The Problem with ******* Death in TWD Comics

So it's been nearly 2 months since Andrea Death in The Comics and am i the only one who has a problem with it. I'm just going to list the reasons why i hated it here
1: It's Setting up Richonne. So i have a problem with Richonne which i won't get into here, if you want to know my reasons PD me so yeah, Anyway Rick and Michonne aren't supposed to be Lovers, They're supposed to be BFF's. Like i think the only reason Kirkman killed off Andrea is because they want the Stupid ass Richonne Fanboys/Girls to start reading them which they won't. If this does happen well it makes Michonne much more of a Bigger Slut than she already was.
Anyway i think that's the only reason Kirkman killed her off is because he wants Richonne to happen and when that does happen i'll stop reading the comics, Plus Andrea was like the only decent Character left.
I swear, if Richonne happens I'm gonna riot somehow.
Me too, Its bad enough hearing about Richonne on the show by all my friends since i don't watch the show. But if that awful Ship couple happens i'm going to Fucking complain a lot
Doesn't Kirkman give an explanation on why he killed Andrea at the end of issue 167?
Personally, I think it has nothing to do with Richonne. Rick needs time to grieve and by the looks of it, he won't be dating anyone anytime soon. Not to mention Michonne also lost a lover: Ezekiel not too long ago. Andrea was probably killed to further Rick's and even Carl's character as well as the story itself.
I guess, But they are hinting at it happening in the future which i don't like. I hate Twitter as it is saying Richonne is the best thing that has happened on the show since Slice Bread Lol
No, someone asked about Richonne in the Letter Hacks, and Kirkman said if Rick ever gets into another romantic relationship it won't be for years (real life and comics time).
I'm glad that it might not happen because Michonne and Rick don't work as a couple and its bad enough to see them Fuck on the show Lol. Well i don't watch the show but i hear people talk about it all the time through Twitter its annoying as Fuck
Rick and Michonne won't be a thing in the comic. The only reason Richonne exists in the show is because Andrea has been dead since season 3 in the show. Michonne and Rick are going to be a way from eachother anyways coming up in the comic
Andrea was killed off for a matter of reasons. First is because I think Rick is going to be put into the background a bit for a little while. They are soon going to be sending people off to see the group from Ohio and obviously with the condition he is in Rick would not be a good person to go on that trip. If you look at the upcoming covers issue #170 has Eugene, Michonne, Magna, (and one other guy who I'm not sure the name of) on the road traveling somewhere. Given that we know Eugene has been talking to Stephanie over the radio and Kirkman said discovering the Ohio group will be the next major arc of the comic good chance it is them leaving to go to the new groups location. So that is definitely going to take up some time and Rick won't be in the spotlight as much because of it and and this would be a good time to kill a character like Andrea off if Rick is going to be a little bit more of a background character for awhile.
Secondly it opens up room for characters like Magna to get developed. Magna has been around for about forty issues now but hasn't received that much screen time because characters like Andrea and Maggie have been receiving most of the screentime in the story arcs. Just like way back in the day when they were still at the prison Lori and Carol were getting a lot of the screen time and Andrea and Maggie were mostly background characters. When Lori and Carol were killed off though it opened up room for Andrea and Maggie to start taking more of the spotlight. Same thing is going on now in my opinion.
I loved Andrea, she was by far my favorite female character in any TWD media and I got really sad with her death but I never really saw it as a problem though. I actually like when the characters I love die because it shows me how good is this what I am reading/watching/playing to a point where I really care about it's characters. If Richonne does happen though, I'll definetely be pissed.
Me too and i know someone said Kirkman said it won't, But he isn't gonna spoil any future storylines is he. If you think about it Michonne a massive Slut in the comics lol. She has Fucked every big main Male character really, I think she is gonna do a Selfish thing like she always does and Bang rick.
Don't worry here is the cover for issue 170 (they are currently on issue 169)

As you can see Michonne is in there with Eugene and Magna (and I believe the other person may be Siddiq). Michonne's going to be too far away from Rick to have any chance to bang him.
Rick and Michonne are going to have Walkie Talkie Sex Lol
Right? It might be an unpopular opinion, but I hate Richonne on the TV Show.
Same, they Ruined michonne's character on the show by making her shoot a sniper just like Andrea did. But yet again all the Fans wanted it so the show done a dirty deed by giving them Fan Service.
I agree, Richmond is stupid and it started when the actor for rick appearantly looked at michonne's butt. I read that part when she said she'll always be there for him cringe. Ricks already lost 3 love interests, we don't need 4.
Richonne not richmond
Also why should you care? Your alpha, ricks friend killed you.
They'll go to that community in Ohio and find it wrecked. Find a dead girl with ear muffs, "Oh shit wellington's destroyed bitch." Kenny comes in. AAAAAAHHHHHHDGDKWNDKDNSODJD CLEMENTINE!!!! WHERE IS SHE!?!? "Idk but this season 2 ending is cannon now, Kenny you're a main character now.
Pretty much all the main female characters on the show are taking up personality traits and storylines that in the comic all belonged to Andrea. For instance in the show Rosita is the one who is training Alexandria in combat. In the comic that was Andrea (Rosita was pretty much just a background character in the comic who was mainly just there to serve as a love interest to some of the male leads).
Quite a few of the current female characters in the show either do not exist in the comic at all or have been dead for sometime. Instead of giving them each unique personalities unseen before in the TWD franchise they have just given each of them a part of comic Andrea's personality and storyline.