Yeah, i've been getting the models from this guy too, then porting them to blender etc
if you're interested, heres some other people who … moreported some TWD Models aswell; one of them even ported some maps
No spoilers mate, just messing around.
Also the lips on the model are really just that bright, the posing program renders it differently … morethan the ingame engine which seems to dull all the colors out using some kind of shader didn't work so well when I tried, the sides of Javi's hands are really red for instance like he has skin rash, wasn't my intention to whorify her haha.
Yeah, "Kelvin" the Specialist really is such a natural beast of a man, it's actually kinda funny.
Also, lol at pointing out Ava's resting bitchface. Cause it is true.
Naw, I'm barely familiar with you since Above the Law was released. I just didn't particularly care for Mariana in Episode 1, though that's not the reasoning behind my post.
Imagine if Javier had been haunted by his inability to protect mari, and saw her in his nightmares like this
but I guess that would require people actually giving a damn when a character dies
No hair under his beanie.
Holy shit, you're right! I never noticed that!
In S2 you could take Clems hat and she would have her… more fluffy hair.
That's partially because Sam was originally supposed to steal her hat, plus they also show her hair on Amid the Ruin's title card. Nick in the same season simply reused Kenny's hair.
I really don't know what I as thinking with this one... IT'S AWESOMEE!!
And if anyone is looking for a Hi-Res version of this or anot… moreher pic I did, I uploaded the lot to deviantart. --> Link <-- You can find 1920x1080 images there.
Lemme know if I forgot something.
This may seem superfluous, but I really dislike it on the grounds that they took a minor side character from the movies (dr harding) and made him a main character but unrecognizable.
Because apparently, being older and having a mustache means you're not protagonist material, so they completely redesigned him into a "hot dad" with a chiseled jaw and clean shaven face. It's so shallow and pandering, I just can't deal with it.
Michelle. And she technically never took the hat, oddly enough. Clementine can start stripping it and you get a shot of her adorkable smile but she goes back looking through the bag and the next shot has Clementine with the hat still on.
In the first issues while Amy was around Andrea was still wearing makeup to cover her freckles. As time went by she wasnt wearing makeup anymore so her freckles started showing making her look more like Amy who's freckles always showed.
In the first issues while Amy was around Andrea was still wearing makeup to cover her freckles. As time went by she wasnt wearing makeup an… moreymore so her freckles started showing making her look more like Amy who's freckles always showed.
The more you know.
oh boy, you think?
btw, I hate pinterest. what is up with that site. browsing shit is impossible
Joan? Yeah it doesn't really make sense, but that's the face she makes when she says she's going to execute them
do one for Jane
wow, that first one. talk about ideal vs reality
who thought Attack of the Poorly Rendered zombies was a good cliffhanger?
"Christa's group"

lol in what universe? it actually intrigues me, seeing them like this
Huh. normally I like colors to pop, but looking like you're wearing makeup in the zombie apocalypse is dumb
someone could photoshop kate and javi's heads to that of telltale and telltale fans with that dialogue
can't tell if good or terrifying art
"Resting bitchface" what in the everloving fuck does that mean?
Jesus, you guys you're veering into some sick fetish territory now...
did he get banned for this? omg
and I can't take clem's lips seriously
how can you even tell with the jacket wrapped around her waist?
Oh man, hysterical. Made me laugh a lot more than I should've
I do love how its required for any titanic parody to have celine dion playing
Imagine if Javier had been haunted by his inability to protect mari, and saw her in his nightmares like this
but I guess that would require people actually giving a damn when a character dies
Has anyone removed season 3 Clem's hat? I've yet to see it
AGHH GOd what the fuck?
guess that answers that.
I don't even know what to say to that.
yeah, why can't we get some lee and carley dry humping instead?
(I still ship that)
you are an elusive one
oh my lord, that Tripp pic is beautiful
it's nasty
plus carl should have gone for sophia, not that floozy
nnh, those lips man. they creep me out.
This may seem superfluous, but I really dislike it on the grounds that they took a minor side character from the movies (dr harding) and made him a main character but unrecognizable.
Because apparently, being older and having a mustache means you're not protagonist material, so they completely redesigned him into a "hot dad" with a chiseled jaw and clean shaven face. It's so shallow and pandering, I just can't deal with it.
what's with the hate-on for mari, seriously?
eyebrow scars always look totally badass
damn, that's harsh. who made that?
also LOLing at how Javi's sissy defense fits Mari so well
nice choice of words, as always
oh god, I forgot you had a... thing... for michelle
that doesn't look like a spoiler at all
that's the improved model bro
in other words, she's too pretty for you
no, no, no... that smoking/drinking one has too much effort put into it for comfort.
somebody really wanted to see that, and see it done perfectly
I get the feeling Ava is pretty freaky
Well it's not...considering that it's cover art released by Telltale themselves.
Because cheap shock effect is the best bad writers can do.
In the first issues while Amy was around Andrea was still wearing makeup to cover her freckles. As time went by she wasnt wearing makeup anymore so her freckles started showing making her look more like Amy who's freckles always showed.
The more you know.
Thanks I'm crying again
I think that's a safe bet lookin the way she does.