Why Do People Hate Gabe?
I just don't get it he didn't do anything really I mean Kate I get it she basically hits on you the whole season then when David shows up she tries to ruin Javi and David brother ship I get it why people hate her but why Gabe?
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There's already an extensive thread on it.
k thanks
He's childish, angsty, whiny, annoying, selfish, a tattle-tale, insufferable, hypocritical, inconsistent, bratty, and useless.
well that's a lot aside from these thing i don't see why people are hating on him for liking clem
Because their relationship is completely forced, poorly developed, and written terribly.
isn't someone bitter today?

even though he's good for clem I mean listen to this
Bitter that I had to see my favorite character forced into a poorly done romance with whiny, irritating Gabe, which betrays the Clementine I created in the previous 2 seasons without giving me a say in the matter, despite the fact we technically get to play as her in the game, and Javi having the choice of not pursuing anything with Kate, but we don't have the same luxury with Clem? Yeah, that would make me pretty bitter. He's good for Clem in that his stupidity is going to get her killed...oh wait, that's not good at all.
oh come on he'll learn everybody does mistakes
what would you do if you were Gabe?
Lol Clementines whiny aswell
A lot of people hate him because a lot of players decided shooting conrad and then Gabe sold us so is loud with hate Gabe because few players decide accept Conrad plan
they're kids its normal
Dead in my play
And i dont regret it at all
aren't you the lucky one
He whines about everything, provides no solutions, and then sells you out when you point out that he's whining and providing no solution.
When he died at the end, all I thought was "snitches get stitches."
well that's a good point
but when clem is with him and she acts like a kid not like an adult
which means she's happy if she's happy aren't you happy?
"if she's happy aren't you happy?"
oh come on give him a chance
I don't like Gabe because he's very boring. For 4 episodes he kept complaining about how "no one follows his plans" and to "get over it". He thinks his plan will work, no matter how dangerous it might be. He basically acts before he thinks.
That and he keeps telling us he wants to man up and do something but when that something actually happens he chickens out.
Granted, he's better than Sarah and Ben, but he's definitely the shitbird of this season.
But he never did, or he was just never given a chance to learn because Telltale never put him in situations where he could redeem himself for his mistakes. Either way, we never see his character grow to the point that can justify what was ultimately his character arc throughout the season, stepping up and becoming a man. By the end, he's still the same fuck up kid he was in the beginning, he just had the balls to want to take himself out, and that (while brave, I'll concede) is not enough to redeem his character as a whole and doesn't make up for the shit he pulled in the past.
If I were Gabe, I wouldn't have run out into the hallway while hiding from someone who didn't even know we were there. If I were Gabe, I would be indebted to Javi for saving my ass from Conrad and not rat him out to everyone about killing Conrad if I don't get my way. If I were Gabe, I wouldn't act like a smug little punk ass if I were to rat him out to everyone about killing Conrad if I don't get my way. If I were Gabe, I would have realized the time to grow and step up was years ago, not just now. If I were Gabe, I wouldn't be constantly thinking with my dick and would actually try to use my brain.
How? Even in Season 1, she was never whiny, and while she made mistakes, such as believing The Stranger, she has visibly shown to still be carrying that burden with her, possibly even blaming herself for Lee's death and showing signs of survivor's guilt. And even if she was, she's not nearly as whiny as Gabe and is far more mature, responsible, independent, and capable then Gabe is.
okay good point BUT clem's happy around him
Gabe poured shit tons of archaeology into Kate, he fucks up by getting a man to stab your shoulder, and he's a whiny botch.
I let Clementine slide because she lost too many people to care. She believed AJ was dead so she had nothing to fight for at the moment. She just didn't care.
I mean clem feels happy around him right?
For the first 3 episodes, she wasn't happy around him.
But hey, the relationship is determinant anyway.
The Jane ending is the Gabentine ending.
The Wellington & Alone ending is Anti-Gabentine.
The Kenny ending is whatever you think it is.
so you like Gabe now IDC I just wanna change one person opinion on him
Woah, I never said I liked him.
I got Wellington ending, Clem still has a crunch on him.
Nah not really!
Did he die in your playthrough?