon died. I mean if he just hanged himself after seeing his community fall, or if somebody else did that to him such as Anna Correa.
I'm thinking about writing a fanfiction book about Crawford prior to appearing in Season 1 when it was still alive and active. So far my POV characters are Molly and Vernon. Is there anything that should be included in it?
Don't forget Eric Stirpe also wrote for that ep. That said, you gotta understand it from a 'higher up' directive. Eric and JT were probably told
"Ok so you have to make a story about this new character who got like 10 lines of dialogue last episode, involve Kenny's mental state, add some Luke vs Kenny jabs, involve some Russian/Spanish kid or whatever and make his group threaten a baby and a child and make sure you hint at the town that will definitely be important next episode - Oh, and uh don't forget to get rid of Nick and Sarah in the same episode! Good luck!"
Sounds crazy but I honestly believe that on some level that's what they were told. I don't think they were given 'free reign' to do what they wanted with the story as they probably would have liked. They were most likely assigned to working on something specific. I know that Eric did most, if not all, the Jane scenes that episode for example.
I sticked by her everytime except I let David in.
Clementine said something like "Emotions can get the upper hand sometimes and sometimes there is no other way to make it right" and proceeds to name Kenny crowbar Carver. She didn't say "He's earned my trust" for me.
How long did Prescott take to build? Did Tripp know Conrad before the apocalypse or did they join up at the beginning?
This is an interesting question. I think most of the voice actors play their roles pretty well, mostly because their voice help define the characters. The only changes I can think of would be more for convenience and recognizibility than anything else, such as Dan White as "Ralph" or Kari Walgren as Ava and the Baseball Fan.
On that note, I don't know who voiced Buricko and Natasha, but they could probably do with better direction, if not different voice actors altogether. In the former's case, Buricko's voice at least has this foreign tone to it, but is infamous for apparently not knowing how to pronounce Russian words, so help with pronouncing the words ahead of time would be sufficient. With the latter, I'm mixed: her Russians lines sound vaguely like , which I think fits her role as Arvo's sensible older sister; however, her one random English line sounds like a completely different person that is simultaneous kinda batshit and yet gets the point that she uses painkillers across. So I think the best way to handle that is to perhaps find an actress who can pull off a middle ground between the two voices that allows her to sound like the former but occasionally catch the nuances of being on pain medication that might be starting to wear off.
All of the Cabin Group's voices are perfect, but I think a few of them needed some work when it came to enunciating, specifically Alvin. I'm sure some would also argue Luke and Sarah sounded weird as well, but I personally think their performances helped get across their characters personalities, background, and hangups, with Luke often pausing in-between words while alternating his speed when talking about something sad and throwing the word "okay" in when he's worked up or Sarah sometimes sounding like she has small moth balls in the side of her mouth due to her Duck-like "mastery" of her parent's accent and just barely(if even that) raising her voice the few times we see her get remotely angry; Alvin, on the other hand, had some moments in episode 2 in particular where I swear he seemed to just be chiming in from reading the news. I don't know whether it's a direction issue or a problem with the dialogue itself, but it was kinda odd. Also, as badass as it may have sounded, him randomly becoming Barry White for a minute in Carver's Office was a little weird.
And finally, in the context of ANF, if there's one voice that I'd definitely change, it's Badger. Like, I'm sure the guy just came in and did what he was asked, but he sounds so...nothing for what's supposed to be a base Caligula(for lack of a better comparison; let me know)-esque scumbag. I guess there's a chance they might've wanted to make him sound subdued compared to Max and Lonnie, thereby making him seem disturbingly off or rather average, but that comes at the cost of making him really forgettable, as if he wasn't already. I'm not sure who would replace him, but it'd be someone . I remember Nate's carefree redneck smalltalk, Carver's gravely condescension, Troy's testy hick attitude, Randall's provoking Cajun drawl, but the only lines I remember from Badger without really thinking about it are "No. Fuck the go ahead. Ram the gates."(which comes immediately after "Aww-WHAT the FUuUCK?!"), "Fuckin Garcias...you blew my goddamn guts out."(which I find funny), and who could forget "Ever since the junkyard, you've been nothing but a fly in my ointment."(...What?)?
Who knows; we haven't gotten much of a history lesson about it or Tripp yet. And I believe I recall Tripp saying he's known Conrad for a long time at the bridge.
So was it Carver that killed the bandit group at the end of S2E1, as well as Pete if you saved him?
Well, we can only deduce that it was Carver's group, it's never confirmed blatantly, but heavily suggested through dialogue. They mentioned the bullets going straight through the head, and Nick mentions "You're Carver. What do you do?" during the appearance of the corpses by the river. Pete was also shot through the head after his guts were torn by walkers. So given all of this information, and the group saying it was Carver, we can conclude they killed the bandit group that may have killed Christa, and made sure Pete was dead.
Made a quick Imgur album to give more insight on this in a few dialogue suggestions.
What Spodes said. Either that or it was a turfwar between two different scavenger groups; which one Roman was a member/leader of is up for debate.
I'm thinking about writing a fanfiction book about Crawford prior to appearing in Season 1 when it was still alive and active. So far my POV characters are Molly and Vernon. Is there anything that should be included in it?
Don't forget the pregnant lady in the hospital tape that goes on a shooting spree.
Anna Corea.
Molly's sister, Boyd, Clive, Joyce, Doctor Logan, Anna Corea, maybe Jeff, and Oberson Crawford himself.
Molly's father was originally a character as well, but his relevance was thankfully cut.
I think I recall Brie saying something implying she wasn't actually in Crawford herself, for some reason.
Can't believe I just thought of this, but if you went with Mike to the Museum first, why wasn't Arvo already at the Observation Deck with Jane?
Does the Baseball Fan that tries to get her ball autographed in Thicker than Water's flashback have a name?
No he shows up in the same manner for some reason
In addition to the characters that @DabigRG named, Vernon mentioned that Crawford took a certain number of his group before they were able to escape. You should research to get the exact number and include those events for the sake of canon
The same reason how Arvo and his Russian group run into you whether you left in the morning or rested for a bit.
As far as I know she's just referred to as Baseball Kid.
I tried walking around everywhere to see if you could but I couldn't find her. I think you can only talk to Clem and Gabe.
"Wonderful." Thanks!
Yeah, I know and that bothers me because Clementine spends quite a bit of time with Mike and Bonnie at the Museum and hangs around the statue area as feel for a determinant amount of time where she can talk with them, Luke, and the other three(determinately two) already present. I'd think it would've been interesting if she got there after he showed up and either catches him as he's leaving(which he does if you wait because the bag isn't fitting) or holding Jane at gunpoint, reversing the roles between Present and BadFuture.
At the very least, you can assume they were patrolling the roads anticipating their arrival so as to catch them offguard, something they couldn't do if Buricko just had them attack the Observation Deck head on.
What the heck is she supposed to be holding here?

What happens when he leaves? I always started talking to him.
Hahaha, I love it.
He turns around while tucking the bag under his arm and spots Clementine peeking from the side of the cannon("Shit!"), drawing his gun in response and it plays out as usual from there.
Ah, thanks for clarification.
A shotgun like a badass she is.
A cricket bat, looks like.
delet this
d e l e t
I didn't think the episode necessarily was extremely well-written, but I don't think it was utter waste either, I didn't mind the episode at all, and it gave some good scenery.
To be honest, after looking at J.T Petty's other works I have to say that The Walking Dead wasn't the right type of game for him to be involved in.
He specialised in horror games such as Outlast prior to this and recently Outlast 2 and some Spilnter Cell game which, don't get me wrong, are very good but...TWD is all about emotion and the character's relationships with one another.
It just seems like a pretty large genre leap for a writer like himself and I just believe they could've picked a more adaptable writer.
For what it's worth, I think he really did put some effort into the script, though it's possible he was working off of Breckon and/or Shorette's leftover notes for certain things. I say that because the dialogue itself bordered on poetic/philosophical at times, with Kenny and Sarah in particular having some pretty existential lines.
It's entirely possible that things like the way Sarah in particular was handled in the end may have been due to executive meddling, as there was apparently a lot of stressful back&forth and sudden changes during production. Jane is another element that, from what research I've done, may not have been in the story as much as she was originally.
Does anyone have any interesting production trivia regarding Jane to share, such as concept art(which I can't seem to find) and what not?
The rise and fall of Crawford. Since telltale will never confirm this, we should make our own canons so I wanna see how Oberon died. I mean if he just hanged himself after seeing his community fall, or if somebody else did that to him such as Anna Correa.
Don't forget Eric Stirpe also wrote for that ep. That said, you gotta understand it from a 'higher up' directive. Eric and JT were probably told
"Ok so you have to make a story about this new character who got like 10 lines of dialogue last episode, involve Kenny's mental state, add some Luke vs Kenny jabs, involve some Russian/Spanish kid or whatever and make his group threaten a baby and a child and make sure you hint at the town that will definitely be important next episode - Oh, and uh don't forget to get rid of Nick and Sarah in the same episode! Good luck!"
Sounds crazy but I honestly believe that on some level that's what they were told. I don't think they were given 'free reign' to do what they wanted with the story as they probably would have liked. They were most likely assigned to working on something specific. I know that Eric did most, if not all, the Jane scenes that episode for example.
What the hell happened to @TheAutisticGamer 's question?
Well, apparently there is some unused dialogue where Jane makes a pretty fucked up joke about goats.
Here it is
What is this from, anyways?
