Are you Team Kate or Team David?
This season, I felt that most of the choices you have made have ultimately come down to picking between Kate and what she wants vs David and what he wants, with Gabe added to the mix to complicate things.
As Javi, you are placed in an awkward position picking which person to be loyal too.
This leads me to wonder, who have you all been siding with for the most part? Is your relationship stronger with David or with Kate and do you think this will impact who lives and who dies?
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david, completely. he may be hotheaded, but he clearly cares for his family and their survival. he seems to really care for kate even though she basically wants to fuck him over, leave his ass, and fuck his brother.
David. Kate was thirsty for Javier even before the apocalypse.
David was selfish and abusive but he's my bro. I'm not gonna cheat on him. That makes me just as bad.
Kate should've been honest to David years ago. And when she has the opportunity to come clean, she doesn't. Meanwhile David regrets his behavior.
Kate is portrayed as the better person of the relationship but in actuality is extremely immature. And she throws a fit when she finally realizes I don't want any of that.
David for sure. He was an ass but he is there when it matters. We even hugged in episode 4. Now I feel bad for not shooting Joan and pick Tripp to live
david seems selfish in some ways. for instance, his strong intent to get revenge after what joan did to him. however, he states that he doesn't care what happens to him as long as kate and gabe are safe, meanwhile kate is trying to get him to fuck off so she can fuck poor javier.
"I have a whole settlement to protect. My people to protect. My family."
"but Jaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaavi why can't we go so we can bone and smoke hella weed?"
Whoops, wrong thread.
i really wish i could find a reason to like her. like, first she gets herself shot in the most fucking stupid way, then she tries to hit on javi even before the apocalypse. when david gets her the help she needs, she honestly seems really ungrateful, as well as her not even caring about how gabe feels about finally encountering his dad again, for the first time in four years when he was still grieving over his supposed death. in ep 4, she's like "i can't be his wife, we have to get the fuck out" and a bunch of shit, then clearly doesn't give a shit that david was added to the equation, so romance would be kinda fucked up. she also thought that javi was a "fucking coward" because he thought that his brother was dead, but now that david is still alive, it would cause a lot of shit and just be fucked up if they were a thing. kate is honestly the most overrated character of the season, she is likable for just a few moments, then the game just gives me another reason to hate her.
I get the perspective, tbh. Kate was verbally abused and neglected while David was off in the military, leaving the kids to her. It makes sense for her to want out. Though her hitting on Javier at this time was disgusting.
She was acting impulsive when she was shot. Mariana was her daughter. (well, step-daughter) Of course she'll be reckless when her child dies in front of her.
She assumed David died in the apocalypse and it so happened the one person she was stuck with was his brother. I get that. But I agree her reaction to David being alive was insulting."Oh shit my husbands alive lets leave immediately." Even if we assume he was abusive, she should at least let Gabe have a chance to be with David. And she should own up and tell him she doesn't love him anymore. He's not gonna beat her up with other people around.
I get why people would fall for her. (the statistics show that) but she does a lot of selfish stuff too that casual players often put aside.
David. It's normal Kate would have grown close to Javier but I wont get involved with someone married to my brother. Sorry Kate.
Whatever issues they have are between them. Javier is staying faaaaar away from that. lol ....David has done nothing too wrong so far and Gabe deserves to have a relationship with his father.
David, easy decision.
Team David all the way.
Team Kate. Not that this is really a big competition anyway.
Team David, easy choice. Kate has been rubbing me the wrong way throughout the entire game (do with my wording what you will), and I love David's character and his relationship with Javi.
She wished.
Team David for sure.
David I feel Kate is making the dumb decisions and I feel it will just be worse if we don't follow David plus I agree with him in a lot of situations like shooting Joan I couldn't just let her get away with killing Tripp one of my favorite characters.
Gotta stay loyal to my homegirl Clem and be Team Kate
Plus one for David, please.
Is she technically on Kate's "Team"? See, that's an example of how poor this little Installment-wide spat is.
I just know that she hates David
David for me. David's intentions are good, but he has some serious internal struggles. I feel like David dislikes, and disappoints himself. I think he wishes he was more like his younger brother, and all of this combined eats him up internally. You can tell he's kinda suffering on the inside about something before the apocalypse starts, so there's no way I'm going to take my bro's wife from him, even if he actually was dead. Just doesn't feel right.
Kate on the other hand seems selfish. She wants to leave my brother to die/fend for himself so she can be with javi and continue living as if her husband really was dead. News flash, Kate, we can save my brother and you can still part ways with him without leaving him for dead.
David for sure. Another reason I didn't shoot Joan was because I didn't want to risk seeing David hang. Hope he doesn't die in the finale but I doubt he'll live.
I totally agree with this.
I second this!
I can't do both? Probably not.
Anyway my Javi confessed his feelings to Kate but he also defended David at every opportunity. Except for the final choice with Gabe. I didn't let him go with David but I think I might regret. it. The way I see it my Javi cares a lot about David but he does have feelings for Kate.
"He's my brother, Clem. That still means something to me."
Kate. I've honestly agreed with most of Kate's ideas and decisions and by the same token found myself disagreeing with David's ideas and decisions most of the time. He's no brother to me.
Dave my bro my pal my boy. I'll die for if I had to.
David. David is family. Kate was a part of that too until her feelings turned her into something ugly. She's willing to leave the man that she once loved and married behind for dead? She wants to take HIS son, and HIS brother? Nah. Kate was so damn cool in the first two episodes, whoever changed her is on my shit-list.
I tried really hard to like David, but after that stunt he pulled off at the end of Ep4, I just can't do it anymore. Guy is unhinged.
Team Kate
I didn't think David had all of this support. Team David for sure, Kate can't make a decision without trying to fuck something.
Bros before hoes
I fully supported leaving David behind. The guy's been gone for years and was mostly unpleasant before he left and now we're supposed to risk our lives to save him? No freaking way. Javier and Kate are full grown adults. They don't owe anything to David just because he's related to them. Get out and save yourselves. I'd do the exact same thing in real life if the situation was the same.
David was abusive to Kate and Javier. He wanted to leave his kids and Kate and wanted Javier to do his job for him. He wasn't there for kids. Javier and Kate were. He wanted to get rid of you once he realized Kate and Gabe were still alive. Then he asks for your help with taking down Joan. David's hot headed. Doesn't think or plan ahead of things. His entire plan to take down Joan was dependent on majority rule. Once that failed he basically just wanted to get out of there something Kate wanted to do from the get go and something you can decide to want to do too. Kate wanted to leave him and David knew this. David also didn't allow Clem to take Aj. Kate liked Javier and started to develop feelings for him once David wasn't in the picture. She didn't make any moves on Javier when she was with David. Hugging and hand holding is totally fine with family or friends. If you decide you want to be with her she wants to tell David asap. Kate and Javier by far have the better relationship. Kate's more level headed. Kate's more dependable imo and Kate's tough.
Team David, boi.
My Javi isn't interested in Kate and so far, him and his brother have had a pretty good relationship this season.