Let's get to know each other!
So, I've been a member of this community for a long time and I've seen so many interesting people on here, but I never really got the chance to meet any of them.
Let's use this discussion to make some new friendships!
You can tell me where you're from, what's your favorite game/movie/tv show, what kind of music you like, favorite Telltale characters, something interesting about yourself and you can ask me whatever you want. You can share pretty much anything you feel comfortable with sharing. We can tell jokes, share some childhood stories, talk about relationships, or we can help solve each others' problems. The possibilities are endless!
I'm not looking for attention, feel free start conversations with others!
I will respond to everyone and talk about anything. I have plenty of time on my hands since summer vacation is starting next week over here. I really hope this discussion gets many visitors! Who knows, some of you might meet your future best friend on here.
I won't respond to any hateful comments/trolls, but I doubt we have many of those on here.
The main rule is: HAVE FUN!
I'm gonna start by telling you something about myself.
I'm from Bosnia (Eastern Europe) and I'm 17.
I've been a fan of Telltale since 2013.
I like to draw and I'm gonna start learning how to play the guitar in the next few months.
If I could compare myself to a Telltale game character, it would be combination of Kenny and Bigby. I'm kinda hot-headed and I easily get pissed off, but I think I have a good heart. I can be gentle like a kitten but if someone really, really pisses me off they will have to face the wolf.
I guess this was a major flop. At least I tried...
Is this a dating website now?
You gave it 2 hours... have some patience
Hi im a horror fan, old skool.
I like punk, metal, goth, electronica, synth, indie folk lots of stuff really
Im from the historic pirate port of bristol home town of blackbeard, me gurt lover
I love animals and ive recently switched to a vegan diet after a weird shift in consciousness while on a fuck ton of drugs (legally in hospital)
Im a gamer my favorites are usually open world RPGs but I love me some co op shooters, I have a ps4 at the moment. Pm me your psn and I will add you if you like.
Umm what else.... I grew some strawberries they were nice. Oh im also a female, lol.
I'm from Poland and I'm 20. I've been a fan of Telltale since Back to the Future. My favourite game from TT is TWD: S2 and favourite characters are Kenny and Rhys. If I had to compare myself to a TellTale character it would be ,without a doubt, Rhys. I even look kinda similliar to him.
My dream is to become a filmmaker, which isn't a wise carrier choice in Poland, but I don't really see myself as anything else.
My personality type is INFP, which explains why I always put too much trust in people. I have never been in a relationship, which is pretty funny.
How come? I'm Polish myself and know tons of people dedicated into filmmaking, and also pursuing a career in film industry. It's not like they're famous, they just love their thing. You don't have to be big and famous to enjoy making what is important to you.
Yeah, I know. I just tend to be pessimistic and insecure about myself.
Burek burek burek
You're right. I gave up pretty early lol
Well I'm AMERICAN I love the walking dead. The walking dead is my favorite show also. The walking dead is love, the walking dead is life. Uh I'm related to Robert kirkman not by blood but by marriage. I live in the state (or Commonwealth) of Kentucky. My favorite telltale character is Kenny. Awwwwww movie's. I've seen alot and really can't tell you my favorite but I can tell you which ones I really REALLY like.
And that's all I can remember right now I'll probably come back and add more later.
Oh and I like Xbox and PC.
Nice to meet ya!

I'm mostly a PC gamer. I could add you on Steam if you have an account.
I play some pretty cancerous games like CSGO.
Don't own any consoles except my old PS2 and SNES.
Personally, I like all kinds of music. Mostly a fan of dark country music because it makes me feel like a badass while going to school lol.
I just had a huge bowl of strawberries, but yours were probably tastier.
Back to the Future? Damn, you've been here for a while then.
I'm also interested in filmmaking. Actually, the school I'm going to right now is for graphic design and multimedia.
It's ok to be forgiving and trusting in most cases. You just have to remember that people will try to screw you over because you're a good guy. Sometimes, you just have to give up on someone when they fuck up majorly.
Don't worry about relationships. I was in a relationship only once and it was just two months ago. At first, I thought I needed a relationship and I was desperate to find a girlfriend. Once I finally got one, I realized that I got used to being alone. Only 11 days later I had to break up with her because I cooled off completely. I didn't want to waste my time, or hers.
Moral of the story: Don't look too hard for a relationship, let the relationship find you. Don't force yourself to do something you might regret later.
Cevapi Cevapi Cevapi
I saw that there are sexy singles on Pornhub yesterday. They seem pretty hot. I think they're very desperate to meet you and will most likely agree to do the Zeus with you. Just enter your credit card information on their webpage and they'll come to you in a few hours.
Holy shit, you're related to Kirkman? That must be so cool. You gotta convince him to bring our lord and savior Kenny to the comics. I don't know how, but make him do it!
This might sound weird but out of all those movies I still haven't seen Star Wars or The Matrix. Feel free to call me an idiot lol.
I haven't seen that many movies, but I really like watching TV Shows. So far I've seen Game of Thrones, The Vikings, The Walking Dead, Breaking Bad, Mr. Robot, Rome and a couple of smaller ones that I can't remember. I'm about to start watching The Sopranos and Black Sails, from what I've heard they're very good.
So, you're Kirkman's wife?
I've been a fan of TTG since mid-2012 and joined this site winter-2012. I am 16, almost 17. I live in the U.S. I am a vegetarian. I am Sicilian-American. I love video games and movies. I show appreciation to all gaming platforms since i have used most of them and own most of them (or previously owned them). I have several old school gaming consoles. I mainly use my PS4 as of late, though.
hi, i'm noah. i'm 17 years old and have been deemed mentally unfit to drive by the state i live in. i'm an existential nihilist and i think all life is pointless. i also enjoy video games (particularly dark souls), writing, drawing, editing and cartoons i guess. i operate on four hours of sleep daily. also TheAutisticGamer, joshua007, Tobi-Is-A-Good-Boy, Acheive250, Megumin and lupinb0y are actually the best people on this site and i'll fist fight anyone who says otherwise. granted i'll lose but i'll still fight y'all.
is it because of the autism? btw you forgot to add the fact i'm your 1# husbando or whatever these weebs say.
I don't even know myself
no it's because my anxiety is so bad that if i were to drive i would likely have a panic attack, but ye, blame it on the autism.
in your dreams, kiddo.
i know the feel.
Reminder that you said you wanted to suck my dick.
Lol I wish I could tell him to bring THE AMAZING KENNY BACK but it's not like I have him on speed dial or anything xD. If only I could help him wright and what not faints
On a second note has anyone been to the Georgia where the walking dead is filmed? I went in November and it was AMAZING.
That's pretty cool. I could've bought some consoles recently, but I just decided to invest my money into building a PC and buying a couple of games. At least I have my old PS2 to play Resident Evil 4 and GTA San Andreas on.
proof or it didn't happen, loser.
Recently I started feeling like that a bit. I don't think life is completely pointless but I don't really believe in afterlife and stuff like that. Still, we have the whole life ahead of us, we should try our hardest to be happy.
Well, get to know yourself! Do some things that you wouldn't normally do and you might find yourself enjoying them. You just need a little motivation.
For example, I used to hate working out and being fit, but when I met this one girl, I totally fell in love with her. I found out she likes tall and muscular guys so, a day later, I got a gym membership. I pretty much forced myself to go there and work out for the first month or two, and I even got rejected by the girl, but I realized that I liked going to the gym. It still sounds weird to me but I still go there and I enjoy it.
Hello there y'all.
I'm 22. English is my second language and I'm trying to learn Latin, just because. I function thanks to coffee, green tea and jogging every night. I've taught myself sword-fighting because I wanted to be a Wicher when I grow up. When I grew up, I realized I'm too broke to be one. I'm about to get my bachelor degree and have already written a thesis about a death penalty. Ima an active volunteer, I dress up for charity, occasionally look after kids from juvenile crime prevention centers or help little scouts to tie up their shoes. I own a pet rock, which actually a skull carved out of stone. I like to write shit and I'd love to do that for a living, someday.
I've been here since 2014 but I doubt many people recognize me, even though I have this fabulous profile pic.
Latin is pretty damn hard to master, but seeing how well you're doing so far in everything, Latin is a piece of cake for you.
I honestly hope that stuff works out well for you. I don't even know what university I'll go to after I finish high school.
Also, I do recognize that profile pic. I know I've seen it somewhere on here. I even checked your profile once to get a better look at it cause it was that fabulous.
Thanks man.
I recommend checking out universities close to you and visiting them, maybe talking to people attending to classes you're interested into. Just don't force yourself into something you don't like.
My name's Alexis, I'm 16, and I was born in Okinawa, Japan, though I grew up in the US.
I love Star Wars, TWDG, Borderlands, and Harry Potter, and also Hamilton and Moana and zombies.
I'm Matthew or Matt or whatever and I'm from England, I'm 17.
I like games (I mean if that wasn't obvious), sarcasm, reading, pretty much the fact that Lin-Manuel Miranda exists, and I mean apart from that I just sit there, oh and some anime too (Even I'm ashamed about that.)
Personal favourite game series are:
Kingdom Hearts
The Witcher
Honestly I could go on but I don't want this post to take up a full page.
So, yeah.
I have seen the Witcher tv series...I think he is wise to stay away from film
Shhh, we don't talk about this one.