Why don't I feel for anything for any character in ANF?
I keep playing but the only time I felt any emotion was Kenny & Jane's bullshit death in the first episode.
I don't feel anything for Javier and his people. All of the new characters just feel like voice actors reading a script into a mic.
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I have a diagnosis: the walking dead fan base minority syndrome. Spend time with people who enjoy the game and no doubt you will enjoy the characters.
Javier and David are the only good characters of ANF that I liked the most. Everyone else can just fuck off.
Ok ????? Can mean anything so I'll explain everything. According to ratings from fans on steam, the AppStore and the ps store etc, the majority of TWD fans enjoy the game and the story while the minority, who are often found here, hate it. So I am saying take time away from the website, join a steam, Xbox or ps community on the walking and and Joshua can enjoy the story while sticking around positive people.
It's a pretty normal thing to happen when there's no time for character development and the characters are excessively cliche stereotypes.
What you're saying has nothing to do with liking the characters or not.
There there. Lemme whisper something in your ear.... I don't know how to change the font size. In all seriousness, I believe they dislike the character because they are not invested into the story enough, so they should spend more time around positive people who like the story and its characters and not... Well... Here. For the time being, not saying they should give up on the place but just spend the majority of their time In a more positive place.
What? You're implying someone cannot dislike something without being influenced by other people and also wanting to force people to like it?
Stop. That's not how life works. You must be really weak minded to think this is how it works to everyone: You're around people who like it and suddenly you start to like it = That's not how it works.
"minority". Sure xD
You mind if you stop with the insults, paco, I'm tryna give the guy some advice to help him like the game more. If you don't like it, then fine, but at least don't go calling people weak minded.
It's because the characters are seriously underdeveloped. That's it.
No hubs. No peace. Just action.
You don't even have time to talk like a person.
Lack of character development,lack of character interactive hubs,inconsistent characters,poor character writing. One problem with ANF is it implies we should care about characters based on relationships with other characters. Javi,Kate,Gabe and Mariana are prime examples of this type of problem. It also doesn't help that most characters get little to no screen time and when they do most of them have no dialogue or trivial dialogue. ANF has the time to focus on 4 love dramas and Clementines period, however it can't actually develop and focus on characters relevant to the story and create meaningful character arcs.
That doesn't make any sense. If he's not invested in the characters, then he's not invested in the characters. No amount of time spent with people who enjoy the game is gonna change that.
I can understand why people don't like Kate, Eleanor, and Gabe. (Especially Gabe.)
I like most of the other characters though.
I'd just stop if I were you. It's a loss cause to have a debate.
Because they have no arch nor development plus they killed off the old characters that you do care about.
I just simply pointed out how spending time with people who like the game isn't going to change his perception of it. This wasn't a hostile comment nor was it meant to be a hostile comment. You're the one resorting to hostility whenever someone disagrees with what you said. It seems to me, that I'm not the one who needs to calm down.
Like a boss
Words of wisdom
High Five
Because the story is rushed. There's no time for character development. We know nothing about most of the characters in ANF. They're literally just there for no particular reason with pretty much minimal interactions with the player.
And when they die for the cheap shock value, we feel absolutely nothing because there's literally no reason to even care about them. Literally the only character most players care about is Clementine. And I can't say I blame them for not caring about anyone else.
This is exactly what happens when Telltale made Season 3 (ANF) into a full QTE action Michael Bay type of pure clown fiesta instead of actually being a story-oriented game with great developed characters like the ones in Season 1.
Lemme point out that, I love this game. It seems as though I'm one of the few people on the forum who loves this game. So that should go a long way in proving that I don't have an issue with people being positive. The positivity factor wasn't the issue however. It was the fact that your suggestion didn't make any sense. Your hostile replies seem to be twisting my words around to make me seem to be more of a douche horse than I actually am.
It's because they are just voice actors reading a script into a mic, you hit the nail on it's head with that description.
Bro fist
sorry I am from the bros army I don't high five
Sorry but I'm not a fan of Pewdiepie.
I don't blame you I am not that much of a fan to him to be true cus sometimes he gogo realy away out of line.
My fav youtuber is markilpier he is a respactful person as he is.
woops, my fault.
Yeah, it is rushed as fuq. I mean, there is no time to talk with people like in Season One and the whole plot takes place within 3 days or so. That's super short amount of time and definitely not enough to properly develop characters. Then again, most of the characters are super lame. Clem and (in my opinion) the Garcias are fine, more or less.. but everyone else?
Jesus is only good because he is known from the comics and the tv-show.. otherwise he would be the among the other bland characters like Tripp, Eleanor and all these ppl from New Frontier. What makes it even worse is when these lacking characters then also act completely inconsistent, like Tripp and Eleanor do. Or they act annoying and stupid like Gabriel or David.
What annoys me the most about this season is Telltale's shitty behavior regarding older determinant characters. I do not care about what they did with Conrad, because that character is not likeable at all to me.. but even worse is what they did to Kenny, Jane and Wellington.
To avoid any actual work, in order to come up with good solutions to connect all these different starting points with the plot of ANF, they just kill off everyone. Because it is the cheap and easy way out. But in fact, this is nothing more than an insult to their fanbases.. as well as to anyone who has at least a tiny bit of understanding of how good story-telling and appreciation of central characters look like. Good writers do not kill off beloved characters like that. Neither for "shocking value", nor to avoid any conflict with the next plot. It's just sad.
I guess we are just "spoiled" by many well-written stories over the years? Spoiled by fantastic dialogue (for example from TWD Season 1&2, Beyond: Two Souls, The Last of Us, Uncharted4 etc.)? That would make sense to me. Because a mediocre game, such as ANF, is definitely not enough anymore for me to be satisfying.
That is a bad way of looking at the game's popularity and reception.
For starters, the reviewers are people who chose to buy the game and that in itself already adds a HUGE rating bias. A positive rating, for any game really, is to be expected, unless it comes out unplayable or has a huge and vocal bandwagon of hate surrounding it (take No Man's Sky for example). With that in mind, we can say that ANF has not been doing as well as previous seasons when it comes to ratings since the previous two games had 95+% on ratings yet ANF has it around 75%.
Furthermore, we have to consider how the game is selling (and this is probably what matters the most). (Based on Steam sales) While season 1 sold 2.2M and season 2 sold 1.2M, ANF only sold 150k. To put that in perspective, ANF sold 12% of what season 2 sold and 6% of what season 1 did! Sure, one could blame this on players being lost episode to episode, sequel to sequel, it happens with other games, films, and TV shows, but it's rarely this accentuated. For example, from season 1 to season 2 46% of the fandom was lost. But from season 2 to ANF 88% of the fandom was lost. That is exorbitant and it does tell us something about this season's reception.
There were, and still are, refunds being made.

(These refunds date back to the release of the game).
And finally, at this precise moment (given by the statistics of the achievements), 20% of buyers completed episode 4 on XBox and 25% of buyers completed it on Steam and PS4. On Steam that represents 37.5k of players still playing these series. To a series that once had millions playing it solely on one platform, this is a terribly alarming number, which makes the future of Telltale's TWD very uncertain.
In my opinion, Telltale shouldn't even consider about making a Season 4 for TWD. Not before they get their shit together. If they come up with another weak/garbage/bad (whichever word you like to use) season for TWD, then the series is lost forever.
It's like Norma says in TWD Michonne.
"Everyone deserves a second chance, I believe that. But never a third."
Because they're inconsistent. I don't blame you because you can't really have anything toward characters that have an arc that just out of nowhere go off on a tangent. Just rushed and poor writing.
I like some of the characters (excluding previous season characters), such as Javi, David, Conrad, [used to] Eleanor, and somewhat Tripp. They have their flaws, but overall I think they have good character development, and I can see why some of you don't like them, its all opinion and respect.
You're being over dramatic and clearly not listening to what I'm saying, so I'm gonna end the conversation here. Bye.
But Tripp is fan favorite...
Oh I'm not crying. It was super hot in the country I am in and I have a mad personality change that makes me appear crazy when it is hot. It's weird Ik but it happens somehow
Not anymore.