If they say the TV Show will run FOREVER, so why not the game?
Just curious here since they didn't put up a really good job on season 3 and made it a long time like 3 years
There are plenty of ideas to make like the comics.. they made it up so far Or is it because games are not easy to make?
Only asking here I'm just so curious about it
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Show will run as long as comic
both the show and game will run as long as its economically feasible. meaning if ratings or purchases drop you can bet your sweet backside they will end.
Well then, keep purchasing them folks... show them the spirit!
i think we can all agree that the TV show is slightly slacking with every episode - thats just what happens. it'll eventually get to a point where they will have exhausted every storyline imaginable or simply run out of ideas. it seems that Telltale's TWD has already got to that point.
i'm thinking season 4 will be the last season. if s4 is as bad as s3, it'll be obvious what telltale's intentions are. if they're lazy with the storyline, it'll mean that they never really cared in the first place and are just milking the money. if it's better (which i'm sure it will be) it'll mean that they've actually taken the criticism to heart and put in the effort that we expected them to.
uhh... what was the question again? ;p
You're right I guess... If they made s4 a bad script just like s3 it'll be the end of the franchise
but, if they actually get s4 on top, then there's definitely another season
One episode in the show is an eternity !
I am astonished there are still people warching it !
I prefer Z nation
To be honest I'm not sure there is much they can do to improve the series at this point. The Walking Dead game series was mismanaged almost from the very beginning. When they decided to kill off all the important characters in season 1 aside from Clementine is when they started losing potential for the franchise. The Walking Dead comic and tv show franchise became a hit because viewers had the ability to follow a group of characters over the course of years. Not just one character but a group of characters.
Though I think TellTale does care about making quality games at the same time though I think it is obvious by now that they never had a plan. Where as the tv show and comic did have a plan. Walking Dead game season 1 was really well made but it works better as a standalone story instead of just one part of a story. I have a feeling that when they made season 1 they never intended for there to be any sequels. Once the game became as big of a hit as it did I think they were left scrambling on what to do next. So they just looked at how popular Clementine was with the fan base and decided since this character is so popular we will just wrap another game or two or three around her. Now that lack of foresight has caught up to them and there isn't much they can do about it now because they have already chosen the path.
So in that case, they didn't even have any preparation on making the walking dead an actual sequel...interesting
So to make something actually works here you're saying is that to have a number of people that the fan could count onto right? Not swiping off the characters that are already in the game and replace it with a new one.. Well, i guess i've already said that here
If we get another ANF quality game, no thank you.
They'll bring something better besides an ANF in the future, I hope.
Yes. I think the potential of the series started to drop when they chose to give players so much input on the actual story to the extent where they had the ability to say when and where characters died. Having that is fun for those that like a lot of interactivity with the games they play but it is never a good idea for a long running series of games as it is hard to carry much over from one game to the next because there are so many various choices they would have to account for.
What they should have done is allowed more interactivity in terms of gameplay and not so much story. Give players the option of what weapons will be used and the ability to maintain those weapons. Have different ways the group could attack a herd of zombies or people.
Giving players life and death choices for non playable characters is good for one off stories but not for stories that have multiple sequels.
They can't, we'll get more boring trash "new" characters or we'll get the old trash from anf.
TV show will try to run as long as the comics or until ratings die out.. To be honest the show is running its course and slacking. TWDG has basically reached the end of its course. It's become trash. They've milked every idea to death. Kenny clones, Molly clones, communities,old characters killed off for lazy purposes is where we're at.
No, I don't think for one second Telltale has run out of ideas for TWD.
They just chose to reuse many ideas in Season 3, after we just saw those same tropes in Season 2. They had something good going with the E3 trailer, but they went back on that and reused what they knew they could pull off. It was not a good move.
It's not a bad idea to make a little bit of more gameplay just like you've said though they probably won't because for the last 3 seasons they did not include any of that instead of having the entire game a movie-like,
And yeah I think killing off the characters too much it shouldn't work on a series
I'd rather have characters from ANF rater than they create a whole bunch of other new characters AGAIN
Some of them are determinant so no option characters from a new frontier
The TV show will be for 'always' as long as there is a worthy audience, otherwise, R.I.P.
Yeah... this is why I've been saying (mostly to myself) that Telltale should just end Clem's story and do a full reboot.
Focus on a certain group of people, don't kill off every single one by the end of the season. Reuse that same group for the next season with new ideas.. and Make. A. Plan. That's what makes the show enjoyable. You've got a long-running group of survivors, you don't know who will die because they've survived this long... they can survive the next two years right? And then they do. Yay.
Unfortunately, I don't see Telltale revisiting the Richmond group anytime soon. The season ended on a better note than the death-filled one of the previous entry, but it seems that they're going to focus back on Clementine once again, further establishing the Clementine Cinematic Universe: A universe centered around the character we needed to protect in Season 1, now invincible due to promotion to main-character status and following of diehard fans (until a writer decides to kill her off, thereby breaking fans' hearts and sending rocks through that writer's window).
I really hope Season 4 is good, and I think they can pull it off... but I don't know if they'll put in the effort to do so. (the backlash from this season may force them to, however.) I didn't really like Season 2 in that because of Clem's Main Character status, she had to do all the things. But that didn't make sense narrative-wise, as she was doing much of the stuff the adults should do. She had the deciding vote, she could block off a door of 3 walkers, and according to Carver "We've got a lot in common, you and I...
" she could do almost anything. Now that she's older and more adultish, it should make a bit more sense for her to do those things, as I'd believe it more. So... here's hoping Season 4 (or just DLC) pans out well!
They chose to reuse ideas from season 2 because they ran out of them. And judging the quality of the flashback scenes (especially the last one with Javier, David and their father), TT didn't know what the hell they were doing or where they wanted to go with the story.
Ah, but they didn't run out of ideas... Not at first!
In the first E3 trailer, we had Javier (who was branded) teaming up with Clem to go on a quest "for revenge" where both he and Clem have "common goals", but aren't exactly friends. That is something we haven't seen yet in a Walking Dead game and it could have worked [better than the story we have today]. That is, if they hadn't scrapped the idea...
But I do agree that they didn't really know where they were going with the whole story as they were writing it.
It seems the only thing they really knew would pan out was the EXTREME LOVE TRIANGLE SHOWDOWN! Where at one point in the story, we'd be forced to confront our feelings towards our brother's lover, only to have him disregard any refusal towards Kate or support towards David, whether or not it makes sense narratively...
And... yeah.
I agree dude, the scrapped storyline would've been way better. They had a brilliant original idea... At first! But then they pussied out and went for an easier approach. Kinda sucks.
Every event pretty much lead to nothing, like you stated with the love triangle story.
If anything, they didn't have ENOUGH ideas.
Interesting because I thought they signed a multi year release contract with Sky bound before the first game was made and therefore plans for sequels years in advance. And to add about characters I think it was a bad idea in the long run to kill off Lee the protagonist. Even though doing so had served a powerfully moving ending.
Lee and Clem Christa and Omid and Kenny could of carried this series to prosperity but they always extinct the whole group except Clem by the finale then wash rinse and repeat.
Damn right..
Why telltale did that?
There is definitely still room in the TWD universe to create new ideas. Honestly if Telltale kept a solid group of writers from episode 1-5, it would have been a lot better. No media is good when it's re-written 18 times and reshaped within less than a month. There would be more potential to be creative and develop characters and plots....They wouldn't have to kill everyone off or re-use ideas. There is still potential. As for the show, I have not watched the most current season yet....I think the show can go through some slumps, but I think again, there is still a lot of potential. I haven't given up on it yet, especially for Telltale. Just as long as they learn from their mistakes that is.
Who said the show was going to run forever?
someone says that, I can't remember who,
The TV Series is run by a bunch of fools because these actors/actresses ain't gonna do that piece of junk of a show forever. And the games can run forever as long as they have enough Comic material and that
The President of AMC said that if i remember correctly which is a foolish comment for him to say IMO because the show is falling in ratings.
TV show will not last forever, that is just one of Gimple's pipe dreams
Both are bad options and since the family is detriment they won't have a role which for once is actually a good thing because I hated the s3 characters except a handful. We're in a corner. Rewrite Season 3 or better yet Season 2. Otherwise, this series is in a corner and with no pun intended DEAD.
The tv show did drop in ratings a bit this year but while most cable network shows consider 2 or 3 million live viewers to be good it is still getting 10,11,12 million live viewers. The show could still easily run for another ten years with ratings like that. I do think they will end this creation between the 12-15 year mark but you know after that AMC is going to start up another show set in the Walking Dead universe.
So while the current shows might not last forever. The Walking Dead tv show universe very well could.
Like other people are saying the story line could start getting exhausted. ANF was just a random story that didn’t really contribute to much significance except the whole AJ ark which is the reason due to telltale sill making a continuation because they can’t just leave it with Clem still unable to get AJ. But in order for telltale to continue they will probably add another conflict by the end of season 4 if there is one.
Show WONT last forever. It is about 120th issue and Kirkman said comics will be done at least 300th issue. Comics now on 169th issue.
And the way I saw how they screwed up New Frontier, I am not even sure that I want to see more The Walking Dead anymore.
The difference between a show and a game is shows rely on viewership and ratings. Walking Dead's ratings are lowering, but the viewership is overwhelming with around 12-16 million viewers per episode. An average show on Fox or whatever only rank in around 3 million. Don't forget merchandise has a big role in TV Shows staying on air too (There's Daryl accessories EVERYWHERE now and Negan too).
With the game, there's only so much you can do before players are bored with the product. Look at how Walking Dead is now and how bad both quality and quantity are now. Nothing will ever top S1 and fans know it. S2 was good but had flaws. New Frontier was disappointing, look at how many negative things people are saying about it. Sooner or later Telltale will run out of ideas for the franchise and cows to milk the money. It happens with every game series, look at Saints Row and Mass Effect for example.