The Walking Dead Meme and Fun Thread (Mobile warning)



  • edited May 2017

    enter image description here

  • Well that would be another neat piece of overlap and an interesting origin for her...except she was a solo act in Georgia and, as far as we're told, Wellington(which was almost certainly in Ohio) may not have been around yet, let alone as big a name as it was in the present timeline of Season 2. Hence part of why the origin I gave her in my rewrites made it clear she was from Georgia(or a surrounding state) like most of the cast to begin with.

    Now, Christa and Omid potentially being there once could been a good plot point, considering they were apparently on an eloping road trip from California and therefore have the broad strokes and responsibility necessary to have been there or at least heard of it.

    Louche posted: »

    does it? "not like those last people. they had some good shit" or something like that, she says. what if she was let in because she was a m

  • By the facial expressions it does look like he's puckering up his lips for some good ol suckin!

    Poogers555 posted: »


  • When no one fucking likes you

    enter image description here

  • Lol his face is sooo comical here XD

    Poogers555 posted: »

    When no one fucking likes you

  • it can still apply to female sidekicks, and she counts as David's.

    True enough.

    Woah. Are you implying what I think you're implying? Why not just say the whole town will "miss" her.

    Well, obviously, the whole town would miss her, but the kids in particular would since she was apparently really good with them. Which is Hilarious in Hindsight for me.

    I kid, I kid.

    I see what you did there.

    Yeah, Kate was a surprising one in retrospect, but I tend to forget about her during the episodes themselves until she actually appears.

    That's because they never give her a chance to do something to show her stuff. Had enough of that shit in Season 2 and it's affecting the female cast in general.

    Also disappointed by the lack of present Ava and Clem interaction.

    I'm disappointed that they've done so little with the Clementine and New Frontier connection in general, especially with David, Ava, and Gabe around.

    Louche posted: »

    As far as we know, she technically wasn't in a relationship it can still apply to female sidekicks, and she counts as David's.

  • (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    Poogers555 posted: »


  • edited May 2017

    Findahappyplace, findahappyplace, findahappyplace...!

  • Sounds like a good idea.... Better get to Google Translate

    Louche posted: »

    I'd consider contacting the artist, but since it's in another language...

  • Gabe, if you so much as even touch her, I will slash your stomach, rip your guts right out of your body, and bathe in your blood.

  • I'd imagine things would've went over easier if Randall wasn't such a sadistic prick. Aw well.

    Louche posted: »

    Still, they force you side with her. I don't like it. But I guess you can get her killed, so eh there's that.

  • I'll cut your balls off and sell them to a:
    enter image description here

  • Looks more like he's horrified by the size.

    Poogers555 posted: »


  • edited May 2017

    "Aw, a quintet! How rare!"

    Seriously tho, wtf?

    AronDracula posted: »

    I'll cut your balls off and sell them to a:

  • This photo's hella creepy dude, I think you accomplished what you wanted when making it.

  • edited May 2017

    Oh my god...that face is a nightmare

    What are you doing??! It's already midnight here, I'm gonna sleep and you showed me this?? I couldn't sleep...

    No, I'm serious though, it's creepy AF, I'm begging you, please put it away...

  • just because he isn't in the keyart doesn't mean that he won't play a large role?? like kate wasn't in the keyart for ep 4, yet her role was still prominent. david was in it, but his role was smaller. kate doesn't appear in the trailer but she's center in the keyart.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Well, duh! Considering they bothered having him be with Javier & Clementine or David & determinately Ava, I would expect that he'd h

  • Welp, now I won't be able to sleep tonight...

  • You're locked in a room with this kid after he gets rejected by Clem, and he gives you this face - What do you do?

  • Please have mercy

    You're locked in a room with this kid after he gets rejected by Clem, and he gives you this face - What do you do?

  • It's 8 pm here. I have 4 hours to try and cleanse my mind of that horrific image.

    HammyShow posted: »

    Oh my god...that face is a nightmare What are you doing??! It's already midnight here, I'm gonna sleep and you showed me this?? I couldn't sleep... No, I'm serious though, it's creepy AF, I'm begging you, please put it away...

  • You nightmares for everyone!

    This photo's hella creepy dude, I think you accomplished what you wanted when making it.

  • Gabe's under your bed right now with a rusty kitchen knife, a thirst for blood and that big ass smile on his face.

    Pipas posted: »

    Welp, now I won't be able to sleep tonight...

  • What Badger should have done but instead did to Mariana.

    You're locked in a room with this kid after he gets rejected by Clem, and he gives you this face - What do you do?

  • Everybody's going to get triggered because telltale misspelt available in the trailer enter image description here

  • You can see the bike in the background, so this is either where javi got the bike, javi left with clem to take out David or Davis tricked javi into meeting him there who he can kill javi and maybe clem without anybody noticing.

    Poogers555 posted: »


  • edited May 2017

    They also misspelled, "...easily the worst Walking Dead story ever told." as "...easily the best Walking Dead story ever told."

    This just proves how shitty the writers are this season. They can't even spell right, let alone create a convincing story plot.

    Creeper1846 posted: »

    Everybody's going to get triggered because telltale misspelt available in the trailer

  • I was triggered for the 1st 3 seconds but got over it

    Creeper1846 posted: »

    Everybody's going to get triggered because telltale misspelt available in the trailer

  • Make "Clemy-Cloo" take one for the team--Sev'ral Timez!

    You're locked in a room with this kid after he gets rejected by Clem, and he gives you this face - What do you do?

  • As you should. Or at least make fun of it when relevant.

    Melton23 posted: »

    I was triggered for the 1st 3 seconds but got over it

  • Yeah I know if I was the guy making this trailer I would check it over about three times because I know I was going to release it to the public.

    ZombiePizza posted: »

    They also misspelled, "...easily the worst Walking Dead story ever told." as "...easily the best Walking Dead story ever told." This just

  • Not as bad than some the people in my school. Still don't know their ABC's... They literally said D instead of T and some other say T before S :D

    DabigRG posted: »

    As you should. Or at least make fun of it when relevant.

  • Oh my god...please don't do this to me ( ; _ ; )

    ZombiePizza posted: »

    It's 8 pm here. I have 4 hours to try and cleanse my mind of that horrific image.

  • ust because he isn't in the keyart doesn't mean that he won't play a large role??

    I didn't say that?

    like kate wasn't in the keyart for ep 4, yet her role was still prominent.

    Was it tho?

    just because he isn't in the keyart doesn't mean that he won't play a large role?? like kate wasn't in the keyart for ep 4, yet her role was

  • like kate wasn't in the keyart for ep 4, yet her role was still prominent.

    Not really. The only major thing she's done was helping Javi escape from the cell (determinant) and/or the player choosing to accept or deny their feelings for her. Other than that, she wasn't "major" at all in Ep.4.

    DabigRG posted: »

    ust because he isn't in the keyart doesn't mean that he won't play a large role?? I didn't say that? like kate wasn't in the keyart for ep 4, yet her role was still prominent. Was it tho?

  • Wrong guy, buddy.

    MRSHYGUY45 posted: »

    like kate wasn't in the keyart for ep 4, yet her role was still prominent. Not really. The only major thing she's done was helping J

  • enter image description here

    "I'll respect her wishes."
    .* One dead thug later *
    "I'm gonna tell her how I feel."

  • This is gold. I would honestly have a lot more respect for Telltale if, in the final scene, Gabe is searching that wreckage or whatever he's at there. He finds Clementine, she looks up, smiling, she says "Thanks Gabe-chan, let's be kawaii together senpai-sama-dude."

    The camera pans out to Gabe's side, he looks at the camera, and it freezes the motion and zooms out as soon as he gets that shit eating grin on his face.

    Roll credits

    I mean hell, that's obviously the direction they're trying to take this, so screw it, unload both barrels on us and get it over with!

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