The Vent/Help Thread



  • edited March 2017

    Has anyone ever lost a parent (or anyone) due to suicide?

    Recent events have been putting me back to those times.

  • Put yourself before all others. I know it's difficult to think about, but if the tables were flipped, do you think he would answer if you called him?

    Lahkesis posted: »

    Guys, I don't know what to do. My ex, who broke up with me roughly five weeks ago, suddenly tried to call me today, twice. Both times I d

  • My dad died of suicide (3 years ago), its incredibly hard to come to terms with I dont think I will ever make sense of it.

    colbyjack posted: »

    Has anyone ever lost a parent (or anyone) due to suicide? Recent events have been putting me back to those times.

  • I'm very sorry for your loss.

    The same thing happened to my mom. I was 16. I got home from school and walked through the front door to find something that completely changed my life forever.

    I'm now 21, and I can't make sense of it either. I had to go to therapy for a long time, and none of it helped.

    Recent events in my life have been triggering me to that day.

    My dad died of suicide (3 years ago), its incredibly hard to come to terms with I dont think I will ever make sense of it.

  • Im not surprised your thoughts keep going back to that its only natural.

    To actually see something like that is something I can never imagine and in your home at such a important personality forming age, im so sorry.

    There is nothing wrong with still thinking about it, I dont think there is any such thing as "moving on" even though some people say that will happen, i dont think its a helpful thing to say at all it sounds like being told to keep it in the past but its a part of who you are now it cant be moved on from because it had such a effect.

    it hasn't been long since it happened its still raw, you will think of it it would be weird if you didn't. Make sure people around you know how your feeling and why.

    colbyjack posted: »

    I'm very sorry for your loss. The same thing happened to my mom. I was 16. I got home from school and walked through the front door to fi

  • I really appreciate these wise words. It does haunt me daily. I agree, no one can really "move on," But put it in a place in their mind where it doesn't affect them as much.

    I wish I could wrap my head around it, but I can't. I guess some mysteries will stay mysteries.

    Thank you for your time. I hope things are good in your life :)

    Im not surprised your thoughts keep going back to that its only natural. To actually see something like that is something I can never ima

  • I appreciate that man

    My ear is always open, VK. If you feel like talking about that fubar, shoot me a PM.

  • enter image description here

    Just found out my ex has been secretly banging another student in my class we are all in same class

    For months can’t get her out my head it’s really weird I taught she felt this pain and was single too but no.

    A side of me feels happy because like closure I can finally let her go without regret knowing she doesn’t feel what I did.

    She chose a dude who is heavy drinker, smoker and fails all his exams all the things she told me were dealbreakers about a guy
    I don’t drink or smoke and top the class in every exam.

    Hard for my mind comprehend why wasn’t good enough for her and he was

    Her new guy keeps trying to start fights with me says horrible things about me. A lot of her friends in the class are always trying start fights with me. Like all her beta whipped males all think attacking me the ex thinking it will impress her or she is trying get my attention by getting these dudes to start trouble with me over her

    I warned him if want fight come on then and he ran off keeps says bad stuff every time I leave the class.

    So frustrating she has her new dude yet all they talk about is me and try start arguments with me everyday. If she so happy with her new dude why can’t she leave me alone.

    I feel nothing for her after hearing this the taught of kissing same lips he did disgusts me now yet she still stares at me.

    Writing this vent helps hard news to take I’m gutted but also delighted as sometimes we create a fantasy of a person we like and when we see their true colours the illusion breaks allowing us to move on.

    Please if reading this don’t let your feelings for person control you just because hurts you so much doesn’t mean the other person feels same.
    They are happy with other dudes/girls and ur stuck on them in negative spiral only hurt and affect you they don’t care.
    We all deserve a person that truly cares

    I remember seeing on an advice video a person will put you on a pedestal if they truly like you, you are most awesome not matter what you do or say always.

    I’m so excited for that day I find that maybe this news today is the greatest gift I ever gotten reality and truth to move on find someone better.

    enter image description here

  • You're in a good position in that if someone did pick a fight with you, you'd probably win.

    Glad you are so over her!

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Just found out my ex has been secretly banging another student in my class we are all in same class For months can’t get her out my head

  • You're in a good position in that if someone did pick a fight with you, you'd probably win.

    We go boxing as class and that's dude who said who be "to scared to spar me as he end up in hospital" I seen him spar no good all talk. I would give him a 0% chance if he wants to fight unless I missed one punch and hit myself

    Thanks still hurts a bit tho and still think about her even when try so hard not to but that will pass with time

    Thank you for this response cheered me up :)

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    You're in a good position in that if someone did pick a fight with you, you'd probably win. Glad you are so over her!

  • The United fiasco where they forcibly dragged the uncompliant man off of the plane is absurd in every way.

    Absurd that they treated a customer like this, absurd how the CEO of United responded without much empathy or care towards what happened.

    The most ridiculous part is that some news outlets are falsely reporting that the man refused to leave because he is a doctor who needed to be in the hospital the next morning. The truth is that he lost his medical license in 2005 for giving away pharmaceutical drugs in exchange for sex.

  • i am annoyed that for dome reason my phone double posts im sure some of you have noticed it and also i can only use my phone data or free wifi on my phone and my data runs out so quickly and then i cant access the forums until the next month

  • I get double posts as well loads of people do its annoying but the users know it happens so no one will be pissed at you lol

    As for wifi mcdonalds or maybe the local shopping center will have free wifi you can use, some phoneboxes are hotspots theres wifi everywhere you just have to look

    i am annoyed that for dome reason my phone double posts im sure some of you have noticed it and also i can only use my phone data or free wifi on my phone and my data runs out so quickly and then i cant access the forums until the next month

  • Being ill has aged me I look like a ballsack, well not quite but I have some lines

    Hopefully I will look better when im well but these deeper lines are here to stay it upsets me that I will always have a reminder when I look in the mirror. I know its a normal part of growing up but its like ive aged a couple of years in the space of a week and as a typical insecure and (slightly) shallow woman that hurts.

  • i know the feeling bro i had something similar with my ex she changed her phone passcode and started acting strange (we used to call each other and talk fir hours then she started ingnoring calls and barely texting) she never told me why she left me but i know it was for one of the people who i worked with before i moved jobs (i did that for her too because i was going to propose that year to her) but anyway glad to see you are getting over her its better to find someone better

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Just found out my ex has been secretly banging another student in my class we are all in same class For months can’t get her out my head

  • i know the feeling bro i had something similar with my ex she changed her phone passcode and started acting strange (we used to call each other and talk fir hours then she started ingnoring calls and barely texting) she never told me why she left me but i know it was for one of the people who i worked with before i moved jobs (i did that for her too because i was going to propose that year to her) but anyway glad to see you are getting over her its better to find someone better

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Just found out my ex has been secretly banging another student in my class we are all in same class For months can’t get her out my head

  • If it's the scar, once it's all better, what would you think of incorporating it into a tattoo with a positive message?

    Sorry life sucks at the moment. It'll get better.

    Being ill has aged me I look like a ballsack, well not quite but I have some lines Hopefully I will look better when im well but these de

  • edited April 2017

    All my friends are kind of needy, and I feel like I can never have issues because it'll be a problem, but all I do is help them with theirs, and I HAVE PROBLEMS TOO BUT IM SCARED IM A BURDEN. I just don't know.

  • ive got friends like this too if you really want yo get things off your chest tell them you help with their problems maybe they might be able to help with yours

    All my friends are kind of needy, and I feel like I can never have issues because it'll be a problem, but all I do is help them with theirs, and I HAVE PROBLEMS TOO BUT IM SCARED IM A BURDEN. I just don't know.

  • Do your friends make you feel this way, or is it just you making you feel this way?

    All my friends are kind of needy, and I feel like I can never have issues because it'll be a problem, but all I do is help them with theirs, and I HAVE PROBLEMS TOO BUT IM SCARED IM A BURDEN. I just don't know.

  • I feel like Its me, cause I don't want to feel like a burden and I bet they would be kind about it but I feel like im just not worth it

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    Do your friends make you feel this way, or is it just you making you feel this way?

  • Here's a script you can use: "Hey, (friend name), do you have a few minutes to chat? There's something on my mind, and I'd like to get your take on it." Then, if they're really too busy, they'll say they can't do it now, and that's OK, but I'd bet a really high percentage will listen and feel honored that you're asking for their input.

    I feel like Its me, cause I don't want to feel like a burden and I bet they would be kind about it but I feel like im just not worth it

  • I think having a script will make it easier, I'll try this, thank you. It just seems so scary.

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    Here's a script you can use: "Hey, (friend name), do you have a few minutes to chat? There's something on my mind, and I'd like to get your

  • edited April 2017

    oops double post

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    Here's a script you can use: "Hey, (friend name), do you have a few minutes to chat? There's something on my mind, and I'd like to get your

  • This video really pisses me off.
    I think this is the first time I've ever heard somebody defend talking in the movie theatre. And oh what a surprise, the logic is total bullshit.

    "If I'm not enraptured, then nobody else is enraptured."

    Yeah, because clearly everyone has the same preference and level of engagement in every single movie. Differing opinions clearly don't exist. Art as a whole is entirely objective. That's honestly the most ignorant mindset you could ever possess.

    "If I notice something in a movie, I need to discuss it immediately while the movie is still playing."

    If you really can't go 90+ minutes without uttering a word, then that's your own problem you need to work on. Don't make the rest of us suffer through it. Either wait until the movie is over or silently whisper whatever you have to say to one of your friends and don't disturb the rest of the people who paid to watch the movie in silence and enjoy the experience.

    "It should be encouraged to talk during a movie."

    Um, no. Talking during a movie is rude and disruptive. You wouldn't talk while watching a stage play or while a stand-up comedian is performing his act. So what makes a movie any different? If you really wanna talk during a movie, just stay at home where nobody will bat an eye and you could intellectually jerk yourself off in peace.

    This video sucks and is nothing more than pretentious hipster crap that thinks it's saying more than it really is. Remember Cracked, not every single dumb thought that pops into your head is some big shocking thought provoking revelation that you need to educate the masses about. Sometimes it's just that: a dumb thought.

  • I personally tire of hearing the news. Not just because the world is so fucked up, but mainly because people keep yapping about Trump, and about politics in general.

    Trump is our new President, like it or not, and he will be so for the next four years.

    And personally, I don't care about politics anymore. It has ZERO interest for me.

  • Why are those anti teen smoking ads so fucking awful? If they're not trying way too hard to appeal to internet culture then they're producing nightmare fuel like this travesty.

    Jesus Christ, how is this suppose to stop teens from smoking?! Do they think that maybe if they scare teenagers hard enough they might give up smoking just to stop these horrific ads from showing up before a youtube video? If that's the case I hope to god it works, cause I'm sure as hell gonna see those little monsters in my dreams tonight.

  • This ad is fucked up.

    Cocoa2736 posted: »

    Why are those anti teen smoking ads so fucking awful? If they're not trying way too hard to appeal to internet culture then they're producin

  • edited June 2017

    Deleted- tmi

    Tldr: sister= pain in the ass

  • enter image description here

    Do whatever makes you happy she is a toxic narc keep her away keep sane

    Like small fire if you keep allowing people to disrespect you without putting it out the fire will keep building eventually burn down your life.

    Gotta show you deserve respect if you are not being respected you don't give you time or effort

    Treat people with as much respect as they treat you.

    Deleted- tmi Tldr: sister= pain in the ass

  • Thanks bro and you will too

    Her drama episodes are getting worse since this post she even broke up with her bf to get with me but said nah I'm just concentrating on my education and staying away from her

    I'm very positive for the future I'm ready move on :)

    i know the feeling bro i had something similar with my ex she changed her phone passcode and started acting strange (we used to call each ot

  • life sucks and suicide is high on my priority list. my life is changing too fast.

    that's all. idk

  • I won't pretend to know whatever it is you're going through and I won't pretend to know why you're having such thoughts but I will say that suicide is never the answer. There's always going to be someone hurt by it even if you feel like no one cares. Don't get me wrong though, I'm not trying to guilt you out of having such thoughts, I just think you should know that people care about you. But like I said, I don't know what you're going through but I had to say something. Stay strong, somebody always cares. :)

    life sucks and suicide is high on my priority list. my life is changing too fast. that's all. idk

  • It's not worth it man. Sometimes you only have yourself, and that's totally ok. Change sucks, especially when it comes rapidly. But change is for the better. There's light at the end of the tunnel. PM me if you need someone to talk to :)

    life sucks and suicide is high on my priority list. my life is changing too fast. that's all. idk

  • thanks i appreciate it. i'll get over these feelings eventually as usual, just needed a place to vent is all

    colbyjack posted: »

    It's not worth it man. Sometimes you only have yourself, and that's totally ok. Change sucks, especially when it comes rapidly. But change is for the better. There's light at the end of the tunnel. PM me if you need someone to talk to

  • So I'm in Year 11 now (school year starts in February in Australia) and I have a friend who I've known for a couple years, but never really talked to much until last year since we shared a class together. We got along well but drifted apart during last year, and since then there have been phases of getting along well and then not talking.

    Things got a lot worse when I snapped at her over Facebook. I'd had a fight with my dad earlier and I just got sick of wondering if this girl actually wanted me around or not so I sent her a message saying that she should have said if she didn't want to talk to me. I apologized to her later and thought that things were fine but every time I tried to talk to her afterwards it seemed like she didn't want to talk to me. In March this year she said she didn't want to talk to me because it scares her when I get angry and she doesn't want to be in those situations anymore. We haven't spoken since then. I've had some issues with anxiety and stress since last year which I never told her about, and lately I've been wondering if her opinion would change if I told her the truth. I have another close friend who thinks I should try to talk to her, but I'm worried that she'll reject me and that I'll make things worse at school (most of my friends are closer to her than they are to me and if they had to ditch one of us then they'd probably ditch me).

    Basically I want to talk to her even if it is just so that we can respect each other. I'm worried though that she'll just get angry at me and that it'll cause drama at school.

  • She asked you to leave her alone. Leave her alone.

    If she changes her mind, the next move is hers.

    So I'm in Year 11 now (school year starts in February in Australia) and I have a friend who I've known for a couple years, but never really

  • So my friend asked me if I wanted to go to a party in the countryside, I asked her what type of party she said it was a free thing in a field with a dub stage so I thought it was a rave and she said it would be, i managed to get my boyfriend on board with the idea. I asked if I should bring a tent and if there will be any where safe to put it she kept saying she would get in contact with the organisers but didn't.

    Today finally a whole week later one day before the party she finally calls the organiser, I can hear the guy on the end of the phone, it is clearly not a rave but a hippy drum circle instead my boyfriend mouths at me all pissed off from around the corner making exaggerated arm and hand motions. Im still up for it I convince my bf its ok we can still have fun as a couple.

    My friend has been a complete misery because some guy she was with for 2 weeks dumped her she treated him poorly told me he has the intelligence of a 4yo and constantly put him down she would nag him through me like when people make snarky comments through their pets all the while telling me she wants BABIES WITH HIM!!! when she said he walked out I almost jumped for joy because if she actually had kids with a man she talked about like that I would have lost all respect for her. Well bf is a little pissed at her because he wanted to go to a rave and stealth told me, I told him to vacuum the bedroom and used the opportunity to talk to him I told him she was bringing me down with her shitty attitude (its actually been a chore to be around her) and generally bitched I was worried she heard so I purposely made it sound more directed at bf. When I went into the other room where she was I said something like "bf is a miserable bastard sometimes lol" she replied "well thats because you always cuss him down at every opportunity you get" I said "yeah okay whatever you say" so she tells me shes leaving and fucks off. Now I dont know whats happening tommorow ive been preparing stuff im the one that had to research the journey and I have made a huge effort she has been such a downer and every time im around her I feel all of the positivity being sucked out of me. Im sure she heard me. when I was checking the tent was altogether no one offered to help she just sat there bf was painting his warhammer so I asked him to help he said in a minute but he loses track of time when he does that so I told him now (was that cussing him down?!). I made her a meal she was just a picture of misery throughout and kind of mutters thanks when I took her plate didn't offer to help in the kitchen she just sat there with a shitty look on her face. She is really pissing me off lately I cant even vent it all there is just so much little things adding up I cant take it. She has made comments about "how lucky I am to have a long term bf" "she wishes she had what I have" but she doesn't except our relationship was a slow burner we have been together 11ys and we have only just started discussing children I tell her not to dive in and she wont listen. Its coming across as jealous and bitter to be honest and no man will respect a woman that wants to make babies after knowing each other for 1 WEEK

  • Ah, it sounds like you could use one of those auto-generated inspirational messages!

    enter image description here

    Hmmmm. OK, so maybe that isn't helpful. How about "Trust in the hippy drum circle to fix all." Or at least make fun of it in your head for entertainment purposes.

    So my friend asked me if I wanted to go to a party in the countryside, I asked her what type of party she said it was a free thing in a fie

  • I feel totally up inspired now :D

    It will be nice to get out of the city regardless. already packed my glowsticks and pikachu costume so i'll just be a one woman rave, should be fun.

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    Ah, it sounds like you could use one of those auto-generated inspirational messages! Hmmmm. OK, so maybe that isn't helpful. How ab

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