Who do you think is the most tragic character in TWDG?
So obviously all the characters have seen rough times and probably all have lost loved ones. This has affected them in some way whether they became hardened, weakened, reckless or misunderstood. Who do you see as having the most tragic story? Is it because they have suffered greatly or because of the person they became as a result of that?
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I think clem hates herself sooooo yeah... Clem.
Absolutely the lady in the woods.
I'm not sure she hates herself but we've certainly followed a tragic bit of her life. I say Clem too.
Obligatory Kenny
Clementine obviously. She has pretty much lost everyone close to her + the other shit she has gone through.
As for another character besides Clem, Kenny is my pick. He lost his family and pretty much his will to live multiple times. Also, he nearly turned insane in Season 2. Quite tragic if you ask me.
Lee is the first to come to mind with Kenny and Ben being close.
Well, the obvious ones are Lee, Clementine and Kenny. Lee was a great man who did a bad thing. He got convicted, and he never saw his family again. They died angry and resentful of him. He never stoped loving them. Kenny lost Duck, Katjaa AND Sarita. If you shoot him when he's on Jane, he dies in the freezing cold after getting shot by someone he loves. If you go to Wellington, Kenny's main goal throughout the season, he sacrifices his well-being for Clem's. Presumably, the two will never see each other again. And finally, if you stay with Kenny, he ends up dying anyway. Everything is finally shaping up for him. He's found a family, a new purpose and a new destination in Florida. All it took was one second to fall apart. He dies a handicapped and is eaten alive, leaving Clementine and AJ by themselves. That's pretty damn tragic if you ask me. And now, we come to Clem. She was just eight when all this started. She never got to say goodbye to her parents, and even worse, had to see them as walkers. Her friend, Duck, is killed. Her guardian and essentially her new father, Lee, dies. She determinately has to shoot him. Her newfound guardians, Christa and Omid suffer the same. Omid is killed, Christa's baby is dead and Christa is...well, who knows. She finds a new family in the Cabin Group, but that only lasts so long. Pete, Nick and Carlos die. Alvin, one of her earliest friends, is killed in a brutal manner. One of her closest friends, Rebecca, a mother who just gave birth, dies. No doubt reminding her of Christa. And finally, her big brother figure, Luke, dies. Shortly theirfafter, she is shot, Mike and Bonnie betray her, and Kenny and Jane start arguing. Regardless, she looses both of them in some form. Each of the endings brings about a tragic outcome: Loosing a finger, watching Kenny die, loosing Wellington and witnessing the suicide of Jane. She meets up with The New Frontier, who eventually end up betraying her. Her only reason to live, AJ, is taken from her. She meets up with Javier and his family, and yet again has to witness countless deaths. If that's not tragic, than I don't know what is.
K wtf, everyone is saying people who weren't that tragic, Bens story is fucking tragic

Kenny, Lilly, Ben, Jolene, the Stranger, Bonnie, Nick, Sarah, Samantha, and Kate and to a lesser extent Michelle, Luke, Arvo, and Norma are the ones that come to mind. Not sure who'd take first place, though.
Kenny had a good life despite losing his eye and family. Idk about the rest. But Ben is really tragic
I notice that you forgot about Sarah.
Clementine is a tragedy. She's lost everything and everyone she's loved or cared for over and over again. Every. Single. Person. Not to mention when the whole thing started she was completely alone from the get go. Her parents left, never to return to her as the end of the world began, as an only child. Could you imagine actually being in that situation?
Kenny was also hugely tragic, but Clementine is just a little girl who's life has been filled with little more than pain, and hardly any memories before the zombie apocalypse since it started when she was so little. She didn't have a chance at a normal life at all, so she has few good memories to draw back on which will only get worse for her as she grows older.
We have watched clementine go from being a sweet, innocent, sociable and charismatic little girl, to a self reliant, jaded, untrusting 13 or 14 year old single mother who's first instinct is to shoot most threats on sight, and who had her child taken from her and has become a complete loner who is scared to take in even more pain than she's already overloaded with. Witnessing such a radical personality change, and knowing exactly why it has happened is quite sad. No other character has the background she has. She's the only character in the games that has been the sole survivor of multiple groups and has to carry all that pain with her.
Most tragic main character? I guess Kenny because he still pushes on despite the fact that his wife and son died the exact same day.
Most tragic villain? Easily the Stranger because despite the fact that you hate his guts, you still 100% understand why he wants revenge on Lee and his group.
Jolene. The woman was raped repeatedly by bandits, and who KNOWS what happened to her daughter - at the end, does she get any sort of peace? No. Even after losing her daughter she was raped, abused, and may have had run-ins with the St. Johns, too. She's eventually just shot in the head and forgotten about.
Bandits who used to be her friends and coworkers, btw.
You're going to have to explain Bonnie and Kate to me.
Ben, Christa, Kenny, Carlos and Bonnie.
If I had to pick one, I'd go with Kenny, this man's life is a nightmare.
Ben is a good candidate. He is a kid that cannot deal with the situation at all and keeps messing up. All his family are gone and he doesn't have any kind of guardian that has his best interests as their priority. He possibly isn't that well like by any of the group thanks to his constant screw ups.
Kenny. Just think about his first scene in the game to him being shot by Clementine to save Jane. So horrid.
Bonnie, much like how she described Arvo(even though it's evident she never completely trusted him herself), strikes me as someone who isn't an inherently bad person, but rather one that just makes a lot of mistakes and/or poor choices. In her case, she definitely means well and tries to be as helpful as possible, but is ultimately directionless in life in part due to her failures and therefore tends to get involved with either the wrong crowd preferring to make the best of a bad situation or a group with a good cause that ends up plagued with misfortune. I don't know what her backstory is, but given that the earliest thing we learn about her is that she ended up strung out on drugs and left alone, I think it's clear that she's got some emotional baggage she needs to sort through. Her talk with Clementine on Arvo's back porch in particular reveals that she's been hurt so many times because she trusted one man or another, which shows through her experiences with Leland, Carver, Luke, and arguably Mike, further implying a quite bit of heartbreak. Ultimately, I get the feeling that she does what she does in order to feel like her existence is mutually appreciated. It just so happens that she has a tendency to seek someone who she sees as being great, whether it be someone who is powerful and influential or someone who is selfless and caring.
Kate kinda falls in that "trying so hard to be something you're not" category where she's clearly a free-spirited who point blank told David that she shouldn't be expected to change who she is, pot-smoking or otherwise, and yet she still insisted on adopting a few traits expected of her by doing her wifely duties for a persnickety husband, playing step-mom to two kids aren't hers for years into the apocalypse, trying so hard to make the one that resents her like her, and up until they were separated, sticking in a marriage she clearly wasn't very happy. There's also the fact that, as both proof and contradiction to this issue, she clearly has a weak amount of self-control when it comes to her instincts, occasionally flirting with Javier even in the face of adversity(outside or otherwise), the afformentioned efforts involving Gabe in particular, and even getting herself shot because she couldn't just leave the already downed Mariana. It's not quite on the level of the majority since fate more or less gave her the opportunity do drop any of these things but she still stuck with it with minimal cost to herself for the most part. Unfortunately, From the Gallows might make her a straighter example.
Good points.
Why Eleanor?
Well, I put maybe for a reason. But basically because she's the type of person who has an undeniably good desire to help people but her naivety in wanting to do this can get her and her friends into trouble. This could've led to a particularly bad situation if it actually contributed to a problem.
Of course, now that From the Gallows is out, I can safely remove her.