edited July 2017 in The Walking Dead

It seems I have seen too much no, WE have seen too much that they replace characters with a bunch of other new characters, like what they did to Kenny and some other people, they died worthless and I don't want to see something like that ever again. It's just that now these Mexican characters having in the plot (Javi, Kate, Gabe, etc) right? So what's it gonna be? Is season 4 diverted to a story where clementine would go alone, Javi and his family just out of the picture? That would suck, cause they replaced Kenny and some other to have these characters to roll in. So let's make it worth of what you're doing here Telltale...... I want Javi and his family in the game cause they are all appeared through out the season and if you just wipe them all out of the game, I guess... It'll be kinda hurting... actually, it'll be hurting

So.. what do you think guys? should it be no Javi and just Clementine in the story OR they both get in the story?
And how about release date? is it gonna be 3 years.. there's a gap between season 1-2-3... Season 1-2 takes a year but, Season 2-3 takes 3 years
one last thing.. did you guys and gal feel like this season is an unfinished one? please tell me on the comments below

Wish we could like play them characters both, wonder what Javi and Kate would be doing.. if you get my meaning



  • Well, Clementine go alone to find AJ so I think no Garcia there.

  • edited July 2017

    Well dont forget they did say we will see them again or at least javi in there AMA

    Poink posted: »

    Well, Clementine go alone to find AJ so I think no Garcia there.

  • Oh well.. that's some good news, at least they are in the game for the next season. Thank you, I really need to hear that.

    ADSAM posted: »

    Well dont forget they did say we will see them again or at least javi in there AMA

  • But for how long? Or like characters from flashback in a new frontier.

    SirajB6 posted: »

    Oh well.. that's some good news, at least they are in the game for the next season. Thank you, I really need to hear that.

  • Thats another thing they did not say when but i hope we do see them again next season as well

    SirajB6 posted: »

    Oh well.. that's some good news, at least they are in the game for the next season. Thank you, I really need to hear that.

  • edited July 2017

    Yah I felt that if Gabe were to return he could be used pretty well.

    This is from another thread

    he seems at his happiest when he feels that his contribution/presence in the group is valued. -@DabigRG

    This is why I felt that If Clementine went back to Richmond with AJ, and Gabe is alive or course, then he could finally have the opportunity to no longer feel like he can't contribute or feel valued. He could help look after AJ with Clem, giving him a feeling of importance while also giving AJ a fatherly figure to look up to.

    it's occasionally easy to get on his good side, as just the right prodding can make him open up about his feelings and change his attitude at times. -@DabigRG

    I highly doubt that Gabe could ever be angry when he's around someone like AJ.

    While Clem teaches AJ integral survival skills, influences him to show caution towards other people, and to teach him to not be afraid, Gabe can be there to influence finding passive approaches to solving problems before resorting to violence, to help him remember that people's lives have value, and to generally be a friend to AJ, since he still has a childish attitude to him (not to mention the ignorance).

  • Leaving the season unfinished was incredibly frustrating, the AJ mystery was part of the plot but then nothing happens from it. Basically shows how Telltale shit the bed and wrapped up the season just to get things back to where they should be: focused on Clementine.

  • edited July 2017

    Even if the Garcia's do make a appearance, they'll be minor characters. Javier will be better off as a side character and the rest of the Garcias will be killed off because they're determinant.

    no Javi and just Clementine in the story OR they both get in the story?

    Just Clementine as a playable character. Javier's arc is done and Telltale's Walking Dead IS Clementine's story, not his. It's like making a Batman trilogy but having Robin take over as the main lead for the last 2 movies.

  • edited July 2017

    True it does say clem's story will continue so it should be about her but if the garcias are minor characters in season 4 i dont think they will need to kill off the other ones who survived

    MRSHYGUY45 posted: »

    Even if the Garcia's do make a appearance, they'll be minor characters. Javier will be better off as a side character and the rest of the Ga

  • I don't think Telltale can handle keeping determinant characters alive for that long.

    ADSAM posted: »

    True it does say clem's story will continue so it should be about her but if the garcias are minor characters in season 4 i dont think they will need to kill off the other ones who survived

  • yeah if people want determinant characters to stay then it will take telltale a lot longer to make all these story lines for the game

    MRSHYGUY45 posted: »

    I don't think Telltale can handle keeping determinant characters alive for that long.

  • So.. why they don't just make Clementine as a playable and only playable character on season 3? Then we don't need to bother about Garcia, cause they already crawl into your feelings of loosing them will make it sad. If they don't tell more about the Garcia, I think at least they are not killed by bunch of muertos and make sure they're all safe in Richmond.

    'Kate will remember that'

    'Gabe will remember that'

    Well doesn't even matter was it? we're not gonna play as them anyways in the next season...

  • Well I do want them alive I really don't want it become a waste..

    ADSAM posted: »

    yeah if people want determinant characters to stay then it will take telltale a lot longer to make all these story lines for the game

  • I do to

    SirajB6 posted: »

    Well I do want them alive I really don't want it become a waste..

  • edited July 2017

    Javier isn't a determinant character according to walking dead wiki

  • Dude ignore the "X will remember that" prompts. Jane had them in the flashback - yes, the flashback. They're the most useless prompts I've seen.

    SirajB6 posted: »

    So.. why they don't just make Clementine as a playable and only playable character on season 3? Then we don't need to bother about Garcia, c

  • No he is not a determinant character he survives no matter what

  • But how about that alternate ending when Javi tries to save gabe and got bitten by a walker?

    ADSAM posted: »

    No he is not a determinant character he survives no matter what

  • Thats a secret scene and after it just says you died and then you restart from the last checkpoint

    SirajB6 posted: »

    But how about that alternate ending when Javi tries to save gabe and got bitten by a walker?

  • There shouldn't be a Season 4. End of.

  • SirajB6 will remember that

    Dude ignore the "X will remember that" prompts. Jane had them in the flashback - yes, the flashback. They're the most useless prompts I've seen.

  • edited July 2017


    SirajB6 posted: »

    But how about that alternate ending when Javi tries to save gabe and got bitten by a walker?

  • edited July 2017

    God damn it you're right i'll remember that haha

    Cocoa2736 posted: »

    SirajB6 will remember that

  • yeah exactly


  • There should be.. It's not finished this one.. I'm not gonna let off the series just like that.
    Well, with telltale's will ofcourse

    Dan10 posted: »

    There shouldn't be a Season 4. End of.

  • If you want the series to go even more downhill with no mistakes changed, more boring new characters then feel free.

    SirajB6 posted: »

    There should be.. It's not finished this one.. I'm not gonna let off the series just like that. Well, with telltale's will ofcourse

  • I guess i will feel free then

    Dan10 posted: »

    If you want the series to go even more downhill with no mistakes changed, more boring new characters then feel free.

  • The only Garcia that would return is Javi because everyone dies in different playthroughs.

  • edited July 2017

    They did say in there AMA that who ever is alive they dont want to kill off so if they dont then they will be very minor characters unless telltale try and keep them alive

    bthom20 posted: »

    The only Garcia that would return is Javi because everyone dies in different playthroughs.

  • edited July 2017

    They also said this would be the biggest season yet. They also said this would have no character taking the backseat. They also said Ep1 and 2 were too long so it had to be split. They also said S2 endings would matter. All lies. They said many things... 99% of them turned out to be lies. Don't believe everything they say.

    ADSAM posted: »

    They did say in there AMA that who ever is alive they dont want to kill off so if they dont then they will be very minor characters unless telltale try and keep them alive

  • Ok yeah a lot of stuff there you say makes sense we will just have to wait and see

    They also said this would be the biggest season yet. They also said this would have no character taking the backseat. They also said Ep1 and

  • I hope in season 4 Clementine will be playable character. I think we will find AJ in first 1-2 episodes and after that we will come back to Richmond... I would be happy if Season 4 is going out in next 1-2 years.

  • I dont know about that some people think they are going to do a michonne thing were there is 3 ep for clem finding AJ and unless we skip a long time ahead i dont think we will play as AJ since he is far to young

    Ananas10 posted: »

    I hope in season 4 Clementine will be playable character. I think we will find AJ in first 1-2 episodes and after that we will come back to Richmond... I would be happy if Season 4 is going out in next 1-2 years.

  • I think too that skip time is unless. I know we cant playing as AJ because now he is maybe 2-3 years old.. :)

    ADSAM posted: »

    I dont know about that some people think they are going to do a michonne thing were there is 3 ep for clem finding AJ and unless we skip a long time ahead i dont think we will play as AJ since he is far to young

  • yeah exactly but i would not mind playing as him if there are more future TWD games when he is older

    Ananas10 posted: »

    I think too that skip time is unless. I know we cant playing as AJ because now he is maybe 2-3 years old..

  • I think there will be season 4, maybe season 5 and that´s end for TWD.

    ADSAM posted: »

    yeah exactly but i would not mind playing as him if there are more future TWD games when he is older

  • they said they could go up to something like season 7 or something like that but are not confirming anything as that is way to far ahead all i can confirm is they like working with skybound on the walking dead and hope they can continue it for as long as they can

    Ananas10 posted: »

    I think there will be season 4, maybe season 5 and that´s end for TWD.

  • yeah.. i read that and i think that would be awesome if they wont screwed up :)

    ADSAM posted: »

    they said they could go up to something like season 7 or something like that but are not confirming anything as that is way to far ahead all

  • yeah i mean for me i liked a new frontier but it felt like a mid way point spin off to me and if we dont see the garcia's or at least javi then the only thing this season affected was clem getting a hair cut (in which my opinion i dont think looks to bad on her)

    Ananas10 posted: »

    yeah.. i read that and i think that would be awesome if they wont screwed up

  • And I guess infact pretty much know that this series will keep going downhill and continue its streak of mediocrity and underwhelming plot and characters.

    ADSAM posted: »

    I guess i will feel free then

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