Prescott doesn't have a Leader?
I'm surprised that a settlement with 123 people residing in it doesn't have a concrete leader. The only thing that we know only that they use the barter system(Clem trading Bullets), trading goods for other goods. We found out that they have at least a simple incarceration system.(Clem's and Javi cell) But who is keeping all of this together? Who's coordinating the lookout schedules?
And if there was never any leadership to begin with, how would leadership play out , in a community that never had it?
When they eventually rebuild Prescott, will Eleanor,Clem or and Conrad lead it?
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I kinda got the feeling that Tripp was maybe the one in charge overall, but that everyone kinda worked together.
Where did you get the 123 people from?
I imagine that Tripp was never an official leader in the sense that Rick, Maggie, William, or the New Frontier Council are, but he was more like a Sheriff.
Prescott was in a small airfield so I would imagine not too close to any big towns or anything making it rather secluded and so a good place to not get too many walkers unless a herd rolls your way, in which they just keep quiet and let them pass. So no need for a real leader considering how they probably won't find much danger from other groups usually as they seem like a trading hub.
I kind of imagine it like Junktown from Fallout 1 and so they trade all kinds of things with other communities and people often stop by to do this trading and that allows the community to function.
If you look close, you'll notice that the population says 123.
I never felt that with Trip. With all Walking Dead leaders, They are usually introduced clearly and leave little room to think that they aren't the leader.Rick, Maggie, William, the New Frontier Council , Ezekiel, Negan, Governor, Dawn, Lily Caul,Gareth, The doctor from fear, Crawford, Jeremiah, and Magna all the leaders of twd all share the quality that I state. I don't see that in Tripp.
It was confirmed by telltale and the wiki tripp is the official leader a different kind like jadis in tv show
People seem to think Tripp was in charge but I think he was more of an authority figure.
They also have a currency that they use in Prescott. As evident by the fact that Conrad and Francine were betting on their game, and Francine said "Conrad here runs the place, I just take this money."
Not sure why they would've needed money though. Also, Clem had to trade batteries for the bullets she wanted instead of just paying for them, so I don't know what's up with that.
Where are the sources?
I know this is not in regards to Richmond, but did anyone else notice that Lingard isn't actually a leader of New Frontier.
He's part of the council he has one fourth of the power. He's a leader just not the head of leadership.
I'm pretty sure he is a leader/council of Richmond, he just doesn't do much leading himself. It's pretty apparent that he and to a lesser extent Clint are willing to just let David and Joan respectively handle things, likely because they're in charge of security and diplomacy compared to their basic services/supplies, as well as apparently forming the base of the New Frontier's organization.
However, they do have the ability to carry out executive order themselves, as Clint does after Joan actually has Tripp/Ava shot, even more or less overriding her if Javier takes his deal.
Seeing that Lingard is dead/incompetent, you think that Elennor is going to take his place in leadership? Perhaps that is Elennor's plan. If it is, then betraying Javi would've the best plan at the time. Seeing that she can just use her power and medical knowledge as leverage.
At the end of EP4 If you kill Lingard he's not addressed by Joan as a "leader" or part of New Frontier leader but just a "doctor" now you could argue using the argument Javier killed the only doctor in new frontier would be quite effective, however it would've been even more effective if Joan included the fact that Lingard was a leader of New Frontier. Also the crowd doesn't even react in a way which would show he was viewed as a leader or with any significance until Joan riles them up at the end. And not to mention Lingard always acts as if he's 100% powerless regardless of being a leader in new frontier. You could argue its because Joan is the main leader, however even David and Clint have power and some control over new frontier while Lingard does not.
Now that I'm thinking about it, Prescott's pretty interesting that way. TWD's always gotta have it's dictators lol.
It seems more like a trading outpost, so I assume anyone who owns an establishment or has an important job is considered a leader (Conrad, as he owned the bar, Tripp, being the sheriff, Eleanor, two-faced bitch as well as the doctor, etc.).
Considering it's possible for her and the rest of the group to not know he's dead until Joan reveals it, I'd doubt it even if she was the type.
However, I can see Joan nominating her for the position for the sake of having her under her thumb due to owing the position to her. Assuming she accepts it at least.
To me, Prescott wasn't like the Kingdom, Alexandria or the Sanctuary. It seemed to me more like a coalition of different groups within Prescott working together for a common goal. And while there was no "de jure" leader, Tripp seemed to me like overall he was the defacto leader.
Well, there is no more leader needed in Prescott as everyone is equal thanks to Comrade Conrad and his successful Proletarian Revolution. True communism has finally prevailed.

There was more to Prescott but stuff got changed, like always, and the story suffers from it, like always. They would hang people for their crimes, also hubs allowing us to explore around the base and maybe actually uncover some backstory, concerning the airstrip, planes, vehicles, horses, their huge walls and even politics.
They probably use batteries or similar as 'money'