Telltales modeling at its finest, his face looked like he had to remind himself hes his brother. the first I love you was just said WeIRd, they all should have just been I love you brother like the last one
True. I honestly think Tripp is a Kenny clone to. Just look at them. Oh and whenever he called that zombie fuck stick in episode 5 than you know he is trying to be like him.
idk David felt way more selfish and violent than Kenny. Kenny was reasonably distressed most of the time. David was unprovoked.
Tripp felt more like diet Kenny than anyone tbh.
When a major and forced part of the whole season is Javi x Kate so then after Kate or David dies and the whole drama is over now you suddenly become Bi
When a major and forced part of the whole season is Javi x Kate so then after Kate or David dies and the whole drama is over now you suddenly become Bi
Say whatever you want about the New Frontier, but this is the best character in the whole season. Unfortunately, he had to be killed in the … morefirst episode (guess which awesome character did too).
May he rest in peace and play dominoes all day long with his fallen family members on Kenny's godly Boat in heaven.
I also get the feeling that Becca might've actually ended up shooting Clementine for the sake for a laugh.
Alright, let me stop you right there. That right there is just wrong. You take that back. This is the flanderization present in most fanfictions that feature Becca.
They up her bitch-attitude 10x over
Did you not know that when you tell her to shoot Stephanie, she immediately looks shocked and scared that Shel would even suggest that? She was using a "I'm a tough edgy cunt" facade the whole time to hide the fact that she's still a scared little girl.
She's basically Becca without a Shel.
That was actually a common parallel and one that I was trying to avoid as much as possible whe… moren I brought her back for a bit during my rewrites.
With that said, I also get the feeling that Becca might've actually ended up shooting Clementine for the sake for a laugh. Now that would've been messy.
That walker is humping her back...
When and where
Even the dead get turned on, apparently. Makes sense.
Up yo ass and around the corner.
Telltales modeling at its finest, his face looked like he had to remind himself hes his brother. the first I love you was just said WeIRd, they all should have just been I love you brother like the last one
Oh, I don't know...
What a difference!
Yeah, I'm kinda hoping the next Kenny clone is more in the vain of , Sarah, Carlos, Gabe or hell, maybe even Jane than like Tripp or David.
idk David felt way more selfish and violent than Kenny. Kenny was reasonably distressed most of the time. David was unprovoked.
Tripp felt more like diet Kenny than anyone tbh.
I don't know, I'd say you look more lucky.
Reeeal lucky.
Hmmmm how do we fill that gap in the wall?

True. I honestly think Tripp is a Kenny clone to. Just look at them. Oh and whenever he called that zombie fuck stick in episode 5 than you know he is trying to be like him.
When a major and forced part of the whole season is Javi x Kate so then after Kate or David dies and the whole drama is over now you suddenly become Bi

Eleanor is not impressed by your shitty cosplay, Javi. Try dressing as a ninja next time.
omg im dying
literally mfw
SAME! i'm usually the forgiving type but i have never clicked a dialog option faster in my LIFE
I was mean to that bitch
For a moment I thought that was Conrad
Is it common? I've never seen that comparison.
It's also a terrible pun.
Alright, let me stop you right there. That right there is just wrong. You take that back. This is the flanderization present in most fanfictions that feature Becca.
They up her bitch-attitude 10x over
Did you not know that when you tell her to shoot Stephanie, she immediately looks shocked and scared that Shel would even suggest that? She was using a "I'm a tough edgy cunt" facade the whole time to hide the fact that she's still a scared little girl.
yeah i got the gabe ending where clem doesnt kiss him. (here's me thinking gabentime is finally over) i come on this fucking website.
Shit MY NUTS. Fuck you fuckstick
lol tripp was the best
ava may have died. but she will live forever as a meme
that is amazing. but wtf did they to clem. her s3 original model was perfect
"It ain't gonna suck itself, Garcia."
Yaaaaaassssssss!!!!!! this is amazing
Oh god, same. I wanted to forgive her, but after she said that... I kinda lost it.
You're not alone. XD
Chose that dialogue right when it popped out. NO REGRETS
this is amazing, i love it xD
P:S Everyone is gonna kill me now right? xD
I can already picture her as some edgy ass teen. Shudder
So...basically what she was throughout the game.
Some say they are still choking him for the past 5 years.
And Kurusu is back again.