The Walking Dead Meme and Fun Thread (Mobile warning)



  • edited May 2017

    She's like second in command of the security, and she's pretty much betraying her own people here. She has good reason to be stressed and scowling.

    She has nothing on Lilly anyway. enter image description here This = 90% of Lilly's screentime

    But occasionally----------------------------->enter image description here they say everytime Lilly smiles, a walker turns back to human

    DabigRG posted: »

    It means she constantly looks pissed, judgmental, unimpressed, or some combination when she's just casually standing there. Not quite Face of a Thug, but getting there.

  • edited May 2017

    You're weird. But I respect your opinions.

    I mean, what did you want? More stuff akin to the conversation where she talks about writing everything down so she doesn't forget? I mean, yeah she's a kid, she still craves sweets. Everything in the walking dead season 3 feels half-assed. It's a like a decent animated movie, but a very poor point-and-click-game, one that's supposed to make you connect and care about these characters. I see no point in singling out a character who was doomed to die in episode 1 anyway.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Because after everything between completing Season 2.5 and seeing the advertisements for this installment, the whole "Precious niece makes H

  • edited May 2017

    Well, it certainly wasn't as intense as it could have been. The blindside choice was good, though. I'm kinda a sucker for hostage situations, but man is that a recurring thing or what in walking dead? Hershel in the show, tyreese in the comic, glenn in the show and comic, tv abaraham and even though it wasn't actually a hostage situation, the way abraham died in the comic. A tough guy who's close to the protagonist totally blindsided and dying without any fanfare whatsoever, unable to defend themselves.
    It really gets to me, seeing them tied up and helpless. I mean you'd hope that Ava and Tripp put up some kind of fight when they were taken

    DabigRG posted: »

    That whole ending sequence in general was kinda off, to be honest.

  • edited May 2017

    I gotta say, David freaking out like that makes much less sense if Ava lived.

    DabigRG posted: »

    I suppose that'd make the most sense given that David is taking Clint at hostage.

  • I agree, but I'm not really sure why again.

    Also, I can't help but feel I contributed to the "woman in refrigerators" stereotype. Oh well. I just couldn't take Tripp going out like that.

    DabigRG posted: »

    I like Ava, she's like my Jane this season. A tough but oddly endearing girl. Funny how that comparison worked out, given that Ava i

  • Still, they force you side with her. I don't like it. But I guess you can get her killed, so eh there's that.

    DabigRG posted: »

    I'd say Sam was just more desperate and had a poor grasp on balancing between right and wrong than anything else. She has a family she wants

  • I'd consider contacting the artist, but since it's in another language...

    DabigRG posted: »

    ...Yeah, it is. AtLA faces aside.

  • As far as we know, she technically wasn't in a relationship but that is a fair point. At the very least, those neighborhood kids will be devastated.

    On that note, I'm actually very upset about how they've been treating Kate in particular this entire installment.

    Louche posted: »

    I agree, but I'm not really sure why again. Also, I can't help but feel I contributed to the "woman in refrigerators" stereotype. Oh well. I just couldn't take Tripp going out like that.

  • Yeah, pretty much. I suppose it falls in line with his beef with Joan taking priority at that point, especially now that she's gambled on Ava's life, but it's still odd.

    Louche posted: »

    I gotta say, David freaking out like that makes much less sense if Ava lived.

  • They might've, at least if they weren't surrounded at gunpoint.

    Louche posted: »

    Well, it certainly wasn't as intense as it could have been. The blindside choice was good, though. I'm kinda a sucker for hostage situations

  • She has nothing on Lilly anyway. This = 90% of Lilly's screentime

    Considering her genetics and her situation, it made plenty of sense.

    But occasionally-----------------------------> they say everytime Lilly smiles, a walker turns back to human

    If that's true, we need to track her down and tickle her feet every few seconds.

    Louche posted: »

    She's like second in command of the security, and she's pretty much betraying her own people here. She has good reason to be stressed and sc


    Same goes for the fatherly figure as well... Clementine must be cursed or something. Let's have a vote, what is worse? Being killed after five minutes of a new season or being killed in a stupid way in a 2 minutes flashback?

  • does it? "not like those last people. they had some good shit" or something like that, she says.
    what if she was let in because she was a minor, and then kicked out for stealing more than her rations were. then wandered to the gas station where clem found her.

    it's not as stupid as what I said. I was just thinking Omid is out of the picture, Edith obviously didn't know Christa because Clem can mention her, but there's no option to say Omid's name, someone had to know about wellington, how could these two connect.... and I got nothing. It's stupid.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Or...maybe Michelle's from Wellington too! #Yes, I know that literally makes no sense

  • It's bizarre, that's for sure. They're somehow more lifelike and less lifelike at the same time.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Not until recently anyway, though even that pushes it sometimes.

  • edited May 2017

    Considering her genetics and her situation, it made plenty of sense.

    Of course, I just wish she got to smile more.
    Oh MY god, now that you mention it, I can totally see the Larry in her face.

    If that's true, we need to track her down and tickle her feet every few seconds.


    well, if it's for the sake of humanity's survival, I think I could accept that horrendous, awful, totally unpleasant task.

    DabigRG posted: »

    She has nothing on Lilly anyway. This = 90% of Lilly's screentime Considering her genetics and her situation, it made plenty of sens

  • More stuff akin to the conversation where she talks about writing everything down so she doesn't forget

    Funny you should mention that because I somehow missed that the first time around and I did think it gave a little depth to her.

    Everything in the walking dead season 3 feels half-assed. It's a like a decent animated movie, but a very poor point-and-click-game, one that's supposed to make you connect and care about these characters. I see no point in singling out a character who was doomed to die in episode 1 anyway.

    I think this right here sums it up. I know I was trying to upkeep a positive outlook for a while, but it occurred to me even then that I should've known I was in for a fair amount of shit when she got some facetime.
    I mean, you advertise this game as being very action driven and containing tougher themes like mish-mashed families, inter-family infidelity, and revenge and--what is this Hispanic Cuteness Proximity-bait doing here? And they make her the most easy, superficially appealing girl they could too, what with being the little sister, sounding like she's so smart and capable by simply being above conflict, and literally praying for chocolate bars. And it all made sense when easy Hate Sink Badger took her out--too much sense, because then I realized she was a plot device to make you want to go after the New Frontier even if you don't like the Garcias on principal.

    I mean, fuck moral ambiguity and comedy of errors, right? Why even bother establishing Max as a thug with a heart and having our heroes intrude on their pudding storage(which is silly, but fights usually break out that way) when you could've just had Badger(who literally looks like he was picked at random) show up, threaten to make regret Javier breaking into his private stash, and take Mariana away(like the trailers made us think to begin with) for the evulz?

    And you what makes this that much worse for everyone: she didn't need to die there. I mean, if you were gonna have Kate(the group's de facto leader for years) get shot anyway to give Javier and Gabe motivation to go to Richmond with the Prescott Trio, why not just have Mariana only be critically injured? Or better yet, why not do the less costly option of not conceptualizing her to begin with and instead using her screentime to give Kate and Gabe some moments to shine early on? I mean, she doesn't really bring much to the table that previous characters couldn't have, what characterization she did have would've been better suited for a supporting character than a more major one, and she's more or less been designated old news in-universe since only Javier determinately brings her up anymore.

    Louche posted: »

    You're weird. But I respect your opinions. I mean, what did you want? More stuff akin to the conversation where she talks about writing e

  • edited May 2017

    As far as we know, she technically wasn't in a relationship

    it can still apply to female sidekicks, and she counts as David's.

    At the very least, those neighborhood kids will be devastated.

    Woah. Are you implying what I think you're implying? Why not just say the whole town will "miss" her.
    I kid, I kid.

    I'm actually very upset about how they've been treating Kate in particular this entire installment.

    Yeah, Kate was a surprising one in retrospect, but I tend to forget about her during the episodes themselves until she actually appears.
    Also disappointed by the lack of present Ava and Clem interaction.

    DabigRG posted: »

    As far as we know, she technically wasn't in a relationship but that is a fair point. At the very least, those neighborhood kids will be dev

  • More that she was seemingly designed and written to be shallow and pandering for the sake of making Javier look that much cooler early on and that honestly bothered me with the baggage we had going in.

    Louche posted: »

    what's this about Mariana's chiseled jaw and "hot dad" good looks?

  • Agreed. Should've just made her Eleanor and later Lingard's newest patient if they had to keep her in.

    Louche posted: »

    and I think we'd have less of an issue with her being a "throwaway innocent death" character, if it felt like the other characters were real

  • she's not noble, she's a tragic villain if anything.

    Perhaps you're right. Still, do you visit TvTropes? Because I think I was keeping their levels of villainy in mind.

    obviously, she never actually killed anyone before judging by her reaction but she shouldn't have picked one up if she couldn't handle the consequences.

    Yeah. Obviously, she saw just sitting there, got curious, and then realized(with little fanfare) that she got lucky on that one.

    Louche posted: »

    she's not noble, she's a tragic villain if anything. you still don't rob and threaten children like that, they don't know what you're capabl

  • Really? Well, that's not too insane until they mention she was part of David's unit.

    Until or after?
    But the first instance was more speculation for Above the Law, given that they seemed to be setting her up as an arc villain for Clementine. Linking her up with Gabe as well made sense, especially after the episode came out.

    I honestly thought in episode 2 that she was maybe like two or three years older than Clem.

    I had a similar thought and that stat list (which was recently stated to be fake by the poster [I think] so many months later) kinda confirmed it by stating she's 19. But even if that is fake, the wiki does estimate her to be in her 20s.

    Incidentally, I also had a theory that she's actually Conrad's estranged daughter early on that Thicker than Water ironically added even more fuel to.

    Louche posted: »

    Really? Well, that's not too insane to think until they mention she was part of David's unit. I honestly thought in episode 2 that she was maybe like two or three years older than Clem.

  • Funny thing is that i've never even saw this scene, lol xD, i'm always support my daughter Clemy ^-^

    Yeah episode 1 if you sell out clem and flirt with eleanor Clem will see this and call it gross

  • No, you guys are all wrong, this is will be Clem's real reaction xD
    enter image description here

    Wanna bet this will be Clem's reaction when Gabe confesses to liking her

  • Amazing job.

    What program did you use?

    I am posting a meme myself now, it took me roughly 8-10h to complete... didn't know that it'd be so much work, but here you go: Credi

  • I'm howling at the moon
    And sleeping in the middle of a summer afternoon

  • Well, duh! Considering they bothered having him be with Javier & Clementine or David & determinately Ava, I would expect that he'd have some role to play.

    Plus, that whole killing off characters for the sake of it thing has long gotten old.

  • edited May 2017

    .* gasp * He's a clone!

    n o o d l e s

  • Well I admit I have the same expression when seeing him in the trailer


  • Thanks.
    I use Adobe Premier Pro CC.

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Amazing job. What program did you use?

  • Haha, thanks for the concern. I swapped it back to a picture of me but I'll change it back if people miss it that badly.

    Connora711 posted: »


  • edited May 2017

    enter image description here
    enter image description here

  • ZombiePizza posted: »

    Haha, thanks for the concern. I swapped it back to a picture of me but I'll change it back if people miss it that badly.

  • I dont know why but the pizza always grosses me out.

    See that pizza? This represents your meme. You made a definition of dankness in one video. Outstanding.

  • Top notch banter ol' chap!

  • edited May 2017

    Unless it's referring to Clementine's story as a whole, i.e seasons 1, 2 and 3 and just comparing it to the story line of the comic books, novels and show.

  • Oh MY god, now that you mention it, I can totally see the Larry in her face.

    I thought it was pretty overt early on, to be honest. Especially considering the face she makes when indignant is a dead ringer of his usual mood.


    Okay, that was unintentional.

    well, if it's for the sake of humanity's survival, I think I could accept that horrendous, awful, totally unpleasant task.

    Now that I think about it, I wonder if that would be a completely good thing considering the state of some walkers.

    Louche posted: »

    Considering her genetics and her situation, it made plenty of sense. Of course, I just wish she got to smile more. Oh MY god, now t

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