ANF Episode 1 and 2 Choices Missing After Playing Episode 3 on PS4
I played through episode 1 and 2 of ANF on my PS4 ( I bought it off of the Playstation Store) and all of my choices were present when I looked at them in the main menu. I had played episode 3 once as well, then after I downloaded episode 4 I decided to replay episode 3. However, after playing episode 3 again, the game showed that most of my choices from episode 1 were gone and all of my choices from episode 2 were also gone. The only episode that had all of my choices was episode 3. I then restored a previous save file where I did not play episode 3 and all of my choices from episode 1 and 2 were back. I played episode 3 again and once again the choices from the first 2 episodes were missing. I then deleted the entire game from my PS4 and re-downloaded it overnight from my Playstation Store library. When I opened it back up and looked at my choices, the choices from episode 1 and 2 were still gone. Anyone have any idea what I could do to fix this without having to restart the entire game?
I had this problem, you have to delete the whole save file entirely unfortunately. Maybe this wouldn't have been the case if telltale kept the rewind feature but sadly it is not.
This seems to be an issue with replaying episodes instead of starting a new file, I haven't seen any solutions for it. Best bet would be to simply start a new file and make sure you don't kill Conrad, they've invested way more time into magically changing him than into the numerous technical issues the season has faced. As far as I've seen, you will have to restart from the beginning and do a solid play through.
That sucks, and yeah it would have been much more convenient if they had kept the rewind feature.
at least you have a resurrected conrad
True I guess. Thats why I was surprised and knew something was wrong when I started episode 4 and he was alive again.
That sucks. Only reason why I didn't want Conrad alive though is because it implies i betrayed Clem in episode 2, which I would never do lol
That's happened for people in episode 3 as well. It sucks, but its been a lingering issue since then, man.
I feel you, but that really seems the way you weren't expected to go, because new player or something. I killed him, too, despite all of his prevalence I avoided going back and abandoning how I chose to play it. It really does suck that TWDG went from having a rewind feature to a "don't worry, we'll rewind it for you if you go back" feature.
That's just.. I mean, lolwut?