What is your overall opinion on Javi?
I really liked Javi, he served the big brother trope well for Clementine and he was generally a good character IMO. He was actually interesting, and not bland like Luke was.
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He was fine but they shouldn't have done a story for him in the first place. I hope he doesn't come back.
Me throughout season three:

So I liked him
If he does come back, it will most likely be as a deuteragonist like Luke was in 2. Or a minor character.
He shouldn't come back at all. Let him be the Richmond leader, end of story.
Regular, too regular. Harry Potter of TWD. Brave, kind, smart, caring, etc. Forgettable.
I love Javi! Also he's got the best humor. I don't know if I saw him as a big brother to Clem but I did really like their relationship.
He's too hackneyed of a character, but I must admit he's a lot more interesting than Luke. Definitely not on Lee's par, however.
Right? That's one of the reasons I love ANF. I feel like they got the big brother thing that they planned for season 1 originally right this time, as when they tried it with Luke, it wasn't executed that well IMO.
Oh yeah, nobody will ever be up to par with Lee.
He was the best character in ANF, but I mainly say that because the other characters weren't great at all.
it wasnt executed well For Luke because telltale focused too much on Kenny.
Right. I remember way too many people liked Kenny and it made the whole season unbearable bc I never liked him.
Forgettable? I'm not saying I disagree, I just want you to elaborate.
He s essentially What Luke could have been if Luke survived season 2/Had more development.
Really? I felt like Luke was bland and poorly written. Like, I feel like there's a major difference between the two.
Javi is "forgettable" because he's done nothing memorable in the game other than being a baseball bat wielding hispanic. Lee is an example of someone "unforgettable" because he probably has the most emotionally haunting death out of all video game history (in my opinion) and it never fails to jerk a tear out of my eye regardless of how many times I've played or watched it which makes him a memorable character. For me at least
I was really attached to all of the Garcias, especially Javi. I freaking adore him
For me He was a good-guy especially on Clementine even if she doesn't know her a lot he treated her like a daughter cause he cares a lot about Clem (In my play-through) he can't admit it cause he's shy. I hope he comes back in S4/DLC this time we're Clementine!
Season 1 is about a convicted killer getting a second chance from the fate to redeem himself by taking care of an orphaned child, building a strong father-daughter relationship throughout the season and eventually sacrificing himself in order to save her the last time.
Season 2 is about this very child, abandoned and forced to fight for her life, at the same time trying to keep her humanity, morals and to distinguish good from evil, despite many horrors, challenges, dangerous situation and people who are trying to change her. At the end, she is changed due to the things she's gone through and accompanied by a newborn, which is a metaphor of good, innocence and hope, a light almost completely lost in an apocalyptic world.
Season ANF is about a guy hesitant whether to let his sister-in law get into his pants or to devote himself to protecting two kids, one of which dies right off at the beginning and the second one can die later on.
I like him but he was better off being a side character like Pete from the Michonne mini-series. He's not really...interesting enough for me to be a main character, especially a playable one.
I still wouldn't mind if we see him again.
I feel like this is mostly the result of the largely uninteresting romance and family subplots.
With less of the Garcias we could've seen more character development for him. He has the perfect setup to grow into a more interesting and complex character.
i loved Javi. he was funny lmao
Definitely. If Javier was the 'loner type, his character would've been a lot better.
I can't see Javi as the loner type now. He seems too much of that goofball social uncle to be a loner. I can't picture him like that at all.
Harry? Smart? Did you read the book? lol
I liked him. But I feel like he would work so much better as a side character in Clem's story. He has a family, he already has strong relationships built with these people, everything he does is for the well being of his loved ones (even if you don't feel anything for them yourself), so I never really felt like he was my character to begin with because he had his own motivations.
I do want to see him again in Season 4, but only as a side character.
I like him, I like his personality, but he's not a big thing. There is nothing to make him special. I just hope he does SOMETHING in the next game...
You gotta remember he was just a kid. He wasn't as sharp-witted as Hermione, but he wasn't a moron either. Harry was more daring than he was stupid. He was definitely brighter than most of today's teenagers.
on opposite end here. I hope he does come back. Clem needs a likable (developed) side character who isn't doomed to death like Lee/Luke/Kenny and it would be a shame if Javier got left off with the minimal development time he got
I love Javier and want to see how our choices in season 3 affect his choices/personality in season 4.
I really want him to be Clem's side character. But also I know clem suffers from "everyone within 3 feet of me dies" syndrome. So I hope whatever happens, he can last til the end.
Wish people said the same thing about Gabe.
Agreed. I want the remaining Garcias out of the picture just to see how Javier's mindset would be now that family is out of the picture. His goals? His morals?
I think he's likable but still kindof bland, though since he's the playable character thats not necessarily a bad thing.
The only part of his character that really irks me is the excessive referencing to his past as a baseball player. I get that baseball was a pretty big part of his life but he almost becomes stereotypical with how often its brought up.
Meh trash. 4/10 and that's generous.
He was alright. I didn't hate him, at least. But for the main protagonist, Javier's incredibly uninteresting and for me, he's basically just another Luke. I don't dislike him, but I really don't care all that much about him either.
I like him. A lot actually. He's on the best way to become my favorite (alive) character and even surpass Clementine. He's the fresh air that the series needed, while Telltale continues to ruin Clementine with their "tough badass" crap. I >don't< want her to become Jane 2.0, yet that's pretty much what she has become when you look the after credits garbage scene.
Javi's a cool guy, I liked playing as him.
I like him. Anything's better then TellTale circling the drain with the same characters.
Not as good as Lee, but better than Clementine in terms of being the playable protag. Javi had nowhere near the depth or quality of character arc of Lee, but Javier's presence in the story was incorporated a lot better than S2's nonsensical 'get the 12 year old to do everything'.
I liked him! So much so I kind of want to see more of him as a protagonist.