The Thread of general TWD-related questions



  • I can only imagine the looks on their faces.

    wdfan posted: »

    Dafuq, just opened the thing with the family in the room LOL. Think it's best to just say it outright to let other users know - someone is spamming peoples notifications with Clementine porn.


    MRSHYGUY45 posted: »

    Anyone else feel like the "Gabe has a crush on you" dialogue option sounded forced, especially when Javi says "You both have my blessing"? You would think we can choose whether or not she has our blessing.

  • Much like my Luke: Civil War question, if From the Gallows had been more of an Iron Man vs. [Ms] Captain Marvel type of deal, who do you think would choose to be on Kate's Team or David's, even if they weren't around at the time? .

  • Meh.

    Though I wasn't talking about Tripp...

    Cocoa2736 posted: »

    You're welcome! It is a very scary to think about. Definitely not the best way to go. Poor Tripp.

  • From an AK it would be guaranteed death

    DabigRG posted: »

    Medical question: If someone were to get shot in the neck, how likely would they be able to survive?

  • I love how a question related to that character is getting way more answers in a short timespan than other questions do in days.

    From an AK it would be guaranteed death

  • Tbf it's a rather easy question to answer lol

    DabigRG posted: »

    I love how a question related to that character is getting way more answers in a short timespan than other questions do in days.

  • Considering her role, characterization, and, ahem, "creativeness" behind her name/design, when do you think Sarita was created for the story? Do you think she would've existed before they decided to use Kenny the way they did?

  • I just realized something: If Gabe is 14 4 years into the apocalypse, then how old is Clementine?

  • Lilly would definitely have the community ready for an attack, just like she had the motor inn but only lacked the numbers.

    Your first paragraph also doesn't really match with the second since not randomly handing in supplies (which is actually later revealed to result in the Wellington people getting sick and starving) would be a pragmatic decision, not an emotional one. Actually the only time I think I saw emotions getting ahead of Lilly's judgment was when her dad was about to die.

    Poorly because her emotions easily get the better of her when it comes time to make major decisions For example she would never have gave out supplies freely at Wellington, leading to them getting attacked sooner

  • (which is actually later revealed to result in the Wellington people getting sick and starving)

    Is it? Pretty sure that was the pissed off families outside of Wellington you're thinking of.

    Lilly would definitely have the community ready for an attack, just like she had the motor inn but only lacked the numbers. Your first pa

  • edited July 2017

    I'd actually write a bible on kenny and his boat (no sarcasm) I would make that a religion... on a fanfic website

    Cocoa2736 posted: »

    How would you react if all those stupid "Lee survived" theories turned out to be true and Telltale brought Lee back?

  • O

    I thought it was Edith who said that line, rip.

    DabigRG posted: »

    (which is actually later revealed to result in the Wellington people getting sick and starving) Is it? Pretty sure that was the pissed off families outside of Wellington you're thinking of.

  • If she was 3 months from 9 before the apocalypse, then she'd be 13. Just a few months from being 14 but I'm no maths expert.

    DabigRG posted: »

    I just realized something: If Gabe is 14 4 years into the apocalypse, then how old is Clementine?

  • I'd have to track it down to know for sure.

    O I thought it was Edith who said that line, rip.

  • Okay, just making sure cause for a second there, I thought she was 12.

    Melton23 posted: »

    If she was 3 months from 9 before the apocalypse, then she'd be 13. Just a few months from being 14 but I'm no maths expert.

  • Even Ava somehow predicted her age, and I doubt telltale would give us a false age.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Okay, just making sure cause for a second there, I thought she was 12.

  • I know and Ava's good with kids so she would know.

    Melton23 posted: »

    Even Ava somehow predicted her age, and I doubt telltale would give us a false age.

  • Lilly would definitely have the community ready for an attack, just like she had the motor inn but only lacked the numbers.

    You must be joking, Lilly did not adequately prepare the motor inn for an attack. It was literally the crappy wall her dad and Mark made plus Ben on watch. Lilly was literally sulking in her room not giving a shit about anything except the thief.

    Your first paragraph also doesn't really match with the second since not randomly handing in supplies (which is actually later revealed to result in the Wellington people getting sick and starving) would be a pragmatic decision, not an emotional one. Actually the only time I think I saw emotions getting ahead of Lilly's judgment was when her dad was about to die.

    Good lord, acting on emotions does not automatically equate with acting charitable. Lilly acted emotionally and selfishly many times, like getting upset and making Lee do rations and oh yeah getting upset and shooting Carley in the face for no good reason.

    Lilly would definitely have the community ready for an attack, just like she had the motor inn but only lacked the numbers. Your first pa

  • You must be joking, Lilly did not adequately prepare the motor inn for an attack. It was literally the crappy wall her dad and Mark made plus Ben on watch. Lilly was literally sulking in her room not giving a shit about anything except the thief.

    Hence her stating they lacked the numbers. Lilly was clearly operating under what she felt Larry would approve of and was in the military herself, so it stands to reason that is what she was trying to emulate there even if it wasn't particularly impressive.
    And it was Kenny's fault she was sulking, thank you.

    Lilly would definitely have the community ready for an attack, just like she had the motor inn but only lacked the numbers. You must

  • No, the point is that Lilly did next to nothing to actually defend the place when they knew there was a violent group of bandits outside. She didn't put anyone else on watch or patrol, it remained just one person on the rv even after the St John and bandit fiasco. In fact if this is your logic, then Mark and Larry defended the place better than her because they actually built the wall and Ben and Carley were actually the ones doing lookout duty as time progressed. Lilly did next to nothing special besides boss people around.

    Lilly was sulking because of Lilly. Larry was quite literally a ticking timebomb and it wasn't Kenny's fault that they were locked in a small room with him and had to put him down. Lilly would have been devastated no matter what it is petty to blame Kenny.

    DabigRG posted: »

    You must be joking, Lilly did not adequately prepare the motor inn for an attack. It was literally the crappy wall her dad and Mark made plu

  • edited July 2017


    DabigRG posted: »

    You must be joking, Lilly did not adequately prepare the motor inn for an attack. It was literally the crappy wall her dad and Mark made plu

  • Who was Mason supposed to be? I was having a conversation with you about it and you mentioned him. After looking into Paul Lingard's wiki entry his model was supposed to be him although I don't know if he still would have been voiced by Yuri Lowenthal. Melissa mentioned there was a Carver-esque character involved in the development of ANF. Is there anymore info on him besides that?

  • You must be joking, Lilly did not adequately prepare the motor inn for an attack. It was literally the crappy wall her dad and Mark made plus Ben on watch. Lilly was literally sulking in her room not giving a shit about anything except the thief.

    Reinforcing a wall, keeping someone constantly on watch (which in episode 2 was actually herself) and give every adult proper gun training = not adequately prepare? People in Wellington weren't even armed, something which certainly didn't happen at the motor inn.

    Good lord, acting on emotions does not automatically equate with acting charitable. Lilly acted emotionally and selfishly many times, like getting upset and making Lee do rations and oh yeah getting upset and shooting Carley in the face for no good reason.

    Intrinsically practicing charity is acting emotionally. Deciding who rations supplies is hardly a decision that would endanger Wellington should she be the leader.

    I was analyzing her decisions as leader of the group rather than as herself as a person. I'm not gonna deny what she did to Carley was based on emotion.

    And you're being extremely unfair, she had lost her dad days ago, some days off locked in her room are understandable. I'm sure you'd call me out if I condemned Kenny for being off inside a tent when mourning Sarita.

    My point remains, I believe Lilly would have the people of Wellington ready for an attack since she certainly did so with the people at the motor inn.

    Lilly would definitely have the community ready for an attack, just like she had the motor inn but only lacked the numbers. You must

  • Okay fair enough I forgot that Lee can say how Lilly trained them, but how did she reinforce the wall? And to be fair we know little to nothing about Wellington besides the one nameless woman who is gunned down.

    Kenny did go off and mourn his loved one, but he bounced back unlike Lilly and then actually led the group and delivered a baby. Lilly stayed in her room for at least a week or two and only defended the group when bandits actually showed up

    I may actually agree and disagree with you because Lilly might prepare Wellington for an attack but only because she WASN'T well prepared for the motor inn. Kenny was right that they should have just left the place, it clearly wasn't prepared at all. Bandits simply walk up and hop over the fence.

    You must be joking, Lilly did not adequately prepare the motor inn for an attack. It was literally the crappy wall her dad and Mark made plu

  • edited July 2017

    That's fair.

    I thought it was implied Lilly had been leading the group those three months so I just assumed the reinforcements on the wall, the people put on watch, etc. were all her and Larry's work especially since they were military. I don't know.

    We also honestly don't know if Wellington fell at all. The flashbacks showed so little of everything. How many people were attacking? How many people did Wellington have defending it? Clem and Edith just flee and apparently never go back to check the aftermath.

    I 100% agreed with Kenny they should've left the motor inn.

    Okay fair enough I forgot that Lee can say how Lilly trained them, but how did she reinforce the wall? And to be fair we know little to noth

  • edited July 2017

    I'm not sure other than he was supposed to be the main antagonist at one point, but that role was given to Joan instead. We'll have to revisit the AMA if we want more specific data.

    However, given he's in the flashback, it's possible he would've egged David on about banishing Clementine by reminding him of what Joan would say instead of the other way around.

    Clemenem posted: »

    Who was Mason supposed to be? I was having a conversation with you about it and you mentioned him. After looking into Paul Lingard's wiki en

  • enter image description here

    So I guess that means Kenny really was just being selfish after Katjaa and Duck went then, eh?

    No, the point is that Lilly did next to nothing to actually defend the place when they knew there was a violent group of bandits outside. Sh

  • Is this about Mariana?

    DabigRG posted: »

    Meh. Though I wasn't talking about Tripp...

  • Yuppers!

    Gameserer posted: »

    Is this about Mariana?

  • Lingard would be very similiar to Crooked Man in TWAU if he was the villain. Can't really see him as a "Carveresque" guy.

    Clemenem posted: »

    Who was Mason supposed to be? I was having a conversation with you about it and you mentioned him. After looking into Paul Lingard's wiki en

  • If javier chose to fight David in episode 5, wouldn't his back fuck way the hell up when David tackled him to the ground? I mean he did land right on his baseball bat and it looked like quite a hard slam.

  • Yeah, at the very least, it would really hurt for a while.

    Melton23 posted: »

    If javier chose to fight David in episode 5, wouldn't his back fuck way the hell up when David tackled him to the ground? I mean he did land right on his baseball bat and it looked like quite a hard slam.

  • edited July 2017

    As someone with relatively bare knowledge of the comic/TV show, are these comparisons fairly accurate?

    Carver=The Governor
    Tripp=Sergeant Abraham

  • I know I've been more liberal about it recently, but I still have a thing about up and making threads with shallow topics, so: Should I make one dedicated to discussing the iconic Carley/Doug and/or Pizza/Ice Cream styled choices, hypothetical or otherwise?

  • Yeah I think it could have some interesting discussions about the various choices.

    DabigRG posted: »

    I know I've been more liberal about it recently, but I still have a thing about up and making threads with shallow topics, so: Should I make

  • Okay, then. Thanks for the support!

    Just need to think of a title and a fitting description.

    Yeah I think it could have some interesting discussions about the various choices.

  • edited July 2017


    Current TV and comic Carl is 10x better than Gabe. Gabe is more like S2 Carl/Ron.


    I see why you may think that, but Troy is more psychotic and evil than Daryl. I'd say Troy=Simon.

    DabigRG posted: »

    As someone with relatively bare knowledge of the comic/TV show, are these comparisons fairly accurate? Brenda=Mary Chuck=Hershel Molly/

  • Current TV and comic Carl is 10x better than Gabe. Gabe is more like S2 Carl/Ron.


    I see why you may think that, but Troy is more psychotic and evil than Daryl. I'd say Troy=Simon.

    I'll have to look up who that is, but okay.

    MRSHYGUY45 posted: »

    Gabe=Carl/Ron Current TV and comic Carl is 10x better than Gabe. Gabe is more like S2 Carl/Ron. Troy=Daryl I see why you may think that, but Troy is more psychotic and evil than Daryl. I'd say Troy=Simon.

  • I remember hearing that 400 Days were supposed to have a "big impact" on ANF. Can I get a source on this as well as any other notable lies/non-delivered content?

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