So what did Season 3 give us exactly? Let's see...

In my opinion of course...

The Good:
1. Another Season of Clementine. Ok fair enough, but that's the only remotely good thing I can say about Season 3.

The Bad:
1. A new graphics engine that looks 10 years old and makes most of the characters faces look like they were drawn by a kid.
2. Kenny's pathetic flashback death and Jane's ugly new face.
3. Javi who I found to be the most boring playable character to date, plus he comes across as a pussy too. David would of been a better choice.
4. Shitty new characters like Gabe who everyone hates.
5. Jesus suprise surprise says absolutely NOTHING about his story. Could of give us something, nice way to treat the fans TellTale, or Kirkman for that matter. Ok you gave us a comic character, but he says f*ck all about himself even after he trusts you at the end of the game.
6. Same old plots and typical panto villains.
7. Poor and lazy writing, like if you save Gabe from Conrad he hates you for it and if you don't save him he hates you for it. Another is where the baddy woman at Richmond (I forget her name) easily gets the people of Richmond to go along with her plan straight after they condemned it.
8. Hardly any hubs and puzzles etc, this is a game after all remember.
9. Once again, too many short episodes.
10. A shitty main menu screen with no features whatsoever, why not have a thing that would of gave us some insight into each characters background like you did with The wolf among us and Game of thrones? How hard could that have been?
11. A reused soundtrack from previous Walking Dead games.
12. No cool intro theme was used, yet every other new Tell Tale game has one, you used one in the Michonne game, so why not Season 3?
13. A story that on the whole just seemed pointless and didn't really offer anything new or interesting to the series. So was there really any point of it?

Those are my main points to make and as you can see the bad outweighs the good by miles, I thought Season 2 was bad but Season 3 is far far worse but at least this time I expected it to be bad so I'm not really that disappointed, I just laugh at how bad it's got now and the only reason I still watch this game is because I'm a Walking Dead fan and I'm just curious to see what happens with Clementine and to see if they ever have the balls to connect the game to the comic that isn't just a cheap cameo appearance from someone.

What do you forum guys think then?


  • They definitely improved on making choices matter that's for sure. They just need to work more on it

  • edited May 2017

    I have only two problem with TNF
    1) no puzzles and no enough hub and no extra dialougs like we had in season one.

    2) the episodes are so short.
    What I liked the matter of choices are improved in this season.

  • Man, remember how much we kept commenting about how S2 was bad and on what they should improve... on their forum nonetheless? Pacing, story, choices... pretty much the same things that S3 has.

    I guess now a lot of people are gonna abandoned the forums just like last time, I wonder how is this forum gonna survive now.

  • Telltale saw those posts and are seeing these posts rn, they just chose to ignore them I guess. Wouldn't be the first time, everyone wants more hubs but they didn't even bother putting st least one in the FINALE

    TheMPerson posted: »

    Man, remember how much we kept commenting about how S2 was bad and on what they should improve... on their forum nonetheless? Pacing, story,

  • R.I.P Telltale's The Walking Dead

    I guess there is no reason to be on these forums anymore since I'm not gonna buy their future season(s)

  • That's why I was not stupid enough to buy Season 3 as Season 2 let me down and I am proved right at how bad S3 was. So I just watched it on YouTube.

    I ain't giving them my money, I only pay for quality not shit.

    Telltale saw those posts and are seeing these posts rn, they just chose to ignore them I guess. Wouldn't be the first time, everyone wants more hubs but they didn't even bother putting st least one in the FINALE

  • I may still come on every now and then just for the laughs. :D

    Chris_93 posted: »

    R.I.P Telltale's The Walking Dead I guess there is no reason to be on these forums anymore since I'm not gonna buy their future season(s)

  • I like it gasp Believe it or not I like it. I dont mind the tiny little problems that everyone freaks out over.

  • I can't take ANF serious, no matter how hard I try. It's full of triviality, stereotypes, daub and lack of realism; seems like it was written for younger viewers (sorry for generalizing) who put action and "badass" shallowness over deep, meaningful story which TWD once was. Everything was flattened out to the very point when you could predict stuff from miles away, which was just disappointing. I liked very few aspects of this game and I disliked so many in a contrary. Also, the lack of logic and realism was driving me insane.

    I love The Walking Dead, but in all honesty, I bought this game for Clementine and played out of sentimentality. I am a person that always finishes a book no matter how bad it is, but I gotta say, it was hard to do with ANF. I would rather have this game to be a DLC or a miniseries. It would've been fairly better if TT's taken a couple more years to finish a proper Season 3.

  • You're right it is for a younger and dumber mainstream audience.

    fallandir posted: »

    I can't take ANF serious, no matter how hard I try. It's full of triviality, stereotypes, daub and lack of realism; seems like it was writte

  • Thanks for crashing my computer!

    FORTLEE posted: »

    I have only two problem with TNF 1) no puzzles and no enough hub and no extra dialougs like we had in season one. 2) the episodes are so short. What I liked the matter of choices are improved in this season.

  • Sorry

    ShaneWalsh posted: »

    Thanks for crashing my computer!

  • Fuck you fuckstick

    ASaltLick posted: »

    I like it gasp Believe it or not I like it. I dont mind the tiny little problems that everyone freaks out over.

  • lol it's cool.

    FORTLEE posted: »


  • You're Doug, not Tripp

    Douug posted: »

    Fuck you fuckstick

  • edited May 2017


    character choice (im convinced who you saved from ava/tripp is still alive) with exception of David's character in ep 5. what a mess

    Javier Garcia. My bi hispanic baseball champ is precious. I will protect him with all my heart in season 4 if he shows and find him a nice bf.

  • To me, the story got better as it came along.
    Episodes 1 and 2 were the worst, most terrible of the season and maybe the entire series, (I'm not quite sure).
    Episode 3 was better but was still suffering from many of the things that the first two had. (Small amount of hubs and dialogue between characters)
    Episode 4 was better still, and had more hubs than the other episodes, and some of the turns I actually liked, (Though the Eleanor thing was performed quite badly)
    Episode 5 was the best of the season, though I think it had less hubs than episode four. (Sorry Clem, I hate your new haircut)

    Best thing for me was that Clementine's story would continue.

    Although for me It would be interesting if we would play as Javier as a side story to Clem's story, (How I thought S3 was going to be in the first place) as he either runs Richmond, or whatever else he does, (I don't know what happens if he chooses not to step up). But definitely not taking up the entire story like this season did.

    Or not, but hopefully we'll get to play as Clem in the present now.

    fallandir posted: »

    I can't take ANF serious, no matter how hard I try. It's full of triviality, stereotypes, daub and lack of realism; seems like it was writte

  • I actually like the title screen and think it's a quite fitting one at that. Overall this installment was quite disappointing,underwhelming,poorly written with a lack of any concrete direction. I do believe that EP3 was a genuinely good episode and the saving grace of the series.

  • I mostly like it. Sorry. The action to exploration to character development ratios were way unbalanced. I also get that feeling I did with season 2 that Telltale prefers one character over another. (Jane > Kenny, Kate > David). That said it's not as lackluster as I had expected. I think Telltale made the right move choosing a different protagonist than Clementine. tbh I didn't feel she even had a purpose in this game....probably why they named it "A New Frontier" and not season 3. Clementine was a gratuitous extra. Personally I don't mind that. I would have appreciated it had they diversified their villains though. Joan feels like a cheap reboot of Carver...someone with an overinflated ego on a power high who thinks they are doing what's best for the community. Clint had better villain potential. He gave off Stranger vibes but really I would have liked to see them go in an entirely different direction.

  • It gave me my man Tripp and a chance to flirt with Jesus.

    That's okay in my book.

  • edited May 2017

    Yep, and half of the TWD forum became that audience.

    ShaneWalsh posted: »

    You're right it is for a younger and dumber mainstream audience.

  • the episodes are realy short
    and the last episode didnt feel like a game at all more like a movie with quicktime events

  • The fucking graphics from season 1 and 2 look better than that shit!

    Her face is all shiny and shit it looks like she's made out of tin or something.


  • edited May 2017



  • I'm dead, man. Gotta reincarnate as someone, you know. Might as well be "shit my nuts".

    You're Doug, not Tripp



  • Better story than season 2 . Not as good as season 1 .

    Not impressed with the graphics and glitches though .

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