I don't know if anyone else's game was glitchy but mine was for a few parts. I luckily managed to still have this recording lmao
I don't know if anyone else's game was glitchy but mine was for a few parts. I luckily managed to still have this recording lmao
(second one replaced with direct link at request of the artist)
(second one replaced with direct link at request of the artist)
(second one replaced with direct link at request of the artist)
(second one replaced with direct link at request of the artist)
Gabentine; Jesus, are you fucking kidding me? lol
The look on her face: " Oh shit, what is telltale going to make me do now?"
Only the walkers are scared of David

I don't know if anyone else's game was glitchy but mine was for a few parts. I luckily managed to still have this recording lmao
That's the first time anyone's ever said to me "I needed that" then stared deeply into my eyes for a while.
when you have to die to get out of friendzone
I Would've said even, instead of only xD
"I needed that"
record scratch
freeze frame
"Yup, that's me. You're probably wondering how did I end up here."
I bet you weren't expecting this
Disclaimer: Image was created and belongs to @ZombiePizza , hope you don't mind I borrowed it to make this meme
I'm begging you please...stop terrorizing this forum with that
(second one replaced with direct link at request of the artist)
You have a Kenny 2.0 in my Javus take it ooffff
But really, this is very cute and funny
Someone should make a GIF about Kate being triggered.
I think it would fit this picture perfectly.
When you try to do something funny but it's the most cringy thing ever sorry guys sorry
(credits to me btw)
i dont even fucking know what i did
god forgive me
I can see a certain resemblance, I forgive you.
What have you done to Javier??
ayyyy lmao, but you missed the best dialogue in ANF.
This is creepy and awesome. Gabe looks like a Shibito from the Forbidden Siren series.

Oh this one is good XD
shrek 5
Raven have you not watched Monty Python?
Well it's a reference.
No ofcourse I don't mind, i'm flattered you took an interest in my "work".
Hey buddy, for the second set of images, the artist said they don't want that being reposted anywhere.
someBODY once told me the the WORLD is gonna ROLL me
shucks. i only saw it off some forum. do you have source link so I can replace w/ direct link?
You are right, I was not expecting this.
I do, but like I said, they don't really want it being reposted.
"don’t repost this anywhere!"
Fuck you Joker!
Delete! Delete!