Ah yes Walter's introduction! I liked his appearance and he was just as written. I am excited to see his role moving forward!
As for the choice, I feel we should definitely tell Ludd since the Warrick's are Whitehill bannerman and Ludd deserves to know. I also feel that we should try to keep this under wraps from the others at least until Gregor figures out what he wants to do with her. Great part!
Bryce bit his lip and seemed to be in a hurry to get to the point "Ammett is well aware of the fact that you don't trust him and he's eager … moreto prove himself to you. But the thing is that Ammett can do some very rash things when he's eager." Gregor was pleased that Ammett wanted to prove himself trust worthy but Bryce was speaking ominously and Gregor began to worry "What has he done?" Bryce looked around as if to make sure no one would overhear their conversation and he whispered "Follow me." Gregor reluctantly followed. Marcus would have to wait, if Ammett had done something bad then Gregor needed to know.
Bryce led Gregor to a tent in the Warricks camp and as they entered Gregor found Ammett with bloody fists and Kevan holding his hand as if it were in pain. "Oh don't be such a baby, Kevan! You've handled worse." Ammett said to his silent brother and Kevan responded with a glare. Ammett turned to see Gregor and smiled "Ahh, welcome back,… [view original content]
I'm so glad that you're enjoying Gregor's parts more! May I ask what it is that's made you enjoy it more?
I LOVE that you're finding Ammett interesting as well. He's one of my favorite characters to write so I'm glad someone's enjoying him. And yeah there is a lot more to Ammett. I can't say more as there is certain things I plan to reveal about him but I'm very excited for planning future scenes with Ammett.
Whoa, another long and seriously awesome part! And it held amazing development for the characters. I do enjoy Gregor a lot more now than I d… moreid in the beginning, where I highly preferred Malcolm. I still do, to be honest, but I also love Gregor's viewpoint now. And I found this part to hold some exciting developmnt for Ammett. I don't trust him, he's a loon and a psychopath and I'd prefer for him to be kept away from anything that cannot fight back, but he surely is interesting at the same time. Not a one-dimensional bad guy, that much is for sure. I look forward for what you have planned for him in the future
[Tell only Ludd]
Now, it is strange to say this, but Ammett indeed seems like he wants to help. He is violent, unstable and a total lunatic, but he seems to want to pull his weight, for the better or worse. Maybe by granting him some minor freedom, Gregor can win his respect and keep him under control if things get worse. Telling … [view original content]
Bryce bit his lip and seemed to be in a hurry to get to the point "Ammett is well aware of the fact that you don't trust him and he's eager … moreto prove himself to you. But the thing is that Ammett can do some very rash things when he's eager." Gregor was pleased that Ammett wanted to prove himself trust worthy but Bryce was speaking ominously and Gregor began to worry "What has he done?" Bryce looked around as if to make sure no one would overhear their conversation and he whispered "Follow me." Gregor reluctantly followed. Marcus would have to wait, if Ammett had done something bad then Gregor needed to know.
Bryce led Gregor to a tent in the Warricks camp and as they entered Gregor found Ammett with bloody fists and Kevan holding his hand as if it were in pain. "Oh don't be such a baby, Kevan! You've handled worse." Ammett said to his silent brother and Kevan responded with a glare. Ammett turned to see Gregor and smiled "Ahh, welcome back,… [view original content]
I'm so glad that you're enjoying Gregor's parts more! May I ask what it is that's made you enjoy it more?
I don't even know really. In the beginning, I somehow didn't really like him, but in time, you managed to show and develop his motivation and the conflict he is facing really well and though he still sometimes irks me, there have been spectacular moments from him and I really enjoy reading him! I guess it's mostly the time, once I got to know him a bit better as a character.
I LOVE that you're finding Ammett interesting as well. He's one of my favorite characters to write so I'm glad someone's enjoying him. And yeah there is a lot more to Ammett. I can't say more as there is certain things I plan to reveal about him but I'm very excited for planning future scenes with Ammett.
Aye, I do consider him quite an interesting character now I was surprised by that, because he seemed to be nothing but a loon and secondary antagonist when you first introduced him, but now I keep thinking that there might be more to him in the future and that his role might be larger than I thought at first.
I'm so glad that you're enjoying Gregor's parts more! May I ask what it is that's made you enjoy it more?
I LOVE that you're finding Amme… morett interesting as well. He's one of my favorite characters to write so I'm glad someone's enjoying him. And yeah there is a lot more to Ammett. I can't say more as there is certain things I plan to reveal about him but I'm very excited for planning future scenes with Ammett.
Well Gregor being disliked certainly wasn't intentional. Could you explain what it was about him you didn't like? It'd be nice to know so I can work on that.
I'm so glad that you're enjoying Gregor's parts more! May I ask what it is that's made you enjoy it more?
I don't even know really. … moreIn the beginning, I somehow didn't really like him, but in time, you managed to show and develop his motivation and the conflict he is facing really well and though he still sometimes irks me, there have been spectacular moments from him and I really enjoy reading him! I guess it's mostly the time, once I got to know him a bit better as a character.
I LOVE that you're finding Ammett interesting as well. He's one of my favorite characters to write so I'm glad someone's enjoying him. And yeah there is a lot more to Ammett. I can't say more as there is certain things I plan to reveal about him but I'm very excited for planning future scenes with Ammett.
Aye, I do consider him quite an interesting character now I was surprised by that, because he seemed to be nothing but a loon and secondary an… [view original content]
Ah, there are some short moments where he really struck me the wrong way, though I guess that is a bit because he can come across as so blunt and uncaring at times. I guess this is just the way he appears towards others. Very early, what really angered me was the way he acted towards Elissa, sort of like "Yeah, I'm going to kill your entire family, but there's nothing I can do against it, so whatevs". I know, it hasn't been quite that bad, but this was the very first impression I got of him, before he managed to improve again in my eyes. It was this way where I got the impression he neither cares for his wife or his family-in-law, at least not enough to actually try and find a way that wouldn't involve slaughtering the entire house. On top of that, I have a naturally dislike towards those that put their so-called duty before the ones they love, so Gregor already had it hard before his first part.
Well Gregor being disliked certainly wasn't intentional. Could you explain what it was about him you didn't like? It'd be nice to know so I can work on that.
Ah, I see. I have to admit my writing was pretty clumsy at that time. I don't think I properly conveyed how much Gregor hates the situation he's in. He can't stand the idea of killing Elissa's family, especially since he knows about how young Preston is. But he feels that he has no choice and that he has to do this. He's also very stressed out by the burdens of command as this ia his first time actually leading. Hopefully I explained it a bit better in this comment as I should've done in the actual part itself. As I said, my writing was very clumsy but hopefully I've improved.
Ah, there are some short moments where he really struck me the wrong way, though I guess that is a bit because he can come across as so blun… moret and uncaring at times. I guess this is just the way he appears towards others. Very early, what really angered me was the way he acted towards Elissa, sort of like "Yeah, I'm going to kill your entire family, but there's nothing I can do against it, so whatevs". I know, it hasn't been quite that bad, but this was the very first impression I got of him, before he managed to improve again in my eyes. It was this way where I got the impression he neither cares for his wife or his family-in-law, at least not enough to actually try and find a way that wouldn't involve slaughtering the entire house. On top of that, I have a naturally dislike towards those that put their so-called duty before the ones they love, so Gregor already had it hard before his first part.
That Braeden introduction was awesome! I was kind of hoping he would be introduced in the middle of a brawl with the Whitehills, and oh boy he was! Punching Walter and headbutting Ludd sure was great haha. And he was pretty much everything I envisioned when writing him, you did a really great job with him
As for the choice itself, its a very tricky one... But I'll play it safe and [Tell only Ludd]
I'm glad you approve! Man, when I was writing him I was like "Is this too much?" I was really worried about how I was writing him. Walter too but Braeden I was a bit more concerned with him because with characters like him it's really easy to over do it. I worry about writing all the submitted characters wrong but so far everyone seems to be happy with how I'm writing their characters.
That Braeden introduction was awesome! I was kind of hoping he would be introduced in the middle of a brawl with the Whitehills, and oh boy … morehe was! Punching Walter and headbutting Ludd sure was great haha. And he was pretty much everything I envisioned when writing him, you did a really great job with him
As for the choice itself, its a very tricky one... But I'll play it safe and [Tell only Ludd]
Why should a man be trusted if he can't trust others? Perhaps it's just my inner sense of honesty coming out but I don't think it'd do Gregor any justice to just tell Ludd - Even if it may get Ludd back to be less angry by only entrusting him with the information, I'm sure as hell that the others wont be as forgiving if not only do they find out that Gregor has done something they disapprove of but that it has been kept a secret.
The voting is closed! Gregor willl only tell Ludd about Keira Flowers, the bastard daughter of Simon Oakheart.
Honestly I was expecting most to tell the whole council. A pleasant surprise, to be sure. Next part we'll be returning to Malcolm's POV where he'll be dealing with the aftermath of agreeing to Lorgan's deal. Malcolm and co will now have to discuss how they're going to convince Tom Wolfson that Lorgan is dead.
Bryce bit his lip and seemed to be in a hurry to get to the point "Ammett is well aware of the fact that you don't trust him and he's eager … moreto prove himself to you. But the thing is that Ammett can do some very rash things when he's eager." Gregor was pleased that Ammett wanted to prove himself trust worthy but Bryce was speaking ominously and Gregor began to worry "What has he done?" Bryce looked around as if to make sure no one would overhear their conversation and he whispered "Follow me." Gregor reluctantly followed. Marcus would have to wait, if Ammett had done something bad then Gregor needed to know.
Bryce led Gregor to a tent in the Warricks camp and as they entered Gregor found Ammett with bloody fists and Kevan holding his hand as if it were in pain. "Oh don't be such a baby, Kevan! You've handled worse." Ammett said to his silent brother and Kevan responded with a glare. Ammett turned to see Gregor and smiled "Ahh, welcome back,… [view original content]
Malcolm had to do it, taking the deal was the only way to resolve this without bloodshed. "Alright... I agree. You'll back off for the time being and attack Wolfson after we have his men." Lorgan had a pleased smile on his face "Glad to hear it. You'd better hurry and get what you need from him before I strike." Malcolm nodded as he looked behind Lorgan and Nesa was gone. She must've sneaked away. "I'm glad this didn't have to end in blood." Malcolm however frowned, he didn't feel right about condemning Wolfson to whatever Lorgan planned to do to him.
Lorgan must've noticed Malcolm's reluctance as he gave him a stern glare "Don't let yourself feel guilt or kinship for Tom. I promise you Malcolm, he isn't a good man and he deserves what's coming to him." Malcolm had to take Lorgan's word for it, but he couldn't honestly say he was convinced. He knew almost nothing about Wolfson and absolutely nothing about Lorgan except that he wants Wolfson to suffer. Malcolm had nothing more to say so he simply nodded and walked away to meet Nesa.
Malcolm found Nesa back where they discussed their plan. "I'm not sure that was wise, Malcolm." Malcolm nodded "I'm not sure either but it was the only way to prevent bloodshed." Nesa gave a cynical chuckle "Except for Tom, or do you think you can somehow keep him alive and prevent Lorgan from attacking?" Malcolm angrily shook his head "I... don't know! We'll think about that when the time comes. I'm doing the best I can and trying to keep as many people alive as possible, can you just lay off!" Nesa narrowed her eyes at Malcolm as he shouted her and he sighed. Malcolm didn't mean to snap at her but this was so much more complicated than he hoped, and his temper got the best of him. Nesa had a point and he didn't want to believe it. He didn't want to believe that he spared one life while condemning another. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to snap at you."
"Forget about it." Nesa answered bluntly "Tom's no friend of mine, just wanted to make sure you knew what you were doing." Malcolm wasn't sure if Nesa was angry at Malcolm for shouting at her or just didn't care. "What do we do now?" He asked her and Nesa said "Now you and your brother need to figure out how you're going to convince Tom that you killed Lorgan, because if he catches you in a lie, he'll give you nothing and he'll never trust you again." Malcolm put on a forced smile as he imagined what Wolfson would do if he realized they didn't kill Lorgan."Oh, I'm sure he'll be reasonable." He said sarcastically and Nesa rolled her eyes "Come on, we should get back to the inn." Malcolm nodded in agreement as he followed her.
Malcolm and Nesa entered the inn and they saw a young pale girl with long blonde hair and blue eyes cleaning the mess they'd made in their battle with the Trant men. This was Sara, the innkeeper's youngest daughter. Malcolm didn't know her well, she was always kind but seemed frightened when around around him. "Sorry, about the mess, Sara." Malcolm apologized and Sara jumped up as if a direwolf ran inside and she knocked over a chair in the process. "Oh... hello , Ser Malcolm!" She said quickly with a shy smile as she awkwardly picked the chair back up. She was always like this, a friendly smile but so timid. "Hello." He said again and then Sara shyly bit her lip "Umm... hello" she repeated. Malcolm chuckled, she didn't hold up a conversation very well either. Nesa however rolled her eyes and marched passed her. Sara frowned "I'm sorry!" Then she turned to Malcolm "I didn't mean to annoy your friend."
Malcolm put a reassuring hand on her shoulder "You didn't do anything wrong, Sara." She smiled. Malcolm then remembered why he came "Have you seen my brother? His names Samuel." Sara nodded "Yeah, he's upstairs talking with father, I can take you... if you want" She quickly offered and Malcolm politely shook his head "No thank you, I I know where the stairs are." He joked as he walked towards the stairs and Sara gave a shy laugh. Oddly enough she seemed disappointed.
Malcolm walked up the stairs and saw Samuel and the innkeeper talking. Kayden Davin was his name. He was an older man, tall, fat and ugly, he was also a cowardly man. He also happened to be bald and had blue eyes. Though he'd never done any wrong to Malcolm and he was always respectful. "I'm happy to help, M'lord. Your brother really helped me with that brute last time he was here and I pay my debts. But you must understand that keeping this man imprisoned in my inn is dangerous for me and my family." Kayden said to Samuel. They must've been talking about the Trant soldier that Samuel stabbed in the eye, they had managed to keep him alive then. "This is only temporary, good man. We'll deal with him and leave your inn as soon as we are able." Samuel said to Kayden and Kayden still seemed concerned but then he saw Malcolm and smiled "Ser, Malcolm. You've returned!" Malcolm nodded before looking to Samuel "How'd it go?" Samuel asked. Malcolm didn't want to go into it right now so he simply said "Nobody died." Samuel narrowed his eyes "Got what you wanted then." Samuel turned to Kayden "Your friend here has proven to be useful Malcolm. He managed to save the Trant soldier." Malcolm smiled "I heard. Well done, Kayden. We appreciate the help." Kayden sighed "Appreciate the gratitude and all, Ser Malcolm but can you hurry and deal with the man? I don't feel comfortable with a man tied up in one of my rooms." Samuel smirked "Agreed, I prefer the other way around myself." He laughed at his joke and Malcolm sighed but couldn't help but smirk at Samuel's joke. If Lucas was here he'd no doubt have groaned at Samuel.
Malcolm noticed that Dusty wasn't present "Where's Dusty?" Samuel shrugged "He said he wanted to take a walk. He left about ten minutes ago. Forget about your new best friend for a minute, we need to deal with our new guest." Malcolm nodded, he doubted Dusty would just abandon them without saying anything, he'd probably be back soon. "What do we know about him?" Samuel gestured for Malcolm to follow him "He's been remarkably honest for someone who tried to kill us." That was certainly surprising. "Has he?" Malcolm asked and Samuel nodded "His name's Mayson and he was sent by Marcos Trant to capture Samuel Branfield." Malcolm widened his eyes in surprise "He gave you a name?" Samuel smirked "See? Remarkably honest. Anyway, I've heard of Marcos Trant. A very accomplished knight. He's certain to be a formidable enemy." Malcolm was very confused that Mayson would be so helpful "He must not be very smart if he's giving away information so easily." Samuel stopped by a door and smiled "That's what I thought at first but after thinking about it, I think he's rather clever." Malcolm narrowed his eyes "How so?" Samuel proceeded to explain "He gave us information we already knew while appearing to be honest and helpful! Think about it, he's wearing Trant colours and he specifically named me and not you when he confronted us. Only thing we didn't know was who sent him and we can't do anything with that name."
"You seem impressed." Malcolm said and Samuel shrugged "Maybe I am. It's not often I meet a thinker and get to outhink them." Samuel did enjoy his battles of wits. Before Malcolm could say anything else Samuel quickly whispered "Quite!" Malcolm obeyed and heard whispering in the next room. "Here, this won't be missed." Malcolm heard a feminine voice. "You need to leave before you're caught girl. This is none of your business." They then heard another voice, presumably Mayson's. Samuel then barged into the room "What do you think you're doing?!" Samuel shouted at a young woman with long brown hair and brown eyes. She was of average height. This was Kayden's niece, Bethany. She had a plate of bread and water. Malcolm saw the man Samuel had stabbed earlier. His eye now had bandages over it and he was tied up. It seems Bethany sneaked in and tried to feed him.
Bethany stood up and stared directly at Samuel "I was feeding him." She stated bluntly. Bethany was certainly braver than most. Samuel shook his head "No, we can handle our own prisoners. You can't be here." Bethany scoffed "This is an inn. Not a prison!" That was when Kayden marched into the room "What's going on?" Samuel turned to Kayden "You're daughter is poking her nose where it doesn't belong."
"Niece." Bethany spat. She looked towards Malcolm "Malcolm, surely you can't approve of this! He's hungry and thirsty." Kayden waved his arms angrily "It's 'Ser' Malcolm Foolish girl! Don't be disrespectful." Kayden always insisted that Malcolm be referred to as a Ser. Malcolm thought it unecessary. Bethany groaned "Is it disrespectful to refer to people by their names now? Apologies, I wasn't informed." She said sarcastically. Kayden shook his head "Enough! Get back to helping your sister clean the inn! You're not wanted in here!" Bethany glared at Kayden "She's not my sister! But fine, I can tell that honorable people aren't welcome in this room. Excuse me, M'lord." She said bitterly as she barged into Samuel's shoulder and left the room.
Kayden sighed "Apologies, I've taken her in after her mother ran off and her father, my brother died. She's a stubborn girl and difficult to control." Malcolm shook his head "No apologies necessary, Kayden. She was only speaking her mind." Kayden nodded "You're too kind, Ser. He said as he left the room and closed the door.
"Interesting friends you have here... Malcolm Branfield." Malcolm turned to Mayson as he said his name "That's right, I know who you are now that I've gotten a better look at you, heard you and the others speak." Malcolm sat down as he listened to the man speak. "When I first saw you I thought you another sellsword like your psychotic guard dog. You must spend a great deal of time with these people that I might mistake you for a commoner. I was told to find Samuel. We had no idea another Branfield would be with him."
Samuel smirked "He certainly loves the sound of his own voice. He does this whenever I stop asking him questions. Just talks. My guess is he wants to see how we act. Get a good idea of how we think and act by striking up a conversation with us." Mayson smiled "That's partly true. I do want to know how you to to think but I simply enjoy having a good talk sometimes." Malcolm eyed him suspiciously. He seems so different from the man they engaged in battle. "You seem different from when we first met. You were aggressive and angry." Malcolm pointed out and Mayson attempted to explain "A scare tactic. It was my intention to capture Samuel alive so he could be used as a hostage before the siege. I hoped he'd turn himself over if he truly believed that I'd kill his companions if he didn't cooperate. Angry and aggressive people tend to be scarier and their threats appear genuine. I wanted you to think that I could snap at the slightest provocation." This man certainly was clever, he was playing a role the whole time. "So there is to be a siege." Samuel smirked "Who would be involved in this? Surely House Trant isn't fighting us alone?" Mayson chuckled "I like you Samuel, I really do but you're smart enough to know that I won't answer that."
"How did you know where to find us?" Malcolm asked and Mayson shrugged "We were told to come find Samuel Branfield. We weren't told why he'd be here. We didn't know he'd be specifically in the tavern. We were just told to search the area." Samuel narrowed his eyes at Mayson "What made you think I was alone?" Mayson shrugged "I don't question my orders. I will say they were oddly specific. Interesting that you specifically were named and not just Branfields in general." Samuel smirked "Well I'm awfully hard to miss. My natural charm and good looks are clearly famous here." Mayson chuckled but then said nothing more.
Samuel sighed "He's done talking Malcolm, let's go." Malcolm nodded and followed Samuel outside. "Hold a moment, Malcolm. Do you mind handing me that food there? I didn't want the girl to get in trouble but since she got caught anyway... she wasn't lying I am rather thirsty." Malcolm nodded, it was the least he could do. He placed the plate where he could reach and Mayson smiled "Appreciate it. Could you tell her I said thanks?" Malcolm nodded "Of course" and he left the room with Samuel.
Samuel sighed "I don't think I got anything useful out of him. The man rarely gives a straight answer. A bloody Red Priestess would be preferable to this." Malcolm shook his head "No way, their all out of their minds, brother. Rambling about their bloody fires. Remember that story the Maester told us about?" Samuel widened his eyes "Oh yeah. You mean the one about some butterfly?" Malcolm shook his head "No the one where some Red Priestess tried to burn some child to prevent death." Samuel quirked an eyebrow "Isn't that the same story?" Malcolm sighed "A butterfly and burning a child. How could those two ever be related, Samuel?" Samuel shrugged "I don't know! Half the stories the Maester tells is too damn confusing."
Nesa then arrived and glared at the brothers "What the fuck are you two talking about?" Samuel shook his head "I don't even know, let's just move on."
Nesa shook her head "Okay... well you need to figure out how you're going to convince Tom that that a man that's planning to kill him is in the ground." Samuel shrugged "Assuming you got him to back off, I'll just have to confidently say it's been done and hope that he'll take the lack of attacks on his men as proof." Nesa shook her head "I was told to bring his head. What do you think he's going to say if we show up without a head?" Samuel shrugged "I expect he'll say 'Eh, where's the head?' And then I'll say 'You wanted his head?' And hope for the best." Nesa seemed skeptical and Malcolm had to agree "Samuel, you've got to have a better plan than that." Samuel shook his head "We wouldn't have this problem if you had just killed him, Malcolm. There's nothing else we can do!" Malcolm sighed shrugged "What about one of the Trant men we killed? We could grab one of them and say he's Lorgan." Samuel chuckled "Oh that's good, your on a first name basis with this man."
Samuel shrugged "It's something." Though he didn't seem sold on the idea. He turned to Nesa "Does Wolfson know what he looks like?" Nesa shook his head "No, but several of his men met him in combat. He gave me a description of dark hair and a beard when I was told to find him." Samuel nodded "We hid the bodies in a storage room at the back of the inn. Let's go have a look and see if we can't use one of them." Malcolm didn't relish the idea of disrespecting a man's body but he saw no other way to convince Wolfson so he followed Samuel and Nesa to the storage.
"Ugh..." Malcolm was disgusted as he saw the man Dusty had killed. He'd left almost nothing but brains as he smashed his head onto the table. Samuel groaned at the sight "I'm telling you, Malcolm, Dusty is dangerous. I don't trust him." Malcolm thought Dusty had proven loyal but he didn't argue about it. Especially not here, so he shook his head "Let's just focus on the task at hand." Nesa looked disappointed as she looked at the bodies and she shook her head "This won't work, Red hair, blonde, and that one isn't even recognizable anymore." Malcolm sighed "So what do we do?" Samuel sighed "You probably won't like this, Malcolm but one of the Trant men does have dark hair, he could work but he's still alive." Samuel was referring to Mayson "You mean kill him and try to say he's Lorgan? No that isn't right!" Samuel seemed frustrated with Malcolm "It's the best way to convince Wolfson!" He shouted and Malcolm was beginning to get frustrated as well. "What makes him so good? Mayson's eyes are brown, Lorgan's are green. Lorgan also has a beard, longer hair and he's a great deal older." Samuel stopped to think for a moment then he smiled as if he had it "The description Nesa got was dark hair and a beard. Nothing about the eyes or his age. We can say that he shaved his beard. This will work, Malcolm!"
Malcolm groaned in frustration. There had to be another way. Desperate for another solution he desperately pointed at the man Dusty killed "What about him?" Samuel sighed "Come on, Malcolm..." Malcolm shook his head "Just listen! We can say Dusty fought him and overdid it. His head is so fucked that you can't say he, didn't have dark hair!" Samuel shook his head "No way! It's way too risky. This is the best way and we kill an enemy at the same time. It's too birds with one stone. It's the most logical action!" Obviously seeing that things were getting tense Nesa began to walk outside "I'll let you boys argue about this. Come get me when you've decided what to do."
Malcolm was getting angry at how easy it was for Samuel to decide to kill a man for their own ends. "You know I never thought I'd rather have Lucas with me than you." Samuel glared at Malcolm "What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" Malcolm didn't hesitate to explain "Well at least Lucas has a sense of honor. You're so ready to kill others and I don't even understand why! First you didn't even want to help Dusty who was just a stranger who needed help at the time, then you were ready to kill a man you didn't even know and now Mayson." Samuel laughed angrily "This is fucking unbelievable. It's simple Malcolm. Better them than one of us. I'd rather see a thousand dead strangers than see someone I love hanging from a noose."
Malcolm was really getting angry now. The lack of care for others was infuriating him and Samuel tried to justify by putting the image of their family hanging in his head to justify it. "I don't understand why you care so much. It wasn't that long ago that Mayson tried to kill us. He's the enemy, Malcolm. Why do you care so much?" Samuel asked.
"Because he's not a bad man!" Malcolm shouted. "He's just a soldier following orders. We could've been him if our loyalty was with the Baratheons and not the Targaryens."
Samuel bit his lip and shook his head "I've heard enough, Malcolm. I'm the heir, I'm your older brother. Father may have sent you but the second you chose me and not Lucas this became my mission."
"What are you saying?" Malcolm asked and Samuel answered "This is my call. I'm going back upstairs and I'm going to kill Mayson whether you like it or not. Unless you plan to stop me?" Samuel basically challenged how far Malcolm would go.
Malcolm was furious and everything in him told him that the right thing to do was to stop Samuel. But he wasn't certain that he wanted to fight him about it. If they fought there was no taking it back. But maybe that was the best way to get the message across. Maybe he could knock some sense into him.
["Fine but I want no part of this."] [Punch Samuel]
Samuel smirked "He certainly loves the sound of his own voice. He does this whenever I stop asking him questions. Just talks. My guess is he… more wants to see how we act. Get a good idea of how we think and act by striking up a conversation with us." Mayson smiled "That's partly true. I do want to know how you to to think but I simply enjoy having a good talk sometimes." Malcolm eyed him suspiciously. He seems so different from the man they engaged in battle. "You seem different from when we first met. You were aggressive and angry." Malcolm pointed out and Mayson attempted to explain "A scare tactic. It was my intention to capture Samuel alive so he could be used as a hostage before the siege. I hoped he'd turn himself over if he truly believed that I'd kill his companions if he didn't cooperate. Angry and aggressive people tend to be scarier and their threats appear genuine. I wanted you to think that I could snap at the slightest provocation." … [view original content]
"A butterfly and burning a child. How could those two ever be related, Samuel?"
Heh, if the Maester actually told the entire story, well, then I have even more respect for the man. He knows my pain Seriously though, nice reference, many thanks! I just gotta find a good place to return the favour eventually
And well, as always, a very good and long part. Though the others have risen greatly in my favour, Malcolm's storyline remains my favourite and the one I feel the most invested in and this part held some great moments for him and a couple of other characters, mostly Nesa and Samuel. The former grew on me even more, whereas the latter... well, let's just say this is concerning. I have noticed a more ruthless streak in him before, but this is a new level. Sure, their situation is desperate and on a purely rational level, it even makes sense. However, the Branfield's are honourable, the other members of the family uphold some serious standards, as seen with Lucas, Damien and Malcolm himself. I wasn't sure about it when the question first came up, but now I can say that Lucas makes for a far better heir than Samuel ever could.
[Punch Samuel]
I was not sure about this. I really don't want the brothers to fight, especially as Samuel could get a serious grudge on Malcolm for this, but well, maybe he actually stops for a moment and thinks about what he was about to do. I don't have much hope for that, but if we can prevent him from murdering what is basically a prisoner of war, then it might be worth it. At best, it could show the commanders of the siege that the Branfield's fight with honour. Gregor is a man of honour and in a way, so is Marcos and I have the feeling that even Ludd is not quite the slimeball he eventually turns into over the years. If the Branfield's show honour and treat their captives well, perhaps there is a chance that their opponents will do the same.
Samuel smirked "He certainly loves the sound of his own voice. He does this whenever I stop asking him questions. Just talks. My guess is he… more wants to see how we act. Get a good idea of how we think and act by striking up a conversation with us." Mayson smiled "That's partly true. I do want to know how you to to think but I simply enjoy having a good talk sometimes." Malcolm eyed him suspiciously. He seems so different from the man they engaged in battle. "You seem different from when we first met. You were aggressive and angry." Malcolm pointed out and Mayson attempted to explain "A scare tactic. It was my intention to capture Samuel alive so he could be used as a hostage before the siege. I hoped he'd turn himself over if he truly believed that I'd kill his companions if he didn't cooperate. Angry and aggressive people tend to be scarier and their threats appear genuine. I wanted you to think that I could snap at the slightest provocation." … [view original content]
Well, when it comes to the new aspect, I actually just noticed that the story is going to have its first anniversary next month But it is the newest one out of the active stories here and a seriously awesome one at that. Welcome, I have no doubt that you're going to enjoy it!
I'm glad you enjoyed the reference
It just kinda came to me while I was writing and I loved it!
I have to be honest, I wasn't entirely certain if I should do this scene as I was worried it'd drastically change people's opinion of Samuel. But I've intended for some conflict between the brothers for a while and I don't think I should ever change my plans based on how you guys would feel about it. Hopefully in Malcolm's next part I can properly explain why Samuel has been acting this way.
"A butterfly and burning a child. How could those two ever be related, Samuel?"
Heh, if the Maester actually told the entire sto… morery, well, then I have even more respect for the man. He knows my pain Seriously though, nice reference, many thanks! I just gotta find a good place to return the favour eventually
And well, as always, a very good and long part. Though the others have risen greatly in my favour, Malcolm's storyline remains my favourite and the one I feel the most invested in and this part held some great moments for him and a couple of other characters, mostly Nesa and Samuel. The former grew on me even more, whereas the latter... well, let's just say this is concerning. I have noticed a more ruthless streak in him before, but this is a new level. Sure, their situation is desperate and on a purely rational level, it even makes sense. However, the Branfield's are honourable, the other members of the family uphold some … [view original content]
I wouldn't say my opinion on him has changed drastically. He always seemed to me as the Branfield that is the least firm in terms of morals, if that makes sense. I don't even dislike him, far from it. It is just concerning how different he seems from the very honourable Lucas and the easy-going yet still morally upright Malcolm. Though that is pragmatism. A dose of it can always be useful and who knows, maybe such a trait is ultimately going to safe Branfield lives in the events to come. What does worry me is how he played the "older brother and heir" card to justify his position. I'm having the hope that he himself has gotten out of arguments there and maybe he notices that.
I'm glad you enjoyed the reference
It just kinda came to me while I was writing and I loved it!
I have to be honest, I wasn't entirely … morecertain if I should do this scene as I was worried it'd drastically change people's opinion of Samuel. But I've intended for some conflict between the brothers for a while and I don't think I should ever change my plans based on how you guys would feel about it. Hopefully in Malcolm's next part I can properly explain why Samuel has been acting this way.
This is more or less, will you follow your beliefs or give in.
We already know that being honourable can get you killed but which choice is more honourable?
However in some cases, the question shifts to which one is more favourable for the character whilst also keeping the decision very much allign with the character which is why I believe [Punch Samuel] is the better option as it keeps with the character than Malcolm giving up. Lets hope that was the favourable choice
Samuel smirked "He certainly loves the sound of his own voice. He does this whenever I stop asking him questions. Just talks. My guess is he… more wants to see how we act. Get a good idea of how we think and act by striking up a conversation with us." Mayson smiled "That's partly true. I do want to know how you to to think but I simply enjoy having a good talk sometimes." Malcolm eyed him suspiciously. He seems so different from the man they engaged in battle. "You seem different from when we first met. You were aggressive and angry." Malcolm pointed out and Mayson attempted to explain "A scare tactic. It was my intention to capture Samuel alive so he could be used as a hostage before the siege. I hoped he'd turn himself over if he truly believed that I'd kill his companions if he didn't cooperate. Angry and aggressive people tend to be scarier and their threats appear genuine. I wanted you to think that I could snap at the slightest provocation." … [view original content]
Samuel smirked "He certainly loves the sound of his own voice. He does this whenever I stop asking him questions. Just talks. My guess is he… more wants to see how we act. Get a good idea of how we think and act by striking up a conversation with us." Mayson smiled "That's partly true. I do want to know how you to to think but I simply enjoy having a good talk sometimes." Malcolm eyed him suspiciously. He seems so different from the man they engaged in battle. "You seem different from when we first met. You were aggressive and angry." Malcolm pointed out and Mayson attempted to explain "A scare tactic. It was my intention to capture Samuel alive so he could be used as a hostage before the siege. I hoped he'd turn himself over if he truly believed that I'd kill his companions if he didn't cooperate. Angry and aggressive people tend to be scarier and their threats appear genuine. I wanted you to think that I could snap at the slightest provocation." … [view original content]
Im still here!
Id punch samuel.
Not because i think this would really change his mind but it could open his mind to see a different point of view, to be a different sword in a different sheath. Punching sam would maybe higher the chance of him noting a different look on it. but i can defo see samuel's point, he is justified for family reasons. i
I'm glad that someone sees where he's coming from. I personally 100% disagree with the way Samuel's handling things but I see where he's coming from. Obviously I won't outright explain his mindset just yet...
Im still here!
Id punch samuel.
Not because i think this would really change his mind but it could open his mind to see a different point … moreof view, to be a different sword in a different sheath. Punching sam would maybe higher the chance of him noting a different look on it. but i can defo see samuel's point, he is justified for family reasons. i
I'm glad that someone sees where he's coming from. I personally 100% disagree with the way Samuel's handling things but I see where he's coming from. Obviously I won't outright explain his mindset just yet...
The voting is closed! Malcolm will punch Samuel. Well Samuel's gonna get punched!
I won't spoil too much about the consequences about this choice but I will say that you'll be getting some insight on how Samuel thinks.
I know I've been taking a while to post the next part so hopefully you'll be happy to know that I'm posting Lucas' part very shortly. It's a tad short though, a lot of dialogue but hopefully you'll still enjoy it.
Maester Nathaniel was known to be bitter and he had quite a temper. Lucas thought it would be wise to talk to him and try to keep him from holding any grudges. Knowing Nathaniel he probably brought his concerns to the next person who could do something about it and that would be Lady Talia Branfield, Lucas' mother.
Lucas didn't disagree with what Nathaniel said. He had a good point. This war would be incredibly dangerous for them and it's a losing battle. However bending the knee would go against everything the Branfields stand for. 'In arms to the end' those are their words. Never give in and abandon none. That's where Damien stands. And on top of that, despite Nathaniel being a straight forward and honest man, given his past and hatred for House Targaryen, it's hard to see his opinion as unbiased.
Lucas made his way to the main hall on his search and his suspicions were confirmed. The Maester was speaking with Talia. "I understand your concerns, Maester and I sympathize but I don't understand what you expect me to do" Talia said. Nathaniel seemed incredibly annoyed "You're his wife, you share a bed with the man!" In response Talia smirked "I am well aware of this fact." She somehow always had a smile on her face. Lucina once made a joke that it was ironic considering how deadly serious and angry most of her children were.
Nathaniel sighed "Please be serious, my Lady. If Lord Branfield continues on this course--" Fearing that the argument would get as serious as the one in the small council, Lucas interrupted "That's enough, Maester!" Lucas didn't want his mother thinking about how her children might end up when this is over. "I'll take it from here, mother." Lucas said to Talia and she rolled her eyes "Very well." And she walked away.
Nathaniel gave Lucas a stern glare "You shouldn't coddle your mother. She's a strong woman, she can handle what I have to say." Lucas shook his head "Nothing she says to my father will change his mind and you'll only upset her." Nathaniel sighed "You'll all die if your father doesn't see sense. I couldn't bear that, I have to try." Lucas understood but he was beginning to get impatient "Maester... you're going to listen to me. Nothing you do will change my father's mind. Let. This. Go." Nathaniel seemed hesitant to agree but he reluctantly nodded "Very well. But this is serious, Lucas. Are you honestly prepared to see one of your brothers die in battle? Or hanging from a noose?" Lucas shook his head "Of course not. Which is why I'll do everything I can to prevent that. But this war is happening. Whether I agree with it or not."
Nathaniel nodded "Yes, I've noticed that you haven't given your opinion on this war. You act as though you're neutral but I know you Lucas. I can tell you're avoiding giving an opinion." Lucas glared at the Maester in reply to his accusation. "That'll be all Maester." And Lucas marched past him. "Lucas..." The Maester said sternly and Lucas reluctantly turned around "What?" He asked bluntly. Nathaniel glared at him sternly "You're an angry, man Lucas. You've always had a temper but I know you. You get angrier everyday. You're more emotional than any of your brothers." Lucas raised an eyebrow, slightly surprised by the Maester's claim "That's funny. Most people seem to think I'm stoic" Nathaniel chuckled "That's because you try to keep your emotions bottled up. I don't know why, but I know that you do." Lucas got a little uncomfortable at the Maester almost studying him "What's your point, Maester?" He asked, intentionally not confirming or denying his claims. "You just pointed out to me that this war is happening and knowing you, you'll probably be on the frontlines of it. I worry what this war will do to you. War can change the most stable people, considering how emotional you are..." Lucas shook his head "I've seen battle before, Maester. I've killed before." The Maester nodded "This is true, but you've never fought in a war. It's different." Lucas sternly glared at the Maester "Neither have you. You're no warrior. You've never seen war." The Maester glared back "I've seen what it does to people and while I've never fought in a war, I have suffered because of it. I lost my entire family because of it."
Lucas sighed "So you're worried about me? Is that what you're saying? I'm fine. I came here to calm you down, why are you suddenly advising me?"
"It's why, I'm here." The Maester frowned "And I'm worried about you." Lucas sighed in frustration "I'll be fine. I came here to make sure you weren't bitter or holding any grudges. Are you?" The Maester laughed "I'm angry, but don't worry. Your father is my Lord and it's my duty to serve him. I'll do my duty." Lucas forced a smile, he knew the Maester was still holding a grudge but it was better than nothing "That'll be all, Maester" and Lucas walked away.
Soon after Lucas was stopped in the hall by his mother. Talia smirked at him "Why do you feel the need to protect me?" She asked him bluntly and Lucas sighed, he knew that she loathed being coddled or protected, but he couldn't help it. "I have to." Talia groaned but kept a smile on her face "That's always the answer you give to any question I ask. Why do you push yourself so hard? Why do you train everyday? Why do you want to be the best fighter? Why do you involve yourself in every problem? 'I have to'" she said in a mocking voice and Lucas couldn't hold back a chuckle. His mother was amusing, he couldn't deny that.
Talia smiled "There it is..." She said softly and Lucas raised an eyebrow "What? Why are you looking at me like that?" Talia suddenly seemed sad "Your smile. I wish you showed it off more often. Perhaps we'd have an easier time finding you a wife if you did." She played it off with a joke and Lucas sighed "Perhaps, I would if you didn't make those terrible jokes so often." Talia gasped "Take that back! My jokes are great." Lucas lightly laughed and Talia sighed "I'm serious though. You're always working. You're always serious. I wish your life were easier." Talia started getting emotional "And now with this war coming... you don't deserve the burden of having to protect me." Lucas shook his head "Stop it, it's not a burden. It's a privilege. And I'm not as unhappy as you might think." Talia smiled "Is that so? Then tell me this. When was the last time you did something because you wanted to do it? Because it was something you wanted, not because it's your duty." Lucas frowned, he tried to think but nothing came to him. He couldn't answer her and Talia sighed "I'm sorry. I wasn't trying to upset you. It's just... I want more for you. I want you to be happy but you never do anything for yourself and now with this war, I fear that..." Talia didn't dare finish her sentence and Lucas knew why. She feared that this war would be his end, that he'd die without ever truly being happy.
"I'm sorry..." Lucas apologized and Talia firmly shook her head "Don't be. It's not your fault. I don't blame you, I blame..." She didn't answer but Lucas knew who she was talking about. Lucas wanted to say something to comfort his mother but he didn't know how. She wanted him to be happier, to be just a little selfish. To for once do something for himself and not his family. To do something that he wanted. The key problem was that Lucas wasn't sure what he wanted. All he's ever done and lived by is his duty. To protect his family and serve the Targaryens. There was one thing but Lucas knew he couldn't have that, it was out of the question.
He had to say something though, something that might make her feel better, but what? Perhaps he could honestly tell her what he wanted but he wasn't sure if that was wise. He's never admitted it to anyone. Perhaps he could try to convince her it was okay for him to be this way? Maybe he should vent his frustrations? The Maester earlier accused him of bottling his emotions up. Perhaps he should let them loose? Agree with her that it's not fair, that he does deserve better.
["I can't have what I want"] ["It's worth being this way, to protect my family"] ["You're right. I do deserve better"]
If Lucas cannot be honest with Talia, he cannot be honest with anyone. Really, Nathaniel's advice was a good one and whom else should he vent to if not his mother?
Anyways, a great part! I feel more of a connection to Malcolm still, but Lucas is definitely my second-favourite Branfield at this point. He's great and his storyline shapes up to be a really good one. His talk with Nathaniel has been a highlight in this part for me
Maester Nathaniel was known to be bitter and he had quite a temper. Lucas thought it would be wise to talk to him and try to keep h… moreim from holding any grudges. Knowing Nathaniel he probably brought his concerns to the next person who could do something about it and that would be Lady Talia Branfield, Lucas' mother.
Lucas didn't disagree with what Nathaniel said. He had a good point. This war would be incredibly dangerous for them and it's a losing battle. However bending the knee would go against everything the Branfields stand for. 'In arms to the end' those are their words. Never give in and abandon none. That's where Damien stands. And on top of that, despite Nathaniel being a straight forward and honest man, given his past and hatred for House Targaryen, it's hard to see his opinion as unbiased.
Lucas made his way to the main hall on his search and his suspicions were confirmed. The Maester was speaking with Talia. "I under… [view original content]
Maester Nathaniel was known to be bitter and he had quite a temper. Lucas thought it would be wise to talk to him and try to keep h… moreim from holding any grudges. Knowing Nathaniel he probably brought his concerns to the next person who could do something about it and that would be Lady Talia Branfield, Lucas' mother.
Lucas didn't disagree with what Nathaniel said. He had a good point. This war would be incredibly dangerous for them and it's a losing battle. However bending the knee would go against everything the Branfields stand for. 'In arms to the end' those are their words. Never give in and abandon none. That's where Damien stands. And on top of that, despite Nathaniel being a straight forward and honest man, given his past and hatred for House Targaryen, it's hard to see his opinion as unbiased.
Lucas made his way to the main hall on his search and his suspicions were confirmed. The Maester was speaking with Talia. "I under… [view original content]
Just from a realist point of view rather than an optismitic or a pessimistic point of view. He needs to vent out his feelings, Your not always gonna get what you want, Yes he deserves better.But him saying he "cant have what he wants" would be a better way to explore his relationship with his mother,his inner family.
Maester Nathaniel was known to be bitter and he had quite a temper. Lucas thought it would be wise to talk to him and try to keep h… moreim from holding any grudges. Knowing Nathaniel he probably brought his concerns to the next person who could do something about it and that would be Lady Talia Branfield, Lucas' mother.
Lucas didn't disagree with what Nathaniel said. He had a good point. This war would be incredibly dangerous for them and it's a losing battle. However bending the knee would go against everything the Branfields stand for. 'In arms to the end' those are their words. Never give in and abandon none. That's where Damien stands. And on top of that, despite Nathaniel being a straight forward and honest man, given his past and hatred for House Targaryen, it's hard to see his opinion as unbiased.
Lucas made his way to the main hall on his search and his suspicions were confirmed. The Maester was speaking with Talia. "I under… [view original content]
The voting is closed! Lucas will agree that he does deserve better.
A little surprised to tell you the truth. I half expected you all to pick "I can't have what I want" just to so you could know what the hell he was talking about. XD
So about what this choice means in the long run... it's going to make Lucas more likely be honest and unhesitant to speak his mind in situations with his father. He's even going to be more emotional. So you might just get to see those emotions the Maester claims he's bottled up.
Anywho Gregor is next and you'll be seeing him tell Ludd about what the Warricks revealed to him. This is going to be another short part, just so you know.
Gregor paced around the tent as he considered his decision while at the same time glancing at their new prisoner. The council won't like it if they find out Gregor hid this from them, especially Marcos but Gregor decided to go along with Ammett and only tell Ludd about this. "Fine, keep this quite but Ludd at least has to know." Ammett grinned as he clapped his hands together excellent! You won't regret this, Forrester! You'll see that I can be very useful when you let me." Gregor nodded as he hoped he wouldn't regret this decision.
Gregor glanced at the woman "So this is Simon Oakheart's daughter? How sure are you that she'll be useful? Are they close?" Ammett shrugged in response "Depends on who you ask." Gregor raised an eyebrow "What's that supposed to mean?" Bryce sighed as he proceeded to explain "What Ammett is saying is that she appears to have some sort of grudge against her father but a father would do anything for his child." Ammett chuckled "Well we're a prime example that, that isn't true. Especially Kevan." Ammett said as he gestured towards his mute brother. Bryce groaned "Well Simon Oakheart at least would do anything for his child!" Gregor sighed "Yes alright, I get the point. Do you have a plan?"
Ammett nodded eagerly "Oh, I do! A good one too, but it's not ready yet, I'll come to you when it is." Gregor glared at Ammett "You can't tell me now?" Ammett shook his head "No, not yet. I don't want to commit until I know I can do it. And besides you probably won't like any plan of mine and I know you're just waiting for someone more honorable to come up with something better. DON'T... deny it, I know what you think of me." Ammett said very suddenly with clear anger. Gregor sighed but thought it best not to deny it as it would possibly anger Ammett. There was some truth to Ammett's words. Gregor just couldn't bring himself to fully trust him, not yet at least.
Bryce seemed pleased that Gregor had gone along with what Ammett wanted. "We'll keep this hidden, Gregor, so you can act however you wish. I assume you'll be heading off to inform Ludd?" Gregor nodded, he had planned to talk to his cousin Marcus about his intolerable behavior but he'd have to wait as this was more important. "I'll go find him now." Gregor was about to leave but stopped to glance at Ammett "I appreciate you coming to me with this." Ammett nodded, he seemed pleased "Perhaps in time you can learn to trust me." Gregor shrugged in response as he left the tent. He doubted it but maybe Bryce was right. Maybe if Gregor gives him a chance, Ammett can become the good person that Bryce claims he used to be.
Gregor made his way towards the Whitehill encampment to find Ludd. He soon found Ser Larion standing guard by the main tent. "Is Ludd inside?" Gregor asked bluntly and Larion glared at him, he clearly didn't like him. "Yes, but he is talking with his brother. You'll have to wait." Larion said but Gregor shook his head "This can't wait." Larion opened his mouth to say something but then Ludd yelled out "Cut the petty grudges, Larion and let him through!" Larion sighed and reluctantly stepped aside "Go on then." Gregor couldn't hold back a smirk as he entered.
Gregor saw Ludd and Walter sitting by a desk, Ludd was drinking wine and Walter smiled at Gregor. It was obviously forced "Hello there, Forrester." Gregor nodded "Hello, Whitehill." Ludd groaned as he slammed his fist onto the table "Walter... I'm not going to tolerate any grudges solely based on someone's name." Walter sighed "I understand, brother but--"
"But nothing!" Ludd growled "We are allies and we're going to act like it."
Walter sighed but smiled as he looked at Gregor "Looks like we're best friends now." He said as he stood up and held out his hand "Walter Whitehill, Let's put our grudges aside to take out our common enemy." Gregor smiled, he couldn't deny that Walter was charming. He shook Walter's hand "I can get behind that." Walter nodded "Glad to hear it." Walter said as he sat back down. Ludd nodded approvingly to Walter, showing that he was pleased.
Gregor then turned to Ludd "Is it possible for us to talk alone?" Ludd firmly shook his head "Clearly my brother here doesn't trust you, but I give you my word, Gregor. You can trust him. Whatever you have to say to me, you can say to him." Gregor looked at Walter and Walter grinned in response. Gregor sighed as he leaned against a nearby desk. "It's about the Warricks." Walter chuckled "It's always a big deal when the Warricks are involved." Ludd sighed "What's Ammett done?" Gregor raised his hands to reassure him "Relax, he's actually trying to prove that I can trust him." Walter raised an eyebrow "And how does he aim to do that?" Gregor glanced behind him to make sure Larion couldn't hear them and he spoke more quietly "The Warricks have captured and are keeping tied to a post... the bastard daughter of Simon Oakheart. Simon is--"
"A trusted advisor and best friend to Lord Damien Branfield." Ludd finished Gregor's sentence. Gregor wasn't aware that they were that close but Ludd did mention knowing the Branfields quiet well. "Ammett has suggested that I use her as a hostage." Gregor explained.
Walter looked at Gregor suspiciously as he leaned forward "Why did you know about this before my brother? The Warricks are Whitehill bannermen, not Forrester bannermen." Walter said and Gregor shrugged "I'm not entirely sure. Bryce believes that Ammett is eager to prove himself to me. That he told me in secret so I could act however I wished without fear of the rest of the council judging me." Ludd didn't appear to be pleased "The Warricks have always been unpredictable but I always thought they were loyal. The fact that they came to you with this and not me... I don't like that." Gregor nodded "I understand and you can punish the Warricks if you feel it necessary but I thought you should know about this."
"What do you intend to do with the bastard?" Walter asked and Gregor shrugged "Ammett claims that he's working on a plan, however he's assured me that I can act however I wish." Gregor explained and Ludd sighed "I appreciate you coming to me with this Gregor. It appears the Warricks are not as trustworthy as I thought. I assume you want this kept secret?" Gregor nodded and Ludd stood up as he took a final swig of his wine "We won't tell anyone." He assured Gregor and Walter nodded in agreement. Gregor smiled as he was pleased that Ludd was so appreciative, though he found it slightly concerning that Ludd was losing trust in the Warricks, they certainly wouldn't like that.
Walter smiled as he too stood up "I understand you've been awaiting my arrival for some time, Gregor. Now that I'm here do you intend to start the siege soon?" Gregor nodded "Yes, it's about time we begin. I intend to start the siege, as soon as possible. You'd best prepare what men you have." Gregor then turned to Ludd "We'll discuss the details at the council. We should start as soon as possible. Right now, ideally." Gregor evidently didn't have time to speak with Marcus. He'd have to wait. Ludd nodded "Fine with me. I'll walk with you. Walter can stay here. Let's go!" Ludd declared as he marched out of the tent. Walter smiled as he sat down "It was nice meeting you, Forrester." He said and Gregor wasn't sure if he believed him but he nodded "You too, Whitehill." Gregor then followed Ludd out of the tent.
Gregor and Ludd made their way towards the main tent where they held their small council. Standing outside the tent were Eamon and a tall man with short red hair and brown eyes. He was wearing impressive armor with the Glenmore sigil. They appeared to be having a heated discussion but were whispering "I told you this would happen, Eamon! Those two Houses are destined to fight each other." Eamon nodded "I didn't want to believe it, but you're right. We'll have to do something about this. It's only a matter of time before someone goes too far." The tall man firmly nodded "Just give the order and I'll handle it." Eamon seemed like he was about to say something but then he saw Gregor and Ludd approaching "Shh! That's enough. We'll discuss this later." Eamon said firmly to the tall man.
Eamon smiled as Gregor and Ludd approached him, Ludd gave Eamon a suspicious glare before Eamon turned to Gregor "Welcome my lords! I don't believe you've met Ser Gregory yet." He said as he gestured to the tall man "Meet Ser Gregory Fuller, a very accomplished knight and serves as Master at arms to my father." Gregory nodded "Our paths have yet to cross until--"
"Were you two Just talking about us!?" Ludd shouted angrily, catching everyone by surprise, Eamon even jumped a little. Gregory crossed his arms, not answering Ludd's question and Eamon stepped forward attempting to reassure him. "Calm down now, Ludd. We're all friends here." Gregor glared at Eamon, very quickly sharing Ludd's suspicions "You didn't answer his question, Eamon."
Eamon sighed and Ludd aggressively grabbed Eamon by the collar of his tunic "Listen here, you useless little brat!" Ludd growled and Ser Gregory reached for his sword "Get your hands off him!" He shouted at Ludd. This situation got very tense very quickly. Ludd shook his head as he furiously glared at Eamon. "I don't like people talking about me behind my back. Makes them difficult to trust." Gregory stepped forward, clearly ready for a fight. "We just met, my lords and a fight is a terrible way to make a first impression. Settle down or there will be violence."
Ludd showed no signs of calming down and Eamon was visibly nervous "Gregor, please! There's no need for this!" Gregor sighed "Ludd, that's enough!" Gregor attempted to calm Ludd down and Ludd shook his head "I don't trust him. Gregor, he was clearly talking about us and refuses to give a straight answer." Gregor bit his lip, Ludd had a point and Eamon was acting rather shady and he's clearly scared. Ludd could probably get a straight answer out of him if he scared him enough. Gregor's main worry was the knight. He was ready to draw his weapon and Ludd was threatening his Lord. Gregor shared Ludd's suspicion but wasn't sure if this was the best idea. Eamon was an ally and could leave if he felt threatened. Gregor was confident he could keep Gregory from attacking Ludd by stepping between them. However he doesn't know Gregory and how good he is in a fight. Gregor may be very good in a fight, but Gregory is an unknown threat. Gregor could force Ludd to let Eamon go but he probably wouldn't appreciate that.
[Pull Ludd away from Eamon] [Step between Gregory and Ludd]
I'd say pull Ludd away, he acted very violently with little provocation. Eamon was shady but could be persuaded to tell them what's going on using words. They're all on the same side and Gregor should keep them from fighting.
It is not an easy choice for me. I like Ludd, he surprisingly is among my favourite characters from Gregor's storyline at the time, which I really would have never expected to say. But he is out of line here. I would love to support him, but truth be told, he acted too aggressively and Gregory is simply a man doing his duty in comparison. I know he won't like this, but I think it is important to show that Gregor can keep a calm, level-headed outlook on tense situations. Hopefully this won't cause Ludd to be too pissed at him.
Gregor paced around the tent as he considered his decision while at the same time glancing at their new prisoner. The council won'… moret like it if they find out Gregor hid this from them, especially Marcos but Gregor decided to go along with Ammett and only tell Ludd about this. "Fine, keep this quite but Ludd at least has to know." Ammett grinned as he clapped his hands together excellent! You won't regret this, Forrester! You'll see that I can be very useful when you let me." Gregor nodded as he hoped he wouldn't regret this decision.
Gregor glanced at the woman "So this is Simon Oakheart's daughter? How sure are you that she'll be useful? Are they close?" Ammett shrugged in response "Depends on who you ask." Gregor raised an eyebrow "What's that supposed to mean?" Bryce sighed as he proceeded to explain "What Ammett is saying is that she appears to have some sort of grudge against her father but a father would do anything for his … [view original content]
[Tell only Ludd]
Ah yes Walter's introduction! I liked his appearance and he was just as written. I am excited to see his role moving forward!
As for the choice, I feel we should definitely tell Ludd since the Warrick's are Whitehill bannerman and Ludd deserves to know. I also feel that we should try to keep this under wraps from the others at least until Gregor figures out what he wants to do with her. Great part!
I'm so glad that you're enjoying Gregor's parts more! May I ask what it is that's made you enjoy it more?
I LOVE that you're finding Ammett interesting as well. He's one of my favorite characters to write so I'm glad someone's enjoying him. And yeah there is a lot more to Ammett. I can't say more as there is certain things I plan to reveal about him but I'm very excited for planning future scenes with Ammett.
[Tell only Ludd]
I don't even know really. In the beginning, I somehow didn't really like him, but in time, you managed to show and develop his motivation and the conflict he is facing really well and though he still sometimes irks me, there have been spectacular moments from him and I really enjoy reading him! I guess it's mostly the time, once I got to know him a bit better as a character.
Aye, I do consider him quite an interesting character now
I was surprised by that, because he seemed to be nothing but a loon and secondary antagonist when you first introduced him, but now I keep thinking that there might be more to him in the future and that his role might be larger than I thought at first.
Well Gregor being disliked certainly wasn't intentional. Could you explain what it was about him you didn't like? It'd be nice to know so I can work on that.
Ah, there are some short moments where he really struck me the wrong way, though I guess that is a bit because he can come across as so blunt and uncaring at times. I guess this is just the way he appears towards others. Very early, what really angered me was the way he acted towards Elissa, sort of like "Yeah, I'm going to kill your entire family, but there's nothing I can do against it, so whatevs". I know, it hasn't been quite that bad, but this was the very first impression I got of him, before he managed to improve again in my eyes. It was this way where I got the impression he neither cares for his wife or his family-in-law, at least not enough to actually try and find a way that wouldn't involve slaughtering the entire house. On top of that, I have a naturally dislike towards those that put their so-called duty before the ones they love, so Gregor already had it hard before his first part.
Ah, I see. I have to admit my writing was pretty clumsy at that time. I don't think I properly conveyed how much Gregor hates the situation he's in. He can't stand the idea of killing Elissa's family, especially since he knows about how young Preston is. But he feels that he has no choice and that he has to do this. He's also very stressed out by the burdens of command as this ia his first time actually leading. Hopefully I explained it a bit better in this comment as I should've done in the actual part itself. As I said, my writing was very clumsy but hopefully I've improved.
That Braeden introduction was awesome! I was kind of hoping he would be introduced in the middle of a brawl with the Whitehills, and oh boy he was! Punching Walter and headbutting Ludd sure was great haha. And he was pretty much everything I envisioned when writing him, you did a really great job with him
As for the choice itself, its a very tricky one... But I'll play it safe and [Tell only Ludd]
I'm glad you approve! Man, when I was writing him I was like "Is this too much?" I was really worried about how I was writing him. Walter too but Braeden I was a bit more concerned with him because with characters like him it's really easy to over do it. I worry about writing all the submitted characters wrong but so far everyone seems to be happy with how I'm writing their characters.
I seem to be in a clear minority here however
[Tell the whole council]
Why should a man be trusted if he can't trust others? Perhaps it's just my inner sense of honesty coming out but I don't think it'd do Gregor any justice to just tell Ludd - Even if it may get Ludd back to be less angry by only entrusting him with the information, I'm sure as hell that the others wont be as forgiving if not only do they find out that Gregor has done something they disapprove of but that it has been kept a secret.
The voting is closed! Gregor willl only tell Ludd about Keira Flowers, the bastard daughter of Simon Oakheart.
Honestly I was expecting most to tell the whole council. A pleasant surprise, to be sure. Next part we'll be returning to Malcolm's POV where he'll be dealing with the aftermath of agreeing to Lorgan's deal. Malcolm and co will now have to discuss how they're going to convince Tom Wolfson that Lorgan is dead.
Malcolm had to do it, taking the deal was the only way to resolve this without bloodshed. "Alright... I agree. You'll back off for the time being and attack Wolfson after we have his men." Lorgan had a pleased smile on his face "Glad to hear it. You'd better hurry and get what you need from him before I strike." Malcolm nodded as he looked behind Lorgan and Nesa was gone. She must've sneaked away. "I'm glad this didn't have to end in blood." Malcolm however frowned, he didn't feel right about condemning Wolfson to whatever Lorgan planned to do to him.
Lorgan must've noticed Malcolm's reluctance as he gave him a stern glare "Don't let yourself feel guilt or kinship for Tom. I promise you Malcolm, he isn't a good man and he deserves what's coming to him." Malcolm had to take Lorgan's word for it, but he couldn't honestly say he was convinced. He knew almost nothing about Wolfson and absolutely nothing about Lorgan except that he wants Wolfson to suffer. Malcolm had nothing more to say so he simply nodded and walked away to meet Nesa.
Malcolm found Nesa back where they discussed their plan. "I'm not sure that was wise, Malcolm." Malcolm nodded "I'm not sure either but it was the only way to prevent bloodshed." Nesa gave a cynical chuckle "Except for Tom, or do you think you can somehow keep him alive and prevent Lorgan from attacking?" Malcolm angrily shook his head "I... don't know! We'll think about that when the time comes. I'm doing the best I can and trying to keep as many people alive as possible, can you just lay off!" Nesa narrowed her eyes at Malcolm as he shouted her and he sighed. Malcolm didn't mean to snap at her but this was so much more complicated than he hoped, and his temper got the best of him. Nesa had a point and he didn't want to believe it. He didn't want to believe that he spared one life while condemning another. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to snap at you."
"Forget about it." Nesa answered bluntly "Tom's no friend of mine, just wanted to make sure you knew what you were doing." Malcolm wasn't sure if Nesa was angry at Malcolm for shouting at her or just didn't care. "What do we do now?" He asked her and Nesa said "Now you and your brother need to figure out how you're going to convince Tom that you killed Lorgan, because if he catches you in a lie, he'll give you nothing and he'll never trust you again." Malcolm put on a forced smile as he imagined what Wolfson would do if he realized they didn't kill Lorgan."Oh, I'm sure he'll be reasonable." He said sarcastically and Nesa rolled her eyes "Come on, we should get back to the inn." Malcolm nodded in agreement as he followed her.
Malcolm and Nesa entered the inn and they saw a young pale girl with long blonde hair and blue eyes cleaning the mess they'd made in their battle with the Trant men. This was Sara, the innkeeper's youngest daughter. Malcolm didn't know her well, she was always kind but seemed frightened when around around him. "Sorry, about the mess, Sara." Malcolm apologized and Sara jumped up as if a direwolf ran inside and she knocked over a chair in the process. "Oh... hello , Ser Malcolm!" She said quickly with a shy smile as she awkwardly picked the chair back up. She was always like this, a friendly smile but so timid. "Hello." He said again and then Sara shyly bit her lip "Umm... hello" she repeated. Malcolm chuckled, she didn't hold up a conversation very well either. Nesa however rolled her eyes and marched passed her. Sara frowned "I'm sorry!" Then she turned to Malcolm "I didn't mean to annoy your friend."
Malcolm put a reassuring hand on her shoulder "You didn't do anything wrong, Sara." She smiled. Malcolm then remembered why he came "Have you seen my brother? His names Samuel." Sara nodded "Yeah, he's upstairs talking with father, I can take you... if you want" She quickly offered and Malcolm politely shook his head "No thank you, I I know where the stairs are." He joked as he walked towards the stairs and Sara gave a shy laugh. Oddly enough she seemed disappointed.
Malcolm walked up the stairs and saw Samuel and the innkeeper talking. Kayden Davin was his name. He was an older man, tall, fat and ugly, he was also a cowardly man. He also happened to be bald and had blue eyes. Though he'd never done any wrong to Malcolm and he was always respectful. "I'm happy to help, M'lord. Your brother really helped me with that brute last time he was here and I pay my debts. But you must understand that keeping this man imprisoned in my inn is dangerous for me and my family." Kayden said to Samuel. They must've been talking about the Trant soldier that Samuel stabbed in the eye, they had managed to keep him alive then. "This is only temporary, good man. We'll deal with him and leave your inn as soon as we are able." Samuel said to Kayden and Kayden still seemed concerned but then he saw Malcolm and smiled "Ser, Malcolm. You've returned!" Malcolm nodded before looking to Samuel "How'd it go?" Samuel asked. Malcolm didn't want to go into it right now so he simply said "Nobody died." Samuel narrowed his eyes "Got what you wanted then." Samuel turned to Kayden "Your friend here has proven to be useful Malcolm. He managed to save the Trant soldier." Malcolm smiled "I heard. Well done, Kayden. We appreciate the help." Kayden sighed "Appreciate the gratitude and all, Ser Malcolm but can you hurry and deal with the man? I don't feel comfortable with a man tied up in one of my rooms." Samuel smirked "Agreed, I prefer the other way around myself." He laughed at his joke and Malcolm sighed but couldn't help but smirk at Samuel's joke. If Lucas was here he'd no doubt have groaned at Samuel.
Malcolm noticed that Dusty wasn't present "Where's Dusty?" Samuel shrugged "He said he wanted to take a walk. He left about ten minutes ago. Forget about your new best friend for a minute, we need to deal with our new guest." Malcolm nodded, he doubted Dusty would just abandon them without saying anything, he'd probably be back soon. "What do we know about him?" Samuel gestured for Malcolm to follow him "He's been remarkably honest for someone who tried to kill us." That was certainly surprising. "Has he?" Malcolm asked and Samuel nodded "His name's Mayson and he was sent by Marcos Trant to capture Samuel Branfield." Malcolm widened his eyes in surprise "He gave you a name?" Samuel smirked "See? Remarkably honest. Anyway, I've heard of Marcos Trant. A very accomplished knight. He's certain to be a formidable enemy." Malcolm was very confused that Mayson would be so helpful "He must not be very smart if he's giving away information so easily." Samuel stopped by a door and smiled "That's what I thought at first but after thinking about it, I think he's rather clever." Malcolm narrowed his eyes "How so?" Samuel proceeded to explain "He gave us information we already knew while appearing to be honest and helpful! Think about it, he's wearing Trant colours and he specifically named me and not you when he confronted us. Only thing we didn't know was who sent him and we can't do anything with that name."
"You seem impressed." Malcolm said and Samuel shrugged "Maybe I am. It's not often I meet a thinker and get to outhink them." Samuel did enjoy his battles of wits. Before Malcolm could say anything else Samuel quickly whispered "Quite!" Malcolm obeyed and heard whispering in the next room. "Here, this won't be missed." Malcolm heard a feminine voice. "You need to leave before you're caught girl. This is none of your business." They then heard another voice, presumably Mayson's. Samuel then barged into the room "What do you think you're doing?!" Samuel shouted at a young woman with long brown hair and brown eyes. She was of average height. This was Kayden's niece, Bethany. She had a plate of bread and water. Malcolm saw the man Samuel had stabbed earlier. His eye now had bandages over it and he was tied up. It seems Bethany sneaked in and tried to feed him.
Bethany stood up and stared directly at Samuel "I was feeding him." She stated bluntly. Bethany was certainly braver than most. Samuel shook his head "No, we can handle our own prisoners. You can't be here." Bethany scoffed "This is an inn. Not a prison!" That was when Kayden marched into the room "What's going on?" Samuel turned to Kayden "You're daughter is poking her nose where it doesn't belong."
"Niece." Bethany spat. She looked towards Malcolm "Malcolm, surely you can't approve of this! He's hungry and thirsty." Kayden waved his arms angrily "It's 'Ser' Malcolm Foolish girl! Don't be disrespectful." Kayden always insisted that Malcolm be referred to as a Ser. Malcolm thought it unecessary. Bethany groaned "Is it disrespectful to refer to people by their names now? Apologies, I wasn't informed." She said sarcastically. Kayden shook his head "Enough! Get back to helping your sister clean the inn! You're not wanted in here!" Bethany glared at Kayden "She's not my sister! But fine, I can tell that honorable people aren't welcome in this room. Excuse me, M'lord." She said bitterly as she barged into Samuel's shoulder and left the room.
Kayden sighed "Apologies, I've taken her in after her mother ran off and her father, my brother died. She's a stubborn girl and difficult to control." Malcolm shook his head "No apologies necessary, Kayden. She was only speaking her mind." Kayden nodded "You're too kind, Ser. He said as he left the room and closed the door.
"Interesting friends you have here... Malcolm Branfield." Malcolm turned to Mayson as he said his name "That's right, I know who you are now that I've gotten a better look at you, heard you and the others speak." Malcolm sat down as he listened to the man speak. "When I first saw you I thought you another sellsword like your psychotic guard dog. You must spend a great deal of time with these people that I might mistake you for a commoner. I was told to find Samuel. We had no idea another Branfield would be with him."
Samuel smirked "He certainly loves the sound of his own voice. He does this whenever I stop asking him questions. Just talks. My guess is he wants to see how we act. Get a good idea of how we think and act by striking up a conversation with us." Mayson smiled "That's partly true. I do want to know how you to to think but I simply enjoy having a good talk sometimes." Malcolm eyed him suspiciously. He seems so different from the man they engaged in battle. "You seem different from when we first met. You were aggressive and angry." Malcolm pointed out and Mayson attempted to explain "A scare tactic. It was my intention to capture Samuel alive so he could be used as a hostage before the siege. I hoped he'd turn himself over if he truly believed that I'd kill his companions if he didn't cooperate. Angry and aggressive people tend to be scarier and their threats appear genuine. I wanted you to think that I could snap at the slightest provocation." This man certainly was clever, he was playing a role the whole time. "So there is to be a siege." Samuel smirked "Who would be involved in this? Surely House Trant isn't fighting us alone?" Mayson chuckled "I like you Samuel, I really do but you're smart enough to know that I won't answer that."
"How did you know where to find us?" Malcolm asked and Mayson shrugged "We were told to come find Samuel Branfield. We weren't told why he'd be here. We didn't know he'd be specifically in the tavern. We were just told to search the area." Samuel narrowed his eyes at Mayson "What made you think I was alone?" Mayson shrugged "I don't question my orders. I will say they were oddly specific. Interesting that you specifically were named and not just Branfields in general." Samuel smirked "Well I'm awfully hard to miss. My natural charm and good looks are clearly famous here." Mayson chuckled but then said nothing more.
Samuel sighed "He's done talking Malcolm, let's go." Malcolm nodded and followed Samuel outside. "Hold a moment, Malcolm. Do you mind handing me that food there? I didn't want the girl to get in trouble but since she got caught anyway... she wasn't lying I am rather thirsty." Malcolm nodded, it was the least he could do. He placed the plate where he could reach and Mayson smiled "Appreciate it. Could you tell her I said thanks?" Malcolm nodded "Of course" and he left the room with Samuel.
Samuel sighed "I don't think I got anything useful out of him. The man rarely gives a straight answer. A bloody Red Priestess would be preferable to this." Malcolm shook his head "No way, their all out of their minds, brother. Rambling about their bloody fires. Remember that story the Maester told us about?" Samuel widened his eyes "Oh yeah. You mean the one about some butterfly?" Malcolm shook his head "No the one where some Red Priestess tried to burn some child to prevent death." Samuel quirked an eyebrow "Isn't that the same story?" Malcolm sighed "A butterfly and burning a child. How could those two ever be related, Samuel?" Samuel shrugged "I don't know! Half the stories the Maester tells is too damn confusing."
Nesa then arrived and glared at the brothers "What the fuck are you two talking about?" Samuel shook his head "I don't even know, let's just move on."
Nesa shook her head "Okay... well you need to figure out how you're going to convince Tom that that a man that's planning to kill him is in the ground." Samuel shrugged "Assuming you got him to back off, I'll just have to confidently say it's been done and hope that he'll take the lack of attacks on his men as proof." Nesa shook her head "I was told to bring his head. What do you think he's going to say if we show up without a head?" Samuel shrugged "I expect he'll say 'Eh, where's the head?' And then I'll say 'You wanted his head?' And hope for the best." Nesa seemed skeptical and Malcolm had to agree "Samuel, you've got to have a better plan than that." Samuel shook his head "We wouldn't have this problem if you had just killed him, Malcolm. There's nothing else we can do!" Malcolm sighed shrugged "What about one of the Trant men we killed? We could grab one of them and say he's Lorgan." Samuel chuckled "Oh that's good, your on a first name basis with this man."
Samuel shrugged "It's something." Though he didn't seem sold on the idea. He turned to Nesa "Does Wolfson know what he looks like?" Nesa shook his head "No, but several of his men met him in combat. He gave me a description of dark hair and a beard when I was told to find him." Samuel nodded "We hid the bodies in a storage room at the back of the inn. Let's go have a look and see if we can't use one of them." Malcolm didn't relish the idea of disrespecting a man's body but he saw no other way to convince Wolfson so he followed Samuel and Nesa to the storage.
"Ugh..." Malcolm was disgusted as he saw the man Dusty had killed. He'd left almost nothing but brains as he smashed his head onto the table. Samuel groaned at the sight "I'm telling you, Malcolm, Dusty is dangerous. I don't trust him." Malcolm thought Dusty had proven loyal but he didn't argue about it. Especially not here, so he shook his head "Let's just focus on the task at hand." Nesa looked disappointed as she looked at the bodies and she shook her head "This won't work, Red hair, blonde, and that one isn't even recognizable anymore." Malcolm sighed "So what do we do?" Samuel sighed "You probably won't like this, Malcolm but one of the Trant men does have dark hair, he could work but he's still alive." Samuel was referring to Mayson "You mean kill him and try to say he's Lorgan? No that isn't right!" Samuel seemed frustrated with Malcolm "It's the best way to convince Wolfson!" He shouted and Malcolm was beginning to get frustrated as well. "What makes him so good? Mayson's eyes are brown, Lorgan's are green. Lorgan also has a beard, longer hair and he's a great deal older." Samuel stopped to think for a moment then he smiled as if he had it "The description Nesa got was dark hair and a beard. Nothing about the eyes or his age. We can say that he shaved his beard. This will work, Malcolm!"
Malcolm groaned in frustration. There had to be another way. Desperate for another solution he desperately pointed at the man Dusty killed "What about him?" Samuel sighed "Come on, Malcolm..." Malcolm shook his head "Just listen! We can say Dusty fought him and overdid it. His head is so fucked that you can't say he, didn't have dark hair!" Samuel shook his head "No way! It's way too risky. This is the best way and we kill an enemy at the same time. It's too birds with one stone. It's the most logical action!" Obviously seeing that things were getting tense Nesa began to walk outside "I'll let you boys argue about this. Come get me when you've decided what to do."
Malcolm was getting angry at how easy it was for Samuel to decide to kill a man for their own ends. "You know I never thought I'd rather have Lucas with me than you." Samuel glared at Malcolm "What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" Malcolm didn't hesitate to explain "Well at least Lucas has a sense of honor. You're so ready to kill others and I don't even understand why! First you didn't even want to help Dusty who was just a stranger who needed help at the time, then you were ready to kill a man you didn't even know and now Mayson." Samuel laughed angrily "This is fucking unbelievable. It's simple Malcolm. Better them than one of us. I'd rather see a thousand dead strangers than see someone I love hanging from a noose."
Malcolm was really getting angry now. The lack of care for others was infuriating him and Samuel tried to justify by putting the image of their family hanging in his head to justify it. "I don't understand why you care so much. It wasn't that long ago that Mayson tried to kill us. He's the enemy, Malcolm. Why do you care so much?" Samuel asked.
"Because he's not a bad man!" Malcolm shouted. "He's just a soldier following orders. We could've been him if our loyalty was with the Baratheons and not the Targaryens."
Samuel bit his lip and shook his head "I've heard enough, Malcolm. I'm the heir, I'm your older brother. Father may have sent you but the second you chose me and not Lucas this became my mission."
"What are you saying?" Malcolm asked and Samuel answered "This is my call. I'm going back upstairs and I'm going to kill Mayson whether you like it or not. Unless you plan to stop me?" Samuel basically challenged how far Malcolm would go.
Malcolm was furious and everything in him told him that the right thing to do was to stop Samuel. But he wasn't certain that he wanted to fight him about it. If they fought there was no taking it back. But maybe that was the best way to get the message across. Maybe he could knock some sense into him.
["Fine but I want no part of this."] [Punch Samuel]
[Punch Samuel]
Nice Fot reference :-)
A new interactive story??? I'm so excited!
Welcome! I hope you enjoy it!
Heh, if the Maester actually told the entire story, well, then I have even more respect for the man. He knows my pain
Seriously though, nice reference, many thanks! I just gotta find a good place to return the favour eventually 
And well, as always, a very good and long part. Though the others have risen greatly in my favour, Malcolm's storyline remains my favourite and the one I feel the most invested in and this part held some great moments for him and a couple of other characters, mostly Nesa and Samuel. The former grew on me even more, whereas the latter... well, let's just say this is concerning. I have noticed a more ruthless streak in him before, but this is a new level. Sure, their situation is desperate and on a purely rational level, it even makes sense. However, the Branfield's are honourable, the other members of the family uphold some serious standards, as seen with Lucas, Damien and Malcolm himself. I wasn't sure about it when the question first came up, but now I can say that Lucas makes for a far better heir than Samuel ever could.
[Punch Samuel]
I was not sure about this. I really don't want the brothers to fight, especially as Samuel could get a serious grudge on Malcolm for this, but well, maybe he actually stops for a moment and thinks about what he was about to do. I don't have much hope for that, but if we can prevent him from murdering what is basically a prisoner of war, then it might be worth it. At best, it could show the commanders of the siege that the Branfield's fight with honour. Gregor is a man of honour and in a way, so is Marcos and I have the feeling that even Ludd is not quite the slimeball he eventually turns into over the years. If the Branfield's show honour and treat their captives well, perhaps there is a chance that their opponents will do the same.
Well, when it comes to the new aspect, I actually just noticed that the story is going to have its first anniversary next month
But it is the newest one out of the active stories here and a seriously awesome one at that. Welcome, I have no doubt that you're going to enjoy it!
Thank you! ^_^
I was hoping you'd enjoy it.
I'm glad you enjoyed the reference
It just kinda came to me while I was writing and I loved it!
I have to be honest, I wasn't entirely certain if I should do this scene as I was worried it'd drastically change people's opinion of Samuel. But I've intended for some conflict between the brothers for a while and I don't think I should ever change my plans based on how you guys would feel about it. Hopefully in Malcolm's next part I can properly explain why Samuel has been acting this way.
I'll make a character/catch up when im back from work
I wouldn't say my opinion on him has changed drastically. He always seemed to me as the Branfield that is the least firm in terms of morals, if that makes sense. I don't even dislike him, far from it. It is just concerning how different he seems from the very honourable Lucas and the easy-going yet still morally upright Malcolm. Though that is pragmatism. A dose of it can always be useful and who knows, maybe such a trait is ultimately going to safe Branfield lives in the events to come. What does worry me is how he played the "older brother and heir" card to justify his position. I'm having the hope that he himself has gotten out of arguments there and maybe he notices that.
Of course, it was nice addition to already very good and long part. I was surprised with the length of it when the page loaded at first.
I look forward to it!
I am lovin it
This is more or less, will you follow your beliefs or give in.
We already know that being honourable can get you killed but which choice is more honourable?
However in some cases, the question shifts to which one is more favourable for the character whilst also keeping the decision very much allign with the character which is why I believe [Punch Samuel] is the better option as it keeps with the character than Malcolm giving up. Lets hope that was the favourable choice
[Punch Samuel]
Im still here!
Id punch samuel.
Not because i think this would really change his mind but it could open his mind to see a different point of view, to be a different sword in a different sheath. Punching sam would maybe higher the chance of him noting a different look on it. but i can defo see samuel's point, he is justified for family reasons. i
I'm glad that someone sees where he's coming from. I personally 100% disagree with the way Samuel's handling things but I see where he's coming from. Obviously I won't outright explain his mindset just yet...
Cant wait to learn more about him.He's a complex character
The voting is closed! Malcolm will punch Samuel. Well Samuel's gonna get punched!
I won't spoil too much about the consequences about this choice but I will say that you'll be getting some insight on how Samuel thinks.
I know I've been taking a while to post the next part so hopefully you'll be happy to know that I'm posting Lucas' part very shortly. It's a tad short though, a lot of dialogue but hopefully you'll still enjoy it.
Maester Nathaniel was known to be bitter and he had quite a temper. Lucas thought it would be wise to talk to him and try to keep him from holding any grudges. Knowing Nathaniel he probably brought his concerns to the next person who could do something about it and that would be Lady Talia Branfield, Lucas' mother.
Lucas didn't disagree with what Nathaniel said. He had a good point. This war would be incredibly dangerous for them and it's a losing battle. However bending the knee would go against everything the Branfields stand for. 'In arms to the end' those are their words. Never give in and abandon none. That's where Damien stands. And on top of that, despite Nathaniel being a straight forward and honest man, given his past and hatred for House Targaryen, it's hard to see his opinion as unbiased.
Lucas made his way to the main hall on his search and his suspicions were confirmed. The Maester was speaking with Talia. "I understand your concerns, Maester and I sympathize but I don't understand what you expect me to do" Talia said. Nathaniel seemed incredibly annoyed "You're his wife, you share a bed with the man!" In response Talia smirked "I am well aware of this fact." She somehow always had a smile on her face. Lucina once made a joke that it was ironic considering how deadly serious and angry most of her children were.
Nathaniel sighed "Please be serious, my Lady. If Lord Branfield continues on this course--" Fearing that the argument would get as serious as the one in the small council, Lucas interrupted "That's enough, Maester!" Lucas didn't want his mother thinking about how her children might end up when this is over. "I'll take it from here, mother." Lucas said to Talia and she rolled her eyes "Very well." And she walked away.
Nathaniel gave Lucas a stern glare "You shouldn't coddle your mother. She's a strong woman, she can handle what I have to say." Lucas shook his head "Nothing she says to my father will change his mind and you'll only upset her." Nathaniel sighed "You'll all die if your father doesn't see sense. I couldn't bear that, I have to try." Lucas understood but he was beginning to get impatient "Maester... you're going to listen to me. Nothing you do will change my father's mind. Let. This. Go." Nathaniel seemed hesitant to agree but he reluctantly nodded "Very well. But this is serious, Lucas. Are you honestly prepared to see one of your brothers die in battle? Or hanging from a noose?" Lucas shook his head "Of course not. Which is why I'll do everything I can to prevent that. But this war is happening. Whether I agree with it or not."
Nathaniel nodded "Yes, I've noticed that you haven't given your opinion on this war. You act as though you're neutral but I know you Lucas. I can tell you're avoiding giving an opinion." Lucas glared at the Maester in reply to his accusation. "That'll be all Maester." And Lucas marched past him. "Lucas..." The Maester said sternly and Lucas reluctantly turned around "What?" He asked bluntly. Nathaniel glared at him sternly "You're an angry, man Lucas. You've always had a temper but I know you. You get angrier everyday. You're more emotional than any of your brothers." Lucas raised an eyebrow, slightly surprised by the Maester's claim "That's funny. Most people seem to think I'm stoic" Nathaniel chuckled "That's because you try to keep your emotions bottled up. I don't know why, but I know that you do." Lucas got a little uncomfortable at the Maester almost studying him "What's your point, Maester?" He asked, intentionally not confirming or denying his claims. "You just pointed out to me that this war is happening and knowing you, you'll probably be on the frontlines of it. I worry what this war will do to you. War can change the most stable people, considering how emotional you are..." Lucas shook his head "I've seen battle before, Maester. I've killed before." The Maester nodded "This is true, but you've never fought in a war. It's different." Lucas sternly glared at the Maester "Neither have you. You're no warrior. You've never seen war." The Maester glared back "I've seen what it does to people and while I've never fought in a war, I have suffered because of it. I lost my entire family because of it."
Lucas sighed "So you're worried about me? Is that what you're saying? I'm fine. I came here to calm you down, why are you suddenly advising me?"
"It's why, I'm here." The Maester frowned "And I'm worried about you." Lucas sighed in frustration "I'll be fine. I came here to make sure you weren't bitter or holding any grudges. Are you?" The Maester laughed "I'm angry, but don't worry. Your father is my Lord and it's my duty to serve him. I'll do my duty." Lucas forced a smile, he knew the Maester was still holding a grudge but it was better than nothing "That'll be all, Maester" and Lucas walked away.
Soon after Lucas was stopped in the hall by his mother. Talia smirked at him "Why do you feel the need to protect me?" She asked him bluntly and Lucas sighed, he knew that she loathed being coddled or protected, but he couldn't help it. "I have to." Talia groaned but kept a smile on her face "That's always the answer you give to any question I ask. Why do you push yourself so hard? Why do you train everyday? Why do you want to be the best fighter? Why do you involve yourself in every problem? 'I have to'" she said in a mocking voice and Lucas couldn't hold back a chuckle. His mother was amusing, he couldn't deny that.
Talia smiled "There it is..." She said softly and Lucas raised an eyebrow "What? Why are you looking at me like that?" Talia suddenly seemed sad "Your smile. I wish you showed it off more often. Perhaps we'd have an easier time finding you a wife if you did." She played it off with a joke and Lucas sighed "Perhaps, I would if you didn't make those terrible jokes so often." Talia gasped "Take that back! My jokes are great." Lucas lightly laughed and Talia sighed "I'm serious though. You're always working. You're always serious. I wish your life were easier." Talia started getting emotional "And now with this war coming... you don't deserve the burden of having to protect me." Lucas shook his head "Stop it, it's not a burden. It's a privilege. And I'm not as unhappy as you might think." Talia smiled "Is that so? Then tell me this. When was the last time you did something because you wanted to do it? Because it was something you wanted, not because it's your duty." Lucas frowned, he tried to think but nothing came to him. He couldn't answer her and Talia sighed "I'm sorry. I wasn't trying to upset you. It's just... I want more for you. I want you to be happy but you never do anything for yourself and now with this war, I fear that..." Talia didn't dare finish her sentence and Lucas knew why. She feared that this war would be his end, that he'd die without ever truly being happy.
"I'm sorry..." Lucas apologized and Talia firmly shook her head "Don't be. It's not your fault. I don't blame you, I blame..." She didn't answer but Lucas knew who she was talking about. Lucas wanted to say something to comfort his mother but he didn't know how. She wanted him to be happier, to be just a little selfish. To for once do something for himself and not his family. To do something that he wanted. The key problem was that Lucas wasn't sure what he wanted. All he's ever done and lived by is his duty. To protect his family and serve the Targaryens. There was one thing but Lucas knew he couldn't have that, it was out of the question.
He had to say something though, something that might make her feel better, but what? Perhaps he could honestly tell her what he wanted but he wasn't sure if that was wise. He's never admitted it to anyone. Perhaps he could try to convince her it was okay for him to be this way? Maybe he should vent his frustrations? The Maester earlier accused him of bottling his emotions up. Perhaps he should let them loose? Agree with her that it's not fair, that he does deserve better.
["I can't have what I want"] ["It's worth being this way, to protect my family"] ["You're right. I do deserve better"]
["You're right. I do deserve better"]
If Lucas cannot be honest with Talia, he cannot be honest with anyone. Really, Nathaniel's advice was a good one and whom else should he vent to if not his mother?
Anyways, a great part! I feel more of a connection to Malcolm still, but Lucas is definitely my second-favourite Branfield at this point. He's great and his storyline shapes up to be a really good one. His talk with Nathaniel has been a highlight in this part for me
["You're right. I do deserve better"]
["I can't have what I want"]
Just from a realist point of view rather than an optismitic or a pessimistic point of view. He needs to vent out his feelings, Your not always gonna get what you want, Yes he deserves better.But him saying he "cant have what he wants" would be a better way to explore his relationship with his mother,his inner family.
["You're right. I do deserve better"]
The voting is closed! Lucas will agree that he does deserve better.
A little surprised to tell you the truth. I half expected you all to pick "I can't have what I want" just to so you could know what the hell he was talking about. XD
So about what this choice means in the long run... it's going to make Lucas more likely be honest and unhesitant to speak his mind in situations with his father. He's even going to be more emotional. So you might just get to see those emotions the Maester claims he's bottled up.
Anywho Gregor is next and you'll be seeing him tell Ludd about what the Warricks revealed to him. This is going to be another short part, just so you know.
Gregor paced around the tent as he considered his decision while at the same time glancing at their new prisoner. The council won't like it if they find out Gregor hid this from them, especially Marcos but Gregor decided to go along with Ammett and only tell Ludd about this. "Fine, keep this quite but Ludd at least has to know." Ammett grinned as he clapped his hands together excellent! You won't regret this, Forrester! You'll see that I can be very useful when you let me." Gregor nodded as he hoped he wouldn't regret this decision.
Gregor glanced at the woman "So this is Simon Oakheart's daughter? How sure are you that she'll be useful? Are they close?" Ammett shrugged in response "Depends on who you ask." Gregor raised an eyebrow "What's that supposed to mean?" Bryce sighed as he proceeded to explain "What Ammett is saying is that she appears to have some sort of grudge against her father but a father would do anything for his child." Ammett chuckled "Well we're a prime example that, that isn't true. Especially Kevan." Ammett said as he gestured towards his mute brother. Bryce groaned "Well Simon Oakheart at least would do anything for his child!" Gregor sighed "Yes alright, I get the point. Do you have a plan?"
Ammett nodded eagerly "Oh, I do! A good one too, but it's not ready yet, I'll come to you when it is." Gregor glared at Ammett "You can't tell me now?" Ammett shook his head "No, not yet. I don't want to commit until I know I can do it. And besides you probably won't like any plan of mine and I know you're just waiting for someone more honorable to come up with something better. DON'T... deny it, I know what you think of me." Ammett said very suddenly with clear anger. Gregor sighed but thought it best not to deny it as it would possibly anger Ammett. There was some truth to Ammett's words. Gregor just couldn't bring himself to fully trust him, not yet at least.
Bryce seemed pleased that Gregor had gone along with what Ammett wanted. "We'll keep this hidden, Gregor, so you can act however you wish. I assume you'll be heading off to inform Ludd?" Gregor nodded, he had planned to talk to his cousin Marcus about his intolerable behavior but he'd have to wait as this was more important. "I'll go find him now." Gregor was about to leave but stopped to glance at Ammett "I appreciate you coming to me with this." Ammett nodded, he seemed pleased "Perhaps in time you can learn to trust me." Gregor shrugged in response as he left the tent. He doubted it but maybe Bryce was right. Maybe if Gregor gives him a chance, Ammett can become the good person that Bryce claims he used to be.
Gregor made his way towards the Whitehill encampment to find Ludd. He soon found Ser Larion standing guard by the main tent. "Is Ludd inside?" Gregor asked bluntly and Larion glared at him, he clearly didn't like him. "Yes, but he is talking with his brother. You'll have to wait." Larion said but Gregor shook his head "This can't wait." Larion opened his mouth to say something but then Ludd yelled out "Cut the petty grudges, Larion and let him through!" Larion sighed and reluctantly stepped aside "Go on then." Gregor couldn't hold back a smirk as he entered.
Gregor saw Ludd and Walter sitting by a desk, Ludd was drinking wine and Walter smiled at Gregor. It was obviously forced "Hello there, Forrester." Gregor nodded "Hello, Whitehill." Ludd groaned as he slammed his fist onto the table "Walter... I'm not going to tolerate any grudges solely based on someone's name." Walter sighed "I understand, brother but--"
"But nothing!" Ludd growled "We are allies and we're going to act like it."
Walter sighed but smiled as he looked at Gregor "Looks like we're best friends now." He said as he stood up and held out his hand "Walter Whitehill, Let's put our grudges aside to take out our common enemy." Gregor smiled, he couldn't deny that Walter was charming. He shook Walter's hand "I can get behind that." Walter nodded "Glad to hear it." Walter said as he sat back down. Ludd nodded approvingly to Walter, showing that he was pleased.
Gregor then turned to Ludd "Is it possible for us to talk alone?" Ludd firmly shook his head "Clearly my brother here doesn't trust you, but I give you my word, Gregor. You can trust him. Whatever you have to say to me, you can say to him." Gregor looked at Walter and Walter grinned in response. Gregor sighed as he leaned against a nearby desk. "It's about the Warricks." Walter chuckled "It's always a big deal when the Warricks are involved." Ludd sighed "What's Ammett done?" Gregor raised his hands to reassure him "Relax, he's actually trying to prove that I can trust him." Walter raised an eyebrow "And how does he aim to do that?" Gregor glanced behind him to make sure Larion couldn't hear them and he spoke more quietly "The Warricks have captured and are keeping tied to a post... the bastard daughter of Simon Oakheart. Simon is--"
"A trusted advisor and best friend to Lord Damien Branfield." Ludd finished Gregor's sentence. Gregor wasn't aware that they were that close but Ludd did mention knowing the Branfields quiet well. "Ammett has suggested that I use her as a hostage." Gregor explained.
Walter looked at Gregor suspiciously as he leaned forward "Why did you know about this before my brother? The Warricks are Whitehill bannermen, not Forrester bannermen." Walter said and Gregor shrugged "I'm not entirely sure. Bryce believes that Ammett is eager to prove himself to me. That he told me in secret so I could act however I wished without fear of the rest of the council judging me." Ludd didn't appear to be pleased "The Warricks have always been unpredictable but I always thought they were loyal. The fact that they came to you with this and not me... I don't like that." Gregor nodded "I understand and you can punish the Warricks if you feel it necessary but I thought you should know about this."
"What do you intend to do with the bastard?" Walter asked and Gregor shrugged "Ammett claims that he's working on a plan, however he's assured me that I can act however I wish." Gregor explained and Ludd sighed "I appreciate you coming to me with this Gregor. It appears the Warricks are not as trustworthy as I thought. I assume you want this kept secret?" Gregor nodded and Ludd stood up as he took a final swig of his wine "We won't tell anyone." He assured Gregor and Walter nodded in agreement. Gregor smiled as he was pleased that Ludd was so appreciative, though he found it slightly concerning that Ludd was losing trust in the Warricks, they certainly wouldn't like that.
Walter smiled as he too stood up "I understand you've been awaiting my arrival for some time, Gregor. Now that I'm here do you intend to start the siege soon?" Gregor nodded "Yes, it's about time we begin. I intend to start the siege, as soon as possible. You'd best prepare what men you have." Gregor then turned to Ludd "We'll discuss the details at the council. We should start as soon as possible. Right now, ideally." Gregor evidently didn't have time to speak with Marcus. He'd have to wait. Ludd nodded "Fine with me. I'll walk with you. Walter can stay here. Let's go!" Ludd declared as he marched out of the tent. Walter smiled as he sat down "It was nice meeting you, Forrester." He said and Gregor wasn't sure if he believed him but he nodded "You too, Whitehill." Gregor then followed Ludd out of the tent.
Gregor and Ludd made their way towards the main tent where they held their small council. Standing outside the tent were Eamon and a tall man with short red hair and brown eyes. He was wearing impressive armor with the Glenmore sigil. They appeared to be having a heated discussion but were whispering "I told you this would happen, Eamon! Those two Houses are destined to fight each other." Eamon nodded "I didn't want to believe it, but you're right. We'll have to do something about this. It's only a matter of time before someone goes too far." The tall man firmly nodded "Just give the order and I'll handle it." Eamon seemed like he was about to say something but then he saw Gregor and Ludd approaching "Shh! That's enough. We'll discuss this later." Eamon said firmly to the tall man.
Eamon smiled as Gregor and Ludd approached him, Ludd gave Eamon a suspicious glare before Eamon turned to Gregor "Welcome my lords! I don't believe you've met Ser Gregory yet." He said as he gestured to the tall man "Meet Ser Gregory Fuller, a very accomplished knight and serves as Master at arms to my father." Gregory nodded "Our paths have yet to cross until--"
"Were you two Just talking about us!?" Ludd shouted angrily, catching everyone by surprise, Eamon even jumped a little. Gregory crossed his arms, not answering Ludd's question and Eamon stepped forward attempting to reassure him. "Calm down now, Ludd. We're all friends here." Gregor glared at Eamon, very quickly sharing Ludd's suspicions "You didn't answer his question, Eamon."
Eamon sighed and Ludd aggressively grabbed Eamon by the collar of his tunic "Listen here, you useless little brat!" Ludd growled and Ser Gregory reached for his sword "Get your hands off him!" He shouted at Ludd. This situation got very tense very quickly. Ludd shook his head as he furiously glared at Eamon. "I don't like people talking about me behind my back. Makes them difficult to trust." Gregory stepped forward, clearly ready for a fight. "We just met, my lords and a fight is a terrible way to make a first impression. Settle down or there will be violence."
Ludd showed no signs of calming down and Eamon was visibly nervous "Gregor, please! There's no need for this!" Gregor sighed "Ludd, that's enough!" Gregor attempted to calm Ludd down and Ludd shook his head "I don't trust him. Gregor, he was clearly talking about us and refuses to give a straight answer." Gregor bit his lip, Ludd had a point and Eamon was acting rather shady and he's clearly scared. Ludd could probably get a straight answer out of him if he scared him enough. Gregor's main worry was the knight. He was ready to draw his weapon and Ludd was threatening his Lord. Gregor shared Ludd's suspicion but wasn't sure if this was the best idea. Eamon was an ally and could leave if he felt threatened. Gregor was confident he could keep Gregory from attacking Ludd by stepping between them. However he doesn't know Gregory and how good he is in a fight. Gregor may be very good in a fight, but Gregory is an unknown threat. Gregor could force Ludd to let Eamon go but he probably wouldn't appreciate that.
[Pull Ludd away from Eamon] [Step between Gregory and Ludd]
I'd say pull Ludd away, he acted very violently with little provocation. Eamon was shady but could be persuaded to tell them what's going on using words. They're all on the same side and Gregor should keep them from fighting.
[pull Ludd away from Eamon]
[Pull Ludd away from Eamon]
It is not an easy choice for me. I like Ludd, he surprisingly is among my favourite characters from Gregor's storyline at the time, which I really would have never expected to say. But he is out of line here. I would love to support him, but truth be told, he acted too aggressively and Gregory is simply a man doing his duty in comparison. I know he won't like this, but I think it is important to show that Gregor can keep a calm, level-headed outlook on tense situations. Hopefully this won't cause Ludd to be too pissed at him.