So, I was looking through the Wiki and I stumbled across Fern's page. Under trivia it mentioned that Fern's animations - or lack thereof - were fixed in a patch.
Is... is that new?
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So, I was looking through the Wiki and I stumbled across Fern's page. Under trivia it mentioned that Fern's animations - or lack thereof - were fixed in a patch.
Is... is that new?
I replayed episode 5 while Fern was alive yesterday I didn’t notice any new animations. Also I didn’t see anything wrong with his animations so I don’t see a need to fix them.
It was indeed fixed on some versions of the game. Not sure if the PC version was patched, but there are at least a few versions that have the animations properly working:
Skip to 7:34.
Holy shit, actual expression!
Also, fuck David.
It's a good thing you're saying this in response to a guy that is in no way, shape or form a David fan
I mean, that would just suck, wouldn't it
Seeing someone say that about a character you like
yeah, sorry man, but he kinda broke a lady's arm there. Funny how actual facial animation can make something painful even more so.
Oh, I'm not defending him breaking her arm, though
Hell, you should have seen my reaction when I first saw that scene
Even as someone who was generally understanding of the guy, that scene still had me going "Jesus CHRIST, David"
Why do I have the feeling that the phrase "You can apologize to her face in just a second!" (9:40) is going to make a reappearance in season 4?
Yeah, I can't say I like him much after that episode in general. Plus, I just thought he was okay after Above the Law anyway.
It's funny how problems you think will be solved or subverted seem to somehow get worse instead.
So is they going patch when mariana got shot and kate was froze looking the other way lmao
Are they going to patch Clementine in the background of episode 2 if she left or Tripp walking after saving Ava
Holy Crap. That looks much better now.
Yeah that is definitely one of the biggest consistency errors in ANF.
Or Ava saying "Nothing out of the ordinary then ordinary then" in ep2
I'm still trying to decide if that was a shoddy but intentional character quirk or just an audio glitch they compensated for at the last minute.
Here's hoping they add a patch too rewind now.
Agreed. Cause From the Gallows can be a full reset if Clementine says the wrong thing.
Please, I like the little chapter titles that come with that. Plus, sometimes the pics can be neat, even if In Harm's Way is the only example of that off the top of my head. Case in point:

How can you bring up chapters without mentioning the best one of all?
Because I don't replay Season 1 enough to remember them--and apparently I should!
That entire scenario has me wondering....you know..there are only 2 things that could have happened to let that transpire.
Ben is a complete and utter asshole moron...and somehow missed the zombie horde at those doors....or
The Walkers were trying to get in when one of them said..."Hey guys...this is not working. I suggest we go down the stair a little ways and let them think we just got tired of hunting them, I am sure that in due course one of them will take the obstruction off the doors and we will be able to get in and take care of business...now show of hands...who is with me?"
Yeah, pretty much. They do suddenly rush the door a few seconds afterwards and clumsy idiot or not, I know Ben's smart enough to know not to unblock a door with walkers banging on it.