Much bigger than just a Game. Expanded Minds.
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First of all I'd like to say Thank you Telltale for continuing to bring us Great storytelling games and touching our damn hearts with these decisions and whether you'd believe it or not giving us new perspectives at life itself and the meaning of family and love, what is right and what is wrong.
I want to start off on how much hate I've been seeing this season get just because of how controversial people can get when the character you play as is Hispanic, not all but a lot of people like to judge this season just because of this particular reason which sickens me honestly. Another because either the episodes were too short or lack of clementine, It's just hate everywhere and complaining and it makes me really upset, because these people really work hard to make games like this and to be able to bring us a good story to tell to the table requires brains. Unlike these other mainstream games who are just power and money hungry, it sucks that games like this get this much hate. Why keep playing it if you're not enjoying it? It's $5 per episode, which is absurd. But yet people still want to bash this franchise.
This Season has been great 8.5/10 for me, I'm not being bias, I personally believe Season 2 was sloppy. But they definitely picked it up with this Season, not to mention how exceptional Season 1 was... definitely in my Top 3 Games of all time. Only thing I disliked about this Season was how they released two episodes at once and how the story paced up so much and how short the episodes were, but even then TTG still deliver with great storytelling.
Another thing I wanted to get into is the amount of people who hate Kate aswell... It absolutely ticks me off when I see that around the comments on FB, YT and on here. I don't see how people think it's Okay that a woman should be undervalued and abused by an arrogant asshole, which I understand he is a war veteran and the field changes a person but it's completely unacceptable in my eyes how people think choosing David over Kate is a better ending just because "Family" or "Blood" blah, blah, blah. I personally sided with David and backed him up through out the whole season but all in all, he was a toxic, unhinged person who no matter how many times I'd back him up he would still find a way to disrespect Javi and treat him like shit. I feel guilty as hell breaking up the promise to our father but he crossed the line when he told Gabe that he wouldn't let what happen to Mari happen to him, that he would protect him the right way. That was it for me, I tried so hard for him but although I do feel bad he died, ultimately, he had it coming to him in the end.
This is why I love TTG and how creative and intelligent they really are. When I say that this is much Bigger than just a game, it really is. The decisions you make in this game are what truly define you as a person if you really put yourself in the shoes of Javier. It's very interesting to see how of based on the decisions and points of views people have thanks to this game really tells you a lot about society as we know it at the moment.
I am really happy with my ending, and really gave me a new perspective on how I see life now(as corny as that sounds) but it's true. My Javier is leading a community to the greater good alongside Kate, with Gabe Alive and Two great doctors to tend to New Richmond. As David's Dogtags remain buried and My Clementine is a Free Spirit as she continues her journey to find AJ.
Can't wait to see what TTG has in store for us in Season 4 and hope they don't desert and forget about Javier's story then and there, which it may seem like the perfect ending for him there but would love to see more of him and Kate.
Finally, I just wanted to vent out all of these thoughts I had in my head after seeing all these comments around the Internet, bothered me so I believe this was needed for me to put out there and somehow with what I wrote here hope that it reaches to some of those people who have so much hatred in their mentality and daily lives. Would love to hear your thoughts and comments on this post. I may not be perfect but I try to be the best person I can be.
Glad you enjoyed it, pal
While I can't exactly say the same thing myself about the season as a whole, it's still encouraging to see that others can.
Glad to know I'm not alone with my distaste towards David. I tried to be his brother as much as I can no matter how mean, violent, and despicable he was throughout his life. People act like David was never an asshole outside of episode 5, but that is beyond untrue, David has always had problems even before the apocalypse. War made him a man, but threw away what good he may have had left. By the time he wanted to change and be a father to Gabe, it was too far late for him and everybody knew it including him. I love David for how well written he is, but as a character after what he did to Gabe I feel no sympathy for his death.
I'm really happy to see im not the only one who enjoyed this season and thought this season showed a great story, although not perfect as it had its flaws - but everything does.
I almost stopped reading when I saw 8.5/10 and top 3 games. THis season is more flawed than Season 2 or at the very least have the same. This season did not pick up. it actually dropped.
Telltale is just as money and power hungry as any other company which is fine since they ARE a company. Lol did you forget how many fucking game there working on? Don't act like they some hero's just because they out it on sale for cheap they literally cut out A LOT of game play aspects, side lined the main character and if they had brains as you said they should've known that was a bad idea from day 1, shorter episodes with 70% of the ep not even controlling javI or walking around in hubs like s1/s2. And the story imo was okay, nothing really shocking happened the we didn't see coming compared to s1/s2
Yeah, but it's not a game, it's an animated movie, a poorly directed one.
I meant Season 1 as top 3 games not this Season. It wasn't the best season but it was definitely better than a poor written and thought out Season 2 IMO.
I get where you're coming from but they're literally called "telltale" to tell a tale lol. I completely agree that they have stepped it down a bit on being a more open game just like S1 was where you wouldn't trigger the next sequence unless you found a certain clue/item, talked to a certain person, etc. But even that became annoying to an extent, I don't mind the lack of gameplay aslong as you get to choose your decisions and say what you want to say. It's like a Interactive suspenseful movie where you control the main character basically, and I'm fine with that. I wouldn't expect nothing less from TTG. If you want constant action and gameplay, gameplay, gameplay... you should probably look into other games.
Exactly. There was no workaround or fix for David as much as I'd wanted there to be. I obviously couldn't picture a future where David was alive and he was okay with Javi and Kate being together and leading the community as he's looked at upon the black sheep. I thought Gabe going with his father there at the end was the perfect ending, leaving more ideas for a future season. But they decided to just kill him off right there which is kinda sad but it is what it is. He dug his own grave.
So ANF was great but you gave no reasons why besides "other people hated it," what?
This season was flawed beyond redemption. Stating that the episodes are short is not hate, it's a fact. Stating that Kate has an annoying role is not hate, it's a fact, you just can't win unless you play along with her flirting. It's the idea that the story tailors to our choices but doesn't that's infuriating.
No matter what you do Kate will always view you romantically and David will always fight you on it.
No matter what you do both Ava and Tripp will eventually die.
No matter what you do Max will always call you a thief and Telltale doesn't provide us with sane arguments towards Clint and Joan, always ending in exile.
No matter what you do Gabriel will always make the same branching choices. He pulls the gun on Conrad, calls you a coward for not shooting him, calls you out on shooting him in front of his friends, goes with David in the end.
No matter what you do Eleanor will always betray you to Joan.
No matter how many victims Joan has on display the outcome of the gallows is always the same, only varied by Clint or Joan's death.
No matter what you do with Lingard he will always reveal where AJ is, even if you don't kill him.
The story is only tailored to our choices in a way that spices the general feel. Even Conrad "the longest living determinant character" doesn't do anything to alter the story in any way when he remains alive. He literally becomes a prop.
Clementine's actions towards Richmond and Gabe/David are determined by a completely disconnected case with Ava in her flashbacks. Her personality doesn't matter, Lee's choices doesn't matter, Kenny and Jane doesn't matter.
A New Frontier broke the rules the original season played by to try and tell a more contained story which didn't work. Most people struggle against the preexisting relationships Javier has, and all the new relationships he forms go straight into the bin, besides Clementine.
For what it's worth, I still think it was acted well and that it had likeable charatcers. Telltale just told the story in a way that no one can possibly enjoy uninterrupted.
They're called telltale GAMES. And no I shouldn't look into another game because telltale has the means to add game play to their games but they just decided to barely include any in this one don't act like there not known for game play because while they are mostly known for the story, hubs/puzzles and shit where ALWAYS part of what made a telltale game along with the story