Is Skybound teasing/advertising future of Telltale Series The Walking Dead? New Artwork!
There is a game called TWD:Road To Survival...sure you´ve heard of.Now it doesnt matter whether you like it or not(addictive af), but in my opinion they are actualy teasing something via this(majestic) artwork. The question is:** Is it somehow foreshadowing the way this series is heading to?** Is it teasing new season with Clem and Javi?
But even more interesting is the location in which Clem and Javi are in the artwork: Alexandria!!!
Any connection? However, its essential to state that telltale is not developer of Road to Survival, but on the other side, Skybound is heavily contributing to development of the both telltales series and road to survival, so they are the ones who connect everything together.
+Clem finally has different clothing and Javier´s is ruined, another clue that it takes place after new frontier events.
If they don't include Clem's design. She'd have to eat a shitload. Not saying she's fat here, but definitely gained weight. And too masculine. Clem's always been very feminine.
They tend to make her look bigger in artworks for whatever reason and in game she looks like a midget compared to other characters
But admit that it looks superb
It's kinda cool, but I prefer her actual skinny game appearance.
The real question is why does Javi have two baseball bats???
That's what shes going to look like 2+ years from now
This is nothing to do with any story this is just a few bonus characters that you can have in the game and this is kinda proven because you get a free Lee who is already dead. THIS IS JUST A MOBILE GAME
Good point, but I´ve got better. Why does Clem has magazines for machine gun attached to her? Its useless for her shotgun
Telltale has said they love working with Skybound and hope to continue working with them. So this may not be as farfetched as it seems.
Please no.
Javi's shirt rip from the knife attack is there. And I might be wrong but I've heard that the missions in the game are canon, as well as a few other things so Javier confirmed to survive episode 5?
If they were just some bonus characters why would somebody bother to create artwork that is also teasing us with Alexandria location?
Apart from Clem and Javi, Lee didnt get artwork
So its up to Skybound then based on what you´ve just written? They sure want to continue since telltale introduced big fucking number of people to this franchize and also...why would they attempt to make this season still with Clementine for newcomers if they didnt want to continue
When did this event appear? Because I was inactive the last 5 weeks and I don't see them now in the game.
Inb4 these are their new looks after that supposed ep 5 "time-skip"
Uh, that's what puberty does. Also she's constantly working so it's going to be all muscle. She'll probably have Nadine Ross' body from Uncharted.
They're probably just doing a redesign of them like they do with the comic characters. Most of their outfits look badass but they never wore them in the comics.
There's a Lee design in the app wearing a beanie and a coat but never wears that in the actual Telltale Game, the same with Clem wearing "booty shorts"
I'm almost positive we have at minimum 2 more walking dead installments before they finish the series.
Likely because they'd like to have newcomers while also luring in fans of their most popular franchise with a familiar and beloved face. I'm the only person I know who gave Javier a chance at the unfortunate cost of my own money, but, they definitely got me with the whole continuation instead of a reboot thing.
Yeah, there are even "cutscenes" showing Max and Badger
For the time being, you can only do telltale daily event in order to win 3star Gabe, then 4star Eleanor and after that 5star Tripp, it requires patience. I am still yet to figure out how to get Clem, but Javier can be only purchased by random by tokens if I am not mistaken
Oh crap I think you might be on to something. I'm not even kidding.
I believe folks commonly want a stereotypical sexy or "attractive" look for all heroine and hero roles. Notice there are hardly any fat, short, or acne face characters in most games and media no matter how unrealistic. Like Javier yet again another tall handsome macho man the for lead role. Max or Doug body types wouldn't be looked at for a leader of the group or protagonist role.
It's not about stereotypical. It just doesn't fit Clem since she's always been scrawny and very feminine.
Also not everybody gets acne just because there are no face cosmetic products available.
And Lee was pretty average. Neither role model nor totally off the charts. And Kenny? Not a role model either but damn strong character.
Woops wrong thread.
Because he's too cool for just one.
Javi a dual baseball bat wielder!
In the context of a free-to-play mobile game, I think they are taking some liberties with the story elements of the game. Regardless of whether or not Telltale plans to eventually make more Walking Dead games, I would not speculate that this mobile game in particular is providing hints of where the story is eventually going.
Nadine Ross still looks feminine, just defined. Clem here looks like a hunk of meat.
Clem has always been scrawny because she was 8-11-13. She wasn't at the age where you really start building muscle. It's something that naturally happens.
Yes she's feminine but shes build, like Clem in the art.

Where? Just because shes not skinny to the bone doesn't mean shes fat. I really don't see how shes huge in that art. That looks average.
It can happen, but it doesn't have to. I don't see her lifting weight. So yeah she probably gains, but at most withy/wiry. Not hunky like in that artwork.
Maybe it's just me, but if you see part of the chest and the upper arm, it looks hunky. It don't seem normal to me. And nothing like Nadine Ross here where you can clearly see defined muscles. She's wiry.
There can't be muscle there unless she's eating well, without proper protein she'll probably stay where she's at now.
Yeah, I've played those. Still got a weak af squad who can't finish the 3rd to last mission, though.
Well I was kinda joking but hearing you say that makes me believe it too
That's a machete, not another baseball bat.
You can't put muscle on if you barely eat, in the apocalypse its rare to find food. That's why barely anyone is fat in the walking dead. They either lost all their weight or died.
It is just I think I trust DLB on this from an artist's pov.
If she is living in a community that is growing food..then yeah she would be gaining muscle. Plus it makes sense for a community to keep it's scroungers and fighters well creates loyalty and helps build a stiffer resistance to sickness and bandit attacks and the occasional herd.
When you said "please no", "she's gained weight!" and "looks more masculine and less feminine" you came off as though you could be disgusted for Clem to appear in that way as though she fits out of the norm of what's acceptable. Atleast to me you did. When honestly that image appears closer to reality. I can see folks in the street looking like both the Javier and Clem above.
Yeah not all teens get acne but plenty still do and good possibility of Clem getting it especially at 14.
Lee would likely be considered tall, kind of dark and handsome. He kind of prettymuch took on group leader after they separated from Lilly, while even Vernon sort of verified that they looked to him in that way.
I am 100% sure this would not link to anything in the Telltale games story. In fact RTS isn't even canon itself! The Novels are the canon for the Woodbury story.
Anyway this artwork is just for RTS to advertise their new event and characters. Skybound just publish Walking Dead stuff so I don't think they would have as big of a reach as you think they would over Telltale or Scopely.
I do have to say though that the characters do know Jesus and are relatively close to Alexandria, but I don't see a situation in which we would have a new story set in that area since it would conflict too much with the Comics unless they done it right. I don't think Telltale would foreshadow to future storylines in RTS anyway, but they could!
Being a complete party pooper aside, I would still love to get to see Rick and everyone from the Communities in Game form.