Why helping Kenny kill Larry was the right choice...
So, I don't mean this to be an essay but helping to kill Larry was the right choice to make. Imagine you are:
-Stuck in a locker room
-No weapons
-6'4 300 pounds seriously pissed off dead guy is going to turn
-You have a way to end this by killing him before he turns
Now, I will also explain why CPR wouldn't have worked. CPR (for you who don't know) is Cardiopulmonary resuscitation. And here I quote:
"CPR alone is unlikely to restart the heart; Its main purpose is to restore partial flow of oxygenated blood to the brain and heart. The objective is to delay tissue death and to extend the brief window of opportunity for a successful resuscitation without permanent brain damage." Did they have medical supplies? No, not at all.
"When someone has a heart attack and can be revived, that person needs immediate medical care because restarting the heart you don't just recover healthy. Larry didn't have that medical care so he would have died anyway. I have said it many times before but the Do Not Disturb episode from Fear The Walking Dead mirrors the meat locker scene in a very similar way and that episode made me truly realize that I made the right choice for the people I cared about as hard as it was to do." - Dan290786
Think about what you would do in real life, if you were Lee. If CPR alone is unlikely to revive Larry, then what other choice do you have? Yes, there still is that chance you might revive him but it's like going at the lottery: you have a chance, but a very slim chance.
-Killing Larry = 100% chance of being safe
-Doing CPR on Larry = >50% chance of being safe.
Now as I said early, think about what YOU would do in real life.
"Sometimes you gotta play a role... even if it means people you love will hate you for it." - Peter Joseph Randall
Morally, probably not. I wasn't really interested in saving him anyway. Was revenge for when he tried to kill Lee back at the pharmacy plain and simple. I'd do it again every single time. Probably the only character i've really despised on that level. Nothing to do with Kenny or the danger of the situation for me really.
Please, as much as i agree with you, this thread will start arguments again
One thing i will say is that when someone has a heart attack and can be revived, that person needs immediate medical care because restarting the heart you don't just recover healthy. Larry didn't have that medical care so he would have died anyway. I have said it many times before but the Do Not Disturb episode from Fear The Walking Dead mirrors the meat locker scene in a very similar way and that episode made me truly realise that i made the right choice for the people I cared about as hard as it was to do
Pretty much agree.
If I knew how to edit a post, I would have added that, though I still knew that.
I'm actually happy about that: It'll be the perfect time to prove our point.
Sometimes, what is moral, isn't what is right.
Thanks mate.
The reality is Larry wouldn't have survived much longer in his condition even if he was revived in the meatlocker. His age and anger combined with his potentially fatal heart problem and need for nitroglycerin pills in the middle of an apocalypse is a recipe for imminent disaster.
He wouldn't have survived, as he would have needed immediate medical care, which they didn't have.
Killing Larry was the safe choice but I decided to try and at least make an attempt to save him.
Fuck you Larry!
I still believe that Larry was indeed dead, but the best choice would have been to at least try to reanimate him, with a salt lick at the ready in case he turns. Like, Lee and Kenny hovering one above Larry's head while Lilly tries to reanimate him. A bit morbid maybe, but still better than to just smash his skull.
Agreed. Better to be safe than sorry.
i believe killing Larry was safe but you've got try or you will never find out that why i try to save him if i ever took a heart attack i would want someone to try to save me.
Even more so than the Kenny or Jane choice arguments?
I didn't help Kenny because I wanted to get on Lilly's good side so I could grow on her, which I regret. Now, every time I replay, I will do whatever I can to make Lilly's life miserable after what she did in ep 3.
Lilly had tried cpr a reasonable amount of time before Kenny salt licked him. I disagree with Kenny doing it right in Lilly's face but with the St. John's nearby I was happy to have one less potential threat to deal with.
It was murder...pure and simple. Was it understandable...sure...but let's not sugar coat it...it was murder and it drove Lilly insane with grief which in turn lead her to kill Doug or Carley.
There is an old trope in fiction about reaping what you sew...usually in modern fiction it is ignored in these days of anti-heroes. Kenny killed Lilly's family out of fear....Ben killed Kenny's out of compassion for the friend he thought the bandits had...Kenny died doing the compassionate thing to Ben so that Ben would not die a horrible death.
Kenny's sacrifice to do that for Ben, the fuck up who killed his family evened out the scales. But of course the hacks had to bring Kenny back in s2.
Another one of these threads. If this game had "right choices" it would be totally pointless for it to be a choice based game to begin with.
I feel as if saving him was the good thing to do. Plus, he begins to mutter and make human noises just before Kenny straight up kills his ass. So maybe he could have lived if Kenny wasn't so reckless.
You should be able to edit with that link.
Any thread where Kenny or Jane are mentioned causes arguments to an extent but particular scenes like the meat locker or the Kenny/Jane fight are 2 of the most heated discussions among fans
Pretty heavy those salt licks? Not as easy to hold for longer than a few seconds lol
The thing is, as shitty as it sounds, someone's feelings in that moment is not as important as making sure yourself and everyone else stays alive
Did you have to start this again wtf is wrong of you
Ooooooooooh hell that pic is so god damn awesome
And for the millionth time to you, it's not murder if you don't know whether the person is dead or alive. The scene was ambiguous for us to not know for certain. And before you say it, a twitch could mean anything, he could still have been alive or about to reanimate. But stopping breathing means you are clinically dead and she was trying to revive him for quite a while to no avail.
And Lilly knew what she was doing when she shot Carley and tried to shoot Ben so don't pull that garbage. Lilly was paranoid way before Larry died, at the drugstore when first meeting, worrying about staying on the st john's farm (she was right though!) but nonetheless she had a paranoid personality before this. When supplies went missing she said she was a mess (sad, grief etc) but she wasn't stupid. Her words, she wasn't insane at all through any of it. She lost her temper from Carley's back talk and tried to shoot Ben for not believing him. Simple as that. It's so easy for certain people to blame Kenny because of how they feel about him yet they seem to ignore the fact that Duck wouldn't have been bitten and Carley/Doug wouldn't have died at all if they had listened to Kenny and took off in the RV days earlier to get away from bandits. Ben only slowed the process but he caused Lilly to order then"witchhunt". You can even blame Lee if you want but i'm sorry i will not ever accept the bullshit excuse people use for Lilly's actions.
He also did it to keep everyone else safe as well as himself so he could still have the chance to rescue his family.
Not quite sure how this is at all relevant to the topic from before to be honest. Could you please explain your point?
And thank goodness they did
we sure would have had a boring season otherwise (yes in my opinion).
You obviously haven't seen a revived heart attack victim before like i have in real life? When someone recovers from a heart attack, said person needs medical help instantly like being hooked to a life support machine, pills, fluids maybe, all things that the group didn't have. Reviving Larry for a few seconds is all it would have done, he would have died anyway. And i highly doubt if you were there instead of behind a computer screen that you wouldn't be thinking it's a good thing to do when yours and everyone else's lives were in danger. Pretty sure you would be terrified. Please watch Fear The Walking Dead's Do Not Disturb episode. You'll see exactly why taking a risk to save Larry was not the best thing to do at all.
Lol he doesn't mutter, his mouth twitches after 4/5 compressions which "could" mean he was still alive but it could also mean he was about to turn. The scene was left ambiguous deliberately. It was never ever confirmed that Larry was alive or dead please remember that
She shot Carley straight in the face.
Doug pulled Ben away when Lilly tried to shoot Ben and hit Doug in the head.
That crazy-ass bitch murdered my Carley.
I agree with everything else and couldn't have put it better.
I always thought there should be a "What would Larry do if that was me or Kenny?" choice in responses.
Given that Larry punched Lee in the drugstore and left him to die, we can pretty much assume, since Larry still treats Lee (and Kenny) like shit after 3 months, that he would at least not attempt to re-animate as well.
He'd do the same as Lee and Kenny did.
Edit: Larry also tells Lee "We'd be fine without you."
Well, those are the reasons why I did. He was an old guy so without enough medical terms, it was obvious that he wont make it through this. He was a serious liability, because I was a convicted felon, he tried to kill me without knowing the background of that murder. He doesnt have a right to do something like this. I dont give a shit he did that because he tries to save his girl. I saved his ass and this how he treated me ? Fuck you, Larry. I will pop your head again every time.
It wasnt a murder. In his condition, it wasnt possible for him to survive. He needed nitroglycerin pills but they hadnt them. So killing him was the right choice to make sure that everyone is safe and sound. So only being good with Lilly, I am not taking a huge risk and giving him a CPR. I was thinking about the lives in that meatlocker, especially Clem. It was a good riddance and I am not regret of it one bit.
Also, Larry was very hostile towards Lee.You saved his life and he tried to kill you in the pharmacy, he said "We'd be fine without you" to Lee, he wanted to go to farm and when they threw us in the meatlocker he blamed Lee for the situation. He had no remorse to kill Lee and had a special hate for him. So I did the same thing to Larry. And at the end "We were fine without him". No one got bit and everyone made it out. Its all that matters.
Nice explanation. I agree every word of it
Thanks pal, I mean it.
The salt lick was heavy (judging by how Kenny carried it). Him twitching could have been him 'reviving' (Though, dying shortly after since you'd need medical supplies). You also have to be sure to not stay in reach and since the salt lick is heavy, (judging by how Kenny dropped it onto Larry's head) Larry-walker can bite you.
Citation? Say no more:
"CPR alone rarely will revive someone. It keeps blood pressure up enough to maintain perfusion to the brain to keep it alive (or at least minimize damage). There are a few cases, such as lightning strikes, where the heart is stunned, and may return to a normal rhythm on its own as long as CPR is performed so that the brain doesn't die in the meantime, but for the most part, a defibrillator shock is what restarts the heart.
Also, contrary to TV/movies, if a patient flatlines, shocking their heart doesn't actually do anything. It's like trying to reboot a computer when the problem is that it's unplugged from the wall. A shock will only convert a bad rhythm (usually Ventricular Fibrillation, which makes the heart quiver instead of pump) into a normal rhythm."
Source: My friend is an EMT/Wilderness EMT.
I'll reply basically what Dan already said but here we go:
Murder by definition is:
"The unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another."
What is unlawful?
"Not conforming to, permitted by, or recognized by law or rules."
When the apocalypse started, all the laws where gone, they were able to do whatever they wanted. Only 'rules' (Established by the survivors themselves) existed. It was established already in the group that when someone is dead, you get put down, end of the story. Larry being revived is a pipe dream, but even if he IS revived, he would have died shortly after, due to lack of medical supplies.
Lilly starting to get insane and paranoid isn't Kenny's fault. Kenny isn't responsible for the actions of a mad man. Kenny did what he had to, if he didn't, the whole group would have died due to Larry-Walker. I'll even quote Dan on this one: "
Lilly was paranoid way before Larry died, at the drugstore when first meeting, worrying about staying on the St. John's farm (She was right though!) but nonetheless she had a paranoid personality before this. When supplies went missing she said she was a mess (Sad, grief etc) but she wasn't stupid. Her words, she wasn't insane at all through any of it. She lost her temper from Carley's back talk and tried to shoot Ben for not believing him. Simple as that. It's so easy for certain people to blame Kenny because of how they feel about him yet they seem to ignore the fact that Duck wouldn't have been bitten and Carley/Doug wouldn't have died at all if they had listened to Kenny and took off in the RV days earlier to get away from bandits. Ben only slowed the process but he caused Lilly to order then "witch hunt". You can even blame Lee if you want but i'm sorry I will not ever accept the nonsensical excuse people use for Lilly's actions."
Kenny killed Larry out of fear, correct, but that fear is justified. Fear of him turning into a walker and killing them. Larry being revived was never happening, and he knew it. Katjaa was a veterinary so she probably knew about CPR and stuff so Kenny might have seen/learned such things. He didn't want to repeat the same mistake.
I'll leave it up to you, the rest has nothing to do with the argument at hand, purely opinion.
I won't even reply. Dan already said what I would have said.