Clem's look ...

I'm not the only one to notice how beautiful Clem is, too beautiful.
And I'm not talking about feminine beauty, I'm talking about how beautiful she is to her age.
Actually I think the most beautiful woman in this game is Eleanor, but Clem would overtake her when she grew up, now she's only 12 or 13.
Anyway, someone in the forum said here at the right point: If Clem was ugly, people were still obsessed with her or loved her? she's too perfect. Most of us know that. It's unreal?
In favor of the thing, I can say that the behavior of Clem is not perfect and it's good ... NO one is perfect. Even Clem.
Even with this haircut (most of us don't like that) her face is so pretty and perfect:
Her mom was ... not really pretty and her dad we don't know yet. But do not get into how beautiful she is, but does it make sense and would people be less fond of her if she was ugly?
Thank you for read it
People like cute things, I like cute things.
Clem is cute! CUTE!
If you think 2 parents rather average or even ugly can't have a cute girl you no nothing about genetic lol !
I don't see why she should be ugly, there are ugly people, and some are beautiful deal with it !
What I liked the most it is that she is small, and that is logic, in a world where you can't find food easily people grew less big than they should
Clem is goddess.
clem is a lesbian feminist thot
She's not WTF
The character is too ugly, everybody loses their mind, the character is too beautiful, a 13 yo girl can't be that pretty, everybody loses their mind. Oh no, Clementine isn't lesbian, Telltale you homophobic bastards, A character is hetero, it isn't good either. Soon we will see threads where we will debate if Clementine is or not too self-dependent or other bullshit. Welcome to 2017 everyone...
You know, you can not respond if you want.
Seems like you're just taking two opinions and implying that everyone is on either extreme.
A little bit like in politics.
I can see that when her real father see her:
"My kid is so pretty ..."
Are you sure about that? How do you explain this then?

edit:ayyy my bad,i thought you responded to another comment
I just find it ridiculous how people will debate such matters even in regards of a video game, always showing how unhappy they are, the company that made the game is promoting something unrealistic just because it don't fit their expectation and point of view. I don't see where I am talking about two opnions on their extreme.
I use to fool around with a lesbian/bisexual co worker at my old job. She had a full time girlfriend but we would often get inebriated and leave work together. After a few months she let her already short hair grow out on one side making her hair completely uneven and sloppy. I stopped seeing her shortly after. Clementine reminds me of bad times
She has the exact same face shes always had, tho. Her body also isn't ridiculous for a 13 year old. I don't understand why this continues to be an issue for people. Making characters uglier for the sake of doing it is as silly as hypersexualing them, right Bioware?

She's not pretty as Clem lol
I am glad she's not a lesbian, proven by her kissing Gabe. So I take the lesser evil.
Yes, that's right. I dislike Gabentine, but I take Gabentine over her being lesbian any day.
BioWare uglied down all those characters so the ultra-feminist LGBTQXYZ-rainbow-whatever community wouldn't feel so bad about playing a good-looking character.
Not to be rude, but if you see most hardcore-feminists, they're plain ugly.
If you're gay or lesbian, don't try to be special and say "I am with LGBTQ community!!!1", no, you're just a person who's homosexual, end of story. Everyone who considers himself to be in this community, just to feel special, will have a need to do so, be it being under-fucked, some personality disorder, low-value feeling of oneself, etc.
So yeah, uglied down characters, just to appease to them, and I don't know why anyone would do that. This trend-feminism-community shit is a minority. "Real" homosexuals won't care. They simply are and don't advertise it to gain attention.
Same with Political Correctness. And everything that it includes.
Ugh, "modern society" is so sensible to fucked up minorities.
Blasphemy. Fucking disgusting.
Anyways, if Clem wasn't cute and she was annoying, then I would probably hate her, or at least I wouldn't feel as strongly about her as I do.
Interesting. I find most feminist women attractive.
Not be agree with 1 person… blaming the whole community ! .... mkay ! xD
Wrong...she's an emo lesbian tomboy feminist.
Accept the fact, she is the prettiest character. Why are we complaining? Btw 15 so don't say I am a pedo. She looks like a freshman anyways.
Brilliant feminists women think highly of you and it doesn't change the opinion of the non-feminists. Win-win
Hey give this guy some likes he came up with an interesting topic which I basically already did a discussion on though. I only got one like and almost 1000 views give this guy some love because I didn't get any:'(
thanks for stealing.
Her look reminds me of Joker from Injustice 2 tbh.

No, she goes EMO like Peter Parker or Ellen Page.