Who is your favorite Walking Dead Villian?

Who is your favorite antagonist from ether the Comics or the game me personally my favorite Villain of all times (The Governor) from the comics but when it comes to the antagonist in the game I would say (William Carver) aka Bill he was also a hardcore villain. As for Joan she's Awsome as well.

Who is your favorite antagonist from (The Walking Dead) it could be from the game or comics.


  • I'd say Norma from the Michonne series. She was a better Joan and I enjoyed her conflict with Michonne, while her shithead of a brother was our "walking" and drooling bargaining chip.

  • Norma alongside with her brother, Randall. By far they have got to be the best villains!

  • Really liked carver

  • The Governor & Negan from the comics.

    Norma & Randall from the video games.

  • St. Johns because they were so likeable at the start. I didn't expect anything wrong with them in the beginning and then they turned out to be monsters, just the whole facade is so intriguing to me. Plus, Starved For Help is my favorite TWD episode of all time and probably will remain that way.

  • Negan of course.

  • Comic Negan for his hilarious dialogue and charisma.

    If he didn't get power hungry/violent, he wouldn't even really be a villain.

  • Who is the best antagonist and likes to point at stuff?


    This guy.

  • Carver would have been my choice if they actually utilized him at all and he didn't die in the episode after he first appeared. What we saw of him was excellent, but he wasn't around enough to leave enough of an impact. I'd then have to say the best villain in the game would then be the Stranger. I liked the sit down you had with him. It was excellent to have this guy guilt trip you over all the horrible choices you had to make. It really emphasized that no choice is really the "right" one and that it's gonna look different to different people. He was definitely the most "gray" of all of the villains. He was just a regular guy, just like anyone of us, but slightly unhinged, but he still was intelligent and wasn't just totally insane or evil.

  • Game: Carver

    Comics: Negan

    Show: The Governor

  • The Stranger. Everything that happened after leaving the St. John farm was leading up to our meeting with him. Every choice we made, he was keeping score. Unlike Carver and Joan who are threats from the start, The Stranger hides his existence for the greater part of the game, then his identity until the very end. It was that which was unexpected and made him all the more creepy and potentially dangerous. He was very calculating and methodical as opposed to resorting to immediate brutality.

  • Negan for the comic series

    The St. John's in the game. Carver had so much potential that was just wasted.

    For the tv show...well fuck the tv show.

  • I'm not a fan of the ( AMC ) version ethier.

    A lot of inaccurate stuff in the show.

    Like Carol she was aposded to get bitten in the neck by a chained up (walker ) but instead they kill off( Sophia ).

    Negan for the comic series The St. John's in the game. Carver had so much potential that was just wasted. For the tv show...well fuck the tv show.

  • Comic - Negan
    Show - Negan
    Game - Carver

  • edited May 2017

    I'd say either the Stranger or Norma.

    The Stranger had a sad backstory and his quest for revenge/being evil made a lot of sense. He was just an average person who let the death of his family consume him.

    I liked Norma because she was sort of reasonable and wasn't all about just random killing (though her brother was).

    Carver and Joan seemed interesting at first but by the end of their runs they were just mustache-twirling villains with little character aside from "killing is good."

  • I don't read comics and what I've heard about it's villains(and content in general) doesn't give me much hope. Still haven't watched the show for that matter, so purely games here.

    Brenda St. John was always a favorite from Season 1, while Michelle and later Arvo had potential to be interesting and unique antagonists given the rest of the roster.

    I also really liked what the Stranger was and was holding out hope that we'd get an equivalent for Clementine.

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