The Walking Dead: A New Frontier - What it could've been. (The Cutting Room)

So recently an AMA with the Creative Director and Season Lead Writer of ANF took place here on the forums which revealed a lot of big and small stuff that didn't make it to the final cut of the game. Feel free to discuss these cuts here and tell us if you believe they should've been kept or if you agree with the decision of it being removed. Feel free to remind me of anything I might have forgotten.

(All credits go to InColdBlood on youtube (who happens to be @Graysonn) who made several videos revealing most cut stuff here listed.)


Cut Voice Lines

Video 2

The Season

  • "There was an earlier version of the story where Javi was forced to join the New Frontier group and branded (against his will) in order to prove his trustworthiness/earn his place. He escaped, but still needed to retrieve his family (David, Gabe, and Mari) from their NF captors, which aligned his goals with Clementine’s search for AJ." (By Creative Director Alyssa when asked about pre-release advertizing.)

    Reason for cut: "it didn’t feel like an authentic Walking Dead story." (By Creative Director Alyssa)

  • (Unconfirmed) Kate would not be a character on the original plot.

    Source: "He escaped, but still needed to retrieve his family (David, Gabe, and Mari) from their NF captors" (By Creative Director Alyssa) - no Kate mentioned at all.

    Reason for cut: Introduction of a new, different, plot.

  • Javier originally had a sister called Anita, married to Hector.

    Source: Grayson's comment. In case it doesn't work as it very often doesn't, it's on page 252.

    Reason for cut: Possible involvement with the original plot which was later discarded due to "it didn’t feel like an authentic Walking Dead story." (By Creative Director Alyssa)

  • "There were several alternative versions of extended death scenes in the original plans, as a special treat for our fans who sometimes miss a QTE prompt. Not all of them made the final episode." (By Creative Director Alyssa)

    Reason for cut: Possibly lack of resources or time. - "We cut content for a lot of reasons. Sometimes because an idea works on paper but falls flat interactively -- the first playable version of our episode tells us a LOT about what we need to hone and polish, but generally the time we have to do that is limited once production has started. Sometimes we'll have a great idea too late to be able to realize it -- if it requires a custom art asset or a custom animation, it may not fit in the schedule for those teams. Or, sometimes we cut things because of player feedback -- it's just not working for people, it feels off tone or off license, or it causes more confusion than enjoyment." (By Creative Director Alyssa)

  • Kate was originally called Garce and had a different model (blonde hair).

    Source: Video 2 (1:08 to 1:37)

    Reason for cut: Possibly discontentment with Grace's name and design.

  • Badger, or at least his model, was suposed to be Rufus.

    Source: Video 2 (8:56 to 9:13)

    Reason for cut: Possibly the creation of Rufus and Badger as their own seperate characters.

  • "Lingard’s model was originally created to be a guy named Mason, who was the mastermind of the New Frontier group in an early iteration of the story."

    Source (aside from the quote itself): Melissa Hutchinson's mention of a Carver-esque character being cut. Link needed.

    Reason for cut: Unknown.

  • Eleanor was originally intended to be Joan's daughter.

    Source: "Elle is tricky. Her character changed enough in development that her original backstory no longer makes sense. I can tell you that she is Thai American, and (some of you guessed this) was originally designed as Joan's daughter in an early version of the story. In the shipping version, though, they are not related." (By Creative Director Alyssa)

    Reason for cut: Unknown.

  • There were plans to have a S1 Clementine flashback in episode 1. Clementine would be with Sandra on the indoors of her house. Walkers would attack them and Sandra would get bitten, turn and start crawling towards Clem. It's unknown what was supposed to happen next, though there are theories about a Lee cameo! Files to this scene were added progressively, in every single episode release.


    • Video 1 (3:25 to 4:30)
    • Video 2 (18:15 to 20:40)
    • "We did have a cut flashback that originally appeared in episode 1 that happened before Clem met Lee in Season 1." (By Creative Director Alyssa)

    Reason for cut: "That flashback was never intended for ep 5, though. In general, we tried to use the Clem flashbacks to both explain how her story and Javi’s story became intertwined and to get player input on some key decisions that would help determine Clem’s character in Episode 5." (By Creative Director Alyssa)

Episodes 1 & 2 - Ties That Bind

  • Episode 2 was originally named "Divided We Fall" rather than "Ties That Bind - Part Two".

    Source: Needing source.

    Reason for cut: Possibly the merging of the release of both episodes.

  • Choosing to stay the night or not would slightly change how TNF captured Javier. There would be a choice to go voluntarily or attack Max - which would result in you getting captured as well of course. There are also some developer notes on how the scene should, generally, be written.

    Source: Graysons comment. In case it doesn't work, as it hardly ever does, it's on page 252.

    Reason for cut: Unknown.

  • There is an animation in the game files of Clementine opening and closing the ambulance rear doors - which are locked in the original version of the game.

    Source: Video 2 (8:03 to 8:30)

    Reason for cut: Possible involvement with the original plot which was cut due to "it didn’t feel like an authentic Walking Dead story." (By Creative Director Alyssa)

  • "Mariana died in different ways over the course of rewrites, but she always had a finite lifespan in the story. There was an earlier version of the story where Javi came upon a turned Mariana behind the trailer upon returning to the junkyard in Episode 1, and had to decide whether to put her down or let someone else do it." (By Creative Director Alyssa)

    Reason for cut: "We had fully built that scene out, and seeing Zombie Mariana was tragic and horrible -- but it didn’t feel right for the story to lose her and never have a chance to talk to her again. Part of the rework of Episode 1 was to give the player more time with Mariana, and the family, before she died." (By Creative Director Alyssa)

  • Mariana would originally be shot in the neck, not in the head. This would probably make Kate jumping to the middle of the gunfire to help her way more rational and plausible.

    Source: Video 1 (8:06 to 8:15)

    Reason for cut: Possibly Telltale avoiding showing such violent and painful death to a kid.

  • Javier would originally accidentally kill Lonnie by either shooting him in the ear or the throat during their gun struggle. Max would later put Loonie out of his misery. (Max: "Shit, I'm sorry, brother.")

    Source: Video 2 (1:40 to 2:45)

    Reason for cut: Possibly the writers finding more potential to his character.

  • We would originally visit a slaughterhouse, where walkers were kept in cages, in episode 1. The purpose of this settlement is still unknown and so is who exactly owned it. Though it's very likely it was TNF's, a certain redneck who does not wear TNF's brand and is simply labeled "generic villager" is present taking cover in this sequence, which might indicate another possible owner (maybe Prescott which was suposed to be way darker and rougher?). There are, however, a few details about the enviroment and the sequence involving it in game files.

    • It would be near episode 1's junkyard. You can actually see a little bit of this slaughterhouse in the 2D image used as background for the junkyard. (credits to @Deltino)
    • This building featured the Capricorn Farms logo, indicating this slaughterhouse was perhaps constructed on that goat farm. (the credits for discovering about Capricorn Farms in the first place go to @BetterToSleep).
    • There were cages, garbage bins, metal hooks, metal saw bands and turnstiles in this environment.
    • Clem, Javier, Max and at least one redneck NOT belonging to TNF would be present in this sequence. As well as walkers of course.
    • There are sound files for walker moaning and grunting on the slaughterhouse. These sounds were used on the factory in episode 3.
    • There are animtaions fo Clementine and Javier banging cage doors, pushing turnstiles, Javier boosting Clem to reach a window and Javier hoping on a fence. There is also an animation for a "generic villager" holding an AK47 taking cover, the file name indicates it was meant to take place at this slaughterhouse - a shootout at the slaughterhouse is likely.


    Reason for cut: Possibly "it didn’t feel like an authentic Walking Dead story." (By Creative Director Alyssa)

  • Max was originally dying at the slaughterhouse. He would get stuck in a jammed turnstile, grabbed and devoured by walkers. Clem and Javier would then be given the choice to put him out of his misery or not.


    • Video 1 (7:26 to 7:35)
    • Video 2 (2:47 to 6:56)
    • Cut Lines Video (7:18 to 7:41)
    • Alyssa's reddit coment.
    • "Max at one point in development died in the Slaughterhouse in episode 1" (By Creative Director Alyssa)

    Reason for cut: Possibly the writers finding more potential to his character. "Ultimately, I think that character's fate has been much more interesting in the version we shipped, and I'm glad he lived another day." (By Creative Director Alyssa on Reddit)

  • Prescott was originally way rougher (as well as Tripp). There would be walkers hanging in ropes, indicating public executions (also hinted by Clementine and Tripp's unused lines). Tripp would use hanging as a vulgar threat. There are also mentions to a Francine betrayal on these files.

    Source: Video 2 (9:14 to 10:22)

    Reason for cut: Possible involvement with the original plot, scrapped due to "it didn’t feel like an authentic Walking Dead story." (By Creative Director Alyssa)

  • Javier would give the candy bar to Mariana.

    Source: "Unfortunately, the in-game payoff for keeping some of these items ended up on the cutting room floor. It would have been a really nice moment in Ep 1 if Javi had handed over that candy bar..." (By Creative Director Alyssa)

    Reason for cut: But for various production reasons, we didn’t end up shipping that content." (By Creative Director Alyssa)

  • Eleanor would take Tripp's van when sneaking out of Prescott with Javier and Clem.

    Source: Cut Lines Video (1:15 to 1:21) Eleanor: "Sun's up... sighs Tripp has probably noticed his van is gone by now."

    Reason for cut: Probably to make the choice vary in more aspects, not only the person but also the rides.

  • Javier would have the opportunity to tell Mariana he would come back to the junkyard for them.

    Source: Cut Lines Video (1:22 to 1:25) Mariana: "You said you'd come back and you did!"

    Reason for cut: Unknown.

  • Clem could split Mariana's chocolate bar in half (split it in half!).

    Source: Cut Lines Video (2:07 to 2:08) Clem: "She'll have to settle for half."

    Reason for cut: Unknown.

  • The Wellington raiders had lines which seemed to imply they were a group who used to pass by asking for supplies, until they asked for more than Wellington could spare, so they came back armed. There was a Wellington character during this stand-off threatening to open fire on the raiders, she was voiced by Christine Lakin - Jane's voice actor.

    Source: Cut Lines Video (3:25 to 5:27)

    Reason for cut: Unknown.

  • Clem was supposed to dig a grave for Jane.

    Source: Deltino's comment. In case it doesn't work, as it usually doesn't, it's on page 264.

    Reason for cut: Unknown.

  • The Prescott ambush originally happened because of Clem, not Javier. During this scene Tripp has lines which implies he knows who Badger is and uses the nick name "Connie" to refer to Conrad.

    Source: Cut Lines Video (5:28 to 6:58) Tripp: "The fuck you talking about, Badger?" / Badger: "Hey what's going on up there? Where's Clem?" / Badger: "Hey! I don't wanna be an asshole, but you're making me an asshole!" / Conrad: "This is all Clementine's fault!" / Tripp: "It's the New Frontier, Connie, I ain't throwing her to those fucking hyenas. Besides, she is a good shot and we may need one."

    Reason for cut: This scenario was possibly connected to the original plot which was scrapped because "it didn’t feel like an authentic Walking Dead story." (By Creative Director Alyssa)

Episode 3 - Above The Law

  • Javier would have the option to give David Mariana's cassette player.

    Source: "Unfortunately, the in-game payoff for keeping some of these items ended up on the cutting room floor (...) we had intended for Javi to be able to give the cassette player to David..."

    Reason for cut: But for various production reasons, we didn’t end up shipping that content." (By Creative Director Alyssa)

Episode 4 - Thicker Than Water

  • Apparently there was a sewer segment in episode 4 and some scrapped content in David's safehouse.

    Source: Video 2 (14:06 to 14:46)

    Reason for cut: Possibly player feedback from episode 1 and 2 "Once we saw the critical and fan reactions to episodes 1 and 2, we did adjust the story to lean into the things that seemed to be resonating with fans." (By Creative Director Alyssa)

  • "The guy who stabbed Javi in episode 4 (and was eaten by walkers in Ep 5) was originally supposed to be a spanish-speaking engineer that Javi could use his (originally planned) bilingual skills to communicate with. He was being guarded by Ava..."

    Reason for cut: Possibly Jeff Schine's inability to speak Spanish.

  • Kenny was supposed to talk about Jane on his flashback.

    Source: Video 2 (17:40 to 17:56) Kenny: "Jane thought she knew what was best for you and AJ." / "She never had kids. She didn't know." / "I did what I had to."

    Reason for cut: pANdEriNg tO kEnNY fAns!!!1!!1 (Just kidding.) Unknown.

Episode 5 - From The Gallows

  • Javier could give medicine to the struggling people of Richmond during the apartments scene had he stole it in Episode 4.

    Source: Unfortunately, the in-game payoff for keeping some of these items ended up on the cutting room floor (...) we had intended for Javi (...) to potentially use the medicine in the post-wall breach fray." (By Creative Director Alyssa)

    Reason for cut: "But for various production reasons, we didn’t end up shipping that content." (By Creative Director Alyssa)

  • "There was a big hub in Episode 5 where Javi had to solve the problem of how to get off the roof, while also having the opportunity to talk to each character about your relationship and what was on their mind, including Clem trying to cheer up a very sad Gabe after having been knocked back by David in the scene in the apartments." (By Creative Director Alyssa)

    Reason for cut: Possibly not wanting to break the episode's feeling of urgency "One of the challenges with every freewalk design is how to make sure the player has a clear set of goals that balance urgency and exploration -- it should feel like you have something important to do, rather than wandering aimlessly -- but the act of exploration can be at odds with the feeling of it being urgent to accomplish a goal. / In some of the episodes this season, we erred on the side of urgency, to the detriment of exploration -- and we’ve heard a lot of feedback about that choice. I know that I personally have learned a whole lot about what to do -- and not to do -- to set up freewalks in order to succeed, and I hope to apply those lessons in future episodes." (By Creative Director Alyssa)

  • Javier and Clem were supposed to examine the motorbike and have a little exchange about it.

    Source: Video 2 (14:47 to 15:11)

    Reason for cutting: Unknown.

  • A decision between keeping the stolen supplies or handing them back to the communities would be featured this episode. Eleanor would be against keeping the supplies while Clint (if alive) would be for it. Deciding Joan's fate would also be a decision originally featured this episode. There was the option to Execute Her, Exile Her or Keep Her in Richmond.

    Source: Video 2 (17:57 to 18:14)

    Reason for cut: "The process of making games is an inexact science, and we don’t always know what content will resonate with which fans. What we do know is that these stories aren’t over, and the future of the Richmond folks will develop based on the starting point that the player created in this season." (By Creative Director Alyssa) - Implication that the choices were cut because they might've found another use for the characters in future installments.

  • "There was a (cut) choice where Javi could offer to go along and help out, but Clem refused that offer -- it was something she wanted to do on her own." (By Creative Director Alyssa)

    Reason for cut: Unknown.

  • A determinant death for Conrad was discussed but the idea was then dropped.

    Source: "We talked about it..." (By Creative Director Alyssa when asked about an episode 5 Conrad determinant death)

    Reason for cut: "... we didn’t have the bandwidth to build it out properly given the scope of the other things we were trying to do in the episode." (By Creative Director Alyssa when asked about an episode 5 Conrad determiant death)

And that's about it. Please tell me if I missed something!

I would yet again remind you that I did not find any of this stuff. Most of this was due to @Graysonn 's work, as well as @Deltino 's, and others I might be forgetting right now.

Also a thank you to @Alyssa_TTG for also revealing a lot of cut stuff we otherwise wouldn't have gotten the chance to know.


  • edited June 2017

    The cutting room

    Man that sounds like a really depressing and emo Evanescence song

  • You're right, she did have a kid until she killed it and herself because of it

  • Man, most of this content could have made this game much better in my honest opinion.

    "it didn’t feel like an authentic Walking Dead story."

    And how does the final version of the game feel like an authentic Walking Dead story? Cause it doesn't to me.

    Anyway, you forgot to say that one of Clem's unused lines at the (Cut) little conversation with Javi and her about the motorcycle confirms that Kenny is the one who taught her how to drive a motorcycle. Glad they cut it though, cause Kenny taught her how to drive a car, not a motorcycle.

  • Do you need the edit code for any later reveals?

  • edited June 2017

    Blind Sniper has helped me with that, but thanks nevertheless!

    DabigRG posted: »

    Do you need the edit code for any later reveals?

  • Okie.

    Blind Sniper has helped me with that, but thanks nevertheless!

  • And how does the final version of the game feel like an authentic Walking Dead story? Cause it doesn't to me.

    I agree that their first ideas were mostly far better but from their perspective it sounds like it's a gamble on what they believe would resonate with fans and what will not.

    The season one team likely had plenty doubts before premiering.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Man, most of this content could have made this game much better in my honest opinion. "it didn’t feel like an authentic Walking Dead s

  • All of this sounds amazing really sucks we didn't get this version instead. Clem seems to be centered around the story more too

  • Really well written and formatted summary, nice work!!

  • No more rewrites, for the love of Kenny. It's like when you're taking your test, the first answer is always the right one, there's no need to cross it out or erase it until you tear the paper. Stick to your ideas, please.

  • I'm guessing what else was cut from the game, by looking at the episode selection screen for both episodes 4&5, is Javier leading a rebellion of some sorts against Richmond.

    In the episode 4 selection screen you can see Clem and other people behind her shooting most likely at walkers or New Frontier. None of that happens in the episode until the very end, but only Clem is seen shooting.

    In the episode 5 selection screen you can see Javi raise his gun in the air while a crowd of people cheer him on. Again, none of this happens in the last episode. I guess you can count the decision to rule Richmond, but that's optional.

    It was probably due to the constant rewrites that killed the original plan for NF.

  • Yeah, and Max and/or Shades-chick were probably gonna be involved.

    MRSHYGUY45 posted: »

    I'm guessing what else was cut from the game, by looking at the episode selection screen for both episodes 4&5, is Javier leading a rebe

  • Most definitely. I would've preferred this than what we actually got.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Yeah, and Max and/or Shades-chick were probably gonna be involved.

  • enter image description here

    The cutting room Man that sounds like a really depressing and emo Evanescence song

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    I'm going to have to disagree with that, it's good to rewrite your stuff to make it better. Your first idea will not always be the best thing in the world, it's like writing a novel, you constantly rework the situations and characters until you feel it's good. There have been plenty of works that have been rewritten, we just rarely ever hear about previous versions or ideas.

    fallandir posted: »

    No more rewrites, for the love of Kenny. It's like when you're taking your test, the first answer is always the right one, there's no need to cross it out or erase it until you tear the paper. Stick to your ideas, please.

  • I wish they would have had the young clementine flashback somehow. That sounded very interesting.

  • I would have been interested in a S1 Sandra flashback if they could have done it right. I do like the idea of Kate not being in the game with Javier's sister being in the game. It's quite fascinating how much content was quite and revised and what we actually got.

  • Fucking telltale of course they cut out the content that would have made a cohesive story and given actual backstory and personality to these characters. Well, this post was really well made. Thank you for all your hard work dude. Here's to hoping Season 4 isn't shit.

  • Eh I think there's merit to what both of you guys are saying. It's good to review your work, but eventually, the change can lead to something that is a shell of the original idea and that is not always for the best.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    I'm going to have to disagree with that, it's good to rewrite your stuff to make it better. Your first idea will not always be the best thin

  • Yo be fair, we didn't know if ot was a kid. For all we know, it could be a llama.

    NorthStars posted: »

    You're right, she did have a kid until she killed it and herself because of it

  • Dude if I didn't rewrite my stories they would be even shittier than they normaly are. Rewrites are important. Last time rewrites are bullshit.

    fallandir posted: »

    No more rewrites, for the love of Kenny. It's like when you're taking your test, the first answer is always the right one, there's no need to cross it out or erase it until you tear the paper. Stick to your ideas, please.

  • Javier originally had a sister called Anita, married to Hector.

    Eww. Wasn't Hector his uncle?

  • Yes, but he was originally gonna be his brotherinlaw and Mariana's dad.

    Javier originally had a sister called Anita, married to Hector. Eww. Wasn't Hector his uncle?

  • So David didn't originally exist? David was like the only redeemable part of A New Frontier

    DabigRG posted: »

    Yes, but he was originally gonna be his brotherinlaw and Mariana's dad.

  • Well, he was still Gabe's dad, but it's possible that he didn't exist back when the first teaser was shown.

    Eh, I can't help but disagree at the end of it all.

    So David didn't originally exist? David was like the only redeemable part of A New Frontier

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Yeah, I agree with that. I suppose I didn't convey that clearly enough but thanks for picking it up better.

    Eh I think there's merit to what both of you guys are saying. It's good to review your work, but eventually, the change can lead to something that is a shell of the original idea and that is not always for the best.

  • Yeah I agree, but it's not good to change something without giving it a chance, like TT did with the slaughterhouse. They just got rid of it without even trying to introduce it to the story.

    Dude if I didn't rewrite my stories they would be even shittier than they normaly are. Rewrites are important. Last time rewrites are bullshit.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    From what it sounds like they did play it as a concept and felt it didn't fit, which is up to the creators discretion.

    fallandir posted: »

    Yeah I agree, but it's not good to change something without giving it a chance, like TT did with the slaughterhouse. They just got rid of it without even trying to introduce it to the story.

  • I just wish they didn't rewrite while the games already out and in progress. They should have everything done by then.

    Dude if I didn't rewrite my stories they would be even shittier than they normaly are. Rewrites are important. Last time rewrites are bullshit.

  • edited July 2017

    Sometimes good ideas don't translate well in games and I totally understand that - but in this case I'm pretty disappointed. The Slaughter-house idea gave me the chills just from listening to the audio files !
    They should've stuck with the idea or at LEAST introduced it. When creating games, you always need a base to build up from. The slaughter-house would've been a great start. The flashbacks would've made more sense because you'd need them to WANT to save your family. TT could've done so many things!

    Sad to see how much potential this game had.

  • I know. Like I said, last second rewrites are terrible.

    I just wish they didn't rewrite while the games already out and in progress. They should have everything done by then.

  • Depressing how much got cut and could of made this game rock.

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