So, about Jesus?
Before we start, I just want to point out that I don't know Jesus since I don't read the comics and have watched like, 2 seasons of the tv show ages ago. What I know about him is from ANF, which is not much at all.
Now, that being said, unless I completely suck at human interaction (it is a possibility) is Jesus actually flirting with Javi if you choose the "I like you, Jesus." option? I totally thought they meant it in a 'I like you bro' kind of way but I'm really not sure, especially because of how Jesus speaks/looks at you. If he is tho, I fucking LOVED it. What a breath of fresh air that was. From having Kate humping my leg all season and causing my fight with David, I'll have Javi take Jesus any day. Anyone that can help me with this?
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He's gay, so yes.
In comics Jesus is homosexual. So, yeah he was flirting with Javi. I also pick "I like you Jesus" option and then told him that his armor looks rad. I literally cock blocked him.

As someone who didn't read the comics it caught me off guard but I got a good chuckle out of it.
I dunno if Jesus was flirting with Javi but I was flirting with Jesus.
Dayum, dat Jesus. I would make my Javi dump Kate for Jesus faster than you can say "knight in shiny armor".
I told him I liked him and then asked him to please stay.
Jesus why must you leave me
Same. My Javi does belong to Kate, but having Jesus around would definitely be great. But I guess "the savior" has bigger plans. :'D
Hey Jesus....nice armor.
No i dont agree because telltale tricked some of us with that option i did know to be honest
Hopefully, his bigger plans include showing up in future seasons/DLC. I admit that when he first showed up I was a little wary of having a character in the game that was straight from the source material, since I didn't like the cameos in Game of Thrones. But he actually played a nice part while not stealing the spotlight, and everything he did made sense within his established character, so I have no complaints regarding Jesus's participation in this season, only praises.
I also thought it would be more of a "bro, I love you bro" moment but was secretly hoping Javi would flirt his way to his holy ass. Got my wish, I'd love me some more gay jesus action.
True that :>
I was definitely flirting with Jesus, I hope he was flirting with me....
Literally Kate is missing, the same Kate who my Javi loves, and I'm just like... LETS GET THAT JESUS DICK
My Kate isn't even missing and I'm like that too so don't worry, you are not alone.
I was so incredibly shocked and thrilled Telltale gave us the option to flirt with him. My reward for not flirting with Kate once! Lol
I started smiling because I knew Jesus was gay and it made the interaction all the more funny.
Dude same!! I actually went like "Hm I wonder if people that went for Kate can flirt with Jesus" haha
My Javier was with Kate, but I could tell Jesus I liked him. Did you guys get a more flirtly line, or was that it?
Thanks for clearing out any shadow of doubt I had guys.
Now if only TT gave us the option to ask Jesus to stay for like a day or two if he couldn't stay for good, to you know, help with Richmond and...stuff.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
You say that, then Jesus flirts back, then you can sort of flirt again when you ask him to stay
Was that flirting? It sounded more like a laid-back small talk with jokes here and there.
Or instead of asking him to stay, after Jesus says that you are a "real charmer" you can say "so they say" and then they just look at each other and basically wiggle their eyebrows at eachother, it was really good
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Is this confirmation that Javi is (or at least can be) bisexual? This made me so happy!!
mostlypoptarts seems to think so xD
I think the lingering pauses and slightly awkward nature implied it. Especially if, after flirting, you then compliment his armour and he gets all awkward and doesn't know what to say!
There's an option to flirt back, isn't there? :P
As a person who has never read the comics, Jesus was one of the weakest characters in the actual game. I learnt nothing about who he was, where he went or anything.
Helllll yea
Even though we didn't get to see much of it in-game it makes me so happy as I don't think I've ever had the opportunity to play as a bi guy (like I myself am) in a video game outside of create-your-own-character roleplaying games, such a breath of fresh air!
That's why you need to read the comics. No point in spending much time developing a character that has already had development going on for about 70 issues now. If people refuse to read the comic to see his development than it is their loss.
Perhaps Javi scared him away. Or Jesus thought Javi was jelly of that cool armor of his, so he purposely acted awkwardly. "Fuck that guy", he thought, backing the horse and getting the hell out of Richmond.
I disagree as a fan of the series since 2012. They gave Glenn a lot of character in season 1. They didn't give Jesus any character in Season 3. Funny how this season is meant to be for newcomers who haven't even played the other seasons of the game and yet they don't develop any of the cameo characters.
I feel that what we have now kinda adds to his badass, misterios image, ya know? But yeah, I also would've liked to see more of his character. He is one of the very few characters I can say I actually like
He went to heaven and back and he can turn water into wine, dude, read the book, it's a bestseller.
I mean a member of staff at Telltale just confirmed it was flirting below, so.. :P
Altight then... better Javius than Gabentine I guess.
Have you guys seen what the official Telltale account on Tumblr reblogged though...

Look above on this thread! A telltale member basically confirmed that Javi is (or can be) bisexual
THANK YOU TELLTALE! I love my bi baseball boy Javi
I found it cute and we need bi or homosexual characters a bit more.