Idea for S4 (if it happens)
Hey all! First time posting in a few years, but have still been an avid Telltale fan. I understand that people have taken some issues with ANF, myself included, but I was thinking that I still want a S4 to happen.
If it does, I think it should be a totally new story. No Clementine, no Garcias. A whole new cast. I would also be interested in seeing it take place in one of two areas.
- West Coast USA
- England
California hasn't been explored much, if at all, in TWD, and it is far away enough that a brand new story could be created in the setting. England would be interesting as we could receive a international look at what the infection is doing around the world.
If you guys do want a S4, what do you think of the story rebooting using these settings?
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I like the idea, but how would they get there? I personally think somewhere closer, like New York, there could be cool city landscapes, or at least something with buildings, I'm so tired of the woods. Maybe possibly a beach/seafront would be nice. It would be so safe.
Automatically crippled by a large majority by having no Clementine. I would be interested in seeing a fresh new take with a new cast of characters if it could be done right. Telltale somewhat tried this with ANF and didn't do so good. I honestly don't believe the solution to the series is constantly rebooting so much as it is keeping a consistent story with characters that span over several seasons.
I'm not sure what you mean by how they would get there, as it would be a totally new cast. I envisioned it starting in the thick of the infection, so no need for origin stories or flashbacks, but of course we'd need some sort of introduction to the new protagonists.
Forests would be prevalent in the California setting, but England I was envisioning London, which would fit your city setting.
I'm probably in the minority, but I think we've explored almost all we can with Clementine. It'll be hard for most to let her go, but I think part of ANF issues are actually her presence, or lack of it. Making her the PC again may work, but in any other capacity, I think she will cause issues. I would like to see a story with a new cast, one a little more permanent as well.
S1 survivors: Clem, Omid, Christa
S2 survivors: Clem, AJ, Maybe Kenny, Maybe Jane
And most of them die very quickly the next season. I agree a more permanent cast is in order.
I disagree with not having much more to explore with Clementine since its more of telltale horribly writing Clementine in this season. Had they developed a legitimate S3 based on S2 I think there would be numerous possibilities for Clementine that could continue to branch out. The way she's presented in ANF it certainly does feel as if her character is finished with little advancement which is not true since its telltale poorly handling the character.
Fair point, even though I believe that Telltale intended Clem to be phased out the way she is. I think they want to move on from her as well, as she is just a side character this year.
What path would you want to see Clem take in a S4?
The thing is I'm not so sure they intended to phase her out since they are still acting as If she's a main character with significance. The path I'd like to see for a future Clementine to take is one where she's a legitimate main character with at least half playability and has depth and uniqueness to her. I'd also like to see her have the taking care of AJ scenario optional.
I'd like to see a completely different setting as well. Some "one-shots", similar to Michonne except full 5 episodes long, all over the world would be very very interesting. Europe, Japan, maybe even Australia? These would be my favorites.
For another setting in the USA, I'd really like to see Manhattan. The tall buildings, Central Park, the statue of liberty.. all that would offer some great landscape to explore. Ubisoft's "The Devision" already has a great setting with Manhattan and it looks really good. Only the game itself is utter crap unfortunately. :<