The things you DONT want to see in Season 4
My answer:
We've had enough of Clem meeting different survivor groups and getting separated and being on her own again and then again meeting another group and this cycle continues.
Season 1 group, luke's group, prescott, richmond etc. I dont think it'll be exciting to see same thing happening over again.
Maybe we can have something different than introduction of MORE new characters.
It'd be better to see old characters returning, Christa, Lilly and many others have not been confirmed dead...
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I 100% agree with you on that one. It's getting tiring at this point.
What I don't want to see:
I agree, I hope she doesn't run into a new group of survivors. However, I hope she does run into ONE more new person, someone who's her own age.
I can picture S4 being about finding AJ, building chemistry between Clem and her new friend/partner, running into dangerous people, and (optional) Clem finding out she truly wasn't alone in a world like that.
No short episodes
Not too much action. A little of action is good, but man give me a rest! Let me procastinate a little and explore the characters/locations!
No more generic groups. All groups are the same, I want to see a crazy religios cult or something like that like fUCKING CAPRIKORN FARMS!
No more bad music. C'mon, Telltale, the ending scene with the Max Cauldfield Photo Memorial Wall (sry couldnt resist) didn't make me cry. Make me cry!
No more 5 days story. It's not realistic for so many things to happen in a week, give us at least six months! Damn, give us a year!
No more bland characters. It's not that hard to make characters come on! You just need to listen to enough music and fill the character chart with their emotional state, core values, temperament, role in the story, relationship with other characters, background, health, etc. And make it complex! At least five pages for character.
No more fuck up characters portrayed in a negativa way. Fuck up people exist in real life and this only makes us feel worse. Man, even the most fuck up person has SOMETHING to redem themselves!
I don't have things I don't want to see
But I have things I want to see
I want puzzles that make me move my controller all the time and make hold my head of thinking, more hubs with extra dialogues to get me knowledge about the characters so I can be more attached to the characters, and longer episodes, and some of the old characters (molly.Christa , lilly)
I don't want to see a drawn out "Clem treks across the world with AJ" storyline. Put that kid in some settlement to grow up.
I don't want to see choices retconned.
I don't want to see a comic/show crossover.
I don't want to see more romantic drama (protip: it's shit).
And most of all I don't want to see the level of lazy writing ANF brought to the series ever again.
Okay, let's see.
No rewrites happening mid-season, no more writers running around in chaos. One constant, devoted team working fair and square on the game.
No more purposeless walking around, it's walkers' job, not characters'. Give your narrative a solid, proper purpose.
Less action. For fuck's sake, it ain't no movie.
More talking. We need peaceful, calmer moments, we need to learn about characters we are supposed to care about, How else are we gonna do that if not by bonding with them? Apocalypse is not all about action. People grief, they can be lost, they have their past that haunts them. They need to talk, to remember, sometimes to laugh it off. They need to be human.
More freedom & more hubs. Let us walk around, touch stuff, point and fucking click. Let us be mistaken when choosing a wrong object to pick up, let us carry stuff we can use in the future.
We need more music. What happened to the credit songs? Have they run out of music in the music-making factory? The soundtrack is what atmosphere is built on, it's what can power up the whole scene. I could listen to S1's soundtrack on replay for hours and every single one of them song bring back memories and emotions. I can't remember ANF having anything memorable, with only a few exceptions. That's the very reason ANF lacked atmospheric moments.
Realism needs to be brought back. This season it was nowhere to be found.
Instead of bringing a whole load of new characters, focus on just a few. Develop them, flesh them out, give them a purpose, rules they are gonna follow. If they are going to change throughout the story, make it realistic, highlight factors which made them do it, do not change them offscreen.
Consider bringing back old characters. I know it's a risky topic, but it would be far more interesting to see an old familiar face we have some history with, that to spend numerous episodes trying to get attached to five or more new ones.
Please, no more flat characters. Do not make Clementine badass only for the sake of "cool moments". We know this girl is badass, no need to show it in such a trashy way. It does more harm than good.
You don't want to see Conrad? How dare you.
See season 4 itself
Thats for sure
The new engine style, the stupid camera shakes/zooms, I want hubs in an episode, no reused music for the most part I wanna hear some new shit, I don't wanna see over dramatized scenes. While were talking about season 4 I always thought it would be a cool idea for clem to run into a new character each episode and ultimately having them join her group you know? Like she meets someone in the first episode and now they have the whole episode to develop that character along with the relationship with clem (or the player you could say). And then when the second character comes along they can focus on developing that character along with clem and other people in the group. If you played persona 5 kinda like that in a way.
Well they can't just not introduce new characters. I want there to be other survivors that to grow attached to.
Other than bring back old characters, everything about this is a huge win.
I want them to bring back SURVIVAL!! There was barely any element of survival in ANF. Remember how in season 1, Lee and Kenny would do supply runs into the city because they needed food and water to survive? Remember how the whole reason they ended up in Savannah was to survive the winter? Remember how they risked their safety and trusted these strange farmers because they were running out of food, y'know, the stuff you need to survive!? It had a huge focus on survival.
But what's ANF about? A city, war, love triangles... Where's the survival? Where did they get all the supplies to survive for 4 years on the road? And why did Kate keep that smoke for 4 years before using it?
Anyway, season 2 didn't have a large focus on survival either. Episode 1 did, which is why it's so great (in my opinion). But then it decided to focus on Carver's group and a baby, and ignore how this 11 year old girl survives in a world where the dead roam.
Whew, sorry about that...
I personally don't want to see one thing in S4: CLEMENTINE
Oh stuff it, they said Clementine's story will continue, so your hope is hopeless.
I know.... Look I like her I am just tired of people crying she was pushed aside in ANF
They'll only be killed off in later episodes.
What Telltale really needs to do is TAKE THEIR TIME when developing a new season. They need to read fan and YouTube feedback so they can fix their mistakes from the previous season, Read reviews on why this season was a disappointment, and just stick with a certain amount of writers for the whole season.
For me, I didn't want her in someone's story.
I'd rather get emotionally attached to a character and lose them than not get attached.
We saw a bit of survival in episode 1 at the junkyard. They were there scavenging for supplies.
I'm not sure about old characters either, but they might as well consider it, as they completely failed with presenting new ones, especially Tripp and Eleanor.
I don't want Javier to be neglected/ super side character.
Be confident with him. Make him a major character in some form.
The end of ANF was so clementine focused Javier was overshadowed a lot.
What do you expect then they do something like that to the main character
NO, I repeat NO determinant characters given cheap roles or fates.
1) Before the planning of Season 4, have a proper, cohesive and set plan for the overarching story of the whole season, no rewrites or last minute changes.
2) If you're going to have Clementine in it, FOCUS ON HER, do not cater to people that have not played the game before, the main fans (who are 95% of the people purchasing it) have purchased the game with the notion that Clementines story will continue, treating her as a side character will cheapen that experience, place all your attention on Clementine and her character and story.
3) Introduction of a proper and well thought out cast will be important, give us proper time to know and talk to them, part of the problem is the episode times, this 90 minute rule has to be gotten rid of, it restricts pretty much everything from character interactions to the plot, if people that buy the game need action every minute to keep their attention this game isn't for them, don't cater to those types of people. Give us longer episodes like season one had, give us the time we need to get to know all the characters.
4) That being said, focus on more somber moments where we have time to breath, let the characters share a few laughs once in a while, reintroduce some concepts from season one but show us how an older Clementine handles it.
Maybe a new close friend to Clementine like Lee that is also close to us and sticks with her till the end of the series. Or maybe a character that knows a damn about what happened to the world and made it be like this.
I agree with most of what I've seen in this thread so far.
Personally, I don't mind if she meets up with another group or not, just so long as it's a small GROUP, not a community, such as in S1 or S2. That would give plenty of opportunity to build rapport with the characters that would be with you most of the season. Which leads to the next point.
CHARACTER BUILDING. Season 1 did this fantastically, while exploring the hubs and talking to characters didn't add anything to the plot, it DID add loads to the story. Allowing you to chat it up with the characters in the downtime segments buily a relationship with them. Even if you hated the character, you at least felt SOMETHING for them. ANF had a severe lack of hub areas (the only major one that comes to mind is in E2 at the gas station...and that wasn't anything super special). I felt pretty detached from all the characters. I could tell we were supposed to feel something for them by the way Javi acted, but just the fact of knowing they're "mah famileh" wasn't enough to invest in them, at all.
Puzzles & items you CAN collect that will have a small effect on things in the future. Shit, even if it's just a juicebox or something. Reward the player for exploring the hub, and doing some of the things that DON'T need to be accomplished. You don't have to build an entire ending around whether Clem grabs her Apple and Juicebox in the hub (which is what I think Telltale tried to do with E5 of S3 and the Clementine cards.). We don't need THAT level of "your minor choices matter". Just a bone here and there to throw to the player to reward them for snooping and exploring. For a bigger expansion on that, for example, toss in an optional puzzle that gives you an item in Episode 1, and have a section in a later episode that you can use that item to give a different choice in dialogue, or how you can carry out a particular event.
The MUSIC. Season 1 had a great soundtrack, and at all the right moments. Season 2 had another amazing soundtrack, and I'd risk saying that S2 had a stronger musical score than S1 did. Plus the credits music after each episode was always a much awaited treat when I first played through those episodes. Truly amazing. Season 3, while there were a few original pieces in it that stick in my mind, the rest of it was either reused OST's from S1/S2, or forgettable unfortunately. I hate saying that, as after S2, I was really looking forward to the score that they would make for S3.
Don't just arbitrarily wipe out our ending characters from S3, as you did with the endings in S2. I understand that the only semi-logical way to tie all of the DRASTICALLY different endings in S2 was to have Clem wind up alone somehow (this could've been handled better than a 10-15 minute flashback showing Kenny and Jane biting the bullet, as well as Wellington), but still it couldn't have been worked many other ways. S3 is different. The only determinant things in the endings are 4 characters; David, Gabe, Kate, and Conrad. Unless they plan on involving the majority of the cast of S3 in a MAJOR way for S4, they don't need to kill these people off in a weird way. Just take the extra time, and write them all in to whatever nod to S3 they have in mind...if any outside of Javi.
The writing! I know each episode has different writers, but S2 even shared this problem a bit. Episode 1 of S2, there were dialogue options that allowed you to be manipulative as hell towards the other characters, such as blackmailing Alvin into getting you a juicebox, or telling Rebecca she'd better be nice to you, or else you'll spill the beans of AJ's mystery dad to Alvin. Or you could play it sweet and innocent. Outcome was the same, but the path was different. This had my hopes up. Of course, that fizzled after E1, and the remaining Episodes, didn't really have any options like that. S3 was the same way, albeit with a few more choices. The difference is those choices made ZERO change to how characters reacted to you. Biggest example here is shooting Conrad or taking Clem hostage. She reacts the same way to you in the rest of the episodes through dialogue no matter what you choose. That was a BIG disappointment.It'd be well worth the wait for Episodes we had with S2, if the writers will take their time, and design a good, coherent story where minor choices like that have a small effect on the dialogue! Plus doing that, with the hubs and such, would add to the episode length, which was another big flaw with S3.
Considering they stated Clementine's story will continue, make it Clementine's story. Not somebody else's story with some Clementine sprinkled in for spice.
Sequel baiting is fine I think, so long as it's followed through on. Don't pull a Megaman Legends 2, perhaps the biggest sequel bait of all, and then cancel the game mid-development.
Anyway, most if not all of this has already been stated, but there's my reasoning behind it!
I hope if TT does insist on showing Javi, its at the end when Clementine returns to Richmond.
I'm just curious, how do you feel on the Garcias? Do you not want them to return?
No. What I don't want to see is the garcia's. Cause then everyone but Javi has to die. Let's get back to clem's story. And maybe this time more than one character is guaranteed to survive.
Send her to alexandria where she can not be alone for a long time.