I'm 32 1/2. My birthday is the 17th of September, 1984. For all who know: that was the day the first episode of The Transformers aired. Sort of my claim to fame.
I'm a sci-fi fan but NOT a nerd. Saw Star Wars when I was a little boy and have been a fan ever since with multiple viewings of the classic trilogy. My fav is still Empire Strikes Back. Proud in 1997 where I actually got to see the trilogy in theaters (Special Edition). Also, I came to like the Expanded Universe, it showed like with other franchises, that they can be more than just the films or tv series and can broaden the universe to the limits of the creative mind. Seen prequel trilogy, like it, but lost interest. Seen both Clone Wars series (Gendy's never done wrong and I've lost interest with the other series halfway around Season 2, one of the reasons was I just liked Ahoska.) Rebels looked good; saw a few, but couldn't really get into it, probably cause I'm still upset about the EU getting retconned. Now, don't get me wrong, there are parts that I'm not a fan of.
The Force Awakens, I saw and while it was good to see the saga continue again on the big screen, it was lacking. Still, that was a hell of a thing when Han died. Next, Rogue One, now THAT was a Star Wars film. Appealed to the classic fan within me. I was giddy when I saw Gold and Red Leader partake in the Battle of Scarif. Yep, for as long as I can remember, one of the things I like about the series was the pilots, who risk their lives in dogfights.
Also, love VG universes.
And as many who are here and read my posts, know I am a HUGE Walking Dead fan (the games and the comics, DON'T. GET. ME. STARTED. ON. THE. TV. SERIES. It's boring as hell). Loved Clementine from the start when I saw the first episode walkthrough all those years ago. Top marks to Season 1, 400 Days, Season 2 and Michonne. A New Frontier I'm a bit iffy on because, I'm a Jane fan. "Hello my name is AJ and I chose Jane over Kenny. Don't judge me" The poor fate they given her character...I'm going to stop, because I've complained and lamented what happened for a long time.
I'm passionate about the things I feel are worthy and memorable in my mind. More to follow. If anyone is interested.
Hi im a horror fan, old skool.
I like punk, metal, goth, electronica, synth, indie folk lots of stuff really
Im from the historic pir… moreate port of bristol home town of blackbeard, me gurt lover
I love animals and ive recently switched to a vegan diet after a weird shift in consciousness while on a fuck ton of drugs (legally in hospital)
Im a gamer my favorites are usually open world RPGs but I love me some co op shooters, I have a ps4 at the moment. Pm me your psn and I will add you if you like.
Umm what else.... I grew some strawberries they were nice. Oh im also a female, lol.
Hey my name is Ella, I am 14 years old I was born in the UK and moved to New Zealand.
I have an older brother who is 16 who got me into gaming, I have a PS4 my favourite games are The Walking Dead, The Last Of Us, Bo3, Gta, Life is Strange, Skyrim.
I'm pretty different to other girls I like to play games, when others like to do other girly things, but every now and then I do like to wear a bit of makeup, go shopping etc.
My first console was a PS2 where I used to play Tekken 5, Rachet & Clank, Midnight Club, God Of War, Simpsons Hit & Run (It was like my gta at the age of 6 lol) My favourite would have to be Tekken 5 I always used to beat my brother xD
I love to listen to Arctic Monkeys, Green Day, Twenty One Pilots, Gorillaz, Kaleo I also like to play a bit of the piano and i want to start playing the guitar.
I used to play netball and was pretty good at it because of my height, but now have stopped to focus more on my school work, I know i'm only 14 but I have started college (High School) We call it college in NZ, and get tons of homework. I'm pretty good in all my subjects except for maths I find quite difficult. I'm also learning Japanese at my school which I'm enjoying except for the teacher is a cow Hahahah.
I consider myself outgoing, funny and a caring person.
Video Games are a huge part in my life (Dramatic i know) But In the past I have dealt with anxiety and video games are always there to take my mind off whatever I maybe going through in my life, they make me happy and makes me feel like i'm actually in the game which is amazing.
My favourite game companies are Naughty Dog, Telltale and Rockstar Games
Past the Megumin Alias... I am 22 and from England. I work full time 8am - 5:30pm, Mon-Fri.
In my spare time I play both PS4 and Xbox, currently I'm playing Persona 5 which has given me the boost I wanted to get back to games again, so many disappointments that this amazing game is a god send.
Also... as you guessed, like anime/manga. My favourite series all in all would be a tie between Fairy Tail and My Hero Academia, having read the manga and watched the anime. But these would not be the best, I consider my favourite and best anime series to be either Neon Genesis Evangelion or FMA: Brotherhood. But one I've recently started and buying the LN for is the Monogatari series, this could easily become one of my best too. Favourite manga's would be Tokyo Ghoul, Fairy Tail, My Hero Academia and the majority of Naruto. Recently started reading the NGE Ominbus, amazing stuff.
I am one that like the memes and joking around about anime, but, I hate the stigma surrounding anime. To me the medium of anime is even better than many live action shows. If you havent I recommend to watch Neon Genesis Evangelion (25 episodes) and classic anime films like Akira (1988) and Ghost in the Shell (1995), it will change your view on anime, I'm sure of it. Too many people see the ecchi/harem genre and believe all anime is like that.
For Telltale games I was first introduced, like many, with the release of TWD Season 1. From there I would say it is still my favourite, along with TFTBL. Which has voice actor's I love, Troy Baker and Laura Bailey.
I'll give this a go.
My name is Abigail, but some people call me Fetch. (mostly my best friend) and I'm 18 turning 19 in two months. I'm … morefrom Boston.
My favorite TT Games are: The Walking Dead seasons 1 & 2, TWD ANF (Please don't stone me), and TWAU.
My favorite non-TT games are: Life is Strange, Persona 5 (Yes, that is Futaba in my profile picture), FFXV (sorta), Beyond: Two Souls, and GTA V.
I really like Paramore and Halsey and shit like that. Also I am a huge cat lady and have 3 cats, one kitten.
One last thing, I am a huge fan of Javier and Gabe (Precious muffin who must be protected ♡) and that shows. A lot, LOL.
I'll give this a go.
My name is Abigail, but some people call me Fetch. (mostly my best friend) and I'm 18 turning 19 in two months. I'm … morefrom Boston.
My favorite TT Games are: The Walking Dead seasons 1 & 2, TWD ANF (Please don't stone me), and TWAU.
My favorite non-TT games are: Life is Strange, Persona 5 (Yes, that is Futaba in my profile picture), FFXV (sorta), Beyond: Two Souls, and GTA V.
I really like Paramore and Halsey and shit like that. Also I am a huge cat lady and have 3 cats, one kitten.
One last thing, I am a huge fan of Javier and Gabe (Precious muffin who must be protected ♡) and that shows. A lot, LOL.
I'll give this a go.
My name is Abigail, but some people call me Fetch. (mostly my best friend) and I'm 18 turning 19 in two months. I'm … morefrom Boston.
My favorite TT Games are: The Walking Dead seasons 1 & 2, TWD ANF (Please don't stone me), and TWAU.
My favorite non-TT games are: Life is Strange, Persona 5 (Yes, that is Futaba in my profile picture), FFXV (sorta), Beyond: Two Souls, and GTA V.
I really like Paramore and Halsey and shit like that. Also I am a huge cat lady and have 3 cats, one kitten.
One last thing, I am a huge fan of Javier and Gabe (Precious muffin who must be protected ♡) and that shows. A lot, LOL.
Hey there! I'm 18 from Australia, you can call me Eerie.
So I'm very new to the forums here but I've been a fan of Telltale for about 5 years since The Walking Dead game was released, although I've never watched an episode of The Walking Dead I really liked the game, it was refreshing watching/playing that game, seeing as I've never liked the whole point and click genre of games but somehow Telltale manages to get me hooked onto their games.
I've played The Walking Dead, Game of Thrones and Tales from the Borderlands. Tales being my favourite so far.
Enough about Telltale though, here's a little bit of info about my favourite games!
I love horror. Whether it's games or movies, if they're good then I'll probably love it.
I also love fantasy games, like The Elder Scrolls and The Legend of Zelda, the first game I ever played was Ocarina of Time which spawned my love for gaming.
I find puzzle games to be very fun too, I like solving fun puzzles in games then feeling smart afterwards haha.
I'd have to say I like pretty much all game genre's except MOBA's and any point and click that isn't Telltale.
Moving on from games now, here's a bit about me!
Now this is something I'm always bad at... I don't know what to say haha. I suppose I could start off with my hobbies and things I like doing.
I like being creative, I'm definitely not an artist which is why I enjoy character creation and cosmetics in games. Unless you have to pay real money for those cosmetics... But you'd usually see me spending a lot of time looking through outfits and trying to make myself look decent, I spend way more time considering my outfit on a game than I do in real life #priorities.
I love media, I used to be able to play the piano but not so much anymore. I would play every day at school, during my breaks I'd head to the music rooms and jump into the piano chair. I'm out of school now though so unfortunately I don't have access to a piano anymore, but one day I want to pick it up again, or perhaps the violin... I'm not sure yet. I've always got an earphone in one of my ears, usually YouTube or Spotify playing in the background of whatever I'm doing, like right as I'm typing this I'm listening to a YouTube video.
I love baking too! The decoration part is my favourite though, this goes back to my love for being creative, I once spent 10 hours on a cake... I know, I was insane. I usually stick to cakes but I've baked one apple pie for my family because I don't really like apple pie haha. I enjoy cooking too but baking is where it's at!
I'll stop here because this is already getting pretty big, I'd be surprised if anyone actually reads through all that, I intended for this to be a short reply but look at what I've done, I can't help myself this always happens.
But yeah that's me! Thanks for reading!
I'll give this a go.
My name is Abigail, but some people call me Fetch. (mostly my best friend) and I'm 18 turning 19 in two months. I'm … morefrom Boston.
My favorite TT Games are: The Walking Dead seasons 1 & 2, TWD ANF (Please don't stone me), and TWAU.
My favorite non-TT games are: Life is Strange, Persona 5 (Yes, that is Futaba in my profile picture), FFXV (sorta), Beyond: Two Souls, and GTA V.
I really like Paramore and Halsey and shit like that. Also I am a huge cat lady and have 3 cats, one kitten.
One last thing, I am a huge fan of Javier and Gabe (Precious muffin who must be protected ♡) and that shows. A lot, LOL.
My name is Abigail, but some people call me Fetch.
Is that because of Abigail "Fetch" Walker from Infamous Second Son/First Light, o… morer is that just a coincidence?
My favorite TT Games are: The Walking Dead seasons 1 & 2, TWD ANF
Finally. Someone else who thinks ANF isn't complete crap.
I am a huge fan of Javier and Gabe
Finally. Someone else who thinks Gabe isn't complete crap.
My name Jeff.
For real, though, my name's Mario ("It's a me, Mario!"), I'm 15 and I'm from Greece. I mainly spend my time watching anime,… more listening to music (mainly jazz, cause goddamn, isn't it good), reading manga, playing games and being on social media. Sometimes, I sing to kill time, I guess.
My favorite game is Fallout: New Vegas while my favorite Telltale game is Game of Thrones. I also have been introduced into Telltale games in 2013 through the first season of The Walking Dead, which was also the first game that made me care about its story and also the first game that made me cry.
Oh, did I ever say that I also spend my time listening to game soundtrack, especially to the soundtrack of the NieR franchise? And how much I love it?
Yeah, I'm not really good at talking about myself.
I've always got an earphone in one of my ears, usually YouTube or Spotify playing in the background of whatever I'm doing, like right as I'm typing this I'm listening to a YouTube video.
People always give me shit for having an earphone in one ear all the time. Most of them think I'm not even listening to them (sometimes I don't, totally guilty). I just love having music playing in the background while I'm doing stuff.
I'd be surprised if anyone actually reads through all that...
I actually read trough the whole thing. I don't reply to all of these comments but I do read every single one of them (I've got a LOT of free time on my hands).
Hey there! I'm 18 from Australia, you can call me Eerie.
So I'm very new to the forums here but I've been a fan of Telltale for about 5 y… moreears since The Walking Dead game was released, although I've never watched an episode of The Walking Dead I really liked the game, it was refreshing watching/playing that game, seeing as I've never liked the whole point and click genre of games but somehow Telltale manages to get me hooked onto their games.
I've played The Walking Dead, Game of Thrones and Tales from the Borderlands. Tales being my favourite so far.
Enough about Telltale though, here's a little bit of info about my favourite games!
I love horror. Whether it's games or movies, if they're good then I'll probably love it.
I also love fantasy games, like The Elder Scrolls and The Legend of Zelda, the first game I ever played was Ocarina of Time which spawned my love for gaming.
I find puzzle games to be very fun too, I like solving f… [view original content]
I'm a decent person, loyal, dedicated and honorable. And I have NEVER used racial slurs. Plus, despite a sweet tooth, I try very hard to watch my figure and health.
I'm not into politics, since I berate their constant bickering and lack of results of said bickering.
I'm a bit of an animation fan, fan of what I believe are the finest: Batman and X-Men TAS; the classic Transformers series (Season 1-2); Transformers Prime; the classic Ben 10 (NONE OF THE SEQUELS); Buzz Lightyear of Star Command; Darkwing Duck; Penguins of Madagascar; Roughnecks: Starship Troopers Chronicles; Samurai Jack; Teletoon's Stoked; The Angry Beavers; Thunderbirds and Thunderbirds are Go and Young Justice. Also, the unappreciated Sym-Bionic Titan. Also, I'm a brony (MLP: FiM)
Plus, a secret shame of mine: I am also a fan of foreign cartoons Winx Club (Rai English Season 1-4) and the spin off World of Winx.
Also, the new and full of potential Miraculous Ladybug. Yes, I confess I like shows with strong female characters/superheroes.
Don't judge me. I've seen many programs in my life both real and animated. And these ones that stuck with me because I like them for numerous reasons that appealed to me regarding characters, scenarios, humor etc. These reflect my taste.
The only animated sitcom I've liked is the unappreciated The Critic
And I'm proud to admit, I am a HUGE Fan of Code: Lyoko. Had a wonderful combination of action, adventure, humor and heartfelt moments.
There are some real shows I like:
The only sitcoms that are my favs (and I've seen my fair share) are Gilligan's Island and Last Man Standing.
Others include the short lived Mortal Kombat Conquest and Tremors The Series
The documentary River Monsters; Elementary and getting into Ash VS Evil Dead.
As you can see, I'm a fan of things that I felt were as tvtropes put it "Screwed by the Network". They deserved better.
There was a lot left in them during their time and now they'll never get a chance to show it. Still, I guess I should count it as a win the time they were given.
I'm proud to be a fan of these titles.
People always give me shit for having an earphone in one ear all the time. Most of them think I'm not even listening to them (sometimes I don't, totally guilty).
Haha I do exactly the same thing and get the same response from people, sometimes it feels weird to not have one in.
I actually read trough the whole thing. I don't reply to all of these comments but I do read every single one of them (I've got a LOT of free time on my hands).
Ah okay that's fair enough, well thanks for reading the whole thing!
I've always got an earphone in one of my ears, usually YouTube or Spotify playing in the background of whatever I'm doing, like right as I'm… more typing this I'm listening to a YouTube video.
People always give me shit for having an earphone in one ear all the time. Most of them think I'm not even listening to them (sometimes I don't, totally guilty). I just love having music playing in the background while I'm doing stuff.
I'd be surprised if anyone actually reads through all that...
I actually read trough the whole thing. I don't reply to all of these comments but I do read every single one of them (I've got a LOT of free time on my hands).
You have been honored to carry the same name as our lord Lee Everett? I was also around here since early 2013 but made an account sometime in 2015.
What kind of things do you like? Any TV shows to recommend me for the summer vacation?
No problem, mate!
I just finished Death Note and I started watching Better Call Saul. Definitely recommend both of those, if you ever feel bored, check them out. They're totally worth the time.
I haven't been going around watching TV shows because I've been so busy. Also yes, I am truly, greatly, honored to have Lee's name!
(Sorry for the late reply by the way)
I have been trying to watch Death Note for a while now. I should really watch it because a lot of people rave about it. Thanks for suggesting that and the other show! If I have time, I should definitely check them out.
No problem, mate!
I just finished Death Note and I started watching Better Call Saul. Definitely recommend both of those, if you ever feel bored, check them out. They're totally worth the time.
I have been trying to watch Death Note for a while now. I should really watch it because a lot of people rave about it. Thanks for suggesting that and the other show! If I have time, I should definitely check them out.
Im 20 years old and my name is ~c l a s s i f i e d~. I'm from a small town in northern europe. My favorite tv shows as of right now are reign, game of thrones and the crown. i really like historical fiction and fantasy, and young adult novels. Ive actually written a couple of full novels on wattpad!
hm let's see.. I am a psychology major with a minor in sociology. I love learning new things about humanity and how the media changes our perception of the world. I was diagnosed with major depression when I was 14 and panic attacks when I was 17. since then I still feel a bit uncomfortable meeting new people but im trying!
I also like drawing and painting. I'm a really creative person so yeah.. feel free to talk to me if you want!
It's great to meet you! Why's your name classified? Now I'm kinda curious...
I'm gonna try to make this as comfortable as I can, I know how awkward meeting new people can be.
I am a psychology major with a minor in sociology
That seems pretty interesting. What career path/job are you gonna choose?
I also like drawing and painting. I'm a really creative person
Nice to meet another artsy person around here.
I'm into drawing myself, but I suck at painting. I've been writing some stuff recently, an interactive fanfiction about TWD, to be precise (except less cringy than all the other ones where they ship humans with trees and consider it art). I'm also learning to play the guitar.
People keep telling me I'm all over the place with my hobbies and, honestly, I don't blame them.
What about you? What else do you do in your free time, apart from drawing and painting?
hiya! ♡・ᴗ・
Im 20 years old and my name is ~c l a s s i f i e d~. I'm from a small town in northern europe. My favorite tv shows as of rig… moreht now are reign, game of thrones and the crown. i really like historical fiction and fantasy, and young adult novels. Ive actually written a couple of full novels on wattpad!
hm let's see.. I am a psychology major with a minor in sociology. I love learning new things about humanity and how the media changes our perception of the world. I was diagnosed with major depression when I was 14 and panic attacks when I was 17. since then I still feel a bit uncomfortable meeting new people but im trying!
I also like drawing and painting. I'm a really creative person so yeah.. feel free to talk to me if you want!
my name is classified because I like being mysterious! haha I'll give you a hint though, it starts with M.
What career path/job are you gonna choose?
I'm thinking about working with troubled kids who've run away from home.. just because I dont want any child to feel like they're all alone in the world.
is your interactive story on the forums? I would love to join, that sounds really fun. i dont think I'm that good at art but it helps me when I feel particularly low so I stick with it I also dance as a hobby, binge watch netflix and read a loooot. I love poetry.
It's great to meet you! Why's your name classified? Now I'm kinda curious...
I'm gonna try to make this as comfortable as I can, I know ho… morew awkward meeting new people can be.
I am a psychology major with a minor in sociology
That seems pretty interesting. What career path/job are you gonna choose?
I also like drawing and painting. I'm a really creative person
Nice to meet another artsy person around here.
I'm into drawing myself, but I suck at painting. I've been writing some stuff recently, an interactive fanfiction about TWD, to be precise (except less cringy than all the other ones where they ship humans with trees and consider it art). I'm also learning to play the guitar.
People keep telling me I'm all over the place with my hobbies and, honestly, I don't blame them.
What about you? What else do you do in your free time, apart from drawing and painting?
Well, I sure do like mysteries, M. I will figure it out one day!
I'm thinking about working with troubled kids who've run away from home.
My sister used to do that... Trust me, you need to be mentally prepared for that sort of thing, it can get really rough.
Is your interactive story on the forums?
Not yet, I want to finish the entire story and work on all the choices before posting it on here. I don't want my story to get boring/over the top just because I ran out of ideas. I also plan on using drawings to show off some of the characters/surroundings, and that's definitely gonna take some time. I won't put too many new characters into the story, because (maybe it's just me) I never care about those too much. If I add a new important character, I'll make sure to flesh him/her out as much as I can, to make him/her feel a lot more real. Maybe I'll show you a couple of samples from the story or one of the drawings later on, since I haven't done much so far.
I dont think I'm that good at art but it helps me when I feel particularly low so I stick with it
You can't be bad at art. Art is a subjective thing- everyone has their own styles and their own feelings. Also, from what I've seen, the picture you painted while babysitting your cousin is pretty damn awesome.
I also dance as a hobby
I used to take dancing classes before, but I had to quit after getting into high school. It was too much pressure on me. I was into traditional dances and stuff like that, not very fancy, but I liked it. What kind of dancing do you like?
Also, sorry if my responses are a bit long, I'm just very bored...
my name is classified because I like being mysterious! haha I'll give you a hint though, it starts with M.
What career path/job are yo… moreu gonna choose?
I'm thinking about working with troubled kids who've run away from home.. just because I dont want any child to feel like they're all alone in the world.
is your interactive story on the forums? I would love to join, that sounds really fun. i dont think I'm that good at art but it helps me when I feel particularly low so I stick with it I also dance as a hobby, binge watch netflix and read a loooot. I love poetry.
Thanks brudda
I miss you too lets make out as good buddies
Oh yeah! Which one?
some duckbusters chat idk ahhaha funny shit man good ol times
Honey how could I forget you my love has never died for you
Lmao, better get run over by a car so you have something sad to talk about.
I spoiler tagged it by accident and couldn't remove It...
OK, 777th comment coming up...
Name's AJ, born in Illinois, living in Wisconsin.
I'm 32 1/2. My birthday is the 17th of September, 1984. For all who know: that was the day the first episode of The Transformers aired. Sort of my claim to fame.
I'm a sci-fi fan but NOT a nerd. Saw Star Wars when I was a little boy and have been a fan ever since with multiple viewings of the classic trilogy. My fav is still Empire Strikes Back. Proud in 1997 where I actually got to see the trilogy in theaters (Special Edition). Also, I came to like the Expanded Universe, it showed like with other franchises, that they can be more than just the films or tv series and can broaden the universe to the limits of the creative mind. Seen prequel trilogy, like it, but lost interest. Seen both Clone Wars series (Gendy's never done wrong and I've lost interest with the other series halfway around Season 2, one of the reasons was I just liked Ahoska.) Rebels looked good; saw a few, but couldn't really get into it, probably cause I'm still upset about the EU getting retconned. Now, don't get me wrong, there are parts that I'm not a fan of.
The Force Awakens, I saw and while it was good to see the saga continue again on the big screen, it was lacking. Still, that was a hell of a thing when Han died. Next, Rogue One, now THAT was a Star Wars film. Appealed to the classic fan within me. I was giddy when I saw Gold and Red Leader partake in the Battle of Scarif. Yep, for as long as I can remember, one of the things I like about the series was the pilots, who risk their lives in dogfights.
Also, love VG universes.
And as many who are here and read my posts, know I am a HUGE Walking Dead fan (the games and the comics, DON'T. GET. ME. STARTED. ON. THE. TV. SERIES. It's boring as hell). Loved Clementine from the start when I saw the first episode walkthrough all those years ago. Top marks to Season 1, 400 Days, Season 2 and Michonne. A New Frontier I'm a bit iffy on because, I'm a Jane fan. "Hello my name is AJ and I chose Jane over Kenny. Don't judge me" The poor fate they given her character...I'm going to stop, because I've complained and lamented what happened for a long time.
I'm passionate about the things I feel are worthy and memorable in my mind. More to follow. If anyone is interested.
I like dick
Hey my name is Ella, I am 14 years old I was born in the UK and moved to New Zealand.
I have an older brother who is 16 who got me into gaming, I have a PS4 my favourite games are The Walking Dead, The Last Of Us, Bo3, Gta, Life is Strange, Skyrim.
I'm pretty different to other girls I like to play games, when others like to do other girly things, but every now and then I do like to wear a bit of makeup, go shopping etc.
My first console was a PS2 where I used to play Tekken 5, Rachet & Clank, Midnight Club, God Of War, Simpsons Hit & Run (It was like my gta at the age of 6 lol) My favourite would have to be Tekken 5 I always used to beat my brother xD
I love to listen to Arctic Monkeys, Green Day, Twenty One Pilots, Gorillaz, Kaleo I also like to play a bit of the piano and i want to start playing the guitar.
I used to play netball and was pretty good at it because of my height, but now have stopped to focus more on my school work, I know i'm only 14 but I have started college (High School) We call it college in NZ, and get tons of homework. I'm pretty good in all my subjects except for maths I find quite difficult. I'm also learning Japanese at my school which I'm enjoying except for the teacher is a cow Hahahah.
I consider myself outgoing, funny and a caring person.
Video Games are a huge part in my life (Dramatic i know) But In the past I have dealt with anxiety and video games are always there to take my mind off whatever I maybe going through in my life, they make me happy and makes me feel like i'm actually in the game which is amazing.
My favourite game companies are Naughty Dog, Telltale and Rockstar Games
So yeah thats about it xD.
Past the Megumin Alias... I am 22 and from England. I work full time 8am - 5:30pm, Mon-Fri.
In my spare time I play both PS4 and Xbox, currently I'm playing Persona 5 which has given me the boost I wanted to get back to games again, so many disappointments that this amazing game is a god send.
Also... as you guessed, like anime/manga. My favourite series all in all would be a tie between Fairy Tail and My Hero Academia, having read the manga and watched the anime. But these would not be the best, I consider my favourite and best anime series to be either Neon Genesis Evangelion or FMA: Brotherhood. But one I've recently started and buying the LN for is the Monogatari series, this could easily become one of my best too. Favourite manga's would be Tokyo Ghoul, Fairy Tail, My Hero Academia and the majority of Naruto. Recently started reading the NGE Ominbus, amazing stuff.
I am one that like the memes and joking around about anime, but, I hate the stigma surrounding anime. To me the medium of anime is even better than many live action shows. If you havent I recommend to watch Neon Genesis Evangelion (25 episodes) and classic anime films like Akira (1988) and Ghost in the Shell (1995), it will change your view on anime, I'm sure of it. Too many people see the ecchi/harem genre and believe all anime is like that.
For Telltale games I was first introduced, like many, with the release of TWD Season 1. From there I would say it is still my favourite, along with TFTBL. Which has voice actor's I love, Troy Baker and Laura Bailey.
I'll give this a go.
My name is Abigail, but some people call me Fetch. (mostly my best friend) and I'm 18 turning 19 in two months. I'm from Boston.
My favorite TT Games are: The Walking Dead seasons 1 & 2, TWD ANF (Please don't stone me), and TWAU.
My favorite non-TT games are: Life is Strange, Persona 5 (Yes, that is Futaba in my profile picture), FFXV (sorta), Beyond: Two Souls, and GTA V.
I really like Paramore and Halsey and shit like that. Also I am a huge cat lady and have 3 cats, one kitten.
One last thing, I am a huge fan of Javier and Gabe (Precious muffin who must be protected ♡) and that shows. A lot, LOL.
1) Futaba best.
2) Gabe must be put in a hole and never be allowed to return.
LOL. As much as I love Gabe, I did wanna drop kick him at times.
Any news about them? Album, songs?
They came out with a new album recently.
Hi i'm Marius and i'm from Romania .I like strategy games and rpg's.
All I can say is- you got a really nice taste in games.
So do I! Are we twins?
Hey there! I'm 18 from Australia, you can call me Eerie.
So I'm very new to the forums here but I've been a fan of Telltale for about 5 years since The Walking Dead game was released, although I've never watched an episode of The Walking Dead I really liked the game, it was refreshing watching/playing that game, seeing as I've never liked the whole point and click genre of games but somehow Telltale manages to get me hooked onto their games.
I've played The Walking Dead, Game of Thrones and Tales from the Borderlands. Tales being my favourite so far.
Enough about Telltale though, here's a little bit of info about my favourite games!
I love horror. Whether it's games or movies, if they're good then I'll probably love it.
I also love fantasy games, like The Elder Scrolls and The Legend of Zelda, the first game I ever played was Ocarina of Time which spawned my love for gaming.
I find puzzle games to be very fun too, I like solving fun puzzles in games then feeling smart afterwards haha.
I'd have to say I like pretty much all game genre's except MOBA's and any point and click that isn't Telltale.
Moving on from games now, here's a bit about me!
Now this is something I'm always bad at... I don't know what to say haha. I suppose I could start off with my hobbies and things I like doing.
I like being creative, I'm definitely not an artist which is why I enjoy character creation and cosmetics in games. Unless you have to pay real money for those cosmetics... But you'd usually see me spending a lot of time looking through outfits and trying to make myself look decent, I spend way more time considering my outfit on a game than I do in real life #priorities.
I love media, I used to be able to play the piano but not so much anymore. I would play every day at school, during my breaks I'd head to the music rooms and jump into the piano chair. I'm out of school now though so unfortunately I don't have access to a piano anymore, but one day I want to pick it up again, or perhaps the violin... I'm not sure yet. I've always got an earphone in one of my ears, usually YouTube or Spotify playing in the background of whatever I'm doing, like right as I'm typing this I'm listening to a YouTube video.
I love baking too! The decoration part is my favourite though, this goes back to my love for being creative, I once spent 10 hours on a cake... I know, I was insane. I usually stick to cakes but I've baked one apple pie for my family because I don't really like apple pie haha. I enjoy cooking too but baking is where it's at!
I'll stop here because this is already getting pretty big, I'd be surprised if anyone actually reads through all that, I intended for this to be a short reply but look at what I've done, I can't help myself this always happens.
But yeah that's me! Thanks for reading!
Before you get Paramore's new album blindly, preview the songs first, as their style has changed a bit.
So can I add more? Or it one and done?
Huh, interesting considering their last album was a bit different too. From their old rockish punkish style, that is.
Is that because of Abigail "Fetch" Walker from Infamous Second Son/First Light, or is that just a coincidence?
Finally. Someone else who thinks ANF isn't complete crap.
Finally. Someone else who thinks Gabe isn't complete crap.
I will try ^^
Oh yeah, my nickname was sorta because of Fetch Walker. My friend and I played it together a few years ago and she started calling me that, LOL.
I'm not sorry.
What do you mean? More about yourself? If that's the case, go on dude.
People always give me shit for having an earphone in one ear all the time. Most of them think I'm not even listening to them (sometimes I don't, totally guilty). I just love having music playing in the background while I'm doing stuff.
I actually read trough the whole thing. I don't reply to all of these comments but I do read every single one of them (I've got a LOT of free time on my hands).
Very well then:
I'm a decent person, loyal, dedicated and honorable. And I have NEVER used racial slurs. Plus, despite a sweet tooth, I try very hard to watch my figure and health.
I'm not into politics, since I berate their constant bickering and lack of results of said bickering.
I'm a bit of an animation fan, fan of what I believe are the finest: Batman and X-Men TAS; the classic Transformers series (Season 1-2); Transformers Prime; the classic Ben 10 (NONE OF THE SEQUELS); Buzz Lightyear of Star Command; Darkwing Duck; Penguins of Madagascar; Roughnecks: Starship Troopers Chronicles; Samurai Jack; Teletoon's Stoked; The Angry Beavers; Thunderbirds and Thunderbirds are Go and Young Justice. Also, the unappreciated Sym-Bionic Titan. Also, I'm a brony (MLP: FiM)
Plus, a secret shame of mine: I am also a fan of foreign cartoons Winx Club (Rai English Season 1-4) and the spin off World of Winx.
Also, the new and full of potential Miraculous Ladybug. Yes, I confess I like shows with strong female characters/superheroes.
Don't judge me. I've seen many programs in my life both real and animated. And these ones that stuck with me because I like them for numerous reasons that appealed to me regarding characters, scenarios, humor etc. These reflect my taste.
The only animated sitcom I've liked is the unappreciated The Critic
And I'm proud to admit, I am a HUGE Fan of Code: Lyoko. Had a wonderful combination of action, adventure, humor and heartfelt moments.
There are some real shows I like:
The only sitcoms that are my favs (and I've seen my fair share) are Gilligan's Island and Last Man Standing.
Others include the short lived Mortal Kombat Conquest and Tremors The Series
The documentary River Monsters; Elementary and getting into Ash VS Evil Dead.
As you can see, I'm a fan of things that I felt were as tvtropes put it "Screwed by the Network". They deserved better.
There was a lot left in them during their time and now they'll never get a chance to show it. Still, I guess I should count it as a win the time they were given.
I'm proud to be a fan of these titles.
More coming...
Haha I do exactly the same thing and get the same response from people, sometimes it feels weird to not have one in.
Ah okay that's fair enough, well thanks for reading the whole thing!
I haven't been going around watching TV shows because I've been so busy. Also yes, I am truly, greatly, honored to have Lee's name!
(Sorry for the late reply by the way)
No problem, mate!
I just finished Death Note and I started watching Better Call Saul. Definitely recommend both of those, if you ever feel bored, check them out. They're totally worth the time.
I have been trying to watch Death Note for a while now. I should really watch it because a lot of people rave about it. Thanks for suggesting that and the other show! If I have time, I should definitely check them out.
No problem mate. If you/anyone needs help with TV shows I'm the nerd to talk to!
hiya! ♡・ᴗ・
Im 20 years old and my name is ~c l a s s i f i e d~. I'm from a small town in northern europe. My favorite tv shows as of right now are reign, game of thrones and the crown. i really like historical fiction and fantasy, and young adult novels. Ive actually written a couple of full novels on wattpad!
hm let's see.. I am a psychology major with a minor in sociology. I love learning new things about humanity and how the media changes our perception of the world. I was diagnosed with major depression when I was 14 and panic attacks when I was 17. since then I still feel a bit uncomfortable meeting new people but im trying!
I also like drawing and painting. I'm a really creative person
so yeah.. feel free to talk to me if you want!
It's great to meet you! Why's your name classified? Now I'm kinda curious...
I'm gonna try to make this as comfortable as I can, I know how awkward meeting new people can be.
That seems pretty interesting. What career path/job are you gonna choose?
Nice to meet another artsy person around here.
I'm into drawing myself, but I suck at painting. I've been writing some stuff recently, an interactive fanfiction about TWD, to be precise (except less cringy than all the other ones where they ship humans with trees and consider it art). I'm also learning to play the guitar.
People keep telling me I'm all over the place with my hobbies and, honestly, I don't blame them.
What about you? What else do you do in your free time, apart from drawing and painting?
my name is classified because I like being mysterious! haha I'll give you a hint though, it starts with M.
I'm thinking about working with troubled kids who've run away from home.. just because I dont want any child to feel like they're all alone in the world.
is your interactive story on the forums? I would love to join, that sounds really fun. i dont think I'm that good at art but it helps me when I feel particularly low so I stick with it
I also dance as a hobby, binge watch netflix and read a loooot. I love poetry.
Well, I sure do like mysteries, M. I will figure it out one day!
My sister used to do that... Trust me, you need to be mentally prepared for that sort of thing, it can get really rough.
Not yet, I want to finish the entire story and work on all the choices before posting it on here. I don't want my story to get boring/over the top just because I ran out of ideas. I also plan on using drawings to show off some of the characters/surroundings, and that's definitely gonna take some time. I won't put too many new characters into the story, because (maybe it's just me) I never care about those too much. If I add a new important character, I'll make sure to flesh him/her out as much as I can, to make him/her feel a lot more real. Maybe I'll show you a couple of samples from the story or one of the drawings later on, since I haven't done much so far.
You can't be bad at art. Art is a subjective thing- everyone has their own styles and their own feelings. Also, from what I've seen, the picture you painted while babysitting your cousin is pretty damn awesome.
I used to take dancing classes before, but I had to quit after getting into high school. It was too much pressure on me. I was into traditional dances and stuff like that, not very fancy, but I liked it. What kind of dancing do you like?
Also, sorry if my responses are a bit long, I'm just very bored...