The Walking Dead Meme and Fun Thread (Mobile warning)



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    Javier: You get it, Tripp?
    Tripp: Oh yeah, man. That Jon Stewart was somethin else.

    For those who wouldn't get it:

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    From the makers of the South Park School Flag.

    Credit to @GarrusVakarian

  • What a masterpiece!

    DabigRG posted: »

    From the makers of the South Park School Flag. Credit to @GarrusVakarian

  • BetterToSleep wrote: (!) Try removing this watermark, fuckstick.


    enter image description here

    (!) Someone's becoming a danger to the group!

    Are you really salty over this? I mean I hope not, but then for comedy sake, it'd probably be better if you were.

    The Meme Police would gladly help you, my fellow meme maker. For further informations please read our statement above.

  • best character in twd game history. definitely not the most bland character ever.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Javier: You get it, Tripp? Tripp: Oh yeah, man. That Jon Stewart was somethin else. For those who wouldn't get it:

  • enter image description here

    DabigRG posted: »

    Reminds me of that Charlie Brown Cancer Special.

  • A New Frontier Life was too big, so I had to split it in two.

  • "Oh yeah, the moment you start getting boners..."
    . * Marianna explodes *


    Poogers555 posted: »

    A New Frontier Life was too big, so I had to split it in two.

  • The real reason why Jane hang herself.

    enter image description here

  • Fuck! The police! @Abattoir wanted us! We're all going to hell!

    Hello Sir, Meme Police officer here. Our departement recently have noticed an increasing number of stolen memes. We've also heard some compl

  • edited June 2017

    Oh yeah, the second Poogers starts making memes the whole world starts to get brighter.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    A New Frontier Life was too big, so I had to split it in two.

  • "Wrong person died in the lake"

    A broken clock is right twice a day. Jane was double broken.

    The real reason why Jane hang herself.

  • BeholdMyStreght used Bulshit. This gonna be fun!

    BetterToSleep wrote: (!) Try removing this watermark, fuckstick. Ok. (!) Someone's becoming a danger to the group! Are you really salty over this? I mean I hope not, but then for comedy sake, it'd probably be better if you were.

  • What the fuck is this

    ZombiePizza posted: »

    Telltale: "Let's just progressively make Clem more white throughout each season...that's not controversial at all." I'm kidding.

  • ... Cuz i luv u gabe u just too young to understand that abuse = ♡

    when you hit your kid in the face with a wrench, force him to leave with you which gets him nearly killed but you're just trying to protect him

  • When Kenny comes back from the dead to kill Jane

    The real reason why Jane hang herself.


    DabigRG posted: »

    From the makers of the South Park School Flag. Credit to @GarrusVakarian

  • edited June 2017

    Oh what, they never showed you that in Elementary School?

  • Gotta save that one!

    DabigRG posted: »

    "Wrong person died in the lake" A broken clock is right twice a day. Jane was double broken.

  • edited June 2017

    I know, right? :lol: I didn't even know Cuban's were called orange.


  • What program did you use to make this abomination? It's so cool.

    So BlindSniper, I kept hearing about your incoming shitposting spree regarding Gabentine and such....I haven't seen anything though. Do you

  • It was a combination of 3 programs. (Could use only 2 though). I started with MSPaint just screencapping an image of Clem, but then alcohol took over and I wanted to augment it into a gif. So I used a program called GIMP, and also Sony Vegas. About 30 minutes of warping, cutting, pasting, and track motion in Vegas later.....and you have that...thing.

    In other words, the only thing you need to make something like this is whiskey. LOTS of whiskey.

    fallandir posted: »

    What program did you use to make this abomination? It's so cool.

  • Hey, 30 minutes is pretty fast to make a meme. I knew I sense Sony Vegas. Great job with the eyes though.

    It was a combination of 3 programs. (Could use only 2 though). I started with MSPaint just screencapping an image of Clem, but then alcoho

  • Thanks. Warped Clem's face with Gimp, and also cut the eyes out and made the sockets transparent, and made a gif with that. Took an image with white squares and a black circle in the middle. Uploaded all into Vegas, used Clem's body as the top video track, and the white square image as the bottom two tracks, one for each eye. Then just used track motion on those bottom two to make it seem like her eyes moved, and keeping in synch with the gif of Clem moving. Sounds more complicated than it really is!

    But thanks for the compliment!

    fallandir posted: »

    Hey, 30 minutes is pretty fast to make a meme. I knew I sense Sony Vegas. Great job with the eyes though.

  • You're welcome and keep up the good work!

    Thanks. Warped Clem's face with Gimp, and also cut the eyes out and made the sockets transparent, and made a gif with that. Took an image

  • Damn man, it's a website that calculates diversity in ethnicity from a photo...chill out.

    What the fuck is this

  • edited June 2017

    The day it all began ❤

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  • Oh, ok. Sorry. I didn't mean to sound rude. Uh, what us the name of the website? I'm curious.

    ZombiePizza posted: »

    Damn man, it's a website that calculates diversity in ethnicity from a photo...chill out.

  • Trump ships Trippier DEATH TO TRIPPIER

  • :wink:

    Trump ships Trippier DEATH TO TRIPPIER

  • edited June 2017

    Man I would go straight for Jesus

    enter image description here

    Javier is lucky.

    FetchWalker posted: »

    The day it all began ❤

  • I refuse to read the comic until it ends and I am 100% sure Jesus survives 'til the end.

    I want this precious boy safe.

    Man I would go straight for Jesus Javier is lucky.

  • Clem's Urban is finally showing

    DabigRG posted: »

    From the makers of the South Park School Flag. Credit to @GarrusVakarian

  • edited June 2017

    enter image description here
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    enter image description here

  • He's only returning the favor!

    Well that and it's technically about fighting him.

  • Okay. Have fun waiting another 10 years. It started 14 years ago, and Kirkman said he wants to write at least 300 Issues. There are currently 167 out. Plus, he said that he wanted it to never end, so even after Issue 300, he may keep writing until he dies. And maybe someone else keeps writing the comic after that. For all we know, the characters could die of old age and their children could be the new protagonists, so don't get your hopes up.

    But yeah, Jesus is my baby.

    ladypocky posted: »

    I refuse to read the comic until it ends and I am 100% sure Jesus survives 'til the end. I want this precious boy safe.

  • yeah, i read about that. I followed Naruto for 12 years and waited for a character to return for 10 years (never did, the manga ended).

    So I consider myself a patient woman.

    Still, I do wish Jesus the best.

    Okay. Have fun waiting another 10 years. It started 14 years ago, and Kirkman said he wants to write at least 300 Issues. There are currentl

  • Trippier, now that's a ship I can get behind.

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