Be almost insultingly cutesy for the Season 1 junkies to water over?
So you fix that by making episode 1 longer and giving more depth to mariana. Except then you'd have to... GASP.... make the rest of the season longer too.
Hopefully not too much depth cause there's other shit they can be working on as well.
Well, does she have a purpose other than to die? That sorta thing kinda has to happen close to the beginning. So you fix that by making epis… moreode 1 longer and giving more depth to mariana. Except then you'd have to... GASP.... make the rest of the season longer too.
I recall seeing it two or three times and it's a pretty easy one to make.
It's also a terrible pun.
...Ooh, I just got that.
Alright, let me stop you right there. That right there is just wrong. You take that back.
I would if I really saw the issue: saying Becca might end up shooting Clementine for real just to mess with her isn't that much of a leap I don't think.
This is the flanderization present in most fanfictions that feature Becca.
They up her bitch-attitude 10x over
Well, it's like the one thing she's notable for.
Did you not know that when you tell her to shoot Stephanie, she immediately looks shocked and scared that Shel would even suggest that? She was using a "I'm a tough edgy cunt" facade the whole time to hide the fact that she's still a scared little girl.
Is it common? I've never seen that comparison.
It's also a terrible pun.
I also get the feeling that Becca might've actually ended … moreup shooting Clementine for the sake for a laugh.
Alright, let me stop you right there. That right there is just wrong. You take that back. This is the flanderization present in most fanfictions that feature Becca.
They up her bitch-attitude 10x over
Did you not know that when you tell her to shoot Stephanie, she immediately looks shocked and scared that Shel would even suggest that? She was using a "I'm a tough edgy cunt" facade the whole time to hide the fact that she's still a scared little girl.
I guess this is what Ava thought when she asked David to make her new haircut. Maybe they aren't the best barbers but you know, it's all about Garcia's legacy!
Bad Luck Gabe

He looks like a colorswapped South Park character.
This is literally every redeemed chracter
I continue to wonder if anyone who liked actually knew.
R.I.P Lee. Forever missed.
I'd rather be bald then have Clem's haircut.
Yeah, seriously, what's going on with his eyes there? What, did Joan have him injected with heroin beforehand and it was just kicking in?
he's so hot in that pic n u t
Be almost insultingly cutesy for the Season 1 junkies to water over?
Hopefully not too much depth cause there's other shit they can be working on as well.
(?) They still haven't realized.
Tripp trips off the overpass before he dies in "From The Gallows."
I recall seeing it two or three times and it's a pretty easy one to make.
...Ooh, I just got that.
I would if I really saw the issue: saying Becca might end up shooting Clementine for real just to mess with her isn't that much of a leap I don't think.
Well, it's like the one thing she's notable for.
Oh, trust me, I know.
Leaked footage of two characters in Javi's Season Four flashbacks.
Oh hai, Anthony Mackie and Wanda Sykes!
looks like Francine but not Conrad
cornad?? is that you??
That is 100% Wanda Sykes.
Who's the lucky guy?
I guess this is what Ava thought when she asked David to make her new haircut. Maybe they aren't the best barbers but you know, it's all about Garcia's legacy!
Not enough attention to detail in their animations. Heck the blood itself looks awful.
Not enough attention to detail in their animations. Heck the blood itself looks awful.
It's funny because Gabe got bitten but inner me cries because of Lee's fate.
She looks like fucking Javi now
When I saw that ending online, I still didn't feel for him. I was like, "Oh he caused the crash? No shit!"
Lee's bite made me more sad.
I feel depressed now.
I noticed that, too. I was telling my friend that Clem must pack muscle.
Gabe always was a bit suicidal.
Which is heavier? A fat man or a man full-muscled?
That face in the 2nd/3rd panel is perfect.
Omgg I thought the same thing when I played....
What the fuck even is his hair?
It's urban hair, just trimmed a little.
I see you, Wolf. Hang in there.
fuck me up