Episode 5 Opening flashback Scene, What's your idea?
Well as we all knew already in this season Telltale always start each episode with a Garcia's flashback.
So do you have any idea what it's gonna be for episode 5?
Tell me what you think!
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Javier & Kate putting down Hector (the random Garcia family member who got bit and no one gives a fuck about) in the early stages of the ZA.
lol that's quite a way to put it
I made a thread about my idea a few weeks ago:
Alright, I know this is going to sound weird and impossible at first, but bear with me. One of my favorite characters from S1, as well as the entire series was Carley. I always wanted there to somehow be a flashback to her in S2, but after that wrapped I figured the ship had sailed. However, Carley was a reporter in Atlanta pre-apocalypse. What if there was a flashback where Javier was being interviewed by Carley in Atlanta while he's there for a Baseball game. Yes, I know, Javier lived in Maryland and played for Baltimore. But when the team leaves home to play a game against Georgia, there would be a perfect opportunity for my idea. It wouldn't affect the Carley/Doug choice in any way since both would still be alive, and it would be a cool scene for us veteran players.
[Javi and Kate out making s'mores, when suddenly Kate puts her hand too close to the fire.]
Javi: "Careful, you don't want to burn yourself."
Cut to Present: [Kate runs out of the crashed van, covered in flames, burnt flesh all over.]
Kate: AAAHHHH!!!
In all seriousness though, I think it might be something that links back to the first flashback at the beginning of episode 1.
What a good idea!
It could work for all the players since S1, but unfortunately for those new players in ANF, I doubt it, if Telltale do implement this idea, they won't know who Carley is and what role did she play and I think they will mostly have no idea what impact she will inflict on the current story of the Garcias, don't you think so?
And correct me if I'm wrong, but I do feel that each opening flashback per episode have had some correlation with the episode's plot overall.
For example:
In episode 3, the flashback showed us of the arguments between Kate and Gabe about wether to stay home for another month or leave for good. And then in the last chapter of episode 3, we (as the players) were given choices to pick between Kate or Gabe, with the same arguments of course.
You see what i mean, right?
Well it seems that she got what she deserved for 'playing with fire' XD
I was thinking that we would see Javier playing an actual pro game of baseball. If not, it would have something to do with Kate seeing as her fate was left ambiguous last episode
Makes sense!
The moment Javi got busted for gambling on baseball.
Javier in another re-textured outfit of his baseball getup, this time made to resemble a tuxedo with a little bow on it..
Kate is in a bikini sunbathing in the backyard, and asks him to rub sunscreen lotion onto her back.
Javi goes to take a long, cold shower...
Cuts back to the present and:
What about David and Kate wedding
Clem at one of Javiers baseball games and it takes turns in the same scene as who you play
With Javi as best man and Gabe as a flower girl.
i think the flashback should open with Javier getting to the hospital with Mariana, Gabe and the others .
They find David and get their mother to the hospital but one of the patients come back as a walker and that walker attacks the mother and kills her David in a fit of rage murders the walker and at the same time several walkers invade the hospital Javier and the others get separated from David Javi tries to look for him but A Walker sneaks up on him but Hector pushes it out of the way and kills it .
they re almost out of the hospital when Hector collapses because of the bite s effects and they have to leave him after they get back Home they comfort Gabe and Mariana about the death of their uncle Kate tells them she will always be there for them and the flashback goes back to Present time after Kate s death and Gabe having a breakdown if he did not go with David and then getting dragged by either Clementine or Conrad ((Conrad only if he s still alive.)) Javi would be in shock but quickly recover due to wanting to protect Gabe and Clementine.
It made me chuckle.
This is 100% impossible as its confirmed they never met up after they split up in the first place and never see each other again
I want to see this
Flashback to a baseball game when Javi was still in the league.
Unfortunately, Telltale Games hasn't been known for making good decisions with this season, but let's just wait and see if we're pleasantly surprised.
Side Note: Javier having played on the team of my hometown in his baseball career, is surprising to me, since Maryland is almost never mentioned in entertainment as relating to a character.
If Kate is indeed dead and a Muerto then I think it would be most fitting to see when Hector died and turned.
I was hoping to see Hector in the episode 3 flashback
That scream is probably recycled from her surgery scene
Yeah, I see what you mean.
Maybe she could ask him a series of questions that would somehow tie into the choices he would have to make in E5.
so here s a new one that is not as retarded as the one i made before:
The flashback begins with Javi ,Hector and the others heading towards the hospital except they re not able to get there because there are several stopped cars in the road so they get off the car and they see several walkers going towards them they start to run but one of them sneaks up on Javier and Hector kills it they start to run away when Hector starts to collapse and tells him that he s not gonna be able to carry him and tells Javier that he needs to take care of the kids and you can try to drag Hector with you but other walkers start crawling thought the street and Javi kills 2 of them and hector manages to get up and kills one behind javier and tells him to go before he collapses again and javier ends up leaving him there when he gets back to the house he sees Gabe , Kate and Mariana managed to get back and you need to tell them about what happened to Hector .
Gabe and Mariana start to cry and Kate and Javier start comforting them Kate promises both of them that she will always be there for them and the flashback ends and it goes back to the Present time with Javier having a breakdown while Gabe ((If he did not take off with David)) starts to cry but
Clem snaps him out of it and Gabe starts yelling for Javier but he s not listening and cannot process what just happened when a walkers about to bite Him either Conrad or Clementine Kill the walker and Conrad then grabs him and takes him with them but if Conrad s dead Clementine tries to get him up as either Tripp or Ava shown up ((If its Ava then she tells Clem she got separated from David during the shootout)) and they both Grab javier and take them with them The title of the episode then pops up and the screen fades to black as Javier looks at the truck.
Wow imagine all the possibilities!! XD
Anything you said could happen mate
My idea... Javi plays important baseball game. His team is winning, Garcia is ready to catch but stoned Kate drives on the ball field...
Flashback ends, Kate drives a truck, hits the fence, et cetera.
I wonder how that would work!
It's gonna show them burying papa, but a dog comes and they eat it. Then you can lie to the kids or not... it will affect Gabes sanity.
It's perfect
That's a bit out of the blue
Meanwhile, Mariana's off to the side just chowing down with a very meh expression.