Gabe's personality explained
Hello people!
Today I decided to create a thread about why Gabe is so nervous and irrespectful at times.
(I could find any threads about this issue so, here it is)
To start with, think about his dad, David; he is not the greatest dad in the world,
but he is not the worst, either. David is really trying to look out for Gabe
(as Clementine stated, too), but he is too aggressive and annoying at times. With that said,
Gabe was raised having his father as a role model (because that's what kids do at a
young age) and maybe that's the reason why he is offensive at times like his father.
Furthermore, living in a van for FOUR YEARS with only his family, is extremely bad for
his character to develop. I mean, he was always on the road without seeing any other
person to communicate. This may be the reason on why he is not talking to anyone
about his problems and being emotionally unstable.
Thus, when he got the chance to interact and chat with other people, this whole "will"
to communicate with others got him overwhelmed.
All things considered, Gabe is a just a teenager who hasn't seen another person for FOUR YEARS
and I think this would make every teenager a little stressful. Personally, if I don't hang out
with my friends at least once a week, I may drive myself crazy. So, please, before
deprecating Gabe for what he is, think about what he's gone through and then criticize his
character. What I want to say is that Clementine had Lee at the begging and met a whole bunch
of new people on the years that passed and this made her stronger because she could hear
all kinds of opinions about survival. However, Gabe only had his family and this could
become boring at some point.
Anyway, thank you for reading my point of view about Gabe's character and I hope
you have a great day.
I think Gabe's personality is on point since people seem to forget that being edgy and act like the world revolves around him is pretty much teenage life. Also he pretty much has very little experience in surviving on his on compared to Clem so that makes him a Sarah-esque character who needs to grow up in terms of handling his actions and especially emotions in order to survive .(I personally think this season's ending made him surpass that because x died because of him)only reason Clem is not that edgy like him(unless you'd make her in s2 and flashbacks from s3) is she is pretty much hardened by the shit she has seen and has done.
I couldn't agree more.
Even if I am agree with the majority of what is said above !
He is still a rat !
There are rat people and people leaving with honor and that not depend of age !
A rat is a rat a young rat will become an older rat !
David is maybe a hotblood he can be a lot of bad stuff but surely not a rat
All would be true if this were the real world, but it isn't. This is the zombie apocalypse and you don't get to have the time to grow up that you otherwise would.
Plus how do you know that they didn't see anyone else in those four years on the road? Even in the apocalypse it simply doesn't seem likely they wouldn't encounter another living soul.
Nope sorry to say I think Gabe is simply behaves like a teenager in a world where you don't get to use those excuses.
To steal part of Chuck's words "You're either living or you're not. You ain't little, you ain't a girl, you ain't a boy, you ain't strong or smart, you're alive."
Well maybe they did encounter other people, but as far as I know (and from what Gabe said in Episode 1) they didn't met anyone else.
I respect your opinion and you are right about this thing. However, it is easier said than done, that's what I know. Even if you feel ready for something, life is full of surprises.
Gabe has grown up ,he's just annoying at times when he doesn't think straight he acts before he thinks.
Pretty much the MAJOR flaw in his character. I don't know why there wasn't an dialogue option to tell Gabe if he keeps acting like that he'll eventually get him or the entire group killed.
If you understand his character very well then maybe you can tell me why Gabe didn't talk to David while the latter was dying in my ending?
Interesting topic, if a bit on the basic side. There's a few other things worth noting:
This is why I felt that If Clementine went back to Richmond with AJ, and Gabe is alive or course, then he could finally have the opportunity to no longer feel like he can't contribute or feel valued. He could help look after AJ with Clem, giving him a feeling of importance while also giving AJ a fatherly figure to look up to.
I highly doubt that Gabe could ever be angry when he's around someone like AJ.
While Clem teaches AJ integral survival skills, influences him to show caution towards other people, and to teach him to not be afraid, Gabe can be there to influence finding passive approaches to solving problems before resorting to violence, to help him remember that people's lives have value, and to generally be a friend to AJ, since he still has a childish attitude to him (not to mention the ignorance).
Boy, you're really a fan of the concept of Gabe becoming a father figure to AJ, aren't you?
That sounds interesting.
It does. Good thing AJ wasn't even in this Installment, eh?
The problem is that there is no middle ground in the apocalypse, you survive or you die.
All the explanations and excuses for Gabe's behaviour rely on it not being the apocalypse...but it is.
Gabe is a pre-apocalypse personality in a post apocalypse scenario, it really isn't hard to see why people may not like him and take the explanations into account.
Yeah. Too bad Gabe has been labeled a determinate character. That will greatly diminish the chance of this concept ever making it to the next installment.
It diminishes a lot of things, tbh. Including some more intrigue going into the next one.
Maybe he hasn't understood that, yet? I don't really know what else to think...
That reminds me of my old me....
Maybe he didn't have the courage because it was his fault (he steered the car out of control to stop David from leaving)?
I think that's the case.
Where did you get all of these stuff? XD
I guess that we just have to wait and see what the future holds for these series...
They're all subtleties, theories, and/or conclusions I picked up on or hypothesized throughout A New Frontier as early as Part 1.
As a fan of the Archie Sonic comic and something of a follower of the writer Ian Flynn, I've learned to look between the lines sometimes for any information that'll help me understand a character, which is kinda how he characterized Bean and Bark.
Humorously enough, the inferiority complex thing was probably the last one I figured out during Thicker than Water.
Damn I wish I got this ending Davids death scene is so well written
It truly feels like a fitting ending. Season started with Javi not being at his father's deathbed, ends with Javi being at David's. Starts with David saying he loves Javi, ends with David saying he loves Javi. Which ending did you get?
Gabes death I hated it extremely cringeworthy
Why the fuck did they bother having him outright die there anyway?
because Telltale thought that keeping 3 characters in the group alive without them being determinant was too much so they made David and Gabe determinant too.
Well, David I understand; he kinda had it coming from a storytelling standpoint and otherwise. But with Gabe, whether you think the scene was well-handled or not, it was really last-minute, y'know?. His whole arc was about coming to grips with what type of person he wants to be, with his over-idealized views of David as an initial preference, and had not overt plot relevant that would make him a massive loose end to any plot points...and yet they added an scenario where he unambiguously dies anyway? Yeah, it's a 25% possibility, but still!
I don't know, it just feels like yet another example of them falling back on old habits when remotely backed into a corner instead of sticking to their guns in favor of doing something different. One I'm not inclined to forgive anytime soon.
yeah i get that David s death made sense but i really feel like they could have avoided this in favor of having more Characters for next season especially since several of ANF s characters lacked development and the biggest offender of that is Tripp this season i mean the guy gets close to nothing in development and he still gets killed off due to determinant Character Syndrome.
I couldn't help but laugh when I saw Tripp's name here because it's true. They had to eject Ava as fast as possible to ensure his death had any real impact, but he sucks anyway.
But yeah I agree.
If he hasn't understood that in the four years of living in the apocalypse then he is a moron. It's not as if he even has the excuse of being safe behind the walls of a community.
Why tf did u write all this for a shitbird like Gabe
We're just trying to be optimistic that Gabe wasn't a total waste of character. We're looking inside him to see what his true motives are and not from what his actions have shown.
Basically, it's the same way with David.
Yeah hes not that bad but I'd hate his guts if weren't for Clementine and Eleanor taking that role for him
Well, good job there.
He was on the road for four years, though...

Don't forget that.
I guess it's Telltales' fault that they didn't give us any hint as to what happened during those four years, but what can we do now....?
1- He is so whiny,stubborn and furious and his mood swings are causing trouble to everyone. He sold out his own uncle Javi and revealed what happened to Conrad in front of Eleanor and Tripp and break to group apart. Again, he caused annoyance about stealing the car and if Clem didnt stepped up to calm Gabe, he would have exposed everyone and got all of them killed because of his desire to save his dad and be "a man". He caused David's death because he made him crush in order to get back him to Richmond.
2- His desire of being "a man" almost got Javi killed. He doesnt think straight about dangerous situations. He thinks he can take a guard down, hotwire a truck and steal it and can save his dad against tens of guards. He is unaware and not very smart. Also, when he yelled Kate in ep2 when the guards patrolling the streets, could got whole group killed.
3- He is a typical hypocrat. After you shot Conrad in order to save your nephew and didnt agree to trade a kid who doesnt have anything to do with raids and loodings that Richmond has been doing, he is gonna blame you for killing him even he told us to do in the first place.
4- He is also an abandoner, he was about to leave Javi,Kate and Clem who actually around him to help for his dad who oftenly underestimate him and treat like a kid. I cant just trust him for one time.